Topic: 2011 Extra Team Question


Date: 2011-10-19 01:46 EST
Do we keep them or just try to work around them.

If we keep them where do we add them?

This is your question.

If you answer Yes please post a reply here and tell us your opinion on Team Location.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2011-10-19 08:23 EST
Oh add them! Granted that means more work for you wonderful administrators of this fantastic idea. Though it also means more opportunity for more players.

As for location:

Old Temple .....Titans? (Old Temple District)
Battlefield....Beserkers? (Battlefield Park District)
Seaside....Sirens? (Seaside District)

Euriya Shilo

Date: 2011-10-19 16:05 EST
I would like to put in a bid for one of the teams. Please feel free to send me details on how this is done.

Many thanks!!!

Zahra Khoury

Date: 2011-10-19 16:11 EST
Love Satariel's suggestions for locations.