Topic: I Don't Need No Education


Date: 2007-03-07 19:42 EST
I Don't Need No Education
But I Want One

He'd given himself a day or so to just sleep. Yes, even he, the stubborn-willed, tree-biting imp has a breaking point. Having reached his in the past, he'd learned to avoid going that far unless a situation demanded it.
Nowadays, only the Maritime or Xaskahl could bring him to that point gladly. Only them.
So, it is after some days of absolute sleep, the imp wakes. Smiling at the brief reply to his note on the bar, Renne departs the Maritime only after a cup of coffee and some fruit.

It takes him a while, but eventually after getting lost at least thrice, Renne finds himself at the doors of the School for the Gifted.
He'd wanted to learn so much for so long. Perhaps now is his chance.
Taking a deep breath, the diminutive, blue-skinned "imp" gives a skritch-scratching knock at the Academy's door. Best to be as polite as he knows how, even if after all this time, some trace of the wilds still runs free within him.
In this, the wilds would still be there but he would grow. He would learn.
He would make himself and Home all the prouder for it.

It seemed like forever and a day but in reality, only a few minutes had really passed. Suspense getting to him, the one opening the door finds the imp pacing a rut into the ground he crawls on.
"Eh....uh...What c'n I help yah with, er....Critter?"
Blush. Gulp. He hates being caught pacing. Quenching a brief moment of ire at being called a "critter", the imp perks both ears up and speaks as clearly as he can.
"Eey-ess. Rrr-enne fin-d Brrrri-yair-eeyus?"
The bloke at the door can't help but snicker a bit at the slight mispronunciation of Headmaster Briarius' name. However, he's under control easily enough and nods twice.
"C'mon, follow me, 'en."
One chirp and a good bit of crawling later, the imp is led to the Headmaster's office door. Hearing both the knock on that door and a quick request to stay put until the door is opened, Renne finds himself now alone. His guide had already gone off to make it to a class.

Now, another interminable moment of suspenseful waiting and pacing a rut into the school's floor.


Date: 2007-03-11 10:13 EST
There is a red haiered elven woman sitting at the desk near the door.

"Is there something I can help you with?"