Topic: On the Way

Tag Sentry

Date: 2017-07-22 22:41 EST
(( Live rp of interaction of Tag and Jezebel prior to arriving to the playable Kawaii club night event. Thanks for the event opportunity and to Jez for the play!))

His little rituals, like the moon putting the tide to sleep, predicted that he would head towards the inn when there was time off. It wasn?t often he went out, and usually half the time it was because Marjorie insisted. She had told him that she did not want him to lose his smile, that there should be a few hours in a week where his greatest concern should be the path he walked and what food he would prepare for the children, that he could not always carry a house on his shoulders.

?They will be fine,? she told him, but there was something in the smile of his elderly neighbor that wasn?t as light as it used to be. Her worry was a well-known secret, written in the wrinkles of her lips and the corners of her eyes. On the evenings he left she reassured him and he looked at her, saying nothing and wearing the remains of a smile that said thank you.

Those were the moments that accounted for evenings where his steps aligned, taking him down the path he knew and expected, the one directed towards the inn. He had thought it would always be familiar and warm, worn with memories, bike tracks and hundreds of steps. At times it was entirely alien, stretching like a strange, foreboding vein in the ground ahead of him. Tonight it felt benevolent, the new flowers of spring weeds half-pouring over the soft path. Rain had come and gone, but it left the ground damp with its memory. The Dark Man?s hands hung in the front pockets of his jacket as he contemplated a firefly cigarette.

Like a golden firefly in the night, she was there, on the path. Her steps carried her in the opposite direction, unhurried grace in long limbs and languid movement. She was studying a brightly colored, glossy cardboard square held between her fingers, her gaze lifting when she became aware of movement coming towards her.

A smile flared across her lips, adding a sudden sparkle to a night still heavy with the aftermath of rain. Her clothes were finer, more form fitting than what the Shadow approaching would have been accustomed to seeing her in, but her hair was as loose and wild as ever, a curtain of silky fire that flowed down her back and shoulders like lava. ?Tag,? she said his name like a promise, like an unexpected gift. ?What a nice surprise.?

He had seen her, but wasn?t looking. His thoughts and mind had been on where he would be going and what he predicted would happen next. The frozen half-step showed that she had surprised him by saying his name. When he fixed his attention on her, he could see almost all the details of who she was, even in the dark. Something about her reminded him of the teeth of a key, subtly shifting the pattern of its teeth until it undid the lock.

?Yes.? He agreed, his foot easing back to the ground. He turned to look behind him as if something, or someone, was expected, but there was nothing. The neat shards of his black hair dipped towards the inn, ?I was on my way.? The unspoken question of where she was headed hung in the air.

?The Inn is all but deserted tonight,? she replied, in the air of someone who had just come from there, someone who knew it first hand. ?I?m given to understand that it?s because of this?? Jezebel stepped forward, closing the distance between them, to offer out the club flyer she?d been examining when their paths intersected. It had bright colors curiously juxtaposed with pastels, stylized Japanese characters she couldn?t read, and the incomprehensible word ?kawaii? emblazoned on it in baby pink bubble letters.

A crooked smile warmed her features as she lifted her face to his, searching his dark eyes as though looking for something. A response to the flyer, or maybe something more. ?Do you ever dance, Tag??

He took the flyer from her gently and stared at it as severely as someone performing a calculation. The Japanese lettering wasn?t recognizable to him, and it took a moment before the bright and stylized word ?Kawaii? made sense, but only so far as he recognized the word. His dark eyes jumped to her face, his lips paused with a question on his tongue that she was already answering.

?A dance?? The flyer was examined again. The paper of the flyer felt like a large piece of thin confetti, waving in the smallest disruption of the air. His lips moved in what wasn?t a smile, but an apology that masqueraded as one as he held the flyer to her, ?Very little.? The last time he danced was years ago, with Lilliana at the Beltane. It had been a slow dance which made it informal and more forgiving of his dancing ignorance.

The flyer remained extended towards her so she could find a more capable companion.

Jezebel accepted the flyer back from him as it was offered out, but she did not accept the apology that was there on his lips if not precisely in his words. Her own smile spread, the first sparks of kindling catching fire, and her shoulders rolled in an easy shrug. ?But you do occasionally indulge in a drink. Perhaps we check it out anyway??

The words rolled fluidly off her tongue, the faraway home she?d once told him of more apparent in the rolling lilt of her sentence structure than in the shaping of the actual words. Her brows were lifted, her lips subtly parted as she watched him, waiting to see what he would say, whether he would accept. ?I have so enjoyed our walks,? she added, gently coaxing. ?Perhaps we walk somewhere else tonight??

The ritual of moons and tides told him of what was expected, of what was the norm. There was a quiet inn that would not mind him taking post at it. The bar would know him like an old friend, neither saying a word but expressing the wear of the day as they breathed.

Check it out, anyway. A smile that was a worried secret told him he should not lose his smile.

?I don?t know the way.? The answer was yes, even if he had little idea of what it was he had agreed to, or what would be there. Something cute? A cute dance? When his eyes dropped to the ground, the destination of his toes pointed in the same direction as hers. He saw his shoes, his pants and then hesitated, ?I?m not prepared.? It was a black t-shirt with jeans and a clean set of boots laced up underneath. He was simple and clean, the weather too warm to warrant his usual leather jacket.

?I have been to this place once before,? she answered him, her thumb sweeping gently over the name of the club, Ego Trip. ?It isn?t that far.? Her smile grew by degrees, its heat building slowly as he shifted directions, accepting her invitation though he hadn?t specifically said so. Jezebel looked him over once as he commented on his apparel, and then shook her head. ?You look good,? she nodded, lifting the molten amber of her gaze to his face at length. ?I would be pleased to be seen with you in your present state -- any woman would.?

There was fire when he looked at her, it felt like an echo of promise and warning. He wondered how many buildings and lives had been warmed and destroyed by it. The fluidity of her motion and the way her eyes measured him left him with singed hairs and reassured skin.

?Many have thought the same of you.? The compliment was enormous, nearly impossible to accept because he had walked and been a secret for most of the world. His heart was powerfully quiet, his presence missed in the bright, social parade of bodies. He appreciated standing so close to the light, though it felt like opposite forces brought the world into a sharper contrast. Both of them became more visible because of the other, cutting each other away from the background cloth of the world.

She would be the one to lead them, though he occasionally made note of the direction they walked so that he would be able to know the way.

It had become tradition, the way she slipped her fingers into the crook of his elbow, the radiant warmth they afforded less noticeable in the sweltering summer evening. Her touch was not imposing though it led with the soft, harmless scrape of her nails; feather light there in the cradle of his arm as though asking permission to linger.

Jezebel smiled for him, aware on some level that her honesty had moved him. If she was fire and he was shadow, then he was the black backdrop that made her colors more pronounced, she the drawing brilliance that made him more opaque in relief. Her gaze lowered in acknowledgment of the one he offered her in return, her smile said she was pleased that he thought so. ?Perhaps,? she acknowledged, ?but just now I care more about your thoughts than those of the many.?

She led them, for the most part, easily. Her path unerring but for the occasional cross roads where she paused, firelit eyes examining one street and then the other with care before she continued. In all it was some ten minutes? walk before the bassline of the music could be felt in the pavement underfoot, heard in a sonic pulse like an erratic heartbeat. ?Ah,? said the woman with a grin, ?my memory has not failed us. It should be just there, on the next corner.? She indicated the direction she meant with a tip of her head.

Tag Sentry

Date: 2017-07-26 17:17 EST
?My thoughts?? The way he said it sounded as though he had not been asked about his thoughts in a long time, long enough that it made the unusual nature of the question catch his attention. The question wasn?t outstanding, it wasn?t punctuated at the end of her statement like there was a question mark and yet the sound of it was still there. ?I think so, too.? She had known the answer already and he didn?t mind that she drew the admission out of him like someone waiting for a match to start a candle.

Her company was familiar to him, the way old wounds were familiar. Walking with her at that moment, he felt the same emotional stab that used to bring him a sense of pride. Only a few years ago there might have been the feeling that he was lucky, that some unique magic was the reason a creature as bright and independent as her chose to walk with him. Tag had admired people who were free spirited, it was easy to fall in love with someone who embodied freedom and the beauty that could be captured in a moment. Hundreds of people could be out in the city, but it was only the ones standing in the right time and place that saw the rainbow.

The problem with shrugging off all obligation, all chains, was that it was inherently selfish. It paid no consideration to the future, or to any heart but its own. He found the idea of a free-spirit was growing ugly to him, or had always been ugly, and he was seeing that truth for the first time.

Years ago, he would have been proud that a woman of fire walked with a shadow, but all he could feel was that he would be burned up and left for ash. There was already the ash of the men that came before him on her fingertips and the warmth of her hand in the crook of his arm was a dull, dim reminder that he could still be burned. Too bad, Dark Man. Too bad.

Tag was half-right; her statement had been intended as a question despite its phrasing. She was not, however, looking to make him confess anything about wanting to be seen with her. Her intention had been two-fold, to tell him that she was interested in his thoughts in general, and to gently remind him that whatever her relationship to the rest of the world might be, her priority and her focus, for the time being, was on him alone.

?Thank you for that,? she replied, accepting his compliment with grace all the same. ?I am more interested in the rest of your thoughts, however.? She?d seen the ripple of surprise that only just barely disturbed the surface of his expression, putting a subtle ripple in its edges, she heard what she took to be a hint of novelty in his tone. Her smile was intended to be encouraging, interested but not in that anxious way that said she was eager to judge. The eyes were warm, hopeful as she lifted them to his face. ?Tell me something of you??

?The question is too big,? he confessed it softly, the corners of his lips barely suggesting a smile. Tag didn?t know where to begin saying anything about himself because he could never read the temperature of a question. Sometimes people were searching for a connection, to know about something painful or something that hurt so that they could know if their hurt was the same as his. At other times they wanted something fun and promising, like what his favorite food was or if he liked how it felt, walking through the grass when it rained. Jezebel could have been asking for anything, her smile told him to say anything but he found he did not know what chapter to open and begin reading aloud.

He wondered, briefly, if she would reflect his answer. If he would have it confirmed that their pain was like looking through a mirror darkly, or if the heat of her footprints was soothed by a chilled, morning dew when she walked.

The question was a big one. He?d caught her there, the guilty, almost sheepish tilt of her smile agreed. She would have accepted any piece of it, any chapter, any page. The story of his origin, how he?d come to be in Rhydin, what circumstances beyond simple coincidence had put him here, beside her, on their way to a nightclub in the name of doing something new.

Perhaps there was some intuition to it when she said, ?I was going to let you choose what you wanted to share.? Her voice had the light musical sound of a joke, not too serious, but there was something deeper there in its subtle undertones. She?d seen a reflection there already, in how genuinely surprised he?d seemed to be that someone actually asked for his opinion; she thought she saw a connection in that each of them was more accustomed to being talked to, or at, than talking.

?I want a big answer, eventually,? she went on in that same light tone a moment later. ?I know almost nothing of you. Is there something in particular you want me to know??

?I used to garden,? his eyes were on her face and then on the path ahead, as if he needed to let his gaze move ahead so that he could find the rest of what he wanted to say. His tongue touched his lower lip, wetting it before he continued, ?I learned when I was a boy, at home. They would have us grow plants and trim the bonsai. It was how we learned? to be with who we were.?

Their steps carried them closer to the sound of a party. To a building that practically vibrated with bass and bodies. His steps slowed, but they didn?t stop. His head turned to look at her and dark eyes implored her with the sort of interest that threatened to absorb, ?And you? What would you want me to know??

Me too. It was the perfect fragment, the piece he?d chosen to share, a tantalizing morsel that inspired more questions as surely as it soothed some wild part of her with the certain comfort of having something in common, a link that wasn?t as formidable as a bond but still wasn?t nothing. The low pulse of the bass line was beginning to make itself known, and in the space between acknowledging that they were nearing their destination and posing the next question, Tag had slipped in one of his own.

Her lips, parted to form her next inquiry, broke into a little smile. ?I have a deep respect for gardeners,? she answered him instead, rephrasing. ?I am part of the soil and the soil is part of me, and? I know intimately the patience and ...perseverance it takes to make it swell with life.?

?Then you know.? It wasn?t a redundant volley, but a low and respectful bow for the meaning of what she said. Something about the way she worded it made him wish that he could write it down, to remember how she had said it. Tag knew it wasn?t poetry, but it felt like poetry. Maybe it was a song that hadn?t been hummed into birth, yet, and she had merely laid out the bones.

I am part of the soil. The world of trees, of plants and gravel and moons grew further away as the sounds of the club grew louder and louder. As they stood at the front doors, finally, to gain entry, he realized that he could no longer hear the crickets and all the other heartbeats of the woods tick along. The soil is part of me.

His eyes looked down to her hand, hooked in the crook of his arm. Tag then studied her face, his expression not severe, but disarmed. I know intimately the patience and perseverance it takes?

?After you,? his left hand motioned, encouraging the fire come before the dark.

?I do.? said Jezebel simply, and the weight of his regard told her that her words had found their mark, that he?d heard. A soft smile settled on her lips, a sudden levity buoyant in her chest. It came sometimes in those fleeting moments when she knew she?d been understood. She gave him that quiet moment to study her face and then lifted candle flame eyes to find his. ?The fire in me is always identifiable,? her words were soft spoken, dulcet in tone but rich in feeling. ?So very few ever see past it.?

There was a line at the entrance, people waiting to get in, to show their identification or otherwise bribe the bouncer. Many of the club goers wore bright colors, all shades of pink. There were bows and ribbons, top hats and lacy frills. Two girls stood out in their mostly black attire, a stark contrast to what otherwise looked like a rainbow made of candy. Jezebel met eyes with the bouncer, who unhooked one of the velvet barrier ropes and motioned she and Tag forward. ?Over here, gorgeous.?

She smiled for the security guard and nodded, bypassing the line to meet him. Glancing up at Tag as they approached it, her hand slipped from his arm at last, leaving the tingling impression of her heat in its wake. Stepping through the immediate access channel that had been opened exclusively for the two of them, she lingered just on the other side, waiting for him.

He was certain that he shouldn?t have been there. The noise of the club and the way people were dressed made him feel as though he had traveled to a new country and hadn?t studied its customs. Dark eyes watched her, trying to decode the crossword of what was going on, of how he felt about it. One day he would ask her a question, but a different one was taking priority. The way he thought about the wind, about the soft sound of Ame?s breath when he was asleep and held him and how Penny?s sneakers drummed along the floorboards when she walked, had changed. Finally, the world was becoming something different and he wanted to ask it, if it could hear him what happens next?

Instead, he saw that Jezebel was standing there, impeccably posed for being a flame. The ash of her touch in the crook of his arm whispered like a premonition. She was waiting, her eyes smiling like an expectant simmer. He bowed his head to agree and the Dark Man stepped up, joining her in the club.