Topic: Recruitment Drive: Come Get Yer Mount Washed!

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-10-16 17:03 EST
Recruitment Drive!
Come get yer Mount Washed!

Fiora stood in cut off jean shorts and converse sneakers. Her bright hot pink bikini straps were visible above the scooped neckline of one of her limited edition t-shirts emblazoned with the WestEnd Wargs!

She'd convinced one of the myriad local orphanages to assist in her latest harebrained scheme and the kids all milled about their various ponds, buckets, techno-sprays and hoses. They were grinning in excitement and chattering away as Fiora had promised all those who helped tickets to the first game and attendance in the Picnic with your Player set for opening weekend at the park.

Every last one of them wore a different style of dress emblazoned with the various symbols and slogans of the WEST END WARGS!

This little shindig was going to reimburse her strained account after paying for the first round of merchandise creation.

As she waved in the man on a horse and pointed him toward the stable area, she dutifully flagged down the camaro coming down the road and ushered him with the other hand to the awaiting kids. From above she was pretty sure that was a gryphon rider and she hopped up and down and waved excitedly, "This way! This way! Come get yer mount washed for donations to the West End Wargs!"

The memo encouraging players (Past, present and future hopefuls) to join had landed on anybody and everybody's desks across town, delivered by an army of pixies. "COME HELP RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR TEAM!"


She sent a searching glance around and hoped to see some familiar faces. The Grangers? The school kids? Quinn?

Currently in the process of shoving a wet soapy brush through the thick fur of the Yeti, she hit a snarled tangle and the beast yowled its displeasure.

All movement stopped for a moment. Frozen children looked in horror at the great beast as it had pulled back its lips from its tusk like teeth.

"Oh shut it! Ye walkin' carpet! I can't imagine who rides ye? I mean seriously? I've never heard of a Yeti as a mount!" But even as the ebullient realtor rattled on she gently untangled the comb from the wet fur and offered a wet, soppy hug that left her grey shirt clinging to her.

Somewhere along the way she'd gotten soaked completely through so there seemed little reason not to just 'embrace' the entire ordeal.

As crisis was seemingly averted, the Yeti even offering what could be considered a growling laugh. The excited children went back to bubbling bright activity.

Pushing back a heavy hank of wet russet curls she sent a searching glance around the area again. Hopefully some of the players had seen the invitation she'd sent out. Had she sent the invitations?

It was her turn to freeze in shock. "Oh nononono."

Scrambling down the ladder that had allowed her to reach the Yeti's neck she hastily hollered, "Rinse!" To which a dozen youths opened up the nozzles and let the water spray.

Weaving through the assorted chaos she arrived at her discarded purse and pulled out her Blackberry. Wet hands bobbled the object before she was able to push the Carrier Pigeon icon.

As soon as he picked up she was off, "Oh Euriya! I think I forgot to send out the invites to the Wargs! How can they be here if I never asked them to be? BEEP! I was...wait..why is it blinking?! What is it doing?! No! BEEP! Stop that you over-glorified paperweight! BEEP! I will END YOU----CLICK."

(Please feel free to join in as participant of all kinds. The thread open for interaction is here -- Thank you!)

Edited to add Link. Whoops. And recreated upon a minor mishap


Date: 2011-10-16 17:40 EST
A silver painted tricycle with a basket at it's front would be the newest arrival ushered in by the friendly atmosphere and the smiling faces of children. Ring, ring's filling the air when gloved thumb pressed to the bell attached to the right handle. Greeted with the normal kind words people would share to others in hope for help and contribution. Vice didn't seem to care for it and instead dismounted her three wheel piece of transportation and eerily floated past the children so that they could get to work.

Few of the children had been looking to her instead of washing her bike. ".. Tthe.. bikee." Dual toned words spoken in a slow, calm manner. Those boys and girls quickly learning the error of their ways turned about and went back to work. After all - they had a team to support! Scrubby, scrubby. Washy, washy. Mud and other gunk had plagued the bike. Coat upon coat of such messy things would mean the children had to put a little more effort into it. The added effort gave the tall woman the opportunity to sneak up behind one of the older girls who looked to be in her teens. A slow hand reached out to gather some of that wet hair. The girl took notice right away and turned about to look, but a quick snip of those scissors was all the woman needed to steal some locks of beautiful black hair.

There she stood. Scissors in hand and the most terrified of looks coming from the girl, who'd soon be noticed by a few of her partners. Cutting tool slid back within her sleeve and gathered hair casually would be placed within one of the coats pockets. "... ...Tthank.. youu." Spoken words that caused a chill to roll up their spines. Hand retreated from that same pocket and held many coins clutched within her fist. Many golds and silvers, a payment undeserving of such work, but this was charity. She'd extend that lengthy appendage and hold out the coins for one of the children. It took a few moments, but the bravest one out of the group stepped forward and cupped his hands. Long digits uncurled and allowed the coins to slowly rain down into those waiting hands, though some of them bounced from one another and hit the wet ground instead. While another girl went to help gather the fallen coins the woman had already mounted her bike once more. She'd ride off then with one last Ring, ring of that bell.

Zahra Khoury

Date: 2011-10-17 09:02 EST
The Wargs looked like they could use some help.

Zahra'd been sitting on a bench across the wide stretch of green and a side street from the 'Mount Wash' for some time, watching as she ate her lunch. She was increasingly amused, chuckling aloud while she watched Fiora on the ladder with ... whatever that was.

She just hoped the woman didn't try to wax it.

Her mirth faded somewhat when a flash of sunlight on steel reflected from the scissors brandished by the creature on the bicycle. It stirred her enough, however, that she produced her phone while she finished her apple and sent a group text to all of her players.

*Come help the league. Wargs fundraiser. Wear your Spacers jerseys.* She ended it with directions and the promise of a practice credit for volunteering. SEND and she flung what was left of the apple core under a tree for the squirrels. Then she rose to amble across the street toward Fiora and her little troop.

Yeardley Owens

Date: 2011-10-17 09:06 EST
Wash your mount. She didn?t have a mount, but she could do washing!

So it was, one of the newest to the Spacer team, showed up in her #4 jersey, shorts, and sneakers. She didn?t hesitate to march into the hoard of little people, giving high fives where need be.

?Okay kids, put me to work. ? Not only did at least one team member show up, she joined into the chaos with the kids. Yeardley had no problem standing on a corner flagging (harassing) customers in for the kids to work on. She might not be the biggest, but she was probably one of the loudest.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-10-18 12:02 EST
A rapid flutter of a blink revealed the new arrivals as she swiped a handful of soapy wet strands of hair from her face.

For a moment she seemed perturbed by the "rival" team's attendance but the look was actually a lingering cursing thought for her misbehaving blackberry.

Her smile was quick, her wave even quicker. Both Zahra and Yeardley acknowledged.

She rose up and looked about her, spotting a possible solution."Want a Blackberry?" Fiora chirped and tossed the current object of her irritation at a nearby RockCrusher. For a moment it considered the pretty little device and then brought it to its craggy maw to crunch down upon the 'treat.'

With that settled she searched through the crowd for the newcomers. Skirting past the shiny clean tricycle she didn't even see the owner as she made her way through the subdued chaos to offer her welcome.

A welcome that would have to wait as a sphinx landed before her. The large regal beast inclined its head and swept its wings to its back as it inquired, "What needs a wash but is no mount?"

"Uh..." Fiora blinked..."I think I got this."

Thumbs came up, pointer fingers forward and with a double mock gun motion she clicked and fired at the Sphinx, "you!"

Greetings would have to wait. She had a Sphinx to wash.

Mystriana DeSabre

Date: 2011-10-18 15:30 EST
She'd left a note on Ozalynne's door for Blizzard. No point putting one on the pugilist's door as he was never in his own room. It had been blunt and to the point, much like the author of it, "If I do this alone, you will suffer."

She left him to figure out what "it" was and what kind of suffering she was hinting at. Hopefully he remembered their agreement to attend this event together.

Her first pass over the bedlam of bodies sent her circling back into the welcoming solitude of the skies. Feathers caught the crosswind and she was aloft, skimming along easily. An uneasy sound emerged from her throat as she tilted her head to the side to allow one eye to follow along the fundraising event below.

It might have taken her three more circling passes to gather the conviction to descend but that was a private reluctance and no one needed to know it. Twirling in tighter circles she unfurled her wings fully and tilted them to catch the breeze, holding steady as her body shifted in a liquid glide of flowing muscles and tendons. She poured from the sky, a feathered owl one minute and a teenaged girl the next.

A few children in the vicinity lifted their voices in surprise and awe and she stood frozen at the exclamations. It took restraint to keep a scowl from marring her features as she tried her best to look like she fit in.

She couldn't manage a greeting, her throat clenched around a growl; instead, she inclined her head in a series of nods that sent pink tipped platinum hair swinging.

Helpful little people gathered about to offer their encouragement. Excited questions about the upcoming season, past plays, new teammates and old ones, blurred together in a concerted wash of voices amidst a clamoring to "be her partner."

One bold little girl slid a bucket handle in Mystri's grasp and grabbed her free hand, "You're with me. We're in the Stables!"

It didn't take but a few feet from the aforementioned location to reveal that standard horses did not particularly care for the smell of her in their midst. While most Rhydinite horses were fairly used to predators of all types around them that didn't mean they wanted one washing them.

She'd just managed to slip free of her eager little helper and had slipped out the back when she caught sight of the Warg's impassioned owner. Quickly determining she wasn't up for -that- conversation she was back through the stables and out the other side.

Attempting to look busy, she picked up a wet, soapy towel and slapped it on chariot that rested there. Inanimate objects. Now that was something she could handle. Scrubbing commenced and a therapeutic rhythm was soon found.

Blizzard Vaughn

Date: 2011-10-18 17:17 EST
The assortment of monstrous mounts was intimidating, halting his stride a hundred yards from where the huge WESTend WARG pennant flapped in the gentle breeze. Creatures of all shapes and sizes meandered about the lot where the drive was taking place, guided by volunteers there to support the team. Blizzard felt a little guilty for being as late as he was, the event having started more than an hour ago, and decided at that point that, no matter how menacing the steeds appeared to be, he needed to man up and participate.

He needed to show support for the team, which might end up being his lone alternative if he continued to struggle within the school and was inevitably kicked out.

Fueled by determination, he started forward once again.

The recognition he received as he arrived was unprecedented, not expecting to ever actually have anything that resembled fans. Sure enough, as he made his way through the crowd that surrounded the lot he was greeted with whispers at first?

?is that Blizzard Vaughn?....I think it is?.I have his jersey!

?that transformed into a more boisterous barrage once clarity set in?


Almond shaped eyes widened, the path he tried to wind through the horde suddenly clear as the people stepped aside and made way for him. Startled, he continued on with a quickening step to escape the chants and cheers.

Finally he made it to where the work was being done, organized between white lines and colorful flags, and was no longer inundated with the resonating mantra of his name. Unsure of where to begin, he took a moment to survey the scene in hopes of finding some sort of indication as to where he should start.

Oh, he found something alright.


Hot girls.

Who were soaking wet.

?Fo?sho.? He sang quietly, that overwhelmed mien drifting away, replaced with a salacious grin.

Suddenly he realized where he needed to be?

?right in the middle of things.

Zahra Khoury

Date: 2011-10-20 08:31 EST
How Yeardley ended up on the corner flagging in business while she was standing before a large bronze dragon with a bucket and mop was beyond her, but so it was. At least, her mouth twitched, she wasn't exchanging riddles with a sphinx.

No one ever made a riddle about the hairballs those things coughed up.

"You will need to crouch down a bit more," she told the scaled beastie in front of her, slapping the wet yarn of the mop lightly against one big haunch. "I cannot reach your back."

"You throw the water on them, like this!" an enthusiastic boy of about ten shouted just before he hurled the entire soapy contents of a five gallon tub all over the side of the dragon and Zahra. "Except higher," he clarified.

She scrunched her eyes closed until the worst of it had sluiced down her face, then swiped at her nose and mouth while the bronze hissed with laughter. Ugh. "Thank you. I shall keep that in mind."

Shen Lei

Date: 2011-10-20 10:05 EST
Late, but with fairly good reasons - most of which revolved around not considering herself safe in groups of people more than three and of indeterminate race - Lei attempted to sidle into the organized chaos without being noticed. It had taken a full order from Rufus to get her here in the first place; apparently the newly appointed goalie for the West End Wargs had no business staying away.

Wargs sweatshirt over her usual clothing, she lingered beside a bucket and cloth for a while, watching with undisclosed amusement the antics of everyone else engaged in this mount washing. Something nudged her shoulder in a huff of stiflingly hot, but above all smelly, breath, and she spun about, staring up a the biggest bird she had ever seen. Perched on its neck was a small boy, roughly eight years old.

"Here, you're really little, aren't you?" he said by way of a hello as he uncoupled his riding harness from the sleek feathers beneath him.

Lei's sense of the injustice of the entire day rose in response. "Well, I'm not sitting on a twenty-foot pidgeon," she snapped back. "Can't it just wash in the lake or something?"

"How dare you," the bird said mildly, his beak clacking with every word. "I happen to be a Roc, thank you so very much."

The little boy was laughing as he slid down. "Nah, he just needs his claws done, and Granpa said as how I could get it done here, 'cos I always miss the spurs on the back."

Startled by the fact that a bloody great bird had just told her off, Lei stared at the boy for a long moment, her mouth working silently. "Spurs?" she managed eventually.

A huge clawed foot was extended in front of her face, displaying talons that were bigger than her head. Lei felt herself gulp at their sharpness, missing for the moment the fact that each and every one of those talons was caked in mud and guano.

"Spurs," the Roc confirmed. "A steel brush for the dirt, my good woman, and you may need something sharp to get the grit out. Then I require polishing and sharpening. That is what you do here, isn't it?"

The Slayer stared up at the imperious pidgeon, wavering on the edge of outright fury. The Roc simply stared back at her, one yellow eye trained on the woman below him expectantly as she struggled with her inner nature. A yell from over by the sphinx made her glance away, bringing with that glance the realisation that this really could be a lot worse.

"Oh, alright, fine," she sighed, unsheathing one of her sais and eyeing the excrement-covered limbs warily. "One complaint, and I'll pluck you."

Rori Dunn

Date: 2011-10-27 15:30 EST
What was the phrase? Fashionably late, of course. Well, that was only if her Spacers jersey could be called fashionable, and only if she'd been just a little later. As it was, Rori arrived just in time to get the backsplash from the bucket of the boy helping Zahra right in the face.

Spluttering, she laughed, waving off the ever-present figures who tailed her everywhere she went as they hurried toward her. "Well, that's as good a way as any get stuck in, right?" she chuckled, bending to seize a bucket of water and retaliate.

She missed, of course. Most of the water went over the dragon, thankfully ... but quite a bit of it got the little gaggle of Wargs players as well. Flashing a sweet, innocent smile at them, Rori ducked behind Zahra.

"Was that what you had in mind when you said get down here and show them what you've got?"

Cian Granger

Date: 2011-11-13 11:53 EST
How did the old saying go? Better late than never. Cian was late to the party, er, car wash, er mount wash, as usual, but in his mind, the party didn't start until he arrived anyway.

Clad in Wargs Jersey Number 14, jeans, and roller-blades, he rolled way through the crowd, stopping every now and then to scribble an autograph for a fan or three.

Spying someone he thought he knew, he rolled his way over to Rori, flashing a bright smile until he noticed she was wearing the wrong team jersey.

"Thirteen?" he asked, having fallen into the habit of calling his teammates by number, rather than by name. "Why are you wearing a Spacers jersey? Did you get traded?"

Rori Dunn

Date: 2011-11-13 12:33 EST
Distracted from her attempt to hide from the Wargs players by ... oh, look ... another Wargs player, Rori straightened up, blinking in slightly confused surprise at the greeting offered her way. He was cute, even if he was barking up the wrong tree.

"I'm sorry?" she asked, grinning at what she assumed was a badly thought out pick up line. "I don't think we've met. I only just joined the league."

She plucked at her jersey, already rolled up to her elbows and belted to give her some kind of a figure since she wasn't wearing the padding underneath it today. Her shoulders rolled as she straightened up, still required to tilt her head back to make proper eye contact with the rolling player who'd hailed her.

"I'm Rori," she introduced herself, feeling as always the twinge of guilt at the less than honest nickname. "Nice to meet you. And you are?"

Cian Granger

Date: 2011-11-13 13:04 EST
"Rori?" Cian repeated. The hell was going on? She looked just liked Quinn, so much so she could almost pass for her twin, right down to the eyeliner.

Everyone has a double, or so they say, and apparently, he had just met Quinn's.

He blinked in confusion and embarrassment. "Um... I'm Cian. Granger. WestEnd Wargs." He offered a smile and a hand, blushing just a little at his comedy of errors.

Unlike some, he held no animosity toward any of the other teams or their players. To him, it was all in good fun and friendly rivalry.

Rori Dunn

Date: 2011-11-13 13:20 EST
"Granger, huh?" Rori's brows rose - now why hadn't she guessed that? They all had that Granger-ish look about them, after all, even the women. "Met a few of you in the past."

Her fingers curled warmly around Cian's, squeezing rather than shaking before letting him go to pinch his blushing cheek gently. "I'm guessing you thought I was someone else, right?" she asked then, picking up a half-filled bucket in a bid to at least look as though she was doing something. "Then I think you should pay a forfeit for it."

Her grin was anything but malicious, warm and wide and close to giggling with amusement as she handed the bucket over. Closing her eyes, she pointed at random to the line of mounts waiting to be washed, opening the pale blue gaze to discover that she had pointed out a matted, smelly-looking llama.

"There ya go, Cian Granger West End Wargs." She patted him on the shoulder pleasantly. "Go and show that llama what you're made of!"

Cian Granger

Date: 2011-11-13 14:40 EST
Cian grinned back at Rori, relaxing a little under her sparkling smile, still feeling a little embarrassed for the mistaken identity. "Yeah, you look just like someone else I know." He didn't bother to tell her who. She'd find out on her own soon enough.

He swung a glance at the line of mounts waiting to be washed and scrunched his nose in anticipation of the smelly-looking llama. "What, me?" he asked, pointing at himself. "Wash... that?" He pointed at the beast.

He eyed the llama, who seemed to eye him right back. "Who rides a llama anyway," he grumbled to himself, skating over to the smelly beast and yanking his jersey off to get to work, a plain white t-shirt worn beneath. "Hi there, uh... llama... person... thing."

Zahra Khoury

Date: 2011-11-13 15:19 EST
Zahra seemed to be the recipient of more than one bucket of water over the course of the afternoon, and the fact that Rori was doing much of the tossing, and then hiding behind her (when she wasn't flirting with the Wargs!) had not been lost on her.

"I'd be careful," she warned both Rori and Cian with a distinct note of pleasure. "Llamas are like camels."

She glanced over at the pair near the beast and elaborated on that with a wry smile as she moved to put the bulk of the dragon they were still working on between her and the llama-drama. "They spit."

Cian Granger

Date: 2011-11-13 16:00 EST
"Spit?" Cian echoed, glancing over at the dark-haired woman who he hadn't met yet, and then back at the llama. "Rori, why don't you wash the llama and I'll... uh..." He canted his head around looking for something to do that was a little less messy.

And at that very moment, he spied the Wargs' goalie busily washing what looked like an over-sized pigeon and he waved to her madly, hastily roller-blading his way toward her. "Lei! How's it going? Need any..."

Upon his arrival, however, he wasn't sure if the Roc was any safer a bet than the llama, and he glared up at it. "Isn't this supposed to be a car wash? Where the heck are all the cars?"