Topic: Looking for a friend


Date: 2007-04-30 22:31 EST
::he heard a friend of his was the the Ravensheart School for the Gifted,he was hoping to run into Shauri here but he was ok if he didnt either,he made his way to the doors and knocked on them for a few seconds, the he waited::


Date: 2007-05-01 15:18 EST
::she had taken the long route home after spending some time in some seriously deep thinking, so deep she didn't really notice how long she'd been gone in all that deep thinking... or rather trying to ignore the whispers she kept hearing around her. Ever since her conversation with Theron the whispers seemed to get a little stronger, but she couldn't make out what was being said. She wasn't even sure where they were coming from, but sometimes it seemed they were in her head and other times as if they came from the amulet Bob had given her. Either way it bothered her and made her nervous and it certainly made it next to impossible to get any sleep. Dark circles round her eyes made it obvious she wasn't sleeping right::

::The knock on the door ahead of her made her stop and look up to see Kyo waiting at the front door and she was very curious and even skeptical for his reasons to be there. After her talk with him and Theron and whoever else was there in the Inn and the Back Alley tearing down the one friend she thought she had... which Bob was... she wasn't so sure she wanted to see Kyo so soon. At this point, she assumed he might've been there to see her, not knowing about Sha'uri being friends with Kyo. And she knew it would be rude to just avoid him so she fessed up to it with a sigh and came up the steps beside him, dry sarcasm in her voice::

Yous the last person I thought I'd see here, Kyo. Come to banter about Bob some more or are you here to get some needed education......?

::she opened the door and stepped inside, feeling a little sorry for the sarcastic comment so she allowed Kyo room to come in too. her voice held an apology in the tones and the sarcasm was dropped and replaced by sincerity::

Yous can come in, Kyo. What can I do for you?


Date: 2007-05-02 15:17 EST
Sha'uri heard the knock and was on her way down to answer the door when the door was opened and she heard Cadence with an uncharacteristically sarcastic tone. Now that she thought about it, there had been something a little strange about her lately. She frowned and continued down the hallway. She came into the recieving room to see Cadence holding the door open for one Kyo, formerly known as Gabe. The smile was on in an instant, sapphire hues shifting between the two.

"You two know each other? Small world, no? Come on in, Kyo. There's a parlor to your left there. Make yourself at home. We can sit in there. Would you like something to drink or eat?"


Date: 2007-05-06 14:04 EST
::he walked in and slid his Muramasa into his belt::..Cadence...Shauri whats new with you two today? ::he didnt wish any violence today he was upset for some reason,but unaware of the fact he was being watched by a high power from another universe::...this place is nice and did you fund It?....and i accept your apology harm done


Date: 2007-05-06 17:46 EST
Oh the vibes... Sha'uri could pick up on the emotion without even trying. She had no choice for such was her gift. Sapphire hues watched the two carefully though her visage held a smile.

"I finished my baby booties today."

She was all proud of that little feat.

"I even fixed them and made them the same size."


"See, I still have things to learn, like knitting. Sounds lame, no? But I never really bothered to try until recently. I guess partly because of the baby and also because we're opening up the school to everyone and hopefully will get the backing to be ThE public school in RhyDin. It is big enough to accomodate both our private practice and the children of RhyDin, plus we can expand. It belongs to Headmaster Briarius Ravensheart. As for funding... well, let's just say we manage."

She moved over to a chair and sat down.

"Cadence, if you'd be kind enough to get some tea, you're more then welcome to join us. I think it would be nice to sit and have a chat with you as well."

Something sparked, a flame flickered in those sapphire depths.. perhaps a knowing, perhaps a suspicion... perhaps it was a warning.


Date: 2007-05-06 18:53 EST
::he moved and sat down in the chair next to Shauri::..i cant help but feel that this place is familiar...but how i have never been here....::he tried to figure it out but he moved the thought to the back of his mind::...well that is something Shauri....but what will you do next?...::he tried to keep the subject simple but he couldnt help but think about the familiarity of the school::


Date: 2007-05-06 19:13 EST
::it was a flat look she gave Kyo. She would've said something except the look the Mistress gave her, looked right into her, kept her mouth shut as she nodded compliance to the Lady and made her way back to the kitchen.........muttering under her breath after she got into the dining room, way out of earshot::

And I accept yous appology? As if! I never even said it, ..... darn presumptuous.... who does he think...

::pretty much the rest was squashed between pursed lips and frowning as she went to make the tea. The voices in her head seemed to get stronger with her anger, some of the words she could make out ... *Help*... *Destroy*... *Smite*... *Heal* ... Save*... *Despair*... *Conquer*.. *Hopelessness* ... it was a collage of discorded pleas and random powers ringing in her head, temples throbbing, heart racing....... By the time she got to the kitchen, fingers clutched tight to the amulet, her stomach lurched and she hung her head over the trashcan, hair pulled back held with her other hand to keep from getting it soiled as her stomach muscles lurched, tightened, squeezed her stomach's contents up and out ........::


Date: 2007-05-06 19:30 EST
"Part of this place is actually in another plane from RhyDin. Could be that you've been to this plane before, or the fact that you might be sensing the differential between the plane where Rhydin is and where we are now."

Nodding, she caught the sound from the kitchen and glanced briefly that direction. The magical words whispered inaudibly to CAdence...
--"Are you all right?"--

Though without missing a beat, her attention seemed to flow unbroken with her gaze back to Kyo.

"So! Tell me this story you've been wanting to tell. You know, the one you tried to tell me about before. What's happened to you and Gabe?"


Date: 2007-05-06 19:45 EST
well he stumbled across my body in the forest of Death...he made it all the way to my grave....then my enchantments came was supposed to say "All becomes nothing,nothing moves. This white land is his grave. He once ruled here. Lord of the Forest of Death. He brought Fear and Despair. No one shall profane this ground. For if they do....The Lotus will burn...The Crimson Lord will come again...All Becomes Nothing..."...but he wasnt affraid at tell the truth he was a true warrior...if that didnt turn him back but anyways....he took my body and took it to his ship and tranfered his mind into my body...i was awakend from him doing that..adn i was able to free myself from the mental prison i was in....needless to say he tried to get control but after long i gained it..and i have been here ever since...


Date: 2007-05-06 20:09 EST
A silent message was returned from Cadence to her.

"Oh.. uh, well, that's not good. I mean, Cadence seems to have taken ill. Poor girl. I'll have to check on her later and see how she feels, give her an exam."

She sighed and shook her head with worry. Then shrugged her shoulders slightly and cast a spell, conjuring a pot of green and spearmint tea, two cups and a veggie tray with ranch dip. She poured a cup and offered it to Kyo and indicating the sugar, sweetner, cream and honey, in case he wanted to put some in it.

"So, Gabe's soul is in your body and visa versa. No wonder people kept confusing you with him. Well, not that I didn't but yeah, you do look like him. You seem calmer, though. But... what about Gabe? is he dead because your body was?"


Date: 2007-05-06 20:18 EST
no he is in my body...::Muramasa in his belt,white trench coat with the sleeves torn off,the shoulder pads,arm guards,chest plate and shin guards were red as blood, his eyes were the color red, he had changed, his hair was now long and still spiked but it was also red, he grinned as he
looked at her::..this is my original body


Date: 2007-05-08 06:18 EST

"Did you eat him? Or make armor out of him?"


Date: 2007-05-08 20:02 EST
no..i left his body frozen in my place..on his is at the Hangar in the Belarus Compound...bur i came here to see if i can maily get help to regain control of my power over Mizuchi the Divine Wind


Date: 2007-05-09 15:28 EST
"Ah, so you carry his soul then. ThAt I understand."

Well, she thought she understood.

"So, you wish to become a student. We can accomodate you. Well, we can try. Though I 'm unfamiliar with this Mizuchi. Perhaps the Headmaster would know more. Do you require something specific to accomodate your need?"

She finally set the cup of tea down in front of Kyo and poured herself another one, putting a bunch of honey into hers, stirring and taking a sip.


Date: 2007-05-09 19:29 EST
:he took the tea and sipped some::...thats good tea...but all i need is someone trained in the old ways of the Elements..a fellow student of Lord Muramasa


Date: 2007-05-10 16:01 EST
She was silent while she sipped her tea, obviously thinking... pondering. Her head slowly began to shake.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know of anyone trained under that name. Not off hand. Though it's possible there may be some trained under similar ways. Perhaps our Headmaster can better serve you. In fact, I'll just ask him myself now."

She was silent, her gaze seemed to look off at nothing at all for just a moment before her gaze returned to him.

"While we wait... how long have you been in RhyDin?"


Date: 2007-05-10 17:18 EST
only a few days..Gabe on the other hand has been here for about.....three to four months


Date: 2007-05-11 07:28 EST
The Headmaster walks in.

"How can I help you today Lady Sha'uri?"


Date: 2007-05-11 21:06 EST
::he stood and bowed to the headmaster::


Date: 2007-05-13 19:45 EST
"Headmaster Briarius, this is Kyo, the one I told you about. Kyo this is the Headmaster Briarius Ravensheart."

She politely introduced the two, returning her attention to Briari.

"Kyo has been looking for students or those trained in the old ways of the Elements under a Lord Muramasa. He wants help to regain his control on his power over Mizuchi the Divine Wind. Although somewhat familiar with similar types, this particular brand of training eludes me. Can you help?"


Date: 2007-05-14 07:08 EST
The Headmaster returns a perfect bow.

"Hajimemashite, Kyo-san. It has been quite some time since I have heard those names. Muramasa-sensei and his teachings have been long forgotten by most..."

The Headmaster smiles

"...but most is not all is it?"


Date: 2007-05-14 16:15 EST
::he looked at him::..i have lost the ability to control the Mizuchi...and i fear that soon i wil forget all of my training by Lord Muramasa....and i musnt let the last legacy of him fade


Date: 2007-05-15 07:33 EST
"Then you have come to the right place as I am the last student of Muramasa-sensei. I had never thought I would be needing to use this knowledge actively again. Tell me Kyo-san, what do you remember?"


Date: 2007-05-15 20:53 EST
i remember his riddles...the rhymes he used..the methods of his training..yet now i cant control the Mizuchi...


Date: 2007-05-20 08:41 EST
She smiled through the exchange, a reunion of sorts that seemed to do some good. Pouring another cup of tea, she held it out a moment before placing it down to an empty chair.

"It is good to see that some things don't fade away. Briarius... come, why don't you both sit and have some tea while you relax with your reunion? I should actually go check on ... well, some things."

It was actually a someone but she didn't say who and just stood to be excused to go check on that someone...


Date: 2007-05-20 13:03 EST
::he sat down and looked upon the my long have you known the teachings of Lord Muramasa


Date: 2007-05-20 22:23 EST
"It has been many centuries now...or has it? You will have to excuse me, for the last few millenia I have been tossed around space and time."


Date: 2007-05-21 16:01 EST
dont worry my friend for i to have been tossed around...but anyways..i jut need to regain my strength if i am to Defeat Gabe when we fight....its his destiyn to fight me...i just want to know we are equal the moment he is stronger than me..and thats whit half of my powers


Date: 2007-05-24 19:15 EST
::he grabbed his head and dropped to his why now.....not now...::in his mind him and gabe were now fighting to see who would be able to get free and stay free, eventually Gabe won and gained the powers of Kyo,back in the physical world his body morphed and turned back into the Body of a one Gabriel Ashlocke::


Date: 2007-05-25 07:18 EST
The Headmaster simply sits and watches.


Date: 2007-05-25 21:08 EST
::he breathed heavily and looked around::..where..where am i and who are you?...::looks at him and wonder who the hell is he and why am i here...and what happened to me::


Date: 2007-05-26 07:40 EST
He turns to Sha'uri.

"Mistress Sha'uri...perhaps you are better suited to handling this..."


Date: 2007-05-26 11:53 EST
please excuse that display my name is Gabriel Ashlocke...last of my clan....if it startled you im sorry..::he bowed and waited to see if they took his apologizes::


Date: 2007-05-28 12:06 EST
Thinking the Guys were ignoring her, Sha'uri left the room before the change had taken place. However, she hadn't gotten but just outside of the dinning room when she felt, more then heard, Briari's que. Her expression was suddenly the reflection of the headmaster's view. What the hell was going on?

Abruptly, she turned about face and marched back into the room.

please excuse that display my name is Gabriel Ashlocke...last of my clan....if it startled you im sorry..


She was surprised at first, but then she almost growled.

"So this body was left in the ship? I wish you two would make up your minds. Do you know how frustrating that is? Gabe or Kyo... Kyo or Gabe. Do you two want your own seperate bodies?"

There was no pause in her words, merely the action. The cup that Kyo had been drinking from suddenly disappeared with the slight movement of her finger. She now had a DNA sample of Kyo. All she needed was one of Gabe.

"Then maybe you can both either fight it out and get it over with or else go your own seperate ways... or both. I mean it. This has got to stop. What link do you two have that you haven't been able to sever? Because I will gladly do what I can to help destroy it. This... whatever this is ... has got to stop."

That was the heart of the question and she wasn't kidding. Her arms crossed and that *Mom* look was splayed across stern features. It wasn't that she didn't care about either of them, it was just that she'd had enough of whatever was between Kyo and Gabe.


Date: 2007-05-30 14:44 EST
Shauri it no longer Matters...Kyuo is dead now..and i am free.....i no longer have to ive within his head....


Date: 2007-06-01 21:34 EST
She took in some air and held her breath, puffing out her cheeks to hold it in. A moment later, she let it out with a raspberry effect. Sapphire hues narrowed a bit, studying Gabe a moment. Then she grinned.

"Does this mean you're gonna stop forgetting who I am?"

She added a wink for effect.


Date: 2007-06-02 16:33 EST
um well yeah...::he grinned and scratched the back of his have you been and um this is kinda odd me comming here i heard much about the young people with great power here...


Date: 2007-06-02 17:31 EST
Sha'uri shook her head slowly and chuckled.

"Yeah, well, there are some heavy weights around. I use them all the time, throw them around a bit. Gotta keep in shape somehow, though I do need to watch it a bit more nowadays." she briefly patted her belly and smiled a toothy grin, reminiscent of a dragon's smile. "Feel like learning something new?"


Date: 2007-06-03 13:12 EST
Thats why I`m here is it not..::he gave her a toothy grin right back::


Date: 2007-06-03 15:55 EST
"Well, we knew why Kyo was here. But since you've changed form in the middle of our parlor room back into Gabe, we are curious.... if you are still interested, and..... What is it that you wish to learn?"

Cheshire smile.


Date: 2007-06-04 14:20 EST
I just want to keep in shape....And to keep my eyes on the control my Anger is my goal...but this demon doesnt want me to do so..::he kneeled and bowed his head::


Date: 2007-06-05 15:16 EST
"So, Gabe, is controlling your anger what you wish to learn? I hear they have anger management classes somewhere in town. I suppose meditations would help, too. Briarius, do we teach anger management here?"

She had sort of lost track of all the topics they were teaching nowadays.


Date: 2007-06-05 15:44 EST
"It is a class we offer"


Date: 2007-06-05 16:13 EST
Her eyes lit up with a smile.

"Ah! See? There ya go, Gabe. We have exactly what you need. Who teaches that class, Bri....... you?"

She peered again at the headmaster.


Date: 2007-06-05 18:32 EST
Remember now is also the Nine Tailed Fox spirit I to wish to control...::he looked between the two of them::


Date: 2007-06-05 20:51 EST
"Please state plainly all you wish to learn and we will try to accommodate"


Date: 2007-06-06 02:31 EST
Control of my inner Demon and control over my powers....and im not sure but do you also have Blade masters handy..i am kinda rusty with a blade


Date: 2007-06-06 07:11 EST
"We have all of those things. You will need to fill out all the necessary paperwork first. Lady Sha'uri should be able to show you where to do that. It was a pleasure to meet you."

With that, the Headmaster stood and left.


Date: 2007-06-06 10:03 EST
::he looked at Shauri::...thank you...i look forward to my time here..maybe i can actually show progress of controling my demon


Date: 2007-06-06 20:43 EST
but one thing i really how to control myself...::he said as he tilted his head down::..i have more enemies then friends....i dont know what to do


Date: 2007-06-08 15:36 EST
She sighed gently, bowing her head graciously to acknowledge Briari's retreat. Then she looked once again to Gabe.

"Perhaps it would benefit you to step back and analyze why you have more enemies then friends. Then determine how best to patch things up or else how to help lessen or prevent it from happening again with others. Perhaps it is just your lack of control that is effecting your friendships in a manner that causes you to have so many enemies. Maybe it would be best to understand yours and their prospective of the term Friend and what it means to be one .........and then BE one. I hope that helps you."

She moved to the door and paused.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to Melody. She will give you the paper work to fill out. They are just general questions, mostly to get to know who you are, what form of education you've had and what you would like to learn here. Typical Mundane things."

She grinned and waited for him to join her. Then walked with him down to the main office. There sat a woman with reddish hair and green eyes. Once there, she introduced the two.

"Melody, this is Gabe ..... he would like to fill out an application. If you would be so kind as to help him with it, I've got some things to attend to. Gabe, I'll see you around. Perhaps You'll get into a class with Icer or someone else you know. Cadence takes classes, too."

A gracious smile and nod of her head, then she turned and left.


Date: 2007-06-08 16:36 EST
::he bowed to the lady and then waited::...I can see why most hate me Shauri....But others for what i believe and what I try to do...Or well so Theron tells me but...Of late I dont believe him..::he looked to Melody and waited,and hoped the paper work didnt ask questions about his history::


Date: 2007-06-24 08:38 EST
Melody smiled and tucked a red strand behind her elven ear, then handed Gabe an application and writing pen neatly tucked upon a clipboard.

The questions did ask about history, but they were all mundane references geared towards educational history not only for non magical knowledge, but magical and clerical forms of magic as well. It also referred to other knowledge pertaining to combat, horsemanship, wilderness lore and technology, plus any trade skills like basket weaving, blacksmithing and cooking to name a few that were listed. It wasn't so much interested in the were and when, but the *what* and *how well* of a person's education, though it was open for the person to leave any and all information.

Sha'uri motioned to a chair for him to sit in while she moved to a filing cabnet to seemingly peer through some things while Gabe filled out the application.


Date: 2007-06-24 14:47 EST
He sat in the chair and began to fill the paperwork out.He started with the basic part,he stated his name and age,planet of origin,he had little in the ways of knowledge at magic aside from the spells and powers he had already.He stated his level of education and prior training,he had a high degree with Technology,he was a deccent horseman.He stated all of the training he had as a blaskmith,but wasnt really that good,all he could do was repair the weapons.He finished after about ten to twenty minutes,double checked himself.He stood and took the paperwork back to Melody and bowed his head to her and went to sit back in the chair.


Date: 2007-06-24 16:21 EST
::After cleaning up, and feeling better, she grabbed her duster and began to do the daily dusting. Today was the cielings and upper walls throughout the buildings. By the time she got into the offices, she saw Gabe sitting there filling out an application. She blinked. Then blinked again. Then hovered above him as he turned in his application. Then she dropped down to sit beside his chair. Grin::

So, I thought yous was dead. Which classes did yous apply for? I just finished basic magic theory, meditations and cantrips, plus a few others ... and going on to the next levels. I hear classes start again in a week or two for summer courses.

::Yep, she was trying to forget how he wanted Bob dead and gone, and was just trying to put it in the past... just trying to be... friends.::

You've heard of the saying.. If ya can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em... right?


Date: 2007-06-25 15:54 EST
"Im not Dead cadence....I applied for any that will help me get stronger and cool..."
He tried his hardest to keep up with her,but he was a few pages behind her.He shook his head and laughed as he poked her head and looked at her.

"Calm down you little spaz..."

he was trying his hardest to forget aswell.


Date: 2007-06-27 14:53 EST
:she looked dumbfounded surprised, then rubbed her head::

Ouchies.... meanie.

::pouty lip was sticking out but she was only playing and couldnt' hold in a smile that slowly spread::

Have you toured the place yet? I'm due for a break ..

::She tossed the feather duster behind her and it dropped behind the chair, which she'd pick it up later. Her hand was held out offering it to him as she got up, waiting on him from an slightly raised altitude as her wings fluttered to lift her up just a bit so she could be eye level::


Date: 2007-07-03 15:10 EST
He chuckled and patted her head. "You know I wouldnt mind a small tour"

He looked around for a second and actually saw how big the place was.It would be interesting.....Very Interesting.


Date: 2007-07-03 21:21 EST
::she frowned and looked up at the patting of her head and then to Gabe with that even stare, the one that seemed to say something about kicking his rear::

Would yous likes me to growl or purr?

::She kept that look for a moment or two until she couldnt' keep from laughing. Then she took him by the hand with one of hers and pointed down the hall with the other::

Okay, this building be the main administration building. Down the hall that ways leads to the other places like the dormatories and mundane school subjects building, and then there's the Labs and Lyndra's got her own culinary building and there's a library and a barn with horses and a forge and another place for worshiping Gods and healing things.. plus a dojo ... we used to have a teacher but he up and left I think... and then there's the archery field and a meadow beyond and.. portals to Sha'uri's nook in the universe and lots of other stuff. Where you wanna begin?

::She smiled genuinely. She'd lead him whatever way he wanted to go...::


Date: 2007-07-05 00:02 EST
He nodded and bobbed his head as she talked memorixing every directions she pointed.

"No no need to growl or purr"

He laughed as he finally got what she meant...

:The only thing I want to do is know how hard are the courses here...."


Date: 2007-07-05 19:50 EST
Taking the application from Melody after Gabe had filled it out, Sha'uri looked it over carefully. Then she blinked.. and blinked again. Then she chuckled.

"Melody? I thought we got rid of these misprints? Or... do we have another bad batch. Hmm.. well, this batch doesn't seem to have the most pertinent question at hand. The one that asks, What Classes would you like to take here at Ravenshear Academy?"

She glanced up in time to see Gabe walking away with Cadence and had to blink at that, too. Last time she saw them together, she thought Cadence was gonna poke Gabe's eyes out. And now? Sha'uri just giggled.

"Whoa hold up, there Gabe..." She brought his application back and a pen and moved to catch up with him."Sorry. We seem to have a misprinted version that keeps plaguing us. There's a spot at the bottom of the other side where it was supposed to be but for some reason it didn't print. Must be linked to the printer's strike that's been plaguing the Oracle. Anyway, if you could just put down the classes and general form of what you'd like to learn here, I'll get this going then. Oh, and you can change your classes at any semester break. So, if you try something and don't like it, you're not married to it."

Grin. She handed him the paper, after marking the question down, and waited to take it back once he was done putting in the general classes preferred. In the meantime, she glanced at Cadence, almost as if to silently ask her if she were feeling okay, but it seemed she really didn't need to ask.

"Cadence, why don't you go ahead and take the rest of the day off if you like. Maybe spend some real time with some friends. You deserve it. You've been working very hard and have been doing a great job. You need time with friends and it isn't so dusty here, really. It'll be fine. Enjoy the rest of your day then."

Sha'uri could've used to take her own advice, but with Bri gone, she was lucky to get time with family let alone friends. She'd endure it, though. Bri deserved a break.

Her smile was warm as she waited. Once Gabe was done with that last question, Sha'uri took the application and filed it for admission.


Date: 2007-07-05 21:04 EST
he quickly put down the classes he needed, And he coudltn believe he was taking a Sword dinamics class but he needed the help anyways,he also took music,and any other classes that would aid him in his skills.

"There that should do it..."


Date: 2007-07-07 10:50 EST
"Cadence, why don't you go ahead and take the rest of the day off if you like. Maybe spend some real time with some friends. You deserve it. You've been working very hard and have been doing a great job. You need time with friends and it isn't so dusty here, really. It'll be fine. Enjoy the rest of your day then."

::Her eyes got really big she was surprised and shocked, and a smile lit up her face::

Oh thank yous Mistress!

::she was so excited already thinking about what to do with her extra time, she wasn't thinking about what she wAs doing now as she just naturally slipped her arm to link round Gabe's when he was finished with his application. Happy eyes sparkled as her pretty blues looked at him just a few inches away::

Let's go practice. I took that sword class, too, and guess who teaches it? She's.... ::nodding towards Sha'uri:: ... is gonna kick our butts! ::giggle! a wicked smile spread and those eyebrows wiggled invitingly:: Got time to play?


Date: 2007-07-07 15:31 EST
He smiled as he shot the one arm she didnt have bound out and summoned his Key Blade Oblivian.He looked to her and nodded.

"I always have time to play but it wont be easy to beat me...."

he motioned his head to the Zanpakutou on his back.Seshimanokai had a nack for keeping him out of trouble and had a good reputation for getting him into trouble.


Date: 2007-07-07 15:48 EST
::she shifted her head back a bit to look up and down the length of his back checking out the item and also the one in his hand. she was curious about them::

I won't argue that considering I don't know how to use weapons, but... anyway, I think it'll be fun learning. Lead the way, friend. I'm all yours!

::so she would go with him.....::


Date: 2007-07-07 15:54 EST
He chuckled and headed towards the trainign grounds,he dismissed his keyblade and griped Seshimanokai and unsheathed the Zanpakutou,but he made sure he was away from Cadence when he done so. As the Zanpakutou made contact with his shoulder his spirit energy exploded around himm and started to increase at regular intervals.

"Seshimanokai....Scream into the Night..."

Soon his Zanpkautou glowed broght and shifted into a pure pitch black whip,he spun it over his head and then shot his arm out,the whip wrapped around it tight.His coat swaying behind him wildly as his spirit energy conpressed and swirled around him, but from the mad mess it started as it seemed to be stable and under control now.


Date: 2007-07-07 16:23 EST
Scream?.... where?

::she gave him a devilish grin but also gave him room he needed and watched carefully. She didn't have any weapons to pull out, though. and then she wondered aloud::

Why not just use the wooden swords? Yous not trying to kill me are yous?

::she smiled sweetly::


Date: 2007-07-07 17:15 EST
"No im not..."

He let go og the end and let it dangle till it moved to finsih wrapping round his arm,,he stood there unarmed in a manner,he didnt use the Zanpakutou but he wouldnt put it away,it was a way to record his power level in a way.


Date: 2007-07-14 14:48 EST
::She was confused. She pondered what he was doing, but found she had no answers. Finally, after only a moment or two of poneering confusion, she shrugged and picked up a wooden practice sword and waved it around a little bit. She didn't like the feel of it and put it back in its place while moving down the line of practice weapons, picking them up to test them and in turn not liking any of them. She didn't know what to do, but had only gotten part way donw the line. STill she was tired of testing them and needed some advice::

I don't know which one to use, Gabe. What would you suggest? I don't know what I"m doing here. You seem to at least have a clue.

::pretty blues looked back to him with a bit of pleading::


Date: 2007-07-14 22:52 EST
he would have been gld to give her a lesson but he didnt know if that was a good idea.

"I would Cadence but I doubt they would approve..thats what the Senseis here are for."

He really didnt want to step on the teachers toes with this. When he was originally learning how to use his powers and helped another disciple with his training Gabe was banished and he never wanted to have that happen twice.


Date: 2007-07-15 21:19 EST

Yous confuse me more. I say let's go practice! and yous say okay.. and then I ask yous to help me with what we gonna practice and then yous say you can't help me??

::Cadence threw her hands up in the air and gave a slightly gutteral sounding ugg and then back to her soft higher pitched voice::

UGGGH!!! I gives up!

::she started to walk past him, as if going to leave the place, and reached out swiftly with the back of her hand to smack his arm, but not really hard more like playful smacking as she moved on by::

Space head! Yous spacey!



Date: 2007-07-15 23:52 EST
He just thought about what she said and laughed.

"your right I am spacey..."

To be truthfull he just really didnt want to hurt any more friends now,he had harmed to many and they were the closest to him that were the ones he hurt most.


Date: 2007-07-16 21:04 EST
::He was laughing but she noticed something else in his eyes. Whatever it was, it wasn't laughing and she wanted to know why. Suddenly she knew he was just trying to protect her. She realized she'd stopped walking and her wings had lifted her off the ground, brought her back aroudn to face him at eye level::

Yous won't hurt me, Gabe.

::Her voice was soft and gentle and those eyes, those huge pretty blues seemed so pleading::

Bob gave me something that won't let you or anyone hurt me. It has protected me before. It'll be all right. Won't you teach me a little bit? just anything? How to hold it?... Pweeze?

::Oooohhh soooo innocent, those eyes.... they would melt the Crackin himself if he'd seen them right now. Truth was, she didn't know anything. She just really didn't want to be embarassed on the first day of class and she was wanting his help, even if it was just minor harmless things. Anything would've been something to her::

It's not about power, Gabe. I just want to be able to hold the thing right.


Date: 2007-07-16 21:31 EST
"sure Cadence...First...You need to see what size blade o use...Second is how much it weighs..."

Man he sounded like his old Sensei when he firts learned how to weild a Buster sword....Truth was there was way to many blades to chose from and he wanted to learn the hardest, but he was clad i was Cadence and not some other snot nosed punk,...He smiled to Cadence and held out a short sword.

"Here try this steel short sword..."


Date: 2007-07-17 21:00 EST
::She beamed a bright smile and could've kissed him.. on the cheek of course. She didn't, but did listen to him very carefully and an eyebrow rose as he mentioned weight. Then she got it::

Oh, yeah, cause it would be hard for me to swing one around that was like... weighed more then me. I'm glad they make the practice ones out of wood.

::She would've reached for one but he had the other one already which was made of steel.. Blink... and she wondered if she could even lift it::

You sure that's not too heavy? Looks kinda big....

::But she was brave, or foolish, and she grinned while she carefully took the steel sword from him with both her hands...which, despite her efforts, would plummet to the ground if he let go of it and almost take her with it, mostly because the weight was a surprise and not that she couldn't lift it, though it would take some effort on her part to lift it up again. She hoped she didn't hit his toe::

Yous okay?



Date: 2007-07-17 22:25 EST
He sighed and wiped his brow.

"im good Cadence..Ok forget these....Hold out your right hand..."

If she couldnt hold a normal weapon maybe she could weild a more astral Blade and he meant the Key Blades. There was on that was extremly light weight.

"I know one set of Blades besides daggers that are light enough for you."


Date: 2007-07-20 17:53 EST
::she didn't notice the sweat until he wiped his brow. Was he nervous? She didn't think so. She sniffed and smelled his scent thickly. He wasn't nervous..... Her right hand was opened and held for him to place whatever he wanted to there in her gentle but firm grasp::

"I know one set of Blades besides daggers that are light enough for you."

What's that? One of those toothpick looking swords?

::Her gaze flicked past him to the rapier on the wall, and back. Then she looked down to the oddly key shaped item held in his hand, her hand moved to let her fingers trace along its edges, but if that's what he wanted her to hold, she would without hesitation::

Oh, what's this?


Date: 2007-07-20 18:19 EST
"This is the Key Blade Circle of Life......its light enough for you....way to light for me...."

He held it out to her and smiled,he hoped she would like his gift.He was glad Cadence was such a good friend now. He needed all the riends he could get.


Date: 2007-07-21 16:55 EST
::her finger ran along the length of the giant skeleton key shaped weapon before she took it from him. There was something in his eyes, she could see and for a moment her gaze locked with his, realizing his intent::

Yous giving that to me? I don't know what to say, Gabe.

::she was overwhelmed by the gesture, but was sure that's what he meant, so clear to her. It really touched her deep inside and before she knew it, she moved closer and kissed his cheek. Friends? She never realized how much he wanted to be until now and it just felt good::

Thank yous. I'll take cares of it, I promise. What does it do?


Date: 2007-07-21 17:15 EST
He smiled to Cdence` gesture and then patted her head.

"It allows you to be strong of heart and gives you the ability to use your inner strength..."

He wass starting to like the little Spaz as if she were his sister,he didnt have any real family left save Nathen now.So he would treat all of his friends as amily.


Date: 2007-07-27 14:22 EST
::A beaming smile was drawn a mile wide and she gave him a big 'ol hug. Then she stood back and held the key up with both her hands, her fingers grasped tight in the circular end. She held it like the untrained fighter that she was... pointed out and slightly down::

Okay, so do you swing it like a bat?

::she gave it a gentle demo, careful not to him with it, swinging it just a little but like a bat::

Or.. uh more like this?

::She gave another demo swinging it gently like a golf club, even putting in the cute little butt wiggle right before the swing::

Or.. like this!
::Again, the demo swinging it back, forward and down like she was chopping wood::