Topic: Journal of a Broken Kingdom

Blend Within

Date: 2017-03-22 22:58 EST
So much has happened in the last year, I hardly know where to begin. I?m apprehensive about even writing any of this down, it all becomes that much more real if it?s in print; if it?s bound in one of these types of journals. And even then, what?s the purpose of that? Our ties are all nearly broken, I?ve started a war of chaos and destruction, one that I don?t think that I?ll be winning. What?s the purpose of taking down the history of how things happened if I?m not going to be the victor?

Maybe the small glimmer of hope that it?s not all lost. That maybe somewhere, at some point, someone will find this and read it and understand that I tried. I ****ing tried!!

Trying wasn?t good enough though. Trying didn?t help stop the consequences that were set in motion by my own stupid arrogance that I could handle it all myself. I should have known better. I should have realized that pride is my flaw and that it was because the three of us would work together ? that we worked together as a team, that?s how we would protect our family.

There?s no I in team they say. But there?s one in King, there?s one in Heir.

Only now, there?s no kingdom. No throne.

And it?s all my fault, because my sister Constance is dead.

Blend Within

Date: 2017-03-23 01:17 EST
It happened last year, a few days before her birthday. I was at the Pub, downstairs, moving a couple of cases of beer with one of the busboys when I felt it happen. I knew the three of us were connected, but I didn?t realize, or just hadn?t ever put the pieces together that it meant we?d ? No, that?s not it. I never wanted to consider that it was a possibility. That we?d feel the others when they died.

There wasn?t a contingency plan. Why wasn?t there a contingency plan?

It felt like I had been dropped in hot lava and my lungs were flattening. Like my bones were being pressed to powder and my heart was ready to burst. Every inch of me had felt like it was on fire and I didn?t even know that I had collapsed on the ground till I saw the broken glass on the floor afterwards. They told me that it appeared as though I?d never stop screaming, that my skin had gone past the blazing shades of red anger to a deepening purple until I passed out.

When I came to moments later, my ears were ringing with my sister?s screams. Not Connie?s. Catherine?s. That?s when I realized what it was. What was happening. I felt a cold chill, sweat I think, come over me and I practically flew out of the Pub searching for anything that could have led me to find Connie. Hoping I would get to her in time.

But that?s the thing though, I wouldn?t get to her in time. Not with the Banshee?s call echoing in my ears. It was last call, do not pass go and collect $200, there was no going back after she screams your name. The knowledge of this felt like iron in my heart, my legs suddenly felt weighted. But I had to try. So instead of the rushing manic search I was initially going to start, my head cleared long enough to focus on one single idea.

I wasn?t the family tracker. My cousin John was. Find him, get Connie. It was simple, right?

Little did I know how true that was.

When I found John, I found Connie too.

Dead in a pool of blood on the floor of the Tower of Air.