Topic: Finding Direction


Date: 2011-06-23 16:03 EST
Stephen sat at his desk reviewing the numerous pages of stats from last years season. Shaking his head at the numbers he knew this just wouldn't do, he was not going to go into this venture to come in second.

"Tae be a winner, an' tae ma'e a return on me investment? How do we do it?" He questioned out loud to himself. There had to be a way to get the populus of Dockside to really get behind this team. He reread the article about last seasons game against Marketplace, when Duci slapped the Dockside goalie with her stick, now Sephen had nothing against Duci, but that was unacceptable. Citizens of Dockside would not have backed down had someone doing that to them on the street, no it would have started a drunken back street brawl.

Stephen slapped his hand down on his desk. "That's it!!" He declared loudly. "We will give tae fans a team after thier own image. One wha' won't back down from a challenge or a fight."

Now with a clear image of the team in mind Stephen put pen to paper preparing a notice to be sent out.