Topic: The Cod--Uh--Guidelines of the Bin


Date: 2010-07-10 13:32 EST
This little thread is just the simple guidelines to the Loony Bin.

First--listen to Wil Wheaton--don't be a dick.

Second--Like everything else on the RDI site, this folder follows the guidelines of RDI and Dragon's Mark. So, please keep it PG-13 rated or place a disclaimer in the title or prior to the writings of the post, whichever you prefer. We only lock posts when they are finished.

Third--This folder is open to all. If you want to start a thread where you feel your character(s)'s stories would develop properly, then by all means.

Fourth--If you think your interaction would intrude on something, just ask! More than highly likely, it won't.

Fifth--Enjoy this folder! Everyone can have a passion for writing and this folder is one of the many outlets.


Date: 2010-07-29 21:29 EST

And another thing, if you SPAM the forum, I will hunt you don't and eat your soul. Just FYI.

Audrey Horne

Date: 2011-05-11 19:13 EST
FYI, the soul eating is optional. For those of you who don't have souls, we accept cash, credit and the first born of the seventh son of a seventh son.