Topic: So the Ghost Steps South

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-13 21:58 EST
From where he had sat in the Inn, and after yet another chat with the lovely Shauri he had found his steps leading towards her school. He shuddered inwardly, and grimaced and cursed a few times too. But he still kept on down the road, clicking his fingers, whistling, pretending to ignore the direction so clearly in front of him, that curving path and tall building. School.

Another curse beneath his breath as he gazed upon it.

Shauri and Bernie had met only a week before, sharing small talk and glimpses of their lives, it had been an easy conversation and he had enjoyed her company. She was honest, mirthful and kind. Perhaps she saw in him more than there was, or less, but he still found nice friends a comfort-his repentance for death at his hands.

"Symmetry walks with times", he had uttered this day, their second meeting,not long before she left. He had muttered this as a sort of compliment to what brought all people from chaos and personal turmult to the hands of fate coaxing them home. She had made him warmed cider as he sat alone, smiling like a fool feeling oddly sprite, and wearing his shadows like a coat, without a care, as an attribute not a disease. And she had said his words held truth, and asked him to look over her Ward, Tina Storms-whom he was yet to find, and again asked him to come by her school. He was bewildered by her trusting a perfect stranger to keep an eye on her own. She had smiled warmly and squeezed his arm-reassuring him of his decision, her intentions, and his warped fate. Her request only adding to his repertoire of an unusual and complex life-now protector, escort, gunslinger and wayfarer. He felt a simple man, yet his behaviour (rambling, fumbling included) and actions spoke outwardly, away from this. And somehow, this enamoured others of his Cloak of Gray and bid them to his scent. They saw what he did not.

His friends and associates in Rhy'Din added to the puzzle and the clarity-an anomoly as much as he himself. Shauri, Viki, Sakura, Wy, Kairee-all walked the Dreamlands in their own way, holding separate corners of the same same veil. He smiled as he stepped to the door, then held his breath. No curse, just air.

He deserved a change.


Date: 2006-08-14 07:57 EST
As Bernie went for the door, it opened and an elf stood there, apparently surprised someone was on the other side. The elven man, who wore black adventurer's clothes, smiled at Bernie.

"Welcome to the Ravensheart School for the Gifted. I am Briarius Ravensheart, Headmaster. How may I help you today?"


Date: 2006-08-14 17:04 EST
It was the same night she had swiftly left Bernie as she had some strange feeling that Tina was not at the school. Perhaps it was her mother's instinct that spurned her from the Inn and away from where she'd rather be.

Bernie had been so sweet, so happy tonight, it was good to see him in such spirits. She almost didn't recognize him when he first arrived and she had to look thrice before it was clear to her that it was him. Nothing seemed to be getting him down, not even the shadows that he'd worn with such heavy woe the first time she'd met him. There was just something about his demeanor she could trust, yet... hadn't it always been there, dormant under the layers of shadows? Perhaps just repressed. Either way, he looked different... she could see him clearer. Perhaps that was the strange attraction, that mystical allure.

It seemed they had hardly started their conversation when she had, and with reluctance, left. Asking him to keep an eye out for Tina was a bit rash, yet... again... she sensed he would if he could. Being in a hurry and a bit worried, it never occured to her to describe the girl. Yet, she was not wrong to worry. Tina was no where to be found on the school grounds.

She arrived, via teleportation, searched Tina's room and her own, searched the kitchen, pulled out her voyant crystal ball and searched the complex again yet to no avail. It was then she knew even without looking, just where the girl had run off to. The Inn. She was safe, though, there with Icer. The crystal ball confirmed it, as well as Bernie's absence from the Inn.

Odd that it was those butterflies flittering in the depths of her stomach that caused her to continue.

"He didn't.. .did he?"

She peered through the crystal ball, following the trail from the Inn to the school just in time to have her heart caught in her throat watching Bernie take the last few steps to the door. Was he actually going to knock? It had to have been painful for him. Bernie had some sort of hatred of schools. Yet, here he was, standing there in front of the door. She could've reached through the crystal ball and caressed his adorably sweet face. Except... she gasped when Bri opened it up. Surprise, surprise! She hadn't exactly told Bri about Bernie. Gods she hoped he didn't assume Bernie was a student!


She quickly put on her mother's cloak, which would blend her nicely into the shadows with its dark mystical fabric and magical ruins enscribed, she could move through the shadows as if she were a shadow. The hood was pulled up over her head and the string tied snuggly at the neck before she went.

Teleporting down behind Bernie, it was nice that she fit right behind him without Bri seeing her. Bernie was tall, more so then she. Of course, Bernie probably would have no clue she was there, either, at least not right away. In effect, she became his shadow...

Why? That was a good question, indeed. And she pondered that very thing, trying to figure out what mischevious thing she was up to... having been in a mischevious mood all evening. Even she wasn't sure about herself she was in such a mood, absentmindedly placing her shadowy hands on Bernie's hips ...

Tina Storms

Date: 2006-08-14 17:25 EST
:: It was about the same time this was all going on that she returned... she had a grand day as she moved to the front door not really noticing them as she slowly approached in her own little world her little mind going through her first lesson continueously trying to figure out things....
slowly she walked up the steps to the door yawning just a little as she looked up to the door::

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-14 18:28 EST
After a moment of surprise at the door flung open as though sensing his arrival, he peered closely and then broke into a wide, toothy grin. "Hi, I'm Bernie!", the smile faded before he had time to extend a long, slender ashen hand from the folds of his black coat, as he peered over his shoulder to the strange sensation overwhelming him. He turned back to the Headmaster then.

"Err..Uh..", he stammered, a little off center, "I know Sha'Uri, I was hoping to..see your library?". What a measeley introduction, he thought.

A painful silence ensued. Too, that tingling at his waist. He looked down to see the feminine form of a shadow, and not his own. Definitely not his own. He arched a dark brow and then looked back to Briarus. He pulled a hapless smile, lifting both hands.

Mister Sorrow was clearly still a bewilderbeast.


Date: 2006-08-14 19:48 EST
The Headmaster broke into a smile.

"Of course you may use our library. We do ask for some paperwork to be filled out to protect our interests, but it's merely a formality if you don't plan on burning the place down."

He looked Bernie over as if scanning him. His eyes twinkled red for a brief moment.

"Please, let me show you to the library and get you that paperwork."

He walks out the door and towards the center of the campus. He stops and turns.

"Oh...and feel free to bring Mistress Sha'uri with you."

With that, he continued upon his path.


Date: 2006-08-14 20:40 EST
The hapless move gave cause for her fingers to tickle Bernie ever so slightly while she pouted at Bri for his comment as he was up ahead.

"Briarius Ravensheart, you are a party pooper! You could've played along... sheesh."

She laughed as she pulled the hood from off her head and peeked round and up at Bernie, shifting herself from the shadows. A bright warm smile graced her visage.


A quick step to the side had them both turning to follow Bri.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist it for some reason. I was going to follow all the way but since sOmebody decided to expose me, well.... "

She shrugged and left it at that, hoping Bernie wasn't upset.


Date: 2006-08-14 20:53 EST
Not stopping, he says loud enough for them to hear.

"I was simply making certain that the school does not get the reputation of 'where bizarre things happen'. It can be bad publicity. Besides, if you are anything like your mother, you don't need anyone's help exposing yourself."


Date: 2006-08-14 21:06 EST
A sharp intake and exhale of her breath, eyes aglow with sapphire flames for a moment as her gaze could've bore a whole right through the back of Bri's head. Of course, it didn't and she did mutter something under her breath about paybacks.

A soft growl, as that of a dragon, escaped her throat though she was ginning once again, mirth filled her sapphire eyes.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-14 21:21 EST

He backed up, stirring the air with his wrists and then dropping them to his side, after feigning a grumpy expression with a shake of his fists. His toothy smile returned with a small wink for the Lady Sha'Uri, and then he vanished inside with the two-headmaster and mischief makerer.

Looking around he was now bedazzled, the old damp smell of books with curled pages and golden lining high within the shelves, the smell of rain and muddied shoes on leather soles. He stopped and sighed, but a wisp of air. It felt strange to be here, it fatigued him and excited him. He turned to Sha'Uri, as though to be guided onwards, then a look to Briaus.

"Where to, for the book of dreams?"

A dark shade filled his eyes, inquiring and suspicious of both the book and the two-to a degree. The slight grin still perched on his lips, as he caught the sapphire glow of Sha'Uri's gaze. Strangely, he too trusted her word. Stranger he was, and yet welcomed. Like kismet when launching its arrows at a man, it startled him, a feeling that stuck to his bones, right down in the marrow. He looked like a scared man, and indeed he was. Thoughts and cries reverberated with each waking thought, and then only at night was his head empty as he slept.

Here, it was full and ripe with possibility. He offered Sha'Uri a kind, almost grateful smile from behind the hair that canopied his pale scarred face.


Date: 2006-08-14 21:24 EST
With that, Briarius stops and turns slowly.

"You don't mean THE Book of Dreams, do you?"


Date: 2006-08-14 21:39 EST
"I put a copy of it on the third unit along the wall, second shelf from the floor. Ooops... I forgot to write it in the inventory, Bri. Sorry. It's just that book of dreams from the magic store in town. Cost enough, though."

She glanced at Bernie, that hair hanging in his eyes... it reminded her of her first love, Derokis. His long red hair would just hang there, even when he tried to tuck it behind his ear, it would fall. But the motion.. she found her hand reaching to tuck it back behind Bernie's ear.

"Ya know, there are a ton of books here, Bernie, you could take advantage of it, ... if you wish."

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-14 21:47 EST
"Aye, that's the one...", he murmured, smiling in acknowledgement before he stepped to the wall of books, his long arm stretching out to glide his finger tips along the spines of the bound pages, only to widen his eyes at the unexpected approach of Sha'Uri's hand. The corner of his eyes followed her movement, and he caught that wistful cast to her eyes. He smiled, faintly, staring at her a moment, curious, in silent askance, then turned his face to the many pages lining the wooden majesty of the massive collection, still aware of her touch. It's surprising warmth, the comfort he had near her. Nurturing, helpful. His eyes wandered the shelves a while longer.

"If that's the one, then yes", his gaze falling back to the two.

At her offer, he replied, "I'd like to know what it contains. Any and all books on the subject..". His eyes roamed her face, hoping there to be many concerning the dream, and those who took to its spell. Couldn't hurt to learn.

Could it?


Date: 2006-08-14 22:01 EST
Embarasment washed over her as she realized what she'd just done. She became quiet and stepped to the side. She nodded to Bernie's first question.

"That's the one."

She glanced to Bri, "You know more of what is in here then I do. Most of these are yours. Most of mine are still in Secak."


Date: 2006-08-14 22:22 EST
"Most of these books actually came with the school. I never actually took inventory."

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-14 23:30 EST
Lightning flashed outside and steps sounded at the entrance. He turned at both the crash of white light and the young girl at the doorway. He figured that must be Tina, and if not, he had only seen her leaving the Inn earlier that day and never before.

"Is that..?", he gave a sidelong look to Sha'Uri, in question. He made a mental note too, to discuss this 'proctector business further. He didn't feel equipped to manage a child what with his mental state and his slow recovery rom trauma, but selflessness was always a virtue he'd sought...Even as a youth.

Then, to Briarus he turned at hearing his comment. Interested, and dark brow raised, he offered. "I could do inventory sometime, if you wished?"

He hoped he could be tendered for his time, so that he could get his own business running. It could work both ways, so he smiled with a glint in his gray gaze to the Headmaster, standing tall, as he extended a hand.

"I'd like to assist..", he paused, sincerely regarding his own speech, his other hand gestured to the books before his thumb fell back "and this", he gestured to himself as he shrugged a shoulder at the books, "may keep me out of trouble", and a sly grin caught his prune coloured lips in the shadowed room, as his hand fell back to his side and lightning flashed from behind again-throwing light like a nimbus silhouetting some sort of dark angel as he stood tall, gray and kind eyed. If learning couldn't hurt, and he could help, it'd be a darn good deal.


Date: 2006-08-15 06:35 EST
She was staring at Bri, now, with a forebodence that caught her words in her throat. Had she really destroyed Erique or was he playing possom in the depths of one of these tomes... books that came from where? Erique had created the dimensional pocket that held the school, though now that pocket was gone. Would he not have placed these here, too? Or was it the one he'd defeated ...

It was a defeated and somber laugh, almost maniacle that escaped her, incredulous of the possibilites and realizing that maybe all that energy expended to destroy Erique was for nothing. Perhaps that is why Eversmart hAd to finish what Erique started and closed off Kadorasil ... Something wasn't adding up here and she had no one to turn to talk about it. Bri knew nothing of what she did to Erique, as far as she knew.

Lightning crashed outside, drawing her from her defeated thoughts as it startled her. It was instinct that drew her gaze to Bernie and then to the door as Tina came into view as she just arrived. A nod was given as she glanced back to Bernie, they would need to speak and that was precisely one of the reasons she'd invited him here tonight, hoping to get some time with him alone to talk about that. One... of many reasons.

She seemed to relax as Bernie gave his offer to play librarian, and even became hopeful, exceptionally so. The smile was back again.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea to me, Bri. We could use the help, especially if you don't know what is here. I'm pretty sure he can handle the job."

She glanced to Bernie as lightning struck again and caught that form with an appreciation as her gaze took him all in... Dark angel is exactly what he felt like to her. He just needed the wings to make it complete.

Realizing she was smiling a bit too much, she softly cleared her throat and move to Tina's side and gently took her by the hand. She brought her along as she moved back to stand beside Bernie. She could tell Bri was thinking and she waitedfor his answer.


Date: 2006-08-15 07:49 EST
"Congratulations! I hope you enjoy being the Ravensheart School for the Gifted's Master Librarian. Allow me to show you to your quarters."

With that, he walked over to the very large and ornate desk and pulled out a ring of keys. He then proceeded to the back of the library. As he walked, he spoke to Bernie.

"I expect the library to be open all times classes are in session. I give you the ability to hire some librarians to make that happen. I, of course, will have the final approval on the hiring process."

He approached a back door. He used a key to get in and the storage and offices of the library came into view. It was difficult to determine all of the archives and office space there was. Bri then approached a door clear across the back area that seemed more warn and friendly. Past that door was an impressive apartment.

"These are your quarters. You do have a private entrance at the back of the library. I also believe that this door from the library has some illusory magicks so that it merely appears to be a wall when the library is open. For privacy reasons."

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-15 18:32 EST
The man was clearly taken aback-a room too? Surely there was a catch somewhere?

But he'd not count and discount blessings. He smiled broadly and bowed deeply, creases at the corners of his eyes as the smile widened and reached his gaze, within that overcast sheen-he truly was thankful.

"Well I appreciate this all, and anything you need-name it, it's done", he gave Briarus a solemn look, to inflect his words, before he continued. "However...", he glanced out the door, a hand going to his narrow chin as he stroked it ponderously. "I do have a home. In westend. It's...not much, but it suits me fine. Another librarian is welcome to use my quarters", he smiled then, before the look faded and took in the young girl beside Sha'Uri, beside himself.

"Hello there, lass". He made a point not to call her "young" or "kid", as he sometimes did-age often meant nothing.

Bernie shivered inwardly again. It had nothing to do with the lightning or his hating schools. It was the look in that child's eyes-as though she had seen far too much and knew a lot more. He forced a faint smile, and crouched down to peer at her. "I'm Bernie", he rested a hand on his heart, then proferred a hand her way, inviting her to hold his hand, feel him, trust him.

He stole a glance at Sha'Uri and the sapphire glow still present within her eyes. He stared at her a moment, wondering of the nature of her relationship to both the child and Briarus, and how this school came to be if disorder was merry here, at least, amongst the shelves.

He turned his attention back to the young girl, and couldn't quite mistake that girl's demeanor, it struck his heart and softened his features-the girl was profoundly sad. He'd save all questions for later, for he sensed Sha'Uri had much to discuss later on.

And then they were off, following Briarus towards the back of the building and towards a welcoming and impressive room. He looked around, taking all in, while in the back of his mind thinking to his very humble, very boarded up, very dusty mansion. His hand fell from his chin. What ever to do?

And after a moment's consideration..

"Master Briarus, as ..impressive as this is, My home is Westend"

He looked to the Headmaster. He hoped he had not insulted him or ruined any chance at working here. He wanted to keep things as cordial as possible.


Date: 2006-08-15 19:19 EST
"As you wish. Just know that this is for the Master Librarian's use."

The Headmaster holds the keyring out to Bernie.


Date: 2006-08-15 21:20 EST
"Tina, say hello to Bernie. He's going to be the new Librarian here. He's also my friend. Bernie, this is Tina. She's the ward I started to tell you about. Wyheree had been paying for her room at the Inn. I couldn't leave her to that situation. So, I took her in as my ward."

That would explain that one, though it was so clear in her eyes and the way her brows twitched that she needed to say more. It was apparent he had many questions, too. She mouthed the word, 'Later.

As they all moved to the back and into the apartment area, she was impressed with the granduer of a librarian's pad. How could he say ...
But he did say it. No. She was taken aback for a moment until it dawned on her.

"Oh, yeah, you have another business don't you? Sorrow Coaches, yes? Gotta keep them horses somewhere, no? Speaking of which, we do have stables here. Just in case you needed to use them. I'm pretty good at replacing horse shoes, for a small price of course ... for you I'll get you a fifty percent discount. Heheh... sorry, jsut had to insert selfless ad there...."

She grinned a rather wide toothy grin, wiggling her brows for a moment. She glanced at Bri.

"Bri, would you mind taking Tina back inside? It's late and she should get to bed. Maybe read her a bedtime story for me? I'd like to show Bernie around if that's all right. That is... Bernie, if you have the time to stay a little longer?"


Date: 2006-08-15 21:47 EST
The Headmaster chuckled.

"I would be glad to. Mistress Tina, did I ever tell you the story of the Pirate Queen?"

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-15 22:07 EST
Taking the keys they tinkled as his long fingers clasped them, and he stared at them before setting them to his belt to hang. He thanked Briarus and smiled warmly to Tina, with a nod of his long chin, and then watched as Briarus moved out of the room with the girl, leaving both Sha'Uri and himself alone to talk.

"I see...I figured as much, about her being the one you mentioned..", he smiled briefly as he watched the girl disappear down the corridor, then looked around the room once more, eyeing its decor, then back to Sha'Uri. "And thanks for the offer, but my horses don't tend to need shoes..They're..hardy things", he left it at that, not caring to elaborate as he tried to come to terms with a new responsibility, and his concern for the young girl, as he gazed off into somewhere she couldn't see.

Looking to her after a long regard at his shiny boots in his thoughts he asked, "where to?". He needn't hurry home, he was getting over the sodden hat and coat look.

Desiring to learn more about Briarus, the girl and Sha'Uri, he looked to her expectantly, gesturing to the doorway, while his other hand absently played at the keys now hooked to his hip..


Date: 2006-08-16 10:09 EST
As always, it warmed her heart to see Bri with a child. It was one of the things she loved about him so much. He was almost like a child himself, having as much fun telling a story to children as the children usually seemed to have listening to him tell one. He was a story teller...

"Oh you are gonna love that one, Tina. I'm jealous now. You get to hear him tell it!"

She winked a heartfelt thanks to Bri, for more then just taking care of Tina, and bent down to kiss Tina's forehead.

"G'Night sweety. Have fun with Briari's story. I'll check on you when I get back, though it may be late. So, no waiting up for me."

She also watched Briarius and Tina leave, turning to gaze up at Bernie, responding to his comment with softened tones.

"I thought you would figure it out, but I said that mostly for her benefit, to let her know she has another to watch over her besides Icer and Wyheree." Adding with a chuckle, "And, it would be harder for her to sneek down to the Inn by herself. Oh, she's gonna be a handful when she gets older. She's far too quiet and fairly well behaved now as a child. She reminds me of me in a way. You know what they say about the quiet ones..."

She left it at that and glanced sideways at him, grinning devilishly at his comment about the horses. She wondered for a brief moment if there was some double meaning, but his expression, as he started to stare at his boots, caused her to drop the thought in her head and lose the grin from her visage. It appeared he needed a moment and she would respectfully give him that time.

Taking this time to have a better look around the place, she stepped away to be nosey by opening a few cupboards and drawers carefully so as not to disturb the dust too much.

It was in a drawer she found the old dusty visor reminiscent of the wizard's cap sold at the arcane store. She always thought they looked more like a librarian's cap anyway. It was black with blue-grey metalic thread woven in some abstract design flowing around the rim. It was a little dusty, but in good shape, perhaps never having been used. She dusted it off and held it behind her back as she came back to Bernie.

He looked to her as if he had all the time in the world. That in itself was comforting, truly comforting. His eyes were comforting, the kindest she'd ever seen anyone have. And while he expectantly gestured to the door, she was distracted by the way his fingers played with the keys. Annoying or alluring, she couldn't say. Perhaps really both. It was a distraction to say the least.

The warm mischevious smile was back in place as her long fingers reached to play with his, interrupting their play upon the keys while hers beckoned for his to follow into her grasp. She lifted that hand up to between them just about level with his chin. Her other hand brought the hat around to hold up next to his raised hand. She let go of his hand, allowing him to take the prize she found.

"Guess you get to add a hat to your collection. If you're not careful, you'll end up a Jack like me with dozen's of hats you could wear, but that is the hazard of being around so much information... one tends to tangent a lot."

She gave him a moment to do whatever he was going to do with the hat before she slipped her arm with his and guided him gently towards the door.

"I'll help you clean up the place if you'd like. It is a little dusty in there but it can wait. Right now I have to play tour guide."

They stepped outside where she paused and regarded him curiously as lightning lit up the sky and thunder rolled over the area bringing with it a telling wall of wind that rolled over the land. It was going to storm but good. She could hear the rain trailing after the wind. In a matter of seconds, they would be drenched.

A quick glance towards the living quarters revealed Bri and Tina getting into the building. A cat's protesting cry came from the forge area next to the barn and stables. Her glance darted that way to see the little grey tiger cat running from the barn towards the living quarters and beginning to get drenched as the curtain of rain fell on her.

"Oh.. poor Sabre.."

Save the cat and get drenched or run back into the nice warm library apartment and keep dry. She was such a sucker. Her hand reached out and the cat was lifted in the air by some invisible force that swiftly floated the hissing, crying cat to her arms, claws digging into her flesh, just as the heavy curtain of rain blasted down upon them. It was her poor luck, she was wearing her white dress.

"Ahh! Damnit! Who ordered the blasted storm?" it was a painful smirk she held upon that drenched visage.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-16 18:50 EST

Though the storm brewed loudly outside, inside the walls and halls were quiet, each step each spoken word echoing forever in some pocket of silence within the building.

Her sudden touch, warm and soft, lunged surprise into him, though he did not show it. A smile as he took the hat as her hand left his, a symmetrical silent dance, much like the mime foxtrot himself and Viki partook in, trying to scent out the other and their territories.

After accepting her offer to help clean the room up, the hat was playfully tucked against his forehead to shield the kind gray eyes with a deeper hue; charcoal and smokey, as he surveyed the room then her face, moving his focus between that and the burgeoning clouds a sullen purple and navy blue, spread out across the sky as the rain came in soft splashes to the ground, and he reached out a hand to collect a couple rain drops into his palm. Stepping further outside, he let his shoulders collect some too, and then stepping back beneath shelter and her coalescence of warmth and magic, he unlinked his arm from hers, and took the drops that pelted his coat into that hand, and then placed both hands in his pockets. A muted clinking, like marbles sounded, and then he lifted the rain drops up, and they rolled in his palm. He looked to her and smiled, and offered them to her, then widened his eyes as he saw her so absolutely drenched and cursing the sky-with a cat curled and clawing in her arms.

He smirked and stepped right out into the dark, he too was quickly a sodden sandwich of a fellow, drooped shoulders and the visor bent to one side-his form of 'rakish'-the smirked stayed put.

"Enjoy the enemy, it'll piss 'em off more!"

His smile grew and he extended his hands out to the side, catching the rain and seeming to revel in it, however tall and hunched over he was, the wild joy in his eyes was blazing. If for only a moment. It was the True him- Oja, not Bernie.

Catching sight of her, and the curves so visible through the sheer white of her garment, he bowed his face and with a sweep of his long armed grasp, removed his coat and walked up beside her, his shadow a ghostly gray looming over her, even still by darklight, and he placed it over her shoulders. It was a heavy coat, but like a weight of a boulder now that it was sodden and beginning to weep with its wet. But still, he enfolded it at her arms and smiled very softly, faintly, as he peered into her eyes, waiting for her to smile back-mischief lurked within her, always, and it'd appear soon enough to be sure. He lifted a thumb and index finger in a crook, to tilt her chin up from her almost maudlin expression.

"Come now, love"

The mews of the feline and his softly spoken words were drowned out in the heavy wash of loud rain and the peels of thunder as nights curtain fell as heavy as his coat on her shoulders, blanketing them in drifts of the darkest shades and only the stars and moon were their dimly lit lanterns.


Date: 2006-08-16 20:54 EST
The painful smirk turned to one of wide eyed wonder as she watched Bernie step out into the rain. Was that really him? The wild joy in his eyes was contagous and addictive. She wanted to see more of that... no feel it. It reminded her of the wild elves on Toril, they knew how to party. She nearly busted out laughing at his comment. It sounded so much like something her grandpa would've said that it took her by surprise.

That and the cold gripped her and Sabre as they were nearly frozen. The two were chattering teeth and shivering, Sabre mewling pathetically, as Bernie walked up and place his coat over her shoulders. Odd that it was, Sabre never hissed, never growled at Bernie. Sabre withdrew her claws from Sha'uri's flesh, quickly relaxed in her arms and even began to purr, despite the rain. Sha'uri relatively did almost the same .... relaxed and felt the warmth seep in despite the heaviness of the wet coat. It was still warm. His touch upon her chin sent a surge of warmth through her, like a bolt of lightning streaking across the sky. She was in awe... staring into his eyes, searching for that crazy guy. She was in awe for about ten seconds until that phrase popped into her head.

"Enjoy the enemy, it'll piss 'em off more?"

And the awe turned to smile, turned to grin with that mischevious glint and finally she busted out laughing, giggling actually, leaning against him for support.

"Oh god, Bernie, my grandpa Woodshadow would've loved you! Come on, take me in an...let's get my poor wet kitty inside to dry before she catches a cold."

And she tugged gently back towards the apartment.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-16 21:28 EST
Tugged inside, he followed, his wet foot prints casting ash over those in her wake. He laughed and smiled at her comment, wondering where this 'Woodshallow' might be?

He was beaming and still in that jovial mood, pioneered again by the electricity of the storm outside that had caught itself within the cobwebs and cartiledge of his bones, to render him happy and to wear off slowly like a fever drug. Like a drum beating in his head, it met his steps with a slight bounce as the halls welcomed them in cosey hospitality, and soon they were at the door to his room.

Once inside, his long calloused palms fell to her shoulders to sweep back the drenched hulk of his coat, and he moved to the bench he'd spotted earlier and placed it there fanned out to dry, before his eyes quickly scoured for a fireplace or heated urn, then looked to her in question . He took off the visor and rested that next to his coat, his eyes falling to her rain chilled chest and the bundle of fur wrapped tight and relaxed.

His lips twinged as he looked at it, as though maybe a smile might come, only for his eyes to lift to her, and a dark brow arched-he was a creature of duality-exisiting between two planes, therefore much of what he spoke was not one dimensional, and even this silent question as he looked at her was asking a number of questions-about Tina, about Briarus, about the 'kitty' and about this dream book. He didn't mind so much for himself that he was wet-he enjoyed the thrill of rain storms...that leaf and soil chemistry stuck to his arteries, the intricacies of his valves and his veins, and he missed that earthly embrace the longer he stayed in Rhy'Din. But he had human connections now, responsbilities, virtues and opportunities, which subdued that beating drum in his mind, the lively jig of his blood, that even now was wearing off.


Date: 2006-08-16 22:17 EST
His eyes upon her... kitty, her face grew warm with a blush. She could well understand the look he gave. Well, if he needed help getting the fire started...

She was quick to move and find the fireplace. Thankful the place seemed relatively furnished. Telekinesis moved a few logs quickly inside the hearth and her eyes flashed with sapphire flame, simoultaneously, the logs caught fire. Naturally, Sabre hissed and jumped from her arms. She had to grin.

"That's it.. show your true colors you little cat from hell."

Sabre mewed and walked back towards her, though wouldn't touch her because they were both wet. She kept shaking her foot, as it that would dry it. The cat moved closer to the fire and settled down on the floor to catch its warmth.

Sha'uri conjured up a pot of hot spiced cider, the same as she had earlier for him at the Inn. It appeared upon the coffee table complete with cups. She poured the cider, added some whipcream... also conjured... and brought a cup to Bernie, taking her own cup to stand by the fire, allowing the flames to dry her naturally. She regarded him a little more cautiously, and yet what she really wanted to do was throw caution to the wind and run back outside to play. Her smile was warm and inviting. In that light, she was her father's daughter. Even her words would've been something Pyriathin Arrowny would've said in his daily dealings of information.

"So, what exactly is it that you wish to know? Exactly..."

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-16 23:12 EST
"I'd like to know about the book you read", he said firstly, however Tina's predicament seemed far more important, and so he was quick to explain that perhaps they discuss her first.

"What is it'd like me to do..for the girl?"

His expression changed, eyes darkening.

"She seems....uneasy. But no, more than that..", a hand came to his chin, stroking it, then his hand moved into the air, as though to catch the word from the tip of his tongue and force it back in.

"I've never seen a kid so desperately sad, her eyes are these two long halls.."

He paused, and looked at her, searching her eyes, as he accepted the cider with a nod and took a long, long sip, deliberating, pondering. His eyes fell to the cream and he studied it, as though an answer might spring from its fluffy depths. He suddenly looked up, and neared the fire, listening to its crackles, staring at the wood burning, in silent meditation on this situation, as Sabre curled nearby.


Date: 2006-08-17 16:12 EST
That first question caught her off guard for a brief moment. She'd been avoiding it all night rather adeptly, but when he looked at her this time and asked about that book it was there as if written all over her face. Somebody wasn't saying something about it ... on purpose. The look of guilt only lasted for a moment and she was thankful he quickly changed the subject to the girl. Apparently, he hadn't even noticed it.

She kept quiet for the longest time, listening to him and sipping her cider ... never mind the cream line along the top of her lip ... or his ... she was debating a million things in her head. Both of them were contemplating deeply.

Could she really trust this guy? Was Bernie even his name? Who was that crazy eyed fun loving guy standing in the rain and loving it just minutes ago? She wanted to know. Or was she rushing into something that would have her tripping over hewr proverbial two left feet and land on her arse as usual? Would she regret it?

Yet, it bothered him, honestly bothered him how Tina was. Here he was some stranger to this place, newly made friend, newly made Librarian, and someone to help guard a child. It was a lot to take in, and he seemed to be stepping nicely into the roles. How could she not trust him? It was probably he who shouldn't trust her ... and there came that guilt again.

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and set her cup upon the mantle taking two steps to be at his side. She gently took his cup and placed it on the mantle. Then she took him by the hand and led him to the couch to sit down.

"Tina Storms ... she says she was orphaned as a baby in mid winter, just left on the steps. She says that the Master of the orphanage, some guy named Cutter or nicknamed The Cutter, treated her and the children badly, taking whatever he could of theirs, including things left to them when they first arrived, to sell in order to pay his gambling debts. He also sold some of the children. She told me that on the day she ran away from the orphanage, she was being sold and they were on their way to meet the buyer in RhyDin's market place. She managed to escape and Wyheree found her, paid for her room at the Inn for several days because she couldn't take her home. It's where I met Tina. Now, it sounded like the orphanage she was in was the one in RhyDin. I don't know for sure. I don't even know if she is lying, but I wouldn't want to think so. I just haven't had a chance to check out her story, which I should. If she has no one as she says, then I mean to adopt her. I only said something to you earlier because I was hoping you would help protect her should she need it ... that is if you happened to be around then. Wyheree and Icer watch over her while they are around her. I just felt better knowing there were more chances for her to be ... protected."

She paused, that guilty look was back in those big sapphire eyes and that bottom lip was caught for a moment between pearly whites.

"And I haven't been too honest with you about the book."

There she confessed and swallowed noticeably before she continued with the explanation ... the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

"I really am sorry.. .but I wasn't the one who copied it. I haven't really read through the whole thing yet. I just skimmed some of it and handed it over to my scribes on Secak. They did the work. So.. um.. guess if either of us want to know all about it, we'll either have to do it on our own... or together. I don't know everything in it, exactly. Just that there are some divination spells. And you're probably really mad at me right now..."

Her gaze searched his, hoping for forgiveness. Perhaps it wasn't that bad, but maybe it was to him and that is what had her worried.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-17 18:33 EST
"Why would I be?", he sat slumped beside her, elbow comfortably propped up on the couch arm, arching a dark brow with a reassuring smile. "The book is a book is a book, whoever is defining it doesn't bother me..and I came here, initially, as I wanted to see your dream collection, perhaps learn a few things. I've been doubting..", he cut himself off, dropping his gaze to his hand tapping his knee, then back to her.

"I want to open my mind to the possibilities of this plane, and this town. It's not like any other Earthly plane I've ventured to all"

He shook his head, his hand creasing its tap on his knee, and his eyes were again smoky.

"And as for Tina, I'll do my best", he tapped one long thigh, and the subtle glint of metal there hid, his Colt and through which he spoke when necessary.

The Brothers spoke then, in the front of his mind, calling him crude, lude names, unfair, untrue. Ignoring them he placed a hand on her knee, comforting her.

"How can I help you"

Her paying him apology and seeming a little uneasy spoke tomes to him-he may have antique bones and prairie finery dotted within his pores, but Lived so long carrying old secrets with rusty blood, and others intentions were diluted easily.


Date: 2006-08-17 22:32 EST
Relief! The smile was back again while she listened to him.

"Do for me? Well...lemmi think. "

She pondered this a moment while she got up to get their cups of cider and filled the mugs again. It was while she was up that she noticed in the mirror the cream lines along the top of her lip and realized he had the same mark as she sat down with the cups. What a grin!

"Yeah.." the chuckle escaped, threatening to burst into a laugh. "First off, wipe your lip."

She gave him a napkin, and one for herself to wipe it off her own, chuckling as she did. She waited until her chuckles subsided before she spoke again.

"Actually, I'm confused about something. Dream collection? You mean the dreams I have during sleep?" she didn't understand exactly what he was referring to. Exactly.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-17 23:13 EST
"The books". He nodded towards the door way.

"I'll do the inventory and get us a collection. I wanted to know what you knew of dreams, or your interest, because of that book you were scrolling through when we first met"

Accepting the napkin, he dabbed at his lip.

"Don't like cream-lip?"

Smirking, he leant forward and peered into her eyes.

"And this business with the scribes..tell me more. Maybe there's a bigger picture here"


Date: 2006-08-18 06:43 EST
"Oh is that what you meant... Books. I just never thought of a collection of various magical tomes and theories as being a collection of dreams. That is, I think that's what's in there. I only assumed that's what it was by the titles on the backs of the books and just slipped the book of Dreams where it seemed logical to go."

She watched him dab his lip and smirked at his comment.

"On the contrary, I think it's adorable.... on you."

A quick wink was given.

Her mirthful gaze widened as he leaned forward. She gazed into those smoky depths, thinking how she could easily be lost there. A mental jolt has her visage changing as the thought occured to her, she was falling. So soon? After Jayden's disappearance? What if he returned? Had she learned nothing from her past mistakes?

Indeed she had and it was why she shifted her gaze from Bernie. He was probably married for all she knew, or maybe he was falling for her. It didn't matter. She wasn't ready to jump into anything and pulled the reins on her own emotions. She also didn't want to ruin this relationship. No. It was meant for more then the whim of emotion. She could feel a strong base for friendship, a lasting friendship, developing at the core. At least, she believed so and wasn't going to destroy it.

"Ah, yes. My scribes. You are right that there is a bigger picture. A much larger one. They're back on Exodii planet. Actually, they're on my floating Citadel over the planet. Yeah, much bigger picture over there. It's a long story to explain it, but in quick summary, Exodii is one planet in the Exodii solar system and that is, in theory, what is left of the Realm of Secak where I was born."

A sip of her cider was taken, this time wiping the cream from her lips. She smiled with excitement, happy to explain further.

"It used to be one seemingly endless plane of existence created, in theory, by the clash of two chotic bodies of magic possibly clashing into or around a planet, or a solar system or even something bigger. No one ever knew the truth of it, but I suspect it was something along that line. Either way, there was an explosion and the realm was created long ago and stayed that way until nature's power ripped it back apart, trying to undo what chaos created. Many would've died but.... well, we saved as many as we could. It was something spectacular to see."

She became lost in the memory and her gaze shifted to the side, staring into the fire. A soft smile eased along her lips yet her eyes misted with tears.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-20 18:42 EST
Blinking a few times, he sat back slowly and nodded, his hand moving from her knee and to her shoulder. He smiled a pained smile, dark gaze falling into a hue of the gray side to snowflakes and sleet, breaking through rain. He knew the frustration of walking worlds and realms and finding nostalgia a bitter, bitter reminder of past happiness and past sadness. He caressed her shoulder then dropped his hand back to join his other at his knee. He knew his dreamwalk was littered in chaos, but had never seen nature re-claim, re-design itself in absolution. He smiled distantly at her, his hand moving into his hair, as he clasped at his skull, again deep thought was a black rider in his mind..and he winced, for he was again sulking into the abyss.

"Lady Sha'Uri, an old tanner once said to me, "You man of nowhere, time will track you some day, and when it does, you remember, there is no time like the present" , he lifted a hand mimicking the man, then trailed off and stared hard at her, his hand in his hair, his eyes so milky gray as stormy twilight, he was intense and he was tasting the flavours of acquired wisdom through demanding experience. He didn't live by increments of time and weather, though he was aware of both, and the power of both.

He sunk further into the couch then, his eyes staring at the flames crackling and dimming, casting amber waves of light across her misty eyed glaze and his fireworks of taupe haze, which after a long while, their eyes locked. He stared at her side long, thinking it so strange how souls are pulled together. So obvious it was they would benefit the other, compliment, help. But he stayed silent and looked upon her, finding solace in one who understood the pull of the past, knocking hard at their heart..


Date: 2006-08-20 21:16 EST
With a rhythm of the ocean, time seemed to slow in that place between ebb and flow his hand on her knee, then rubbing her arm, those words of wisdom intensely spoken bringing those misty eyes glazed and fireworks of taupe haze locked for that timeless moment.
The weight of it all was heavy upon her, not just of Secak, but of Kadorasil, Erique and Briarius. So heavy was the weight that she'd swear it was all going to crush her out of existence, obliterate her essence and recycle her as the substance of the Force, spread to all corners of the universes. Bernie's gaze locked upon hers was the cornerstone that held her fast, here.

She felt that understanding and that was all it took for the flow of tears to spill forth, falling over the rim of her lids to slide down her cheeks unchecked. Not even Jayden's offer of a shoulder had produced tears like this. She hadn't been convinced Jay could understand. Bernie clearly could. She needed a good cry. And still she held a sad smile as she simply sank back into the couch with him, cuddling to him like a child would and let the tears flow for a time in that timeless moment ... until the ebb reversed their direction.

"There are things you should know, Bernie, about what happened here."

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-20 22:32 EST
The woman was moved, her magic seeming to tremble at her as a quivering nimbus, a throttle at her lips as they turned down and tears followed that direction.

"Shhh", he breathed softly at her hair, his cool breath sinewy and chilling as it crept to her neck, ears and cheek, and he was Oja then-all Faded and wrought-rusty iron, crescent moon crook of flesh bent backwards and accomodating, comfort to her wailing body.

"Sha..", he whispered at her forehead as he leveled himself at her teary gaze.

Silence spun at them, teins of rope breaking and bonding between them. Razor sharp bones stuck from out his back behind him to splay like lonely branches, torn the crisp white shirt, as lightning flickered through the room, against the walls, their faces, and like a vaudevillan stranger cometh phoenix, conjurer, he gasped to life as all he was, truly, ghost and bone-ripped flesh; gray featherless angel. Maybe it was a trick of the light, as lightning fondled the shadows their inky departure from the flame cathedrals of colour-apparitions with lack of and too much light dancing on the ceiling. But he was there, whatever he was, whoever he had been, and he did understand.

"Then..let me in"

The roar of silent thunder between them was deafening, sharp, heart-skippeth it's double beats.


Date: 2006-08-23 11:29 EST
"There are things you should know, Bernie, about what happened here."

"Sha..", he whispered at her forehead as he leveled himself at her teary gaze.

Her lips trembled as she watched him change, heartbeat quickened at the sound of his shirt ripping. Her breath sucked in as he gasped to life right before her eyes, lonely branches splayed like the mirror of her sorrows and she felt the bonds connect, entwine drawing her closer to this angel. How she wondered at the lack of feathers upon those lonely branches, desire increasing to know ... to fill those branches once more.

"Then..let me in"

The roar of silent thunder between them was deafening, sharp, heart-skippeth it's double beats. It held her speechless in that silence, the pregnant pause as their hearts skipped that beat ... together.

He wanted in and how could she refuse? Not in a million years after gazing into those kind eyes that had been there all along. She would deny him nothing though her heart trembled, partially with fear as it lurched into motion once again, beating strongly causing soft tremors in her chest.

Her left hand rising to caress his cheek, nodding to affirm her answer. And he could see in her mind the flash of memory of a realm torn apart, souls screaming in agony of those who could not be saved. It was her failing, her guilt that so many had perished from Secak, even though many had been saved during that Time of Change.

At the lifting of her hand from his cheek, the memory ceased its play. Her gaze searched hard into his soul, gaging his reaction to the memory parlay. He seemed to be okay, that he could handle it more then adequately. In a way, it made her feel small and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Her hand again placed on his cheek, as the other came to rest on the opposite side. And as her forehead was placed to his, more memories came to him of the recent event with Briarius, Eversmart, the closing of Kadorasil and Erique's destruction .... or had he been destroyed?

That question was felt as were the memories that were not her own, feelings for Bri that weren't exactly hers but the memories of her mother, the former wife of the current headmaster. Sorrow so clear Sha'uri was ashamed of what she was, how she was so much that it brought more then tears, sobs wracked her form as she clung to him, hanging onto those bonds with a tenacity as if they defined her, gave her sustenance and clarity. The coolness of his breath eased the hot sting of tears upon her cheeks and just his closeness, his warmth served to ease her, gave her control and eventually lessened the sobs to soft hiccup like tremors.

Her voice trembled, barely a whisper as she spoke, soft breathy tones, though her gaze was filled with wonder. Perhaps it was the trick of light, but she swore she could see some of those feathers ...

"Who are you really?"

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-23 20:08 EST
Strikings of lightningoutside, and inside this room, lashings of memory scorning the mosaic between them-hungry, hungry chiding thoughts that are warped and twirling, her glistened, distressed face meets his forehead, and he winces, absorbing her story, and she, his own.

He saw the faces, the city, the cover of whitewashed brown deceasing, and too the souls of those faces, that city. Entirely, absorbingly, awful.

The interplay then, of screaming, agonized souls of Secak, and the lonely, cut of black knife shadow in a barn, become a jam, a goop that enfolds and surrenders to the other, tale and time and trifle randomly glimmering along side the other as a tear descends his cheek, scaling the pocked and scarred peaks of his cheekbones, to fall to his chin, seeking her own, in reconciliation with the past.

He pinned her in place with his gaze, as his eyes opened, fearfully, tearfully. He appeared to be no more than a shadow. Ghost-reflect of Oja Huy, King of Nowhere.

But that was a name, a description. What he was, was an angel, a man of the desert, of bone and sandstorms, damp tunnels beneath the dunes. He was black, he was scarred, he was soul and he was sand, sand, sand.

Gray never left the sapphire glow. He held her close; dear, his hand moving down her back, his face heavy in memory; haunted.

Lightning flickered, the featherless bone still there. No trickery, no magic, pure, stark, chipped ossein. Raw and uninviting. He closed his eyes, pained and turned away. He too wore shame.

In this storm-shadowed room, lit only by faint firelight and the lightning flashes, his hands lifted to cover his face, his hair covering his cheeks, his shirt still torn-he was hiding away, shrinking into himself, and yet more volunteering about his life, his place, so vulnerable. The fragility to the man was disarming and terrifying-he was a dark angel who could as easily break and topple like a fallen tree or twig, or consume her in the darkness of his gaze, to a dreamland unwalked. Desolate. Dangerous. But despite his misgivings, and eerieness-he was a Man of good intention, true heart, and walked as bright a path as he could illuminate, her his beacon, his confidante'. But still he shrunk into the couch, deceiving himself of all shadows he wore, recoiling with his madness and yet finding relief at letting go all his own terror.

He could handle her past, just not his own.


Date: 2006-08-24 15:53 EST
It was no trick of light, those feathers she saw, but the telling of past or future, perhaps both. Clearly they were there to her and yet not as the lighting illuminated the present.

She should've known better then to let him see. That symmetry he spoke of was closer then they had foreseen and the hand down her spine as he was heavy in memory, haunted her with tremors down the length of her tall core, that fearful tearful look would not be forgotten etched in her soul for eternity.

It never occured to her and never had been her intent to make him vulnerable ... so vulnerable when she was no different. The taste of his tears still lingered bittersweet on her tongue, her lips. Instinct, compassion urged her on... sought to kiss them away, from his hands, his forehead, face, his lips ... Gentle fingers beckoned to him as her voice was a soft heartfelt plea,

"Forgive me... oh god, Bernie I'm so sorry.. please, don't leave me."

She caught her breath. It hit her hard, it was too late, she'd fallen and it so plain to see.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-24 18:47 EST
His tears tasted like smokey salt stone, gritty somehow and yet definite droplets of water. It was the desert, the fields, that reached out to her from him, his feathers she somehow saw, knew him to be. Did she know, he was an angel? The King of Nowhere at fight with a Devyl, that spinning sandstorm tornado demon, spiraling along the flotsam of open prairies to gather filth and deposit his own landscape upon his shoulders, to forever walk encumbered by a dirt track to the dreamworld, the Carrier.

His rogue thoughts pulled away and he looked at her, her words pulsating in his temple, a hand reaching out to her as though to capture each word, only to find her jaw and cup it, collecting strands of her hair too, and feeling each length as it were precious. He stared at her, his face trailed in tears, a landscape of pocks and slits, gray smoothed incisions, precision of shrapnel and to ride his skin beneath the shirt too, some atrocious canvas of a man as tall as he was unsure.

"I won't go"

The three words came soft to the air, breaking the silence into a thousand glinting pieces, to burn his eyes, his skin, as though invisible shards embedded themselves in all he was there. The bones were gone, his face drying of his tear-tracks, eyes clearing. He drew nearer to her and without a care for the consequences, a kiss was placed to her lips-his prairie bones and tear-stained, night-stained, lightning, rain, sand-sore lips etched in all these flavours and more, as he held her face with both hands, and closed his eyes, sinking into a surprising action, and the anchoring feelings that bound him now to this couch, her embrace, should she take him to her, and this storm-shadow ridden room.

The kiss. It was seal of friendship, emotion, dawning realisations, paths to be taken. He also knew, it was the enaction of a feeling.

He opened his eyes and drew his face back, but an inch from her glistening visage. He murmured a "sorry", a timid, hastened smile stretching his lips a deep purple in the black-light of the lightning flickers and flames scorching their silhouettes, as memory ensnared them both, and delivered One, to the Other


Date: 2006-08-25 18:55 EST

Whatever sorrow she'd felt moments before had been chased away into that proverbial storm by those three words and that kiss... still tingled upon her lips, stretched to mimic his with mirth. Something more, something deeper sparkled in her eyes.


Softly teased with her sultry whisper, lips taunting him for more as she shifted that long core atop his lap to face him, dress haphazardly coiled round her waist, knees bent and tucked into the cushions beside him.

She kissed him deeply at first until she sensed something of him... something he wasn't, hadn't said and she could only think this was moving too fast. Color rose in her cheeks. It had been an extremely emotional hour, Profound. Perhaps it was just he seemed exhausted .. no, they were both exhausted. She caressed his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder. Both said nothing as they stared into those flames... sense of security, protection, and more fell over her like a blanket that was his arms... until sleep finally overtook her.

Oja Huy

Date: 2006-08-28 21:25 EST
"Good night", he mouthed as weariness and fatigue combined with the soothing heat of the firelight oozed across their heavy brows. He took her close, letting her sink against him, his hand falling to her hip, his other within her hair. Her kiss still stung his lips, he felt they should be bruised as her kiss had crushed him tight against her own, and it had been incredible. He lay there listening to her breaths as they evened, and watched the last of the crackle as it dimmed in the hearth.

Hours passed in one anothers arms, he felt at ease. But too, his thoughts roamed elsewhere, even in cheek-warmed sleep, to the books of magic, his two jobs, and of course, Sakura. He winced in his sleep, as awful thoughts poured like edgy nails digging into his minds flesh, wriggling and taunting. He awoke suddenly and looked to Sha'Uri, now doused in the light of early morning. He smiled softly and held her close. For all this emotional torment and revelation, she calmed him. He stroked her forehead and then closed his eyes, waiting for the bright of late morning to bask upon their brows and force them from slumber.


Date: 2006-08-29 16:05 EST
She sighed softly in her sleep, now and then a hand would caress him or her feet would sweetly rub one against the other, curled up against Bernie as she was.

Her dreams were of flying, someone held her close and they .. He was flying, wings beating in the air.... Tina 's sweet laughter rang from somewhere, as did Alexander and Bryce's voices chime in, and another voice familiar, yet unknown.. no... changed, morphed slightly.

Bernie's sudden movement as he awoke caused the dream to end and she moaned.... groaned softly to a half conscous state. He was smiling though his eyes were closed when hers eased open and she winced, guarded against the light. Had she known about Sakura, things would be in a different light. But she was oblivious to it as her delicate touch caressed his cheek, his chin and played along the lines of his lips, mirthful smile tugging the corner of her lips as she watched him twitch, twitch, twitch... soft laughter escaped her.