Topic: The Bridge Connections - Absolutely OPEN


Date: 2010-08-08 21:02 EST
This little sticky thread is kind of the bridge connection between the characters and the Players. Honestly, this thread is open to ANYONE.

Players to any and all residents of Dragon's Mark: Please feel free to write notes, letters, or anything and everything else you desire to them.

Residents of Dragon's Mark: This is your chance to inform the Players of anything you possibly desire.

Bloodsoaked Belle

Date: 2010-08-09 05:24 EST
Oh, this should be interesting!


Date: 2010-08-09 05:30 EST
Dear Mun Mother

I just wanted to let you know that monsters are nesting beneath your bed I forgive you.

I think I understand. I'm supposed to be insane. You are too, mommy. With your monsters eating at your soul. But, I guess it's better this way. I hope you know soon enough. Break. Break! I couldn't handle sanity. All of the horrible things I've done. Horribly wonderful. Blood. Blood like rain. You play me well. Whore

I'm glad you're playing me more now. Cast me away in a box like the monsters and the dolls and the dead miceys. I know you're having trouble, and I get that I'm not the easiest character in the world to voice. Voice? Voice! Insane little chickadee, pecking at your eyes. I hope this comes out clearly enough for you. You and the centipedes eating your brain.

Love or not

Fleck Stupid, useless little girl


Date: 2010-08-09 05:37 EST
At first Fina did not want to believe it. So, the best way to make sure the hearsay was true was to go to the source.

Question is, though, noone knows where the Postal Carriers come from. Luckily, Fina was able to stop one while she was en route.

"Excuse me. My apologies for bothering you during your busy schedule, but I was wondering if it's true that you send letters even out beyond existence?"

The female courier, although looked hurried but nodded her head. "Yes. You just have to know the first name and the last name of the person. We can handle the rest." Without letting Fina finish, the courier carried on with her busy work.

Watching the courier go, she knitted her eyebrows a bit, kind of remembering vaguely the first name and last name of the person in question.

Back at home, Fina stared at the paper and tapped the capped pen lightly to the desk. Sighing a bit, she then uncapped the pen and then started to write.

To Miss Kara C.

First, did you influence Mr. Lucas for the Mandalorian language so that "Ka'Ra" that looks so close to your own name mean "Star"?

Wait. You are not much older than me. Nevermind.

Well, I have many reasons why I am writing to you. First off, thank you for your constant need of having coffee. Also, food too. I like food.

Next up, I am going to tell you something. If you are that voice that has a painful Southern-Meshed-With-California accent, I do not like you. You yell at me too much and most of the time, it comes out like the teachers from the Peanuts. Mm. Love me some Schroeder.

I'm sorry that I hop from one boy to the next. But did you not see how all the other prior to Brendan have treated me? Okay, so I never really gave Karras a true shot; but seeing him once a wee would NEVER satisfy a woman's need. Except--yeah, anyway. And you saw me like crying at least once a week because of him. And you watched with Kor'Uus! I thought I was clingy. And did you really see me sleeping with him? Yeah no. And with Broddi. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that man...until he disappeared. No note! No nothing! Very rude, I think. Brendan is a nice man. A funny man. And with you rattling and whomping on about he and I doing very inappropriate things to write about it on here is just not nice at all.

Also. Why chickens? Okay, yes, I know my grandparent's plantation had chickens and my first summer job was the Chicken Mascot for the local Church's Chicken, but still!

And why did you stick me in a town two towns away from the city I hang out the most?

Oh. And you can't find someone to be with? Come to RhyDin. I'm sure you will be drooling for the men (or women since I do not know your preference.)

Your RhyDin Interpreter,

Fina Q Chao

P.S. I know you had some major influence over where my name came from and I want to know why would you do that!?

P.P.S. This is most definitely not the last you hear from me.

P.P.P.S. I do give you kudos for my wardrobe influence.

Audrey Horne

Date: 2010-08-09 06:06 EST
Dear Person Who's Head I Am Currently Freeloading In,

Again. Why do you think you're losing my voice? I've told you to watch Twin Peaks again. Eleven times is not enough. I'll say this again since you didn't get me the first dozen times.

It's David Lynch. You will *never* completely understand it.

I think you're doing fine. You really need to calm down, or at least relax. Sheesh. I can't believe I'm getting all After School Special on you. You know better than this. Maybe you should remember that I was dragged to Rhydin? Blown to. Whatever. It's not like you can play me incredibly straight here. No pun intended there, I swear.

All of this doubt is driving me bananas and maybe you should realize that you aren't exactly playing me in a Twin Peaks game anyway. Right? Right.

There are dragons here. Ghosts. Vampires. Lich....well I'm not sure what the plural for lich is but you get my point. What I'm trying to say is that we had a lot of weird things back home, but that stuff? Yeah, didn't have that stuff. Well, except for maybe the ghosts.

Speaking of vampires, one in particular comes to mind. I feel like there is something you know that I don't. Secrets are bad things girly. But, even if ya told me I guess I couldn't use it anyway. Looks like I'll have to find out on my own. That shouldn't be so tough.

When did I become your voice of reason huh?

Your headspace case,



PS: Maybe you should try to sleep before 2:00 in the evening. Insomnia does not look good on you.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-08-12 02:13 EST
Dear Mun,

Uh. We talk all the time. Why are you posting it?


Can you think some more about the sandy-haired girl? It's fun to watch inside your head. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.

Maybe Scotty could come over and watch with me?





Date: 2010-08-12 02:18 EST
Dear Mun,

Aye, it's a wee bit weird some of those plots you come up with, but I'm with Harold. More bouncing, please. It's admittedly strange since I was talking to the guy not that long ago, but since there's such a clear mental picture of he-turned-she and bouncing involved...

Anyway, make with the bouncing, please.



Date: 2010-08-12 13:03 EST
Bridges...To Everywhere


We have not conversed in a while but I suspect this shall change. You have ideas and so do I. I wish to explore them as I wish to explore this Multiverse around me. I wish to...reconcile the shadows in me, be rid of them. I wish to have what I have always wished. I am still....what is your word? Floored? what the Dudes have created.

I am still seeking a way to show them my appreciation. Perhaps I shall find a way soon. I wish to find 'Nathan again and every other being I have love for. Perhaps we may converse again soon, after things have calmed down?

We have much to speak on.

And don't you dare do anything to my plushies.



Date: 2010-09-10 06:11 EST
Dear Girl

Hey, this thing on? Anywhos, what's the big idea huh? Why can't I just kill the little bastard and get it over with? Don't they got orphanages that handle unwanted fledg...oh, alright. He ain't that bad. In fact, he's kinda nice.

And why the hell do I always gotta smell like corpse rot!? I'm a pretty girl, goddammit, and makin' me smell like Roseanne's armpit ain't gonna do me any favors.

Geez Louise. Maybe if *I* had went with them damned Jaffa, than I would have at least gotten a damned bath.

Eat me,


Maria Koi

Date: 2010-09-14 16:58 EST
Dear Ash ,

Oh what I would not give to strangle you. Putting me with a lycan... really? I want to rip his head off when ever I see him. How in the hell am I supposed to be his wife. All these memory flash backs are just to much. Why can't I get one day off? Just one day!


Plus what happened to my sisters?! Did Rois kill them too or are you just going to hide that one from me. I am already insane.

Yours Truely,

Maria ****ing Koi!

Sebastian Sharp

Date: 2010-09-17 07:13 EST
What's uh, what's your name again? Doesn't matter your an ant. All I really want to say is. Really? I mean seriously? This is your idea of fun? You gave me so much at the very beginning, money, power, women. Anything I could dream of really. And then you pull it all away, turn me into a freak of nature. It's been what, a week? Have you seen the things I've done? I guess that's a stupid question. I can't handle these emotions, I can't handle this need. And part of me doesn't want to. How are you going to make things right? How are you going to make me happy again? How are you going to explain this to my parents?! ****!!!! I hate you. Yeah. Yeah I'm done here.

**** off.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-09-17 11:38 EST
Dear Sebastian,

Uh. Dude? Seriously, you've gotta figure out how to, like, get the run of your headspace. 'Cause if your mun can pull that kinda stuff on you and you can't writer's block him so fast his head'll spin, you need to learn.

Just a word of advice, man. Don't want something? Don't let him do it. Dig your heels in and say 'no'.

And, uh... Sebastian's Mun? You might wanna learn to respect the guy. Pulling something like this on him's pretty frickin' mean, you know? Having a muse is a privilege.


P.S. Oh! Right. Also: hurt Audrey again and I'm letting her borrow my PPG. Which shoots fire balls. Feel me?

Audrey Horne

Date: 2010-09-17 14:00 EST
Dear Harold

Did you say a gun that shoots fireballs? Could I just have one of those anyway?

Strictly for funsies, you understand.

<3 <3 <3 <3


Harold Lee

Date: 2010-09-17 14:05 EST
Dear Audrey,

I've only got two, so it's kinda a borrowing deal, but you can go look down at Star's End market for one if you want. There's a booth toward the back, second row, you want the dude with the nose ridges. Maybe he'll be able to get another.

Don't scorch anything I wouldn't do.


Audrey Horne

Date: 2010-09-17 14:14 EST
Dear Harold

Aww, well shoot. Not literally of course. I'll go check it out though, Magenta's birthday is next month. Oh and thank you for playing Papa Wolf.


Also, while we're at it,

Dear Sebastian,

Of course this can't be used IC, but can I just say that many have come before you and many will come after you that were privileged and well off and ended up not being so in Rhy'din.

Case in point; me. I was the heir to the entire half of a town and even if I wasn't as popular as you were, everyone still knew who I was. Around here? Not so much.

I forgive you for what you did, if only because I was allowed to try Lucky out on you. It may be best if you stay away from me. I'm not saying never come to the inn, but maybe keep your distance.

I doubt Magenta will be so very 'nice' to you next time.

My mun can have some pretty far out ideas, but it's not so much a stretch when you realize where I've come from. Rp changes a character, original or otherwise and living in Rhy'din certainly does not help.

I'll step off of my soapbox now, but just remember that in RP, you call most of the shots Sebastian. You and your mun should really work together.


Dean Winchester

Date: 2010-09-17 18:23 EST
From Dean to Dean's So-Called Player:

Dear Fangirl,

Yes, you! You know who you are and so do I. Yeah, I know you're a chick. Know how I know? Because there are like a million (scribbles that out) thousand of you out there. Do you really think you're anything special? Did you really think I'd never find out about you? Actually, I didn't. Sam did, but that's not the point.

Who the heck do you think you are writing about my life? As if it's not bad enough that Chuck sold us out to the CW before he disappeared off the face of the Earth. Good thing, too, because I've got a bullet with that douche bag's name on it. The CW? Seriously? What's the matter? We're not good enough for the major networks? Should've gone to HBO. Then we wouldn't get censored all the time. But I digress.

Oh, and that guy they have playing me? Ackles? He doesn't do me justice. I'm way better looking than that. Wasn't he on a soap opera or something? Please. I do not cry that much.

I've read some really bad fan fiction, but yours takes the cake. Rhydin? Really? Excuse me, but where the hell is Rhydin anyway? Some galaxy far, far away? Yeah, like that hasn't been done before.

Oh, and let me just take a moment to clarify something. I have never been in love, I do not have Daddy issues, and I am not an alcoholic. I don't have a problem with authority figures, and Sam and I get along just fine, thank you very much.

That Quinn chick is pretty hot though. She looks like that chick from Gossip Girl. Momsen or something. Why'd you have us break up? I was getting some, and now I'm... Wait, never mind. Scratch that.

Okay, I'll admit, it's not that bad. I mean, I've read worse. At least, there's no Wincest going on. I mean, that's just sick. Sam is my brother, not my lover. What the hell is the matter with people? And I don't have a thing going on with Cas either. He's an angel. Hello! Purely platonic. He wouldn't know what to do with his dick if his life depended on it.

Oh, and the whole New Jersey Devil story? Everyone knows the Jersey Devil is a hoax. Why don't you pick something really interesting to write about, like maybe, oh, I don't know, Bigfoot?

Nice move making assumptions before Season Six is out. Gonna have to back pedal there now, aren't you? Or, hey, you could say it was all just a dream. That's original.

Okay, I gotta wind up now because Sam is bugging the shit out of me to get my ass moving, and I haven't had anything to eat in at least two hours.

Just remember, I'm watching and reading. You've been warned.

You Know Who (The Real Dean Winchester)

((Fina - This was a great idea! Thanks for opening it up to everyone. It was a blast to write.))

Orchid Jones

Date: 2010-10-06 18:30 EST
Dear Mun,

I think it's time you and I had a talk. I'm glad that you want to play me more than you have been, but maybe you could give me a break on the whole "no reaping in Rhydin" thing?

I'm just suggesting, since I do reap North America, that I can continue to reap those from North America. It only makes sense, and I don't see how my bosses would let me slack off for so long, different world or no.

Just think about it maybe?


Revenant Mior

Date: 2012-03-30 22:38 EST
It was no more than an impulse, a thought in motion, but one that had Mior reaching for pen and paper before she'd even thought out what she really wanted to say.

A breath of possibility, a moment's wonder.


Maybe this will never reach you, but that doesn't hardly matter. I'm going to guess you know what's coming. And I'm also going to guess that this amuses you in some manner, because otherwise you'd stop it. Fair enough, I think. If the roles were switched, I'd do the same.

That said, now that events are in motion...Don't stop, alright? Don't hit 'pause'. See this, and all else through to the end. Finish what you start.

You know what I'm talking about. I know you do--

"Mior...What are we doing to that paper?"


"Yes. What're we doing?"

"...Writing to the Puppeteer?"

"Bah! Nu-uh, they just set things in motion, they don't control everything..."

"Then why're you grabbing paper?"

"Duh! 'Cause I wanna say hi. Why else? Just toss mine along with yours."


Hi there. Just had to say that.

Also, whomever you are, stop doubting yourself, yeah? Your gut is better than you think. For that matter, you are better than you think you are! Remember, you are never as alone as you think.

Kindly don't smite us, okay? I don't like the thought of dying. At all. Mior neither, you hear? We are not negotiable!


Both would be released to the wind.


Date: 2012-10-05 00:05 EST
Dear you,

I do so hope that one day you'll choke upon your own vomit.

No love for you,



Date: 2012-10-07 03:47 EST
Bvrrt, bvrrrrt...

Maogh. Hngaaah... raaaoooh

::starts cleaning himself::




Dear Player,

You haven't played me at all; this is perfectly fine with me. I daren't wish to be saddled yet another convoluted preemie-baby of a back story, like the one's you've dredged up for all of those other unfortunate souls you've brought into this dreadful place. If, perchance, you do decide to put me in a room I swear to Maru the Internet Cat Messiah that I will come out of your computer, smother you in your sleep, pee on everything and eat your corpse. I don't know in what order I'll be doing that; I'm still but a cat.

Also, I'm in the yard, and I'm eating all the voles. Every last one.

Miss Sparkle Motion