Topic: Two - simply the number two

Low Life

Date: 2012-07-21 13:19 EST
It was on a whim, more of a dare that Zava even met the headmaster of the magic school. The reality is, she's clueless about him and his world.

After the first outing, date -- whatever it can be called, he left her with a jewel. The best way to describe what the jewel Briarius had given Zava it pulsed. It also glowed with a soft light and was warm to the touch. However it was only sometimes. She'd seen it lately glowing more and in the middle of the night it was glowing. Slipping from her bed, she grabbed the jewel and put it under her pillow.

In the morning she decided to figure out what this was about. He said he couldn't stop thinking about her, but never came. Then a few days later they ended up at the bridge again. How odd she thought. It was there he asked her to dinner again, twice he hadn't moved or done anything.

"Elven kind move slow." That's what he said to her, but she's not elven, nor does she understand their ways. Hopefully this was going to change. Getting dressed in a paid of jeans, t-shirt and hiking boots, Zava set out to find this school and maybe, just maybe figure out what was going on.

Two hour later she was outside the Ravensheart Academy staring at the buildings with the locket around her neck. Until then she hadn't touched it, rubbed it or even talked to it. Fingers moved around the locket and she whispered to it. "Take me to the elf?"

Closing her eyes, she waited for what might happen next.


Date: 2012-07-24 16:13 EST
Zava wouldn't know that passing through the gate would transport her to a realm outside of RhyDin. A realm where Briarius' will was what shaped the reality. So, it was no wonder that her simple mental command teleported her to a small office where a beautiful red-haired elven woman with sparkling emerald eyes was working.

"Can I help you?", the woman asked as she looked up.

Low Life

Date: 2012-07-24 21:08 EST
Now, that's a strange experience -- being teleported to another place. It was kinda of like flying with him for the first time. She stood there blinking and rubbing her fingers together.

"Eh, I.." Looking around. The woman might tell she was a little shaken up, but not horribly put out. Once she settled, she'd be able to answer.

"The headmaster gave this to me." Pointing to the locket. "Is he in? I'm Zava, Zava Cullen."

Maybe the woman knew who she was so she did't have to explain, because she was unclear as to what exactly they were or are.

"Please." Adding at the end.


Date: 2012-07-25 09:09 EST
The woman smirked.

"So, you are Zava? Pleasure to meet you. I am Melody, the headmaster's assistant. I have heard quite a bit about you."

Melody seemed to be beaming at this point.

"Oh, don't worry. Briarius keeps private matters private...actually, he keeps a lot of things hearing him speak so much on one subject, a non-academic subject is amazing. ...and very encouraging."

She looked at the woman who was still shaken up a bit.

"Oh! You're non-magical. The teleport and entrance into the academy must have been disorienting. Please, sit. Can I get you anything? Briarius will be here shortly. He is finishing up some lessons right now."

Low Life

Date: 2012-07-25 09:23 EST
When the woman smirked and asked her if she was Zava? It actually took her back a bit that the woman seemed to know who she was. She wasn't worried about private matters exactly, but it was reassuring to hear.

"I had no idea miss.. Melody. I hope they were good things?" It was her way of coping, make a joke and smile.

"Not a magical bone in my body that I know of, but I am familiar with magic, seen it and been around it in my immediate family. If there is magic in my bones, I think it's fizzled."

Shaking her head. "No thank you, I am fine." Rethinking if she should even be here, because if he Briarius wanted to have magically called her, he would do it.

Poor Melody would see the confusion on her face a few times. "Maybe I shouldn't be here, I was going to return this, and he said.. and.. the woman said.." Maybe she was more disoriented than she realized.

"I think I need to sit down, please."


Date: 2012-07-25 12:50 EST
"Zava, how long has it been since you have dated a teenage boy? Actually, how long has it been since you dated a young man?"

She really didn't stop for an answer.

"You know how young men and teenage boys are tentative...hesitant...but rush ahead when they get excited? You have to remember that due to a lot of circumstances, Briarius' social skills are back at that point. You will have to be patient with him. However, he's making a lot of progress. If this is too much for you, then you should probably leave now. He really is a great man and it's tragic that he has to relearn a whole social skill set after so much tragedy. Just be patient and he can show you so much."

Melody realized she just got a little too serious with Zava. However, she was just looking out for Briarius.

Low Life

Date: 2012-07-25 13:24 EST
Truth be told, she felt like her mother just scolded her, but she wasn't offended at all.

"If I didn't want to be here, I would have returned it on its own. I'm a little shaken by all this travel, and trying to figure out a few things. I remember a little on how they are, but if he's excited, maybe it's not about me. I know, he seems like a really great man. He seems hurt and distant, and I do not want to add more to his.. I don't want to be a burden." Explaining her thoughts.

"Maybe it would more than he wants? The last thing I want is for him to feel that way." After all he asked her out and now she's here, what does that say? It could say, she's interested or hello I'm a stalker.

"I haven't dated in awhile. May I please have water? It's not too much for me, I don't know what he wants." So maybe that's the reason she's here, that way each could be a little clearer.


Date: 2012-07-26 07:36 EST
The woman nodded.

"Let me get that water."

She left Zava to her own devices.

Low Life

Date: 2012-07-26 10:09 EST
If left to her own devices, she stood and started to wander around, but not far. For her, she needed to see more.

There was pain mentioned, so that weighed heavy on her heart. How do you come out and ask someone about that? Zava decided to ask, wandering the little bit she wandered, helped.

Exactly where did she end up, looking around. An office? Maybe she wandered further than expected.


Date: 2012-07-27 12:08 EST
There were only two exits from the room. Melody had gone through one to the hall to get that water. However, the other door led into a large office with an ornate wooden desk and shelves upon shelves of books and curios.

Almost everything in this room seemed to have to do with magick of some sort. In the corner there was a small writing desk where a quill was scribbling on paper as if being writing by some invisible person. As soon as Zava saw it, the quill stopped momentarily, but then went right back to writing.

Low Life

Date: 2012-07-27 23:54 EST
Well, that's interesting. Since it appeared no one was there, quietly she moved closer to the desk, not to look at what was being written, but to see what kind of magic it was and if there was someone actually there. Near the chair, she poked at the air with her finger and backed up.



Date: 2012-08-01 19:44 EST
There was no substance where she poked.

The quill kept scribbling away.

Low Life

Date: 2012-08-01 22:44 EST
With nothing there, she went to find the redheaded woman and the water. She's not sure when the headmaster would return and it's been awhile.


Date: 2012-08-06 14:34 EST
Near the large ornate desk towards the center of the room, a black mist began to form. There was a slight scent of roses coming from it. The mist coalesced into a humanoid form with red glowing eyes. Those cromson eyes turned to Zava and once focused on the young woman, the misty form solidified into Briarius.

"'re here...", he said in pleasant surprise.

Just then, Melody walked in with a glass of water. "Zava, you shou-", she started before she saw the Headmaster.

"Headmaster Ravensheart, I apologize for the intrusion."

"No need for apologies Melody."

"Melody"? Did he just called her "Melody" and not "Mistress Hearthsglen"? This woman had a powerful hold on Briarius indeed.

"Is that water for our guest?"

Melody was broken from her thoughts. "Oh...Yes." She offered the water to Zava.

Low Life

Date: 2012-08-08 21:21 EST
She missed the black mist forming into Briarius, but she didn't miss him when he was simply there. Blinking several times before smiling, that was about the time Melody offered her water. "Thank you Miss, thank you for everything."

Turning her attention to Briarius, but she didn't say anything until Melody left them alone to speak.

"I am here, I wasn't sure if you wanted this back or not, I haven't heard from you and.. when I said come, it brought me here. You weren't here, Melody was here and then the pen writing on its own, and now you're here. I'm really confused."

She's confused about a few things. "I'm not an elf, nor am I magic.. so I hope you understand my confusion." What exactly was going on? Hopefully he felt like he owed her that much, at least to explain.


Date: 2012-08-13 14:40 EST
Briarius sighed to himself and walk out from behind his desk and over to a fireplace where two comfortable chairs sat.

"Zava...please have a seat."

Regardless of whether or not she took him on his offer, he continued.

"Zava..." He looked at her and although his face was stoic, his bright blue eyes were dark and awash with pain.

"...when I was young, I was a half-elf. Through divine intervention, I was made full elven. However, when I was a child, after a long day of being ridiculed for being a half elf, I begged my parents to tell me why they would bother having a child if there was nothing but pain for any offspring. They sat me down and told me that there should be no pain because I was brought by the boundless power of true love. I was a blessing. Elves and Humans were vastly different. So different, that it was difficult for one to fathom the other. Actually, not just difficult, but nearly impossible. I never understood fully the depth of that lesson, until just now. Zava, I am an elf to takes great pains and time to make certain things are perfect. However, I see now that causes you pain. I never meant to cause you pain....or confusion."

He sat.

"I like you...a lot. However, you are young now and should enjoy your youth. You shouldn't squander that precious little time you have. I will not make the choice to waste that time. However, I can make no promises that I can make the change necessary to not cause you problems. I am more than willing to show you my world and explain every aspect of it. If this is too much for you, then feel free to hold the necklace I gave you and wish yourself home. You need not say any words, I will understand."

He sighed again.

"I won't like it, but I will understand. If you wish to say anything, I'm more than willing to listen. If you want a response, I'll respond. If you want to stay, I would love that. However, I leave it to you."

Low Life

Date: 2012-08-13 15:57 EST
When Briarius asked her to have a seat, she did. When he sighed, she frowned a little, unsure of what he was getting at. The stoic look on his face said so much, but the pain in his eyes screamed louder.

Crossing her legs and turning her body inward, her language said she was listening. He explained the differences between humans and elves, the lessons his parents taught him and that he saw confusion and pain.

She waited until he was completely done before she said a word. It took a few minutes to mull over an answer to get this right the first time. "Your parents are wise, there should never be any pain when it comes to a child and how they are begotten. Each one is a blessing no matter how they come into this world, from the way you came or the way an orphan would come into this world. It is all willed and life given, life is precious whether you have one hour or one thousand years."

Clearing her throat and taking a drink of the water. She's not the best with words when there's some confusion. "Briarius, I like you too. Do you think if I didn't, I would be here? Well, the answer is no. While I am human, and you see me as young, I have experience that many twice my age does not have. I brought this to you .. this necklace because you asked me out again, but haven't come back by. This is the only part of confusion I'm facing, I am not asking for anything you do not want to give. I'm a perfectionist, I like to make sure that all things are done right." So she understood exactly where he was coming from.

"What'd I would like is an answer to your intentions, see, as a human, not an elf, if you say to someone I'll call you, or be around and don't follow through you're not really to be trusted. I'm confused about your intentions. If you want to go out again, and need time to make it happen, that's all I need to know. I'm not sure how going out for dinner needs weeks to prepare, but I'm not you and I can't get in your head." She smiled.

"It takes two people to communicate, so here I am. You tell me what you want and we can talk about. Honestly, I do not know what show me your world means, so maybe you can explain it for me please? She'd appreciate it.

"I'm a patient woman Briarius if you tell me what's going on, I do not need to rush, I only need to know what's expected. Is that fair? If it is, you explain what you meant and we go from there, how about that?"

She leaned over and squeezed his hand. Well, then that lead to a quick kiss on the lips; that might have surprised him.

Low Life

Date: 2012-08-13 15:59 EST
When Briarius asked her to have a seat, she did. When he sighed, she frowned a little, unsure of what he was getting at. The stoic look on his face said so much, but the pain in his eyes screamed louder.

Crossing her legs and turning her body inward, her language said she was listening. He explained the differences between humans and elves, the lessons his parents taught him and that he saw confusion and pain.

She waited until he was completely done before she said a word. It took a few minutes to mull over an answer to get this right the first time. "Your parents are wise, there should never be any pain when it comes to a child and how they are begotten. Each one is a blessing no matter how they come into this world, from the way you came or the way an orphan would come into this world. It is all willed and life given, life is precious whether you have one hour or one thousand years."

Clearing her throat and taking a drink of the water. She's not the best with words when there's some confusion. "Briarius, I like you too. Do you think if I didn't, I would be here? Well, the answer is no. While I am human, and you see me as young, I have experience that many twice my age does not have. I brought this to you .. this necklace because you asked me out again, but haven't come back by. This is the only part of confusion I'm facing, I am not asking for anything you do not want to give. I'm a perfectionist, I like to make sure that all things are done right." So she understood exactly where he was coming from.

"What'd I would like is an answer to your intentions, see, as a human, not an elf, if you say to someone I'll call you, or be around and don't follow through you're not really to be trusted. I'm confused about your intentions. If you want to go out again, and need time to make it happen, that's all I need to know. I'm not sure how going out for dinner needs weeks to prepare, but I'm not you and I can't get in your head." She smiled.

"It takes two people to communicate, so here I am. You tell me what you want and we can talk about. Honestly, I do not know what show me your world means, so maybe you can explain it for me please? She'd appreciate it.

"I'm a patient woman Briarius if you tell me what's going on, I do not need to rush, I only need to know what's expected. Is that fair? If it is, you explain what you meant and we go from there, how about that?"

She leaned over and squeezed his hand. Well, then that lead to a quick kiss on the lips; that might have surprised him.


Date: 2012-08-28 12:58 EST
Briarius recovered from the kiss slowly.

"I see..."

He smirked as he rose.

"Come with me."

She didn't really have a choice as he teleported both of them outside.

"Zava...this is my world."

As she looked around, she saw a hauntingly beautiful landscape. All of the colors were washed if some haze constantly hung over the landscape. She saw a large campus, larger than the entirety of RhyDin city. People floated to and fro.

"I am a god on my world. This is my haven, Noledor. It is the birthplace of the elves and where the spirits go after death. I am the guardian of all knowledge and guide to the dead. I am the Patron of Elves."

He looked at her to see how she was taking all of it.

Low Life

Date: 2012-08-29 23:11 EST
When he smirked, it was a little hard not to smile. However, given the circumstances, it was a little strained for her simply because she liked to deal with things she understood.

Since he didn't give her a choice whether to go or not, she went with the flow. The feeling of being teleported was still something she was getting used to. After they landed, it took a second or three to get her bearings and figure out what he was saying.

"Your world." Words murmured after she stared at him for a second. His world, so this must mean they were on another plane or another place in time. Turning to look over where he teleported them to.

"Pardon?" A god? She blinked and took in what he was saying.

That was the last thing she expected to hear and a little color left her face. It's not really what he said, the teleportation was catching up. He'd see the color gone draining from her face and maybe what seemed to be a nervous tick.

"You are not a god out of this place." It may have sounded weird coming from her mouth. "I mean.. I am not of the elves, and I will not worship you." Turning to face him, and he'd see a smile.

"It's beautiful and you have a great weight upon your shoulders." After being able to take it all in. Maybe he was trying to show her why things wouldn't work? At this point, she could assume all sorts of things.

"Thank you for showing me."


Date: 2012-09-20 22:22 EST
"It is only fair...and while I hold my responsibilities at all times, I am not a patron god elsewhere. ...and you don't have to worship me."

He sighed a bit.

"So this is part of the dinner I had planned."

He waved a hand and a hidden glade appeared. The colors were just a bit brighter here. The glade was complete with low hanging trees of unknown origins, countless wildflowers, and a small table in the center near a small brook.