Topic: Teachers? What about Cleaners?


Date: 2007-03-18 21:35 EST
Teachers wanted.... what about Cleaners? Exploding wild horses and all that Math. They gotta need more cleaners, right?

::It took her four hours of walking through RhyDin to finally find where the school was located. They advertised Teachers, but what about Cleaners? She hoped they needed more of that staff to cover all that exploding wild horse stuff... or something like that. Cadence couldn't read too well but she understood some of that ad::

::It was late at night, now and few lights were on here as she moved through the front gate and up the steps to the door. Cadence hesitated to knock, instead she moved to go around the outside of the building, or buildings, and see if she actually saw anyone up and moving about::

::She didn't get very far, stopping part way round the building. It was late and she began to wonder if this was a good idea at all. Maybe they wouldn't appreciate a late night visitor. STill, she didn't want to go back to the so called shack at the edge of the dump. It was a clear night, chilly but not freezing. She had the cloak and the blanket Bob had given her, and it kept her very warm, safe and secure actually::

::she found herself by some patio portion with comfy chairs and reclining types. One was positioned in a corner with some plants around it, a good place to sleep and not be disturbed or disturb anyone and maybe she could sneak round to the front door in the morning and nobody would be the wiser. She wasn't hurting anything, right? The cushiony reclining chair looked too inviting......::

::She plopped down upon the cushion, pulled the hood up over her head, shifted to her side so as not to crunch her hidden wings and curled up in the nice toasty warm blanket. It was the first time in a long time that she felt warm, safe and loved. She was fast asleep before she blinked more then a few times.... she forgot about going invisible she was so comfortable, so warm, so loved...::


Date: 2007-03-19 15:00 EST
Lyndra was up early before the crack of dawn. She didn't notice the lump on the patio furniture as she went around to do her usual morning routine. This was mostly because she never usually went out near the patio on her usual morning routine. However, today was different in that it seemed like a good day to eat breakfast outside.

After making everyone's breakfast, she put on a warm sweater realizing it was still cold out. But the sun was warm and she had cabin fever. She took her plate of food and cup of coffee and sat at the table in the middle of the patio. Ah, bacon and eggs, warm blueberry muffins and fresh baked criosants with butter and honey, hot coffee and a glass of orange juice. The smell made her mouth water. She'd start her first bite by picking up a piece of bacon ...


Date: 2007-03-19 19:32 EST
::Yawn, stretch, yawn. Eyes blinkiung she sat up rubbing crusty sleepy stuff frrom her eyes. And that smell! Nana used to cook for her like that. Every morning she'd make eggs and ham or bacon, meat she'd get from the pig farmer in exchange for favors. And for a moment, she thought she was in the little hut with Nana again::


::bleery eyes looked around for the one who had cared for her so many years. For a brief moment, she thought the woman at the table was her. Her smile wasw lost though when she realized she wasn't in the hut and the woman didn't have any grey hair like her Nana. She realized too late that she should've kept quiet. But it was too late. She'd already spoken out loud and gave away her position. Cadence was caught red handed. She just sat there with her mouth hanging open cause she didn't know what to say::


Date: 2007-03-19 20:24 EST


Lyndra nearly dropped the bacon instead of taking a bite. She managed to drop it onto her plate instead as she spun right around in her chair. Hazel hues went wide with surprise that anyone was out there, and even more that it wasn't anyone she knew. But then, they'd been getting a few new teachers lately and who's to say one couldn't cat nap in the fresh air? Maybe even preferre the open spaces to the closed ones? She thought she read somewhere that elves were a lot like that. This woman looked very elven.

"Oh! Uh... Hello!"

The smile was on as she felt herself gaining her composure.

"You must be new. I've got breakfast ready in the dining room if ye are hungry. I thought a bit of fresh air this morning sounded good. Ye are welcome to join me. I'm Lyndra, the cook. Do ye need help finding the dining hall? I forgot jam for my croisants... so it's no trouble for me to show ye the way."

She stood up, ready to escort the new person.... if it was a new person. Either way, the food was offered and she wouldn't deny anyone that necesity, especially when she could chalk up another meal to bragging time. Besides, she was sure that the Headmaster or Mistress Sha'uri would be around soon.... she hoped,hoped, hoped.


Date: 2007-03-19 20:38 EST
Uh... I.. uh..

::it seemed to be a popular word between them. Cadenence shut her mouth and mirriored the smile as she listened to the woman. Free food? What could it hurt, right? Play her smile, be nice.... show off her sparkling personality and maybe they wouldn't boot her out the door::

Oh, that is so kind of you. I really don't know my way around yet. I'd really appreciate it if you did.

::Well, it wasn't a lie. and then she started to feel guilty for interrupting Lyndra's breakfast::

Or you cold give me a directions? I could bring some jam back outside for you.


Date: 2007-03-19 20:46 EST

Lyndra stood up and picked up the tray of food.

"It's still pretty cool out here. Come on, I'll show ye to the Dining hall."

She then headed for the patio doors, making sure the woman was following and waited on her, holding the door open.

"What was yer name again? I don't think I caught it."


Date: 2007-03-19 20:49 EST
::Blink! sMile!::

Uh.. how rude of me to forget. My name is Cadence.

::She left it at that and followed Lyndra inside, never realizing how chilled she was until the warm air from the building rushed in around her. It gave her goose bumps::


Date: 2007-03-19 21:00 EST
"It's nice to meet ye, Cadence."

She offered her a warm smile.

"The dining room is right this way..."

She took Cadence there by the quickest route and showed her to the buffet set up along the wall where she could get whatever she wanted to eat. There were omelet casserole's, pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, sausages, cheeses, fruits, and several pastries.

"Help yerself, Cadence. If yeu don't see what ye want, let me know and I'll try to get it for ye."

Lyndra moved to sit at the dining table somewhere in the middle and began to eat her breakfast again.


Date: 2007-03-20 07:44 EST
The Headmaster entered the room with a sheaf of papers he was reading from, as usual. He was talking to himself aloud at the moment.

"How many resumes do I have to recieve in a day only to throw them out at the end of it?!"

He looked up and saw Lyndra and Cadence.

"Ah! Mistress Lyndra, I was not aware you had a guest."


Date: 2007-03-20 17:56 EST
Lyndra had just picked up the jam and lathered it atop of her croissants when the headmaster came in...

"Morning to ye, Sir."

Her smile was bright for him.

"Ah! Mistress Lyndra, I was not aware you had a guest."

Her smile froze in a somewhat painful expression.

"Guest? Headmaster... I thought she was one ye hired?"

Her gaze shifted between the two, suddenly feeling at a loss....


Date: 2007-03-20 18:30 EST
::Croissants and apples, cheese slices and omelets with a bunch of veggies in it, and of course a huge hunk of ham was loaded up on her plate. She was getting ready to sit down when the feared questions began to roll from their lips. Maybe he was forgetful with all that muttering. Maybe she could say it was that woman who left the advertisement on the town bulletin board who hired her.. maybe she could lie her way out of it, but her body was too exhausted to withstand the blood rushing to her head as her heart began to pound. Perhaps if this had happened after she'd eaten something, she would've kept her wits. But no, not today. She wasnt' just hungry, she wasn't just malnurished... she was starved. She also never made it to the chair. Cadence simply passed out, cold::


Date: 2007-03-20 18:55 EST
Two breakfasts! She knew she was probably going to get sooOOOoo fat with this pregnancy. She didn't care. Life was good, Love was even better and she had the pleasure of eating two breakfasts! One at the Citadel wiht Triv and the other here. It was probably her favorite meal. Besides, she still wasn't even showing yet. She had a while to worry about it later.

Now, though, she sauntered in from the other end. She saw the three at or near the table, though she didn't recognize the one.

"Morning everyone. How's..."

She stopped, and watched the woman begin to just fold up like a wet noodle and slide toward the floor. What else could she do? She psionically levitated the fallen woman to gently place her on said floor. Then moved to them.

"As my son would say... what in ball blazes is going on? Who is this woman?"

Sha'uri knelt down to examine her, which didn't take but a moment to come to the conclusion that there wasn't much wrong except the extreme lack of food.

"Whoever she is, she's starved."


Date: 2007-03-20 21:35 EST
"Then perhaps you could revive her and then we can feed her so we can get some answers. Mistress Lyndra, I am certain you have no issue with feeding someone?"


Date: 2007-03-21 15:31 EST
"Oi now...No, Sir! No issues at all. The poor woman. I just didn't realize she was so starved. Shouldn't she have just soup or something? I read somewhere it's not good for starved people to eat too much to fast."

Lyndra went to get a bowl of soup.


Date: 2007-03-21 15:49 EST
Sha'uri lifted the woman's small and light form up in her arms. Something felt odd about the woman's back. Not knowing what that was, exactly, Sha'uri did her best not to allow weight to rest directly there. Then she stood, nodding to Lyndra. She caught the scent of the woman's clothes and quickly refrained from breathing in through her nose, though her eyes began to water.

"Yep, soup would be best, the more broth the better so go light on the solid stuff. It's hard to say how long she's been without descent food, or food at all. Bring it to the infermery."

Then she looked to Briari with a bit of a plea, arms full and all.
"Would you do honors of getting us there?"


Date: 2007-03-22 07:15 EST

The Headmaster cast a very simple spell that cleaned the young woman up.

He then walked with Sha'uri to the door but before they reached it, he touched a small gem in the door's frame. As they walked through, they were in the infirmary.


Date: 2007-03-22 15:00 EST
She recognized the first spell and grinned with relief, nodding a heartfelt thanks just before following Bri out of the room. That delicate brow, so much like her mother's, lifted quizzically atop sapphire hues that sparkled with mirth. She'd never noticed the gem was there before and was quite certain they hadn't been.... this was a new addition.

"Added a new toy, have we Bri? Nice touch."

She really thought they were a good idea. Though she was fairly certain she'd stomp his foot, or at least attempt the feign of it, if he said they'd been there all along... just for spite.

"Are they on all doors and do they all go to the infirmary? Or how do they work?"

She gently set the woman down on the nearest bed, being careful of the formation on the girl's back. By now, she was relatively sure they were wings. She could feel them through the cloak.


Date: 2007-03-22 17:55 EST
::Dreaming was good... floating on a cloud of cotton candy, snatching up gummy butterflies and nibbling on cinnamon apple rose petal confections. It was a regular sweet tooth's heaven. Warm breezes that smelled like honey and lakes made of syrup. She felt herself floating over the lakes and then being dropped down gently into a small pond::

::the splash didn' tcome but she heard voices aroound her and realized why she didn't hear the splash. She was gently bouincing on a bed as someone was putting her down. Deep breath and blinking brought her senses back as she kept herself from laying down completely. She slowly sat up, though and gazed to these people she didn't know. It was an honest question::

What happened?


Date: 2007-03-23 07:28 EST
"You went unconscious due to a malnutrition episode."

The Headmaster spoke matter-of-factly without any accusation or malice in his voice.

"Perhaps now you are conscious, you can tell us who you are and why you are here."


Date: 2007-03-23 20:14 EST
::guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt....all over her face, shrinking back down into the cushy bed. She pulled the blanket from Bob closer to her, as if it could get any closer all wrapped around her like a python snake. There really wasn't no where she could run to. What would be the point of any lies....::

My name is Cadence Maycom. I kind of crashed your patio there last night. That cushy recliner was the best thing I've slept on in... well, forever. And that nice lady offered to show me the food so.. I couldn't not do it. See... I live in the..well right on the edge of...

:: She didn't want to say it, not to these people and in this place... so nice, so pretty, so beautifully attractive everything was here, everyone was. Her eyes cast their gaze down to the bed with a serious look. What's the worse they would do? Throw her out where she'd already been?::

I haven't been around people much inna long time. See.. I made my home in the garbage everybody else just throws away. Been by myself there since my Nana died cause I didn't have nothing else to go to. Edible food is scarce there and with all the dogs and cats people just forget about and leave to the wild, they been runnin the dump outta food lately. So, I ventured in town hopin to find food or maybe a job.

::Cadence brought her pretty blue eyes up to look at them now, her small delicate voice continued on::

See, the only thing I knows how to do is cleaning. Nana and me we would clean up the hog farmers place in exchange for food. But that all changed when his place caught fire an he died in it. Nana wasn't the same after that. She was old and I think her heart went bad then. One day she just didn't wake up. It was then that I really didn't know what to do. So I just stayed there in our little hut we'd made and I tried to take care of myself. I didn't do so well, what with the pig farmer, Jake Smarthy, dead. His farm got sold and the new owners tore it all down and built some other thing. I was pretty lost. And when I read that note about free ale from Bob, he's a Nightblade whatever they are and he said ask for anything nonliving, well, I got me this cloak and then he gave me this blanket .. and it gave me some hope that not all people were self rightous stuck up and stuck on themselves kind of folk. See, when Nana died, I tried to get a job but they all just threw stuff at me and told me to go back to the garbage. And when Bob was so nice to me, I felt better and so I saw the ad about all those jobs here and I thought to myself, why not a cleaner? I mean, with all those exploding horses and kids and all that stuff ... like it said in the ad, there's bound to be some stuff need cleaning up. So.. I came here to see about a job.

::she seemed a little breathless after that long, unending sentence run on one after another::


Date: 2007-03-24 09:54 EST
Blink! She could only wonder about the exploding horse comment and tried to remember what she wrote in that advertisement.... had it really illuded towards horse bombs like that? She silently cringed inside and made a mental note to check on that advertisement real soon. She hoped maybe the woman just read it wrong.

Still, Sha'uri felt for the woman, not pity, but sympathy and understanding for what she no doubt must have been through to bring her to this point. She could tell Cadence was probably down on her last thread of hope.

"Whoever this Bob is, sounds like someone with a very kind heart. I should like to meet him some day.... sounds like my kind of people to be around."

Her smile was warm and she clasped the woman's shoulder gently squeezing it to reassure that she was still among kind hearted people.

"Cadence, this is Briarius Ravensheart, the Headmaster of the school, and I'm Sha'uri Adaron, one of the teachers and close friend to the Headmaster. I'm sure between Headmaster Briarius here, or myself ... we can provide you with a job. I'm sure there is something around here or my place that needs to be cleaned..."

She gave Briari a nod, letting him know that if he didn't want to hire Cadence, she would... though he had first dibs and perhaps here was a better environment for her. Sapphire hues returned their kind gaze to Cadence.

"So how long has it been since you last had a descent meal or anything to eat at all?"

Sha'uri cast a silent spell to create a glass of water, handing it to Cadence.

"And while we wait for Lyndra to bring you some soup, tell me... how established is your education? I mean, if one of us is going to hire you, you might as well take advantage of any further education we can help provide while you're here. What might that be?"


Date: 2007-03-24 10:11 EST
Ever since that day when Ashe showed up, her ability with magic began to click at a steady pace. She'd finally mastered the use of the cantrip and as such was quick to use it to warm up a mug of left over chicken vegetable soup. Plopping a spoon in, she quickly made her way to the infermary and set it on the table beside the bed while they were all talking. She offered Cadence a smile and then stepped over beside Briari, slightly behind to be out of the way and yet be there if they needed her.


Date: 2007-03-24 11:18 EST
"Mistress Lyndra, being the Head of the House Staff, do you feel the need for an actual cleaner rather than enchanted brooms and mops?"


Date: 2007-03-24 11:56 EST
::Cadence nodded a whole bunch to Sha'uri's comment about Bob::

He's a kind heart, he is. Gave me this blanket when I didn't even ask for it. You want to meet him? just go see his note on the public board and ask for something. He's very nice.

::She shyly nodded to Briarius, not feeling worthy enough to shake anyone's hand nor did she want to interrupt Sha'uri as she talked. She liked this woman and felt comforted by her hand and voice and took the glass of water with a thankful nod for it. she tooka sip before answering::

I haven't eaten anything in three days. Before then just a few crumbs, nothing good for several weeks. Nana died almost ten years ago.... I was only 37 then...

::by an elven standard, Cadence was a young teenager then. She seemed to still be a teenager though now barely suitable to be on her own now. The water made her stomach feel better::

Nana taught me all I knows. She taught me how to read and write some and do some math so I don't get ripped off by cheating vendors and such.. and she taught me how to take care of myself. She said I had a gift, too and she helped me use the fire. I can light fires and things. I can use it to defend myself. Nana was human but she had the gift of fire, too. I don't know much about other things. I never went to a school so I guess I have a lot to learn.

::she set the glass of water on the table and smiled a thanks to Lyndra as she took the mug of soup and began to sip on it slowly. She learned a long time ago to sip and eat slowly was help for making things seem like more::

"Mistress Lyndra, being the Head of the House Staff, do you feel the need for an actual cleaner rather than enchanted brooms and mops?"

::the cup stopped at her lips as her pretty blue eyes looked up to the woman who had found her outside, who had been so kind and that Cadence's eyes now pleaded for that one thing she knew she could do, help clean it all up::

It is a big place...


Date: 2007-03-24 13:21 EST
The question took her by surprise.

"I ...well.. "

Hazel green hues searched for the answer, peering up into the Headmaster's gaze. No matter how much it seemed normal for him to give her attention, being in the position she was, it always seemed to catch her by surprise. Being the Head of Anything was something she never quite got used to.

She could feel that penetrating plea from Cadence, catching it out of the corner of her eye. She was unaware of her hand coming to rest on Briari's arm as if she were subconsciously pleaing with him too.

"I don't see why we can't do both. I can only weild one set at a time anyway and maybe we can teach her how to do that if she doesn't aleady know. Magic or no, I could use the help cleaning round the place. She's right, it is a big place."


Date: 2007-03-24 20:17 EST
::a smile beamed wide on her face::

Oh thank you! Thanks you sos much!

::She didn't even wait to hear the headmaster. She just set down the mug of soup and scrambled out of the bed, so excited she dropped the blanket on the way over to hug the good cook Lyndra and then the Headmaster Briarius and then Mistress Sha'uri and then bounced back in bed and started sipping on her soup again all beams of a bright smile::

Do I get a room to live in here?


Date: 2007-03-24 20:50 EST
"Very wel-ugh"

The Headmaster was cut off by the girl hugging him. When she sat, he continued.

"It is settled then, show her to her quarters in the Staff Dormatory and she begins when she is well again...and see to it that she is given clothing to accomodate her wings."

With that, the Headmaster walked out...before he did, he turned.

"I suggest you rest Mistress Maycom, you have had a rough day."

...and then he left


Date: 2007-03-25 21:11 EST
There wasn't time for Lyndra to return the hug, so a simple pat on her shoulder was all she managed before the spritely little thing was moving off. She had to wonder what the girl would be like with proper food and nutrition in her system. She probably wouldn't need that convenient little cantrip and could probably do it even faster. She did smile, though, and let a small little giggle out at the Headmaster's reaction.

"Yes sir, as soon as she has finished her soup, if she feels up to it then."

She watched him leave and winked to Cadence.

"Welcome to the family."


Date: 2007-03-25 22:19 EST
Sha'uri just grinned, hugged the girl back adn then picked up the blanket to set it on Cadence's lap.

"Indeed, Welcome to the family. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

She pulled up a chair and sat down next to the bed.

"When you feel better, enough to walk around, we'll give you a tour of hte place and get you aquinted with things. I'm sure you might have things you need to get from .. well... from your old place."


"Any questions?"


Date: 2007-03-26 19:08 EST
"...and see to it that she is given clothing to accomodate her wings."

With that, the Headmaster walked out...before he did, he turned.

"I suggest you rest Mistress Maycom, you have had a rough day."

...and then he left

::Large almond shaped blue hues blinked rather surprised. Self conscious Cadence looked back at her wings but they were still tucked away safely hidden. Her first thought... He could see right through her clothes! Color of the setting sun lit her cheeks with embarassment. She just looked to the other two women as they welcomed her to the family, which was very nice to hear::

Thanks to you ... Both of you are so kind. I think I will like it here. Except... well... Does he always peep through women's clothing like that? Nana always told me to hide them so .. I always thought I was supposed to.. you knows, like boobies ... not show 'em..

::it was a whisper like some conspiracy as if she was afraid of someone overhearing. She felt a little .. violated in some way and she wasn't hiding it::


Date: 2007-03-26 19:23 EST
If Cadence hadn't looked so serious, Lyndra would've been laughing. But she seemed innocently offended. Still, she couldn't keep the grin off her face.

"That's really special ye have wings. I wish I did. Maybe he just knows yer species of Elf has them? I read somewhere that some do but I've never met one before, though seen some in pictures. They were showing their wings like they do their arms or feet or whatever..not like a private part.. not like boobies. Maybe ye can just ask him how he knew. I don't think he was .. er... peeping."

Nod. She thought about that kiss at Solstice time and knew.. he didn't peep.

"Right Mistress Sha'uri?"


Date: 2007-03-27 15:12 EST
Did he or didn't he, that was the question.... she was sure he'd been peeping but not like Cadence had thought. Sha'uri knew it was a combination of him sensing the wings through Sha'uri and also knowing of the various types of elves. Of course, she wasn't going to advertise her connection so.. Mirthful sapphire hues twinkled amuzement.

"Exactly, Lyndra. Though there is only one way to find out for sure. Next time you're around him, Cadence, just ask him about it. If he blushes in any way ... then you were right. If not, then there is nothing to worry about. I doubt you have anything to worry about. Oh and.. wings are not like boobies. You can show them, it's not a bad thing any worse then your nose. Though why your Nana told you to hide them is beyond me.. unless she was trying to hide you for some reason. Was she trying to hide you?"

As she talked, her gaze fell over Cadence sizing her up for a fitting.

"By the way, what's your favorite color?"


Date: 2007-03-31 08:25 EST
::Cadence looked at Lyndra, surprised anyone would want anything she had::

I dunno if I can flys with them. They been a big nu...nuscience ...I mean.... they be in the way all the time.

::she looked to Sha'uri not so sure::

If yous thinks its best to ask, I will do that. I likes green cause it's like spring and summer. Oh and blue cause it's like the sky and pink and purple cause theys pretty and red cause its like a setting sun and yellow cause its happy and orange cause it's like a happy setting sun or an orange you can eat that's all bouncy wakes me up. And.. Do the headmaster like oranges?

::She'd take him one::


Date: 2007-04-01 13:15 EST
New science? The way Cadence seemed to say it threw Lyndra off a bit, brows knit and face scrunched up trying to understand it.... until Cadence finished the sentence. Then the big clearing of understanding lit up her visage. Nuisance is what Lyndra thought Cadence meant considering wings in the way would be just that.

The way Cadence spoke really showed her lack of education concerning the arts of language. It wasn't the accent, it was the use of language. Even Lyndra had her accent, slight that it was. Though, it was still cute the way Cadence spoke.

Even in her condition, Cadence seemed like a spritely, bouncy kind of person. Lyndra felt fairly convinced she'd made the right decision... except now Lyndra's delicate brow arched with the thoughts forming in her head.

It was the nagging oddity of how Cadence seemed to make no acknowledgement to Mistress Sha'uri's question, one that seemed fairly important.

Had Nana been trying to hide Cadence? Assuming so, the questions of Why and From Who circled in her mind. Her gaze locked with Sha'uri's relaying her concerns in the depths of those hazel green hues. A moment later and she looked to Cadence with a smile, though concern was still there.

"Perhaps after ye've rested some? Master Briari did say to rest. Maybe tomorrow... I'll come show ye to his office then. There will probably be some things for ye to sign, I'm sure Melody would appreciate an introduction. She's the Headmaster's assistant."

Lyndra nodded.

"Will that be all right with ye?"


Date: 2007-04-01 15:07 EST
Sha'uri caught the look and didn't need to peek to know what questions were on the cook's mind. They were in her own and the raised brow look on Lyndra's visage was oddly mirrored upon Sha'uri's own. It served to draw a grin upon her graceful features.

"Mistress Lyndra is correct, Mistress Cadence. You should rest and tomorrow she'll show you around. I'll have some clothes for you before then, one outfit of each color you've mentioned. I could never make up my mind either... they were all so pretty, even browns, greys and black. Colors are like light and dark: without them there would be nothing to define us and the worlds around us. Anyway, with your wings free, you might get the urge to use them. If you feel you need help in learning to fly with them, let me know and I can help you. I, too, have wings but not in this form... which would be that of a very large dragon."

Sha'uri smiled gently to assure she was not the eating people kind of beast.


Date: 2007-04-03 14:52 EST
::she nodded. Waiting until morning was good with her. Getting new clothes was even better, those pretty blues lit up with excitement::

Really? Brand new ones? for me?

::Cadence couldn't believe it, all for coming to work here. New bed, new place, new clothes, plenty of food, education at her fingertips and... they were already feeling like a new family. Tears filled her eyes::

I don't knows how to thanks yous all. This is so much for me and Nana would be ever pleases. I feel like I autta be outta bed repaying yous for this. I'll work hard I promises. I want to learn things, too. Thanks yous.

::On that note, Cadence finished her soup and snuggled down in bed. She hadn't purposefully not answered Sha'uri's question about hiding, she was just so excited that it went WEEEE right out of her mind. She ate little bits through the day and by morning was much better, even though she snuck out that night. She went back to her old shack to collect something. A smile lit her face as she got Bob's note and tucked it into the book she'd gotten. She took it all back to the school. It was there beside her when she woke up in the morning.....::