Topic: Rompu

Katarina Smith

Date: 2011-08-25 16:45 EST
Katarina tried to leave the theatre when daylight was still out when other performing arts groups had performances that evening. No matter how many open rooms were available and how little noise or distraction she could be, it was a simple rule she tried to keep over the years. Every evening she had a performance, the stage and everything about it was hers, and that was difficult to grasp when unfamiliar people were around. Tonight wouldn't be any different. In fact, the only reason why she was still there was to help in deciding the next production. Madame and the Count asked for Katarina and Andy to stay late and join in the decision process. Alik was supposed to be there as well, but had declined to offer input.

With a wave to Andy, Katarina tried to quickly gather her belongings and follow him. After the RBF virus outbreak, the theatre had gone though severe changes in its performances and performers. It was with gratitude to know that her dancers were one of the first to receive vaccines. Throughout the confusion, concern, and several closed performances, at least Moulin Rouge seemed to have left a positive mark on its guests. The future of the troupe continued on the rise, and it made her heart warm to know that she had a small part in it. She had never regretted her decision to remain in RhyDin and turn down the The Royal Academy.

She heard soft voices and murmurs travel down the hall, and it was her cue to gather her bag over her shoulder and exit the practice room. Her stomach growled with anticipation of whatever Locke was planning for dinner. It brought a brief pause and curl of her lips. She was doing better. Though she was still struggling to put her weight back on, she wasn't losing anymore, and never felt like she was going to pass out again. Talking to Locke was a good step in the recovering direction, but for now she avoided the advice she didn't want to take.

Turning off the lights behind her, Katarina entered the long hallway and started to hum lightly to herself. A small bounce started to enter her steps until she started to hear muffled raised voices. She slowed down her steps and listened harder, trying to distinguish the voices and the room they were coming from. A door opened down the hall almost violently, but was then shut, though not all the way. A more distinct voice was quiet and smooth as Katarina quietly approached the cracked door.

It was the Count's office and the Count's voice that replaced the yelling with a soothing tone. There were noises - sounded like a short attempt to move furniture - before all the sounds nearly vanished entirely. Her curiosity was enough to test the door and gently pushed it. No squeaks or groans came from the motion, so she opened it enough to poke her head in to make sure everything was all right.

Neither the Count or his guest was paying attention to the door. Instead the Count had someone pinned against a corner of the walls in a passionate kiss. Katarina's jaw dropped as she quickly looked away and tried to soundlessly move at a reasonable pace towards the lobby. By the way she saw things, neither of them were interested in anything but each other.

She hadn't looked for long. It was only out of familiarity that Katarina recognized the back of the Count's head and the dark arms around him. Katarina had seen those arms countless times from performances - they belonged to Alik.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2011-09-02 12:57 EST
"You have been usually quiet." Andy whispered from the side of his mouth to Katarina. When she didn't seem to be paying much attention to him, he turned to face her more, "Do you know how weird that is?"

"Do ya notice," Katarina looked up from the scribbles and occasional titles that she had written on her paper and looked across the table, "tha' Alik dun show up ta these meetin's anymore?" She tapped her pen restlessly against the table.

Andy put his hand over hers to stop the noise, "Why don't you ask him next time you see him?"

Katarina considered the last time she had seen the dancer, "He seems, hrm... preoccupied."

"I heard he was leaving." Christine invited herself to the rather private conversation, and Andy scowled at her eavesdropping.

"Wha'?" Katarina's brows rose up in surprise, "Where'd ya hear tha' fra?"

Christine jerked her head over to where the Count was having a low but heated discussion with Madame. There were papers spread out in front of them but Katarina was too far away to see the details. While most of the other attendants were in the midst of their own conversation, Madame and the Count didn't seem to have any qualms about arguing in front of everyone else.

"Tha's interestin'." Katarin tried to have a nonchalant attitude and started to scratch titles off of her page.

"I thought that you would be happy about it. Considering all the fuss you made a few years back." Christine flipped her hair over her shoulder with a smirk.

Katarina might have bickered or argued more if her mind was still involved in the conversation. Considering the interaction that she witnessed between Alik and the Count, she was beginning to wonder just what she saw. If passion was what she had witnessed, then why would Alik seem so evasive? Perhaps he was leaving the troupe to have a more open relationship.

When the room fell deadly silent, she realized that she had missed a rather important question. Instead of acting a fool, the Count seemed to repeat himself, "We need something that will bring the crowds before the holidays. That virus hit our numbers bad."

Katarina looked down at her paper and cleared her throat, "I hav' a suggestion."

"Well, out with it."

She glanced to the Count's throat, and then smiled with all of her teeth, "Dracula."