Topic: Girl Talk [18+/Mature Content]


Date: 2017-06-27 23:20 EST
Making Friends, Making Progress and kinda belongs in Ships in the Night and also kinda doesn't belong in either. So... I gave it its own thread, lol. This is massively edited from the room log. Huge thanks to the players of Senka, Riot, Eri Maeda, Yuki Meiyo, Tag Sentry and Cianan, with apologies to the writers of Back Alley Phoenix, Crispin, Shae Stormchild, Mallory and Dah.]]


Teas and Tomes

"Ohs my goshes dat v'was horrifying." Senka gushed at her friends as they entered the tea shop. They were leaving The Red Dragon, where Senka had suggested to Phoenix that he should ask her out. Most everyone else within earshot agreed that he should, but he didn?t. It was awkward.

Babs took her time admiring the tea house. She'd not been before, and tried to file away the key points to relay later. "With Phoenix?" She asked.

Takara, for her part, cringed, following the others in.

"It is hard to put oneself out there in such a vulnerable manner," Babs said. "Did I ever tell you about the first time Danny kissed me? I asked him to and he said no. It was horrible." She said to Senka. "It led to the most odd argument I've ever had. Who wants to fight with someone about such things? No one, that's who."

"Da. Senka never have to ass-k before. Fox handle de mens an' Senka jes do she job. I's sot dat it v'would be- easier." Up at the counter, she ordered hot tea. "Dah-nee say'd no to yous? Bot he have sush crush on yous. V'was dis before or after Senka show yous how?"

"Though, he did kiss me in the end, so I guess that's something." A wan smile. "After you showed me how." She laughed. "It...was a..." She rolled her eyes up, shaking her head with a sigh before ordering her own tea.

Eri trailed in too, looking puzzled at the old man that was scowling at her as she entered. "Just don't get the tattoo on your butt." she was advising Takara all reasonably. "I've heard that's not a good spot"

Takara?s eyes went saucer wide. "...People get tattoos on their... their..." She couldn't quite make herself say the word. She'd gotten used to hearing rough language, but not using it.

"I do understand they have temporary tattoos," Babs said to Takara. "Maybe you should place one to see if it's a spot you like?"

"Mens is be so stupid." Senka tacked on to Bab's story. She couldn't believe Danny did that. "Tsoo, some people get tattoo on dey gennytails." She motioned to her own.

"I've heard yeah" Eri was agreeing after ordering her tea. Then she went a bit wide eyed at Senka's addition. "Really? Whoa, I couldn't imagine doing a thing like that."

"I told him that, too," Babs whispered to Senka. "I told him boys were dumb and I was a strong woman who did not need one." Takara smiled at Babs, because she liked what she was saying. "Yes. Strong women who do not need men." She had decided that was what all of them were. Takara didn't have much experience with men, but what she'd seen so far wasn't all that impressive. Returning to the topic of tattoos, she inquired. "What is... a temporary tattoo? Is it drawn with ink?"

Babs circled her hands around her delivered tea, and hoisted the cup up for a cooling exhale. "I believe it is a printed film that can be scrubbed off over time."

"Da, in de brossel, many v'womens have dem." Senka collected her tea, explaining. "I's don' need v'one bot I's sot it v'would be nice to try dis datin' sing. Maybe not."

And tattoos on your... well, that gave the young feudal princess pause. "What kind of tattoo would you put there?"

"Sum v'women jes have like flowv'wer or heart. Sum gots sumsing like slave or dah-dee. Any sings I's guess."

"I think you would have fun dating," Babs said to Senka. "Don't give up. There is someone who will date you without hesitation."

"I think finding romance is kinda like sneezing," Eri mused in a daydreamy voice. "It happens when you forget to think about it." She sipped her tea directly, seeming unbothered by the scalding heat.

"At least it isn't like hiccuping," grinned Babs. "A complete annoyance that doesn't stop until you stop thinking about it."

"It v'would jes be nice for Senka to have choice. See mans an' go out wis him if <I>she </I>v'wants, not because he payin' for she. Or for a mans to v'really v'want to know Senka, not jes de sex. Is probabably for best. I's don' v'want to hurt Feeh-nicks an' Senka's heart is not v'really free v'right now."

"Was your heart broken?" Babs asked, about her heart not being available.

Takara said nothing, gathering her cup of tea last. She stared thoughtfully at its surface, listening.

"Heart is- is not broke. Is jes lovin' sumbody dat don' look at Senka." Biting her bottom lip, she shrugged and then sat on the couch. "It v'will be oh-kay. I's shouldn't have let heart do dat, I's knew better."

"It is a bittersweet thing these feelings?" Babs sipped her tea cautiously.

She nodded yes. "He is best friend, so dat is so so good. Senka is happy to have him in v'whatever v'way he can give him self."

The warmth radiating into her hands from the cup brought a happy sigh to her lips. "Does he know?"

Once she'd had a few sips, Eri set her cup down and pushed at one of the cushions a bit to shape it up before taking a seat. The delinquent's elbows rested on her knees to support a lean, listening closely.

"I's tell'd him. Cris, I's tell'd him. I's den shut de door in he face so dat I's not have to see his v'reaction or hear v'what he say because Senka alv'ready know. I's tell'd him for me, not for him. It is out an' now Senka can not be v'weird around him an' jes move on."

"Have you talked to him since?" She asked with a blink. Babs sipped her tea and rolled the matter over in her head.

"Mm'no. Dat v'was like two day ago or so."

Takara?s gaze lifted from the surface of her tea to Senka's countenance, her smile soft and reassuring. At least, she hoped that it was. She meant it to be.

The small jingle of the bell would be followed by a familiar cane, stretching out to tap carefully in front of her. It was Yuki, who seemed to recognize some of their voices but maintained her quiet, because they sounded like they were talking about something serious.

"Are you going to give him a chance to comment on it, or are you going to pretend like it never happened?" Babs asked carefully.

"I's jes gonna go on like alv'ways. I's don' v'want it to be v'weird. An' Senka know him v'well enuss dat he v'would be fine probably not ever talkin' bouts it. He don' v'want to hurt Senka." Then, "Hi You-key."

"I don't know which would hurt more--pretending like it didn't happen or to have him plainly say he couldn't return your feelings--but I think you'll know soon enough which road he'll take." She looked around to see who Senka was addressing.

"Senka," Yuki gave a bit of a bow towards the woman and used her as a sort of pointing mechanism to make her way over to join them. Dark eyes swiveled for the door, drawn by its chime. The woman called Tsuru?s greeting was half a second behind Senka's. "Hello, Yuki."

"I's v'wasn't espektin' nussin' so is fine." Senka hid her feelings and emotions more often than not. She'd never show how badly it upset her. "Come dis v'way You-key. Dere is tables an' chair on yous v'right. V'we on coush in back. Tsoo is here an' Harry an' Senka's friend Babs." Explaining for the blind woman and also speaking extra so she'd have her voice to follow.

"Hello Yuki," Eri greeted cheerily when following the other's look and alerted by the bell and the subsequent tapping.

"Even though the beginning was a disaster, Danny and me we live together. It was only after that he began to let himself get bogged down by doubt. He thinks, more or less, that I'm faking my interest and desire for him and that I'm probably going to just leave because I can." Babs paused, and then went on. "The heart is too complicated," she lamented as she sipped her tea. "Nice to meet you, Yuki," she said pleasantly. "I'm Babs. I hope you don't mind hearing about my love life." She took another sip.

"Dah-nee sinks dese sings?!" Senka looked so surprised. "Bot he seem so like- wis de confidence."

Yuki took the directions with ease, moving around towards the couch in the back of the room. She didn't want to take a chance trying to find a spot on it, afraid of possibly feeling someone up, but then tapped a chair and nudged it over so she could sit in it. "Pleasure to meet you Babs, and no it?s fine."

"I know, right?!" Babs cried out. "I was as surprised to hear them as you are. Granted, he is my first boyfriend. I can see why he would think I'd want to explore what other people were like. Why, there was that god-woman in the Inn claiming she could have two functional penises." Sip.

"Senka have had two penises at v'once. Is not as fawn as yous sink it might be." She made a face.

"Like on her body at the same time. Not that she know...use two...." And Babs sort of stopped there.

Even blind, that caused Yuki to blink some.

"Dat- ew."

Takara had been drinking tea at the time, so you can imagine how that went. The conversation came to a temporary halt due to the way she choked and spluttered, coughing up tea. Senka tried to reach over and cover Takara's ears, but then ended up patting her back as she sputtered.

"Wow!" Eri exclaimed, clearly impressed with that claim. "You think she was on the level?" asked curiously, though she looked over to see that Senka was taking care of Tsuru.

"But he says he loves me and he knows he's being irrational. It''s contagious," Babs admitted. Pale brows furrowed as she looked down into the murk-colored cup. "Since he said those things, I find myself wondering if they're true. If he sees something that I don't. I have given up everything to have him, and now...he makes me question myself." A delicate shrug pulled her shoulders up. "I don't know, but I admit, if she said she did I'd want to see if she was lying or not." She paused again, and then clarified. "Not intimately, but sort of like a circus show."

Regaining herself with Senka's help, Takara wiped at eyes that were tear damp from the struggle to breathe. "Sorry about that," she said with another little cough. 'You gave up everything for him?" That, at least, was something she knew a little about.

Yuki listened, maintaining her silence for the time being. Love was something she didn't know much about.

"My whole way of life," Babs explained, "I turned my back on it and put my eyes on him alone. It doesn't seem fair that he could have these doubts."

Senka listened as Babs spoke. "I's have no idea v'what to do in dat situations. If yous loves eash o'der den v'why dat is not enuss? Mens is stupid!" She sighed. "I's v'really v'really v'really like dey botts doh."

"And this is why I need to be a strong woman who doesn't need no man," Babs said primly and then she laughed, covering her smile with the curve of her fingers. "So that's what you look for first? A nice well-muscled rump?"

Eri rested her chin on cupped palms after another sip of hot tea, curious to the responses that might come.

"Oh dere is so mush dat Senka look at. I's like dey hands, dey tell dey story. An' dey mouse." Mouth. "An' deys bott doh. So cute v'when dey pants is lettle tight an' deys bott goes like swish swish swish." She moved her hands up and down. "Cris' v'wear tight pants." Oh how she grinned.

"He does," Babs agreed. She'd met him once. "Very tight."

Takara rolled her shoulders, listening with a little smile. She considered the details that Senka described, wondering why she'd never noticed them before, on anyone. Possibly because the style of clothes they wore back home didn't allow for it; possibly because she'd been brought up not to consider such things.

Senka bit down on her bottom lip to keep her smile in check. "So v'what about yous o'der ladies. Harry? Tsoo? You-key? Yous guys have love life or intervest in sum body?"

The smell of tea was drawing Yuki, although she wasn't going to ask anyone to go and get her some. Shifting carefully, being mindful of the blade that she wore at her hip. Like Takara, she was considering the fact that most of what they were talking about in men, weren't things she had been raised to consider. Pausing thoughtfully for a moment at the question, Yuki shook her head. "No..not really."

"I like the shoulder line and neck the most I think. Danny lets me give him these things called hickeys." She said over her cup of tea. "I recommend it, but not with him, of course. With someone else."

"Mmm necks, da. I's can see v'why dat is yommy."

"I'm a gay woman myself. But I got a sweet girlfriend" Eri chimed in her serene cheery tone. "Her name's Mallory and she's a witch. But a good witch though. Not the evil kind."

"Does she have a nice bottom?" Babs asked immediately.

"Yes, she does" the delinquent exclaimed with a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth, though her cheekbones turned a bit pink as she voiced that opinion.

"I can't," Takara ventured, softly, hands spreading in front of her as she gave a little shrug. She might have said more, if only to ask what a hickey was, but her gaze lifted to Eri instead. Her mouth opened in a small O of surprise.

"V'women have sush soft mouses. I's like to kiss dem." Senka supplied.

"Count yourself lucky," she laughed and smiled to Eri. ?I appreciate beauty where it is found." Babs went on, and then said to Takara, "Is it forbidden to you?"

The young woman blushed, then, but even so, she answered Babs' question gamely. "My home is at war. I can't... I am something of a symbol for our side. I can't be... debased that way." She paused. "And if we lose, they will need to be able to ransom me back to my father, which..." She shook her head. "He will not take me if I am not pristine."

Yuki fell silent again, thinking and also listening. Trying to learn some from the women around her.


Date: 2017-06-27 23:53 EST
"Do you have these insecurity problems with your girlfriend?" Babs asked of Eri, intrigued. "Or am I the only one so lucky?" She cupped her hands around her tea. "Anyone want more tea?" She went to reach for the tea pot.

"Yes, please." Takara said to Babs gratefully. "Would you also get some for Yuki?"

There was a glance towards Babs "I'd love some" Yuki smiled, and then her head tilted some towards Takara "Tsu, I don't think you need to worry about losing..."

"Hm, no, no problems really. Of course I was nervous at first when I liked her but wasn't sure if she liked me. Now we feel all relaxed though and it's always fun wherever we go," she related thoughtfully as she turned and nodded, setting out her cup. "A bit more for me yes, please."

"V'woah, v'woah, v'woah." Senka held up a hand at Takara. "V'why Senka not know dis? Yous gonna be like- like given. Yous value is tied to yous bein' virgin?"

She nodded. "I am beginning to understand that things are different here, but..." Takara shrugged. "I don't live here."

"I understand," Babs said. "But does that stop the heart from yearning?" She refilled Takara's cup and filled a fresh one for Yuki. "How do you like your tea?" She asked Yuki.

"Plain.." She would tilt her left ear towards her some "Is it green tea or is it something else?" She would clarify.

"Dat is disgustin'. Senka v'went sru dat. Fox he sell Senka's to highest bidder. It v'was terry-bull. Mens is horrible. Sum of dems."

"Don't worry. You won't lose," Eri assured Tsuru. "I'll keep funneling more and more destructive weaponry into your side's hands and even go fight with you and bring Team Hormone along if it comes to that."

Takara gave her friend Senka a dim smile. "We are not so different, you and me." For Babs' question, she shook her head uncertainly. "I ... I don't know that my heart yearns for anything but a ghost." She smiled then, her gaze moving to Eri. Her tone was grateful. "We are honored."

"I think you could be close to someone and never bed them. Maybe. At least it's easier to say you would when you don't know what bedding them is like." Babs looked into the cup. "I...I'm not sure. I just took what was served." She admitted bashfully to Yuki.

"I will take whatever it is Babs," Yuki would nod and bow towards her some.

She laughed. "Here you are, then," she set the cup close to Yuki, but before her so that she wouldn't accidentally smack it.

She would be careful, and move her hands wide enough to clasp the drink before she took control. She then let her head shift towards Takara, to give a soft smile. There was a slight tilt of her right ear towards the person entering.

The marketplace kiosk was closed, the weight of the keys dropped in a knee-level pocket of his cargo pants. The last draw of his cigarette is punctuated by his shoulders dropping down while he puts the ember out in a half-full ashtray. The filters stuck up in the ashtray like old, crooked headstones. One hand caught the door, his stride made a smooth transition to the shelves.

Babs then refreshed Eri's cup and settled back in. "I'm envious that your relationship seems easier than mine." She laughed.

"Thank you," Eri replied with a little duck of head between her shoulders to the refill. "I do feel fortunate!" she agreed.

Comfortable once more, Babs reclaimed her cup. "Have you been together long?" She asked Eri.

"Not very long," she answered, sipping directly at the scalding drink again. "The Beltane bonfire party was our first date." The delinquent looked happy at the memory of the festivities.

"Ah! I was at the Fires. What an adventurous sort of date. I bet it was romantic." Babs was saying with a faint, sly grin. "Senka wore was a fascinating experience."

There was a little smile for Takara in regards to Beltane and then Senka looked to Babs. "It v'was sumsing, da."

"I remember seeing Senka and the wings" Eri said with a wistful nod. "It was some fun party. I danced until I couldn't anymore."

"I didn't get to attend the dances" Yuki put in, nodding some.

"Tsoo, dere is sumbody dats yous lovin' an' missin'?" Senka inquired of her friend's ongoing silence.

The mention of Beltane had Takara blushing again. She sipped from her tea, if only to conceal her face. She was too preoccupied with the conversations at hand to notice the chime on the door, much less look up to see who had caused it. "Not... I mean, yes. But not in the way you are discussing." She gestured the group of them. "I spend so much time re-telling our stories, keeping the memory alive and making him real for so many people that... " her shoulders lifted and fell, her fingers plucking self consciously at the fabric of her dress. 'When I think of men, he is all I think of."

Three different packets were caught at the corners, pinched together and kept in his left hand. The usual quiet of the place was filled with a smiling conversation, disjointed only when provoked into laughter. At the register, he nudged the toe of his right shoe against the bottom lip of the counter. The staff member smiled at him in a way that said he had been seen before.

Senka sipped her tea. "So, Tsoo, do yous like love him like maybe family or yous sink of him wis attractions?"

"Maybe you can next time," Babs said to Yuki. "I think it's something worth experiencing if you can." She peered at Takara. "But is he alive?" She wasn?t sure if she'd followed the other conversation close enough.

Takara peered at Senka over her tea mug, her face flushed but smiling. "I... was six when I saw him last." Which sort of ruled out the attraction aspect. "But he was everything to me, then." To Babs, she shook her head. "No. He died several years ago, or so we're told."

"Oh dats v'right. Yous v'was very young. I's sorry Tsoo. I's never have nobody to love I's don' sink. If I's did, den Fox taked dat memory from Senka, bot I's imagine dat it v'would be hard."

"Died? Sorry to hear that Tsuru," Eri said with a pensive frown.

"Six?" She blinked owlishly at Takara. "That's a long time."

She nodded to Senka. "It's alright. Loving people is...hard, because people can die." She swallowed her tea, looking from Babs to Eri. "You remember the story I told Cris? That's the one I mean." The man whose killer she'd been promised to in marriage, the one who started the war in the first place.

"I wasn't a child, but it does sound like an impressionable time." Babs said.

"Oh, your bodyguard and childhood friend, yes I remember now," Eri said to Takara with a nod.

The conversations turned intense, pieces of which lodged in him more than he wished they would. His shoulder rolled back to catch his wallet in the back pocket, paying what was owed along with the expected tip. There was a pause between him and the young girl at the counter. She was frustrated over something and thought, for some reason, that he would have the answer. "I can't figure it out," she said and then smiled at him. The awkward, half-smashed crane she had folded out of a receipt sat sadly on the counter. Perhaps she knew he was part Asian and was being presumptuous. He motioned her to give him another receipt. He folded it in half, then tore away the excess. Slowly, fold by fold, she watched him build the bird, up to the fine fold that defined the head. He picked up the bag of teas he had paid for, "It takes time."

The conversations moved on. "---Hard to dance with a cane" Yuki said to Babs, though she gave Takara a comforting look.

"You can listen to music with a cane," she teased lightly. ?The music was very impressive." There was a soft smile towards Babs from Yuki, who stayed silent.

Then Eri's chocolate eyes ticked over to Senka. "Who's this Fox person? Sounds like kinda a dickchump."

Looking to Eri, Senka nodded. "He v'was man who own Senka,? she said of Fox. ?From v'what I's know he buy or steal she an' o'der v'women an' den use dem to make his money."

"He sounds like a horrible person. Is he dead?" Babs wanted to know.

"No. Senka v'will go back v'one day an' she v'will keel him." And hence the reason she trained so hard.

"It's for the best."

Takara took a deep breath and pushed it out again, squaring her shoulders as she forced herself to think of something else. "Good," she said to Senka. "Fox deserves it."

Cianan bumped into the door, and the bell chimed a bit for him, his nose wrinkled in response, and he stomped his way along, heading towards the register, "Just...Coffee." He wasn't in the mood for anything fancy, he just need something that would keep him awake.

"People like him shouldn't be allowed to live. He adds nothing and only takes." Babs shook her head. "A waste of resources."

The girl at the counter smiled at the crane, immediately grabbing another receipt from earlier that day to fold and mimic what she'd seen. His smile was scarce, followed by a nod, and then he stepped aside. A man entered to order coffee and Tag passed him on the way out, taking with him something he hoped to help his sleep.

"It is. Senka have no bad feelin' for dis. He take Senka's life from she. An' Senka v'will find de o'der mens v'one by v'one an' get dem too. I's have eash v'one in book to v'remember dey faces." Looking to Takara, she smiled a little.

Eri nodded. "That's a good plan. Some people say revenge is no use, but they don't know what they're talking about."

"Whoa." Cianan paused as he grabbed his order of coffee and turned a bit, "...I seemed to have stumbled in at heavy hour." He watched the person who took his order and left, before blinking, wearily a few times. His coffee would take a bit, and he nudged the heel of his palm into his eye socket, trying to clear the weariness away.

Now Eri spotted Cianan up by the counter, and a hand flapped vigorously waving.

"Sometimes death is the only answer," Babs sipped at her tea. It was easier to drink now that it'd gone lukewarm.

Yuki would finish her cup of tea, and mostly remain silent, listening to the various conversations, as well as the sounds of the Tea house that they were in.

"Dey take enuss lives. Senka v'will put an' end to it." Setting her tea down, she looked up and waved to Cianan. "Hi-lo Banana!" Bee-nah-nah.

Babs turned her attention to the fellow being hailed as Banana.

"--Yes. My shadow." Takara belatedly confirmed for Eri. She said it softly, as though coming out of a dream. Rising suddenly, she set her tea mug on the coffee table. "I will be right back," she said, excusing herself. She smoothed the skirt of the pale blue dress Senka had given her and made her way towards the back, presumably headed for the bathroom. Her steps came to an abrupt halt by the counter, her head tilting as she stared at its surface, at the counter girl who was busily trying to duplicate the flimsy paper crane that sat just adjacent to her working hands. She stared, long enough that the young girl looked up, sheepish.

"Oh! Sorry. I'm just trying to get the hang of this paper folding thing... did you want something?" Takara shook her head, but her steps shifted, taking her up to the Formica barrier. "Here," she said softly, gently taking the paper from the other woman and showing her exactly which fold she was getting wrong. "It is called origami. Where did you learn this?" she handed the paper back to let her practice.

"Hello, Senka." Cianan drew his hand away and clapped a greeting for her, he'd live with Banana. People were looking at him, he lifted his hand and waved in return, "Evening. this ladies night, and I didn't see the sign?" He looked out at the front door.

"You could tuck and join us?" Babs posed to him with humor, a faint smile settling on her lips as she sipped her tea.

"No, not ladies night. It's just coincidence" the yanki assured as she slumped and got more comfortable on the couch.

"Come sits Banana. Yous v'welcome."

Even though Takara was some ways away, Yuki was listening carefully, before glancing back to the women, and soon to be Cianan that were gathered there.

"Is Banana a nickname?" Babs asked over her tea.

"Dats he name." said Senka.

"Yes. Sure." Cianan moved after he took hold of his coffee, and walked over to find a good space on the couch, "Darn those coincidences." He smiled towards Eri, and slid along to sit on the arm of a couch, cradling the coffee in his hands. "Cianan." He explained? In case there was confusion.

"This guy who comes in sometimes," the girl at the counter replied, hooking her thumb towards the door. She was carefully trying to replicate what Takara had shown her. "He was just here, he showed me. Like this?" Takara followed the crook of that digit with her eyes, looking out the door as though she could still see the man she meant. A shiver slipped over her shoulders, unbidden. She'd only just been speaking of her shadow, and at the very same time, some unknown man had been folding an origami crane? Her smile was sad, but she nodded. "Yes. Like that. You've got it now," she said softly, resuming her path to the restrooms.

Senka rolled her eyes at Cianan. "See, it sound like Banana." It sounded nothing like banana, Senka just knew it had a lot of the letters a and n. Names were hard.

There was some confusion but it was explained. "Cianan," Babs repeated carefully. "Cianan. Banana. Cianana."

Senka leaned to peek at Tsoo across the room.

"I see where she gets it," Yuki offered, about the Banana naming convention.

Mmph! Cianan grunted a bit, at the Banana names, and slurped his coffee. Names were hard, and Cianan at least wasn't a Drow name. That'd be all kind of hells for her. All those X's and Y's. Terrible stuff. Imagine Senka saying Drizzt.


Date: 2017-07-04 13:52 EST
"I'm Babs," Babs introduced herself to Cianan.

"Babs. A pleasure." Cianan stretched his hand out. "Who are you, and what do you do?"

Babs reached over, leaning to close the distance; fingers sliding against his but not close enough to quite close the hand hold. "I'm the Legate and acting Plenipotentiary of Satevis on this planet."

Eri was in the process of sneakily adding the contents of one of those little miniature bottles of bourbon that drunkards often carried around into her tea when she heard what Babs had said about her job. The words seemed to completely short out the wiring in the delinquent's brain for a moment.

"A legit actor at de plenty potent tree of sativis. Dat is de v'weirdest name for theatre." Senka said.

"I'll pretend I understand what that means, nod politely, and smile." He did so! And then slurped his coffee. "Also, I'll listen to an explanation of said titles."

Yuki raised an eyebrow, not totally understanding what any of it meant, either.

A few minutes later, Takara returned and settled back into her seat with a smile. Her gaze, though, was on the windows.

Babs withdrew as was polite and settled back in with her tea. "I was tasked with setting up a chancery here in the city for trade purposes." She laughed. "No, I'm not an actor," she smiled. "A Plenipotentiary is someone who can act on behalf of the party they represent. I am authorized to speak and negotiate on behalf of Satevis and set up a chancery...which is sort of a smaller embassy."

"Oh dat make more sense. Senka sot dat yous v'was in polly-ticks or sumsing."

"Satevis.. is that a country then.. a nation I mean? Or a company?" Eri asked curiously.

Yuki sort of understood that, as she would move to place the tea cup behind her on a table.

"It's one of the four houses of the One True Timeway," she said to Eri. "It's a space station. All that's left of the Sateviseans."

"Oh!" Cianan slapped his knee, "You're a trader. Got it." A beaming smile, of filed teeth, and tattooed gums. He'd move over and give Senka a light elbow on the side for a hello from where he was sitting.

"Hi Banana." Senka shrank down some and rested her head on his shoulder.

"On this mission, yes," Babs said agreeably about being named a trader. "I also negotiate alliances and other things of that nature."

"Sounds like it can be a pretty exciting job, some of the time at least," Eri said happily.

He moved an arm around her and gave her a squeeze, "You okay?" The head rest on his shoulder made him question it a bit. "Oh. Alliances. What kind of alliance are you looking for? Trade? Battle?"

"Oh, yes! I've been kidnapped and held for ransom, almost assassinated, assisted in the overthrow of governments--it can be very exciting." Babs sipped her tea.

"Is been hard v'week bot Senka oh-kay." said quietly to him. She was content to listen to the others for now.

Yuki?s head would tilt over towards Takara for a moment, who had not said a word since she returned. She hadn?t retrieved her tea cup yet, either. "Are you alright Tsu?"

Cianan lifted his cup to Barb then! "I know those problems." Aw. Cianan moved, and put his coffee down, and turned the one armed hug into a brief, two armed and full hug, giving Senka a good squish, "I know that problem too." This week wasn't entirely great for him, either.

"At the moment, resource acquisition." Babs drank more of her tea and left the dregs to mar the bottom of her cup.

"Sounds a whole lot more exciting than the delinquent life. It's mostly auditing pachinko machines and thumping a few skulls on occasion" Eri related in a mellow tone. "Lately been some success in the weapons trade though. That's proven to be lucrative."

"Give it time and it'll be exciting, too." Babs said to Eri. "It's one of the ways to undermine a government."

Oh. Oh. This was weird. Senka was still not used to hugs, no. "V'well I's get manipulated an' have bad bad day wis bad man here. I's tell'd somebody dats I's in love wis him. Mmm, I's tell'd o'der friend dat he jes friend bot he v'want to be more den dat an' makin' it hard on Senka. Is jes been v'weird v'week. I's tried to ass-k mans on date an' dat not go v'well. Senka sink dat all she problems come from de mens." Explaining to Cianan.

"What kind of resources?" Cianan questioned, and gave that hug for Senka a bit more time, before finally letting go, and leaving one arm around. She seemed like she needed it. And then listened to the explanation, nodding his head a few times, while being silent, "I'm sorry you were manipulated into a bad day, with a bad man. And, being rejected is never easy. That is a lot of stuff, though... none of it good. I'm sorry."

"Tank yous." She looked over to Takara then and her smile looked a little sad. "I's know dat Sir Bossy Pants tell'd Tsoo dat she need to be dere tomorrow bot yous v'wanna stay dis night yous sink?"

Babs gave Cianan coy look and zipped her lips. Loose lips and all.

Talk of space stations had well and thoroughly lost Takara, but she knew something of politics. She gave Yuki a nod, forgetting for a moment that the woman couldn?t see her. She picked up what was left of her tea, trying to draw her mind out of the past, to make herself pay attention to the here and now. Undermining government, though, that she understood. "Oh!" She interjected herself back into the conversation. "I am doing that, too."

"Is she helping you?" Babs asked with a gesture to Eri as she spoke to Takara. "Though, to be fair, at the time I didn't think it was exciting. I just thought it was work," she admitted.

Takara nodded several times in rapid succession. "We could not do it without her."

"I give what help I can," Eri said modestly. "And hope it makes an impact."

"It does. You have no idea the different we've made, thanks to you and Cris."

Sink multi-reality, corporations. Got it. Cianan nodded his head. "Cris? Cris-Pin? Crispy Cakes? Cris-Tacular and the Crisshine Band? That Cris?" He wasn't sure on a few of those, he might need to workshop them.

"We got portals to a place in my home world that used to be part of what they called the Eastern Bloc." Eri continued. "They say they had a Cold War. And they got lots of obsolete weapons left from it. Obsolete for their time, but still in plenty working order. And --I hope-- devastating when introduced into a Sengoku Era battlefield" Eri said rubbing her hands together.

"I wish you both all the luck in your endeavor. Though you might not need it. You travel between Timeways? Fascinating." said Babs. The question, if there was one, went unanswered. Takara was feeling overwhelmed.

"I'm very glad I am not on the receiving end anymore" Yuki said to Eri.

"Crispin Ashv'would." Senka supplied the answer to Cianan's inquiry, which Takara had not.

Setting her tea cup aside, Babs stood. "Thank you very much for the tea." She left some coin out for the service. "I hope to see you all again. I did enjoy myself." She told them as she headed toward the door.

"Oh, you used to be on the opposing side?" Eri asked Yuki.

Takara's attention perked at what Eri was saying, her smile growing by degrees. She only understood half the words, but the second part told her that it directly pertained to her. To Senka, she nodded belatedly. "Yes, please. I am seeing ghosts again." She rotated the teacup in her hands, studying it for a moment. When her head lifted, her gaze moved from Senka to Eri to Yuki and then back to Eri. "Can we go to your place in the mountains soon? I would like to bring my friends." She gestured the rest of them. "It sounds like we could all use a nice day."

"Mm. You have to use his middle name, Senka. To be polite." Or, maybe because Cianan had a secret deathwish, "Crispin Cakes Ashwood." Cianan wiggled his fingers towards Babs, "Lovely to meet you," Said the exhausted Drow, "I look forward to hearing more."

"Babs it v'was good to see yous. Have good night an' smack Dah-nee v'round lettle bits."

"We sure can. Just name the time" Eri said with a cheery nod to Takara.

"I's- don sink dat is he middle name. Cocks?"

"Have a good night" Yuki said to Babs, before looking towards Eri, then motioning to the armor, although tattered as it was. "I a samurai,? nodding some towards Eri, as she glanced towards Takara.

"She's of the ruling class, like me. We've both chosen differently.? Takara added. ?Babs, you should come with us when we go," she added, not realizing until just then that the woman was departing.

"Cocks? " Cianan was confused. "Are you saying his middle name is Cocks." Oh, he would be delighted if it were.

Babs waved to the group and choked a little on a laugh hearing Senka as she headed out.

"V'we v'will have good night Tsoo. No more gosses." Ghosts.

Takara nodded to Senka, then tipped her head towards the departing Babs. "Do you know how to get in touch with her?"

"No, dat is v'what yous say'd!" Senka protested to Cianan, then nodded to Takara. She was pretty certain anyway.

"Cox?" Eri guessed tentatively.

"I's v'will find out-" She dug out her phone. Senka pressed the number 1 and then held it to her ear.

Takara grinned a little at Eri. 'Thank you. I think we could...all... use the relaxation." Her grin spread. "Except maybe you. I forgot to say how pleased I am that you have found love." She might have been preoccupied, but she had been listening!

A serene smile spread over her features and she gave a little ducking bow for Takara's words. "Thank you! Hm, you're right. Important to take a little time to unwind. I'll reserve the whole ryokan for us if you let me know when."

"He not ansv'werin." Senka pulled the phone away and looked at it. "Crispin Ashv'would, it is Senka. V'what yous middle name is? Is it like cakes or cocks or cox? Senka must know dis. Banana says yous is Crispin Cakes or Cocks Ashv'would. Call Senka." She hung up and put the phone away.

Cianan was almost giddy, for the first time he'd been all week, feet bouncing from where he was sitting. HAH! Cianan couldn't help but laugh at that!

There was a bit of a smile, as Yuki was thinking for a moment or two "I don't have to go." This was about the retreat, thinking there would be a problem with space.

"You should come too," Eri said to Yuki firmly. "First the bath then the tea. That's the spirit of the old home country," the delinquent declared with a grin. And a nod of head to Senka. "Senka too. The hot mineral waters rejuvenate the spirit and body."

"V'where I'm goin'?"

"You should do it. And you'll see a bunch of naked girls." Cianan nudged Senka.

"My team got a mountain property outside town. With a hot spring ryokan." Eri explained.

"I's seen more tits in my life den yous v'will ever toush, Banana."

Cianan just patted Senka on the shoulder, "I've been alive for a long time, Senka." And Drow were weird. He pointed at Eri for the explanation, "It should also be relaxing for you. No mens."

"No mens!" She threw her arms up, probably hitting Cianan on accident.

Tsuru nodded emphatically. "Yes. It's what we do where I am from to feel better. No men." And also no Phoenix.

That made Eri giggle, finishing off her bourbon dosed tea in a gulp.

There would be a nod towards Eri "I?ll go," said Yuki, nodding bit, although still unsure.

Cianan fumbled with his cup a bit, trying not to drop it in his lap. Burning, would be bad! "No mens!" He cheered again.

"Yous kind of a mans bot yous oh-kay here tonight." She pat-pat Cianan on his head.

"A male" Eri ventured to Cianan. "I think that'd be the distinction since you're not a human, ne?"

"Kind of a man?" Cianan blinked a few times. "Well, as long as I'm okay." Maybe that took the sting off of it a bit, "I'm male. Man is a gender.. I don't know how that stuck. Humans are..." Wait, he looked around. Nevermind.

"Well, you know rock and roll, that's the key thing" the delinquent mused.

"V'well yous is cool for mans Senka mean. Yous not on Senka's asholed list yet."

"And I hope not to be." He lifted his coffee towards Senka, and gave her another squeeze, "Just don't like, knock my coffee into my lap. I like being male." But that burning? No thanks.

Yuki was quiet, but a soft sigh escaped.

"I's v'will not burn off yous deek."

Tsuru couldn't quite follow what they were talking about, at least, not until Senka said what she did. "...Is that what a bag of...." Her eyes widened. "Oh." It was going to take her a minute to process this information.

"What do you guys like for dinner? I can put in special requests for the kitchen there too," Eri said complacently.

"Thank you Senka, that's all I ask of you." Cianan nodded his head, "Of anyone, really."

?Senka v'would like burn some." She grinned, and it was probably a little frightening.

"Mm." Cianan patted Senka's cheek a few times, "I think there are some people out there, whose dicks we'd all like to burn. Just not mine. Mine is off limits to burning."


Date: 2017-07-04 14:09 EST
"Don't worry Cianan. I wouldn't let anybody burn your dick off," Eri assured him confidently, the bourbon she'd added to her tea no doubt making the declaration come out more naturally than it should have.

"Yous got ex-boyfriends yous v'wanna make pay, Banana?"

There was a blink, as Yuki did her best to withdraw from the conversations at hand. Takara, meanwhile, listened in fascination. Ghosts receding from her mind.

"No. No. I had a few toys, but I broke them." Cianan shrugged his shoulders, "No ex-boyfriends, I'm afraid. Thank you, though, Senka." He gave a thumbs up to Eri!

Takara didn't have any ex-boyfriends either. Her gaze was on Yuki instead. "You'll come to the mountain retreat with us, yes?"

Reluctantly Yuki nodded towards Takara "Yes... I will."

"Whose yous wis now Banana? Yous got sum body?"

"I do." Cianan nodded his head, "Shae. I think you've seen her around. She's nice."

Senka looked startled and turned to stare at Cianan. "No no, wis, like- like datin'." Takara was also, now, staring at Cianan. He was dating this Shae person?

Cianan blinked a few times, "Yeah. Shae." Cianan nodded his head there, looking mildly concerned, was there something he didn't know?

"Oh, didn't know that," Eri said to Cianan in a chipper tone. "Congratulations!"

"How- how long?" Senka asked.

Suddenly, Takara smiled, and her words echoed Eri's. "Congratulations on finding love!"

"Congrats?" Yuki was uncertain of why they were congratulating him.

Cianan blinked a few times, and scratched his jaw, "I don't know? It's been a little bit, I think.. there have been a few things." Cianan saluted for the congratulations. "You seem... apprehensive?" He glanced over to Senka.

"V'why didn't yous say suming couple v'week ago v'when Senka ass-k yous about she an' yous know..." Takara nodded several times, wanting to know the same thing.

"Oh. I didn't know about how serious we were then? And we were keeping it kind of quiet, I think?" Cianan said, sheepishly, scratching at his jaw. Or he may have thought she was talking about someone else? He couldn't remember.

Eri nodded understanding that explanation.

Apparently on the same wavelength as Banana, Takara?s brows lifted. "Are there two Shaes?"

Yuki asked politely if there was more tea. Eri reached over for the pot to refresh Yuki's tea cup carefully. "Here you go," she chimed when it was refilled.

"Thank you Eri," she nodded softly and would take the cup and bring it to her lips.

"Ohs my gods." Senka rubbed her hands against her face, baffling Cianan. She looked at Takara with an equally baffled look and then started to giggle uncontrollably.

Takara was still staring at Cianan, but she felt around blindly (ha) on the coffee table, her hands searching for the tea pot. She drug her eyes away at last, only to discover that she hadn't found it because Eri had. She flashed a smile of thanks to Eri, and then her attention was buttoned back on Senka and Cianan. "So...when she asked you if Shae and ...somebody... were more than friends, you... thought she meant someone else?" apparently Takara was all about saying what other people meant tonight.

Cianan shrugged his shoulders at Takara, "Maybe, or I don't know. Not ready to say it yet? Things can end up badly here, pretty quick. It makes you want to kind of just dip your toes in."

The yanki nodded pensively at that. "It was sort of a gradual thing for me too. Making sure first."

"Do she know dat yous two is datin'?"

"I believe we're in the consensus now." Cianan tapped a finger to his bottom lip. "I don't know how exclusive we are --we haven't had that conversation." They probably should, but now wasn't exactly the best of times.

"V'well she very nice an' have many talent an' she been so good to Cris. I's happy for yous, Banana."

Cianan gave a few small pats on to Senka's shoulder, he was curious. Maybe he had missed something? Senka shook her head no. "Is nussin'. Senka jes- is been roff v'week, da?"

Eri scratched her chin and studied Senka for a moment. "You okay though?" she asked.

"You sure? I can always listen." Cianan tapped his ear to Senka, he pointed back over to Eri.

"I's oh-kay, v'really." She hid her smile behind her mug as she took a drink. Tsuru was also hiding a smile behind her tea mug.

Cianan just gave Senka a few more back pats, and finished off his coffee. Putting the mug back down on the table, he gave a fierce yawn and stretched a bit.

Yuki smiled some, glad that Senka was doing alright. Eri, too, seemed considerably relieved, slumping back on the couch cushion a bit in her lazy posture.

At a total loss but also feeling better, Takara finished the last of her tea and set the mug down. Her gaze lifted to Senka, with a tilt of her head towards the door in silent question. Should they go?

"V'we can go." She stood up. "Is long v'walk to V'westends."

"I'm headed that way too. I can come with part of the way," Eri offered.

"Be safe you two," said Yuki. There was a nod towards Tsu and Senka.

"Come wis. Anybody who v'want."

The delinquent nodded and stood, picking up her backpack and putting the straps over her shoulders. Now prepared to follow.

"I'm.. Sorry if I upset you." Cianan frowned a bit at Senka, slumping down in his seat. "I'll just... stay here." Actually, he should probably prepare to go. He glanced at his phone a bit.

Yuki shook her head for a moment "I might stay for a while."

Takara got to her feet, smoothing her skirt down again. "It was nice to see you again, Cianana." She was caught somewhere between Cianan and Banana, but at least it was an honest mistake. Her gaze moved to Yuki. "Are you sure? Be well, then, until we meet again."

Yuki gave a small smile towards Tsu nodding "You as well Tsu."

"Good night!" Eri wished, trailing for the door. Takara was not far behind Eri, being only slightly smaller than the other Japanese woman.

"Banana, no. Yous didn't at all. Senka is v'really good. I's promise. I's sink v'what yous say'd is great." She stretched her arms up and started for the door. "Bye anybody who not comin'."

Cianan gave a nod of his head to Takara, and then over to Yuki and Eri, too. Lifting his hand, "Sorry for ruining the mood." He stretched on out to reclaim his mug, and return it to the counter, putting in a bigger order, for take away for coffee and tea.

"Banana yous ruin nussin'. I's v'will esplain anoder time. Bye!"

"Bye Senka! and everyone else!" With two big things of take away drinks, Cianan'd be on his way too. They all departed then, the three girls heading in one direction, Cianan in another.

Alone, Yuki would move to stand carefully, and shift over towards the restroom. Her plan was to sleep there tonight, and for now would hide away until the shop had fallen silent.