Topic: Help Wanted...


Date: 2007-06-10 08:40 EST
Bryce swept the rest of the dirt into the dust pan and dumped it in the garbage pail. He'd spent that last few hours tidying up the dojo. The wooden swords and daggers hung neatly on the wall. The sparring dummies rested in each of the four corners of the room. The mats were clean, the floor swept. He took a deep breath and took one last look around. Everything was ready. Only one last thing to do. He pulled the doors closed as he stepped outside and pinned a small note to the door.

The note read simply, "Help wanted".

How did the old saying go? "Those that can't do, teach." Well, perhaps he wasn't ready to stop 'doing' just yet. Having done everything that needed to be done, he started down the trail and was gone.


Date: 2007-06-10 20:16 EST
Going about her usual routine, she happened to glance out the window to see Bryce walking away.

"Odd... doesn't show up to work for months and then when he does, he's leaving? Must've been too hard on him....the thought of work, that is."

She'd been joking and so she wore a grin as she moved into the kitchen to fix a plate of cookies. She thought he'd be back and wanted to let him know she missed him, but as she got to the DoJo, she saw the sign hanging there. The smile faded away into a frown and the plate of cookies was dropped.


Spinning round, Lyndra took off running, trying in vain to catch up with him.


Calling after him, but it was no good. He was gone. The trail was lost. Her steps slowed then came to a stop, staring down the trials forked in several directions before her. It was no use. She turned back round and walked back to the school, wiping tears from her eyes as she went.... to find the Headmaster.


Date: 2007-06-10 21:08 EST
The Headmaster was enjoying a stroll through the school when the Head of Household came running up frantically.

"What is it Mistress?"


Date: 2007-06-11 14:59 EST
"Bryce.... I think he's gone."

She sniffed strongly, trying to dry up her sinuses while she wiped tears off her cheeks.

"I saw him leave, but he left a sign on the door of the dojo. It just seemed like he had no intention of comin back. I hope Mistress Sha'uri is all right. What's going on, Headmaster?"


Date: 2007-06-11 22:04 EST
"I honestly don't know..."


Date: 2007-06-12 15:03 EST

"I don't know either. Maybe I'm assuming things too much."

She sighed.

"Would ye walk back to the dojo with me? Then ye can see the note yerself."

Besides, she had a plate of cookies to clean up, too.


Date: 2007-06-12 22:13 EST
"Yes of course"


Date: 2007-06-13 16:17 EST
She walked with him to the Dojo and took the note from the door, handing it to him. Then she cast a cantrip to clean up the cookies before she stepped inside the place.

"Looks like he's cleaned it up, not that it was that dirty to begin with. He had no students to speak of, that I know of, an he was never really here. I haven't seen him here since.. well, since the day he met with the one student who... never showed up after that. I had made him those peanut butter cookies. Do ye remember him?"

Shrug. She'd forgotten his name but she remembered he liked peanut butter. She'd made him some cookies. It was also the first day she'd gotten the cantrip to work right, too.


Date: 2007-06-13 20:35 EST
The Headmaster took the note and sighed.

He looked up as Lyndra asked her question.

"I do recall that, yes."


Date: 2007-06-14 15:44 EST
She could tell it wasn't a good sigh. Stepping closer to him, she laid a hand on his arm, trying to be encouraging for the both of them. The look she gave was the *It'll be all right*, look... a look that made her seem so much like D'Shara. Then she smiled gently.

"Want some tea? I got this new one the other day. Maybe ye'd like to help me try it. hmmm? Come on."


Date: 2007-06-15 00:59 EST
His visage grew aloof.

"None for me, thank you. I have work to do."


Date: 2007-06-16 12:15 EST
She saw the look clouding over his emotions, that unconscious straightening of the neck, that slight shift away when one grew aloof from another. His reaction caused her own aloofness. Her hand slowly moved off of him as she nodded.

"Thought I'd offer. Right... yer right. Ye do have work to do. I'm sorry if I disturbed ye. It certainly wasn't my intention. Good day to ye."

She couldn't turn around and walk away fast enough. Every time she tried.. he'd get cold or aloof, mentally pushing her away. She knew why, she knew it every time. It wasn't like she could help but look so much like his former wife. It was how she was created. Was that her fault? The whole thing just infuriated her!

Perhaps Briarius could live with all this, but she wasn't handling all this so well... the constant reminder of what she was and how it still seemed to be accomplishing - in her limited view - that very thing Erique set out to do. Her brain screamed, I DON'T WANT TO BE A WEAPON, A PLAGUE TO A MEMORY!!

She was beginning to think that maybe Bryce had the right idea... perhaps it was time she seriously thought about leaving, too.............