Topic: The Visitor Room - The Muns Do Talk


Date: 2010-07-10 13:30 EST
Hello! Welcome to the Wonderful World of OoCness!

Please feel free to leave your comments, complaints, compliments, suggestions, advice, requests, demands, pleas, random thoughts, rantings, cravings, ravings, cooings, wooings, grunts, mumbles and grumbles here.


Date: 2010-07-10 13:35 EST

Happiness and welcome stuff to the Mod-Club!

Very excited to see more stories from you lot!


Date: 2010-07-10 17:26 EST
*Squee!* Don't forget howling, growlings, meowing and caterwauls.

I'm glad someone reads this stuff! :D :D :D :D :D

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2010-07-10 18:53 EST
Congrats on the folder!


Date: 2010-07-12 16:19 EST
Don't touch that dial, Kids!

There will be more stories, history and drawings from all the of awesome but odd clients within the Loony Bin!

Will Fleck figure out how to become sane again?

Will Fina juggle foster-motherhood while starting a relationship with a hypnotist and continue on her studies and observation of becoming the sociologist she had always dreamed of becoming?

Is Cuyler that crazy?

Will Altin tell the whole truth of who, what and how Story-Tellers came to be?

Can Sunshine Blue be even cuter with her little drawings?

Find out all the answers to these questions and more!

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-12 16:48 EST
Congrats on the folder <3

Edit: Also, quoting Wil Wheaton in the rule post?



Date: 2010-07-13 02:48 EST
Harold-mun! If you give Fina-mun peeps, she'll love you forever.


Date: 2010-07-13 04:27 EST
My apologies if either my timing is horrendous or if.. All right. Yes. I'm bloody shy. Anyway. Been reading a bit through here and I'm liking what I'm finding thus far, so I figured I'd say so.


Date: 2010-07-15 23:08 EST
Yay! Thank you guys for visitin' the visitor's room. It makes me all warm and fuzzy

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2010-07-16 23:18 EST
Thought I drop a line and say that ME LIKEY


Date: 2010-07-17 13:22 EST
First, I wanna say that you readers and my fellow players are totally awesome.

Second, I will be taking a week-and-a-day vacation starting tomorrow. Roommate and I will be going to Disneyland and Comic-Con and be nerdelicious that we all are somehow.

So, on that note, Fina and Blue will be taking the equally-long vacation to Fina's Earth. So, Fina's parents can meet their foster granddaughter--I don't know how that will be since Fina didn't bring the man she wanted to bring with her--and letting Blue actually be a three-and-three-quarter-year-old kid. So, which means parks, zoos, and yes, a two day trip to Disney World (Disney-Nerd right here.)

Fina also has special missions that was given to her by Fleck and Altin...on separate accounts.

There will be Postcards sent from each main location of the vacation storyline sent from the kid and Asian, so be on the lookout for those!

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-18 05:55 EST
Cuyler's night on the couch is frickin' brilliant, terribly grim, and wonderfully done.


Date: 2010-07-19 00:58 EST
Thank you Harold-mun! But I think all you guys who wrote did awesome. Like I said Harold-mun, you're an amazing writer.


Date: 2010-07-21 18:33 EST
Postcards From Earth is adorable! Seeing things through a child's eyes isn't always easy, but I think Blue's point of view is captured beautifully.


Date: 2010-07-21 19:29 EST
Thanks! I have no ability to write academically...said the I have a knack to write how a kid could write. But thank you, again! Don't worry, I have two more postcards coming (Thursday and Friday.)


Date: 2010-08-16 01:01 EST
Just want to thank everyone who helped/joined along in the Surprise Hootenanny Birthday Party for Audrey Horne. It was small, but still awesome!

Everyone who did drop by received an awesome Coonskin Hat in your inventory. If I missed you, please PM me and I will get it squared away.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-09-10 11:14 EST
Well. The Guide for the Recently Damned killed me laughing.


Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-09-10 20:22 EST
I hope it is acceptable to post here but I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading Cuyler Quinn's Guidebook for the Recently Damned. Very very amusing!!


Date: 2010-09-11 06:50 EST
Garsh! *Draws a circle in the sand with her foot* Thank you guys. My head is going to get all big now.


Date: 2010-12-01 20:47 EST
So, because I'm a blockhead and I forget things, I suppose I should mention that Cuyly and Crew now have their own folder. Most of those threads have been moved over there soooo..go! Have a peek! 457

Audrey Horne

Date: 2011-10-11 02:22 EST
Thanks to everyone who participated in the wedding on Sunday! There are inventory icons on order and I'll send all of you one as soon as I get them.

Thanks again! :lol:


Date: 2013-08-29 09:45 EST
I enjoyed reading "Sublimation: Ticky Tacky." I know Jewell just recently encountered these characters the other night (blame my faulty memory if they had met before I "killed" her off), so it was nice to get a little insight into them.


Date: 2013-08-30 00:16 EST
Thank you so, so much for such a lovey comment! +pinkie+

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-11-25 12:30 EST
Fantastic 'research' posts, Geiseric, enjoying them muchly.


Date: 2014-11-25 20:31 EST
Thank you, Benjamin! It's a fun little exploration into Geist's world. A lot of it's inspired by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's short story "A Roadside Picnic", Arthur C. Clarke's third law of prediction ("Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"), and the goblins in Brian Froud's art that would use common household items as armor.

If anything, I recommend checking out Roadside Picnic. The premise is that of an alien incursion that happened out of nowhere and left behind these "Zones" where physics is turned on its ear, likened to the marks and detritus left behind when, say, a family goes for a picnic, hence the title. Here's a link to a pdf of it, if you're inclined to check it out:

A Roadside Picnic


Date: 2015-03-11 14:19 EST
Nearly finished with cataloging The Brink. This stuff's been kicking around in my head in one form or another since I left the RDI back in '02, and it's a weird feeling to see it finally out and put into words, even if they are the words of a character. I could pat myself on the back about it, but... that's 13 years of development, of revising and revising and revising and like... yeah, here it is on a forum, just a handful of pages, and still half-baked world-building. It is what it is for right now, and I'm glad that it'll soon be off my mind so that I can obsess over... y'know... life stuff for a while before diving back into the Brink.

I want to thank the community collectively for putting up with my brattiness and easy discouragement. However, I especially want to thank Abby's mun for reeling me in and challenging me to do more, to do better with my craft from the word 'go.' You're the best companion I could ever ask for.

Well, stay tuned for the inevitable edits and tweaks, and by all means, keep changing and keep complacency at bay.


Date: 2015-04-05 00:07 EST
You already know this but I love your writing xD


Date: 2015-05-01 20:48 EST
I want to thank Abby's player for letting me post my weird little ramblings before moving them. I mean, there're a million other things for which I could thank her, but that's the one that's relevant here. <3s!


Date: 2015-12-18 22:59 EST
We're wrapping up Bitter Like Green Persimmons over the next few days and it has been combed through and the typos edited out! Thanks to Bart's player for going along with this. :razz: :twisted:


Date: 2016-01-07 13:51 EST
I LOVE the playable!

::runs off to plot::


Date: 2016-01-07 16:54 EST

I can't wait to see how Jewell takes to being human. :cool:


Date: 2016-01-18 13:34 EST

I can't wait to see how Jewell takes to being human. :cool:

This is still on my To Do list for the week! I hate when work is busy and doesn't let me write.. pssh what do they think I'm there for?