Topic: About Ravensheart Academy: Setting and History


Date: 2007-10-25 09:39 EST
The Ravensheart Academy was established by Briarius Ravensheart, under the original title of 'The Ravensheart School for the Gifted'. It was an independent and self-governing fellowship of scholars, selected for distinction and achievement in one or more branches of the academic disciplines that make up the studies of magick. Having seen the terrible state of affairs of the public education system in RhyDin, Briarius Ravensheart sought for Government Charter to have his school cater also to the public education of all of RhyDin. Government Charter was Granted by Her Honor, Governor Kitty O Helston. This Charter allowed The Ravensheart School for the Gifted to be renamed Ravensheart Academy. Although Ravensheart Academy's roots lie in the studies of magick, it's purpose was to offer education to all peoples of RhyDin. Ravensheart Academy was located in it's own pocket dimension which used to be entered by a gate in the western section of RhyDin's "old town" district along with The Red Dragon Inn. All that remains now is the gate which no longer serves as a portal. The gate emanates residual magicks of protection, but no longer has the power to teleport. This power was removed and can only be restored by the gate's attuned owner.