Topic: Another visit.


Date: 2008-01-03 17:21 EST
AJ opened the door and walked inside the Academy heading for Mr. Ravensheart's office immedietly. Her footsteps were light and she had a content look about her face.

"Bonjour I'm here to speak with Monsieur Ravensheart." Was said with a sweet voice.


Date: 2008-01-04 16:12 EST
The red haired elven woman behind the desk smiled back.

"The Headmaster is awaiting you. Please go in."


Date: 2008-01-05 12:11 EST
She smiled to the elven woman. "Merci." Before slipping over to the door of the headmaster's office.

When she walked inside she took off her scarf and draped it over an arm. "Monsieur Ravensheart?"


Date: 2008-01-06 07:35 EST
"Madame Adrianna, please have a seat."

The Headmaster spoke while standing to receive AJ. When all were comfortable, he spoke again.

"What is it that I can help you with today?"


Date: 2008-01-06 10:35 EST
She sat down and brushed off her dark blue jeans. Almond eyes gaze up to the headmaster and she smiles sweetly.

"Well Monsieur I was hoping to enroll Alexandria in your school. She is young and needs to finish her education after all." Was then stated, and then she waited for a reply.


Date: 2008-01-06 11:08 EST
"Oh certainly. What sort of curriculum do you wish to enroll her in. There will be of course basic education, but did you wish for her to be also enrolled in a more...vocational program as well?"


Date: 2008-01-06 11:19 EST

With that she paused and pulled out a small piece of paper. Being the anal retentive she was she liked orgonization... so she wrote everything she needed down.

"Math, Science, English, French, Physical educations of some sort... wilderness survival if you have it." A pause. "Home econmics because that girl needs to cook..." Another pause. "That's all I have here..."

"Anything you might reccoment Monsieur?"


Date: 2008-01-07 06:57 EST
"Mademoiselle Alexandria did mention schooling of the arcane arts, particularly witchcraft. Now, I know that particular discipline is typically passed from elder to younger in a family, but we do offer curriculum for that here."


Date: 2008-01-07 16:16 EST
"Yes that does make sense... I taught her everything I know..." Was said with a smile. "Taking further classes would be best." And she nodded slowly. "That's all? So when can I enroll her?"


Date: 2008-01-07 16:24 EST
"Right now is well and she will be able to start tomorrow. My assistant, Mistress Melody Hearthsglen will be able to supply you with the appropriate paperwork."

The Headmaster stood.

"Unless you have any other questions?"


Date: 2008-01-07 16:35 EST
"Uhh... nope, no questions." And she smiled sweetly.

"Merci." Was said before she slipped out to see his assistant.


Date: 2008-01-07 16:48 EST
Melody, which was the red haired elven woman, was preparing the paperwork. Much of it was filled out (name, courses, etc the things already discussed) but it still needed AJ to make a once over.

"Alexandria will need to come in for placement exams in all of her subjects, including magickal aptitude. She can do this this evening if you wish."


Date: 2008-01-07 17:03 EST
"Everything here looks great Madame'." Was said with a smile.

"I will have Alex come in tomorrow evening. We are kind of busy tonight if that is a problem let me know?"


Date: 2008-01-12 06:35 EST
"That should be fine...until then."