Topic: Eyes in the Shadows

Katerrina Hess

Date: 2008-01-22 10:40 EST
Katerrina moved with the shadows. She was a blur to the eye as she leaped from rooftop to rooftop, heading northest. There was a contract to fill, and she was shopping. She paused on the roof of the Oracle. Her senses told her a disturbance was close, a ripple in the Force. She scanned the streets below, then moved on towards the source.

She paused on another rootop further north. Her mind's eye told her something was ahead. Wards. Barriers against the dangers of the night. Katerrina reached out to test the wards. Tingles darted through her fingers. Powerful.

She studied the buildings within the warded area. A school. A smirk played about her mouth as she took a mental survey of the complex. The most difficult problem would be the wards. But every problem has a solution.

Katerrina blurred into the shadows and disappeared into the night. Master Travanix woud want a full report before dawn.


Date: 2008-01-24 06:57 EST
Something or someone was testing his wards. The Headmaster stood and looked out into the night, but saw nothing except what he thought was a fading aura.