Topic: Confrontation

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 12:26 EST
((This comes from play logs from Kruger's character and myself. It has been posted with permission. As the date below indicates it happened near the end of leap day.))

Feb 29, 2016

Sunset in this city was a time where most people were closing down and heading home. Most people weren't Kruger, for him that westerly light was a sign that it was time to begin working. He wound his way through Market Square watching the length of his shadow grow on the concrete sidewalk. There was time, and maybe too much time considering how little he actually had waiting for him. That wasn't to say that an emergency wouldn't come along that would demand his attention.

If he were being honest, he actually wanted an emergency to come along. You never could tell who it would bring in, or even what they'd need. Kruger wasn't feeling all that honest today though. He let himself be deluded by white lies that had him relaxing in the darkness of his shop. It was these that had him taking the long way to Kruger's Exotic. There was no real long way. He just intentionally would miss turns, go extra blocks and then zigzag his way back.

He wanted to be there, didn't he? It was difficult to tell tonight. Perhaps he just knew that once inside the numbers would begin again, and so would the hours of labor of the hot coals. He loved his trade, but even the most dedicated people needed a break sometimes. Maybe he was doing too much? Maybe that was just how he felt today.

It watched and waited, patiently. It had taken the apparent form of a human male, dressed in clothing appropriate for an American farmer of the early nineteenth century. As Kruger approached the alley where it hid, it cleared it's throat. ?Mr. Allen, might I have a word with you??

Mr. Allen, Kruger had almost missed that he was the one being spoken to. He couldn't recall the last time someone had called him by his last name. That of course didn't include when they put Kruger before it.

He did a double take once the connection was made. Wheat colored eyes took in the man, and his manner of dress. It was good to be in this city, people from everywhere could be found, and occasionally every when.

"Kruger... please just call me Kruger." He'd have made a joke about Mr. Allen being his father, but there was a sober quality to the man. Kruger pulled out his grin, but more than that seemed somehow inappropriate.

How this person had known him on sight was a mystery to be solved later. He wasn't overly concerned though. Plenty of people knew him that he'd never met. He stepped into the alleyway, the sparse light of the sun disappearing even more between buildings. "What can I do for you, Mr...?" He waited for the man to provide his name.

?Andrews, Marcus Andrews. I would like to talk to you about th-? It caught itself just in time, ?Miss Caldwell.? It came out of the alley as it spoke and moved up so that it stood next to Kruger. ?Kruger, might I ask what your intentions are toward her??

Well, that was new. Very new, in fact Kruger couldn't remember ever having this conversation with anyone. Even the parents of girls he'd liked when he was much younger. "I'm sorry, Marcus, but... What? Are you a relative?" or a stalker? Kruger kept that thought from passing through his lips.

"If so, then I suggest you ask Annabeth." Unless he was a stalker. That would be terrible advice then. "I'm not sure that a stranger has the right to ask me that. Of course, if you wanted we could both go and see what she's got to say. Though I think that if you have no real ties to Annabeth, you might prefer to stay here."

Normally Kruger liked farmers, they brought him work that let him stretch muscles that didn't require weapons making. Leave it to one crazy to ruin it for all the other farmers that would head his way in the future. Maybe this wasn't a great city after all? Lot of crazies in it.

?I suppose we could go see her. Although she will in no way recognize me. I'll be honest, with you. I'm trying to see if you might be interested in helping me and yourself as well. I was trying to lay some groundwork for the conversation, but I see that I failed. Forgive me my clumsy words.?

The smith squinted hard at Marcus. "What exactly are you telling me, sir. If I listen to your words, then I take you for a possible threat, unless you're the strangest dressed reporter I've ever seen." Kruger wasn't overly fond of reporters that made remarks about his relationships with friends either. It wouldn't be the first time he'd sent one scurrying.

"That is giving you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I should be asking your intentions towards Annabeth? At least she's a friend of mine, not some meal ticket at best or at worst an obsession."

He had been an emotional powder keg lately, well okay perhaps he was normally but there were reasons. Annabeth had seen him slip through several recently and not pushed him away. That deserved something from Kruger. Maybe this was it.

"But by all means, what kind of help do you require, Mr. Andrews?" He was backing out of humanizing Marcus, slowly he'd stop using any of the names he was given. It would make it easier if it came to blows. At least he believed it could.

?My intentions, and the help I need would be related. I would ask that you help me to convince th- Annabeth, that she should return home, her true home, not this land that has bewitched her, and start a family. In exchange, I would offer this.?

At this point he holds up his hands and an image of The Bath appears above them. Almost as if he were holding an model. ?I know where it is located. The rest of course would be up to you.?

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 12:34 EST
Quickening breath, the sound was immediately audible to any who might be close enough. It was obvious to Kruger since it was his own. He looked at the object Marcus had projected and knew it at once.

So much time he'd spent discovering the object he beheld. There along its edge was the waving lines, the symbol for water. Deeply carved into the side was the musical scale with the embossed B note. If he were to believe the image before him, the crystalline interior of the bath glowed with its own light.

That hadn't been in any of the lore he'd uncovered, though he had suspected it might be the case. His work with the substance woven through his hidden forge had let him see what was possible. It could even be a similar structure. So close, he'd been so close for so long.

"That... Do you even understand what you have?" His body trembled with want, and fear. Want of the item and the knowledge he would gain. That fear knowing that the cost would be great, and painful. He wanted it, all of it and knew there would be a price to pay. There was always a price. Was Annabeth to be the newest scar he must bear?

It smiled a bit. ?Could I ever use it as it was intended? Hardly. Do I understand the powers and energies that flow through it? Only the tiniest fractional part. Do I know what it was once used for? What it could be used for again when returned to it's former companions, and with the proper smith at it's helm?

"I'll even make it a bit easier. Make sure the Caldwell knows, she may visit here whenever she chooses. She may work here, play here, but she must return home.? The last word slipped from it?s lips heavily.

?And she must think about the future. If she does not wish to be my companion, she must bring about another generation. She is the last, and she can NOT be the last.? There was actual pain in it?s voice at this point.

?If you wish to join her there as well, I would have no disagreement. I will let that be between you and her. But she has tried to sever her ties to the Caldwell Land, and I -- I can't allow that.? It was obviously controlling it's words even though his emotional state is higher than it has been the entire meeting.

One chance, one... Desire was sparked deeply into his core. It burned hotter than the memory of the branding iron as it was laid to his cheek and peeled away flesh and innocence. Kruger staggered backwards under the weight of his want, the words of the entity before him echoing through him as though he were hollow.

All of it was just a shadow of what he knew would come. A pale visage to the sweet agony that would be granted him. In his head he could feel the anvil and forge calling to their brother, they pleaded with him to take the offer. What was being asked wasn't so terrible, was it? One bit of freedom, the tiniest fraction in a world immense with possibilities.
His hands went to the sides of his head, crushing his palms against his ears as Kruger tried desperately to drown out the voices, all of the voices.

Nothing helped, there was no shutting out the cries for reunion. He pulled his left hand from his head and shoved it roughly into his pocket. He felt it then, that note he'd not stopped carrying.

Kruger didn't need to read the words, he knew them by heart. He could hear her voice saying them when he first found the note. He could hear that voice now too. There is a light here always and the light can come to the darkness as well. It was fitting, it was sweet... it was needed right in that moment.

Something else edged its way through the cacophony that occupied his mind. Kruger looked up, though he seemed to be staring right through Marcus.

"Zero, one, one, two, three... five, eight, thirteen." Numbers, added quickly the spoken added to the previous to get the next. For months they'd plagued him, blocked out everything and nearly driven him mad until he understood them. Now they pushed again, hard and just as completely.

Would Marcus understand what was going on inside the smith? The simple Fibonacci sequence allowed him to see things that most people simply over looked. They had unlocked formulas, and now so many of those were bubbling to the surface. The sum of all he knew fought against this earnest need of that coveted item.

"No..." The recital had stopped, and Kruger's angry gaze turned ominously towards Marcus.

"You ask too much of me." He let out a scoff, if this man had only known the things Kruger would do for the information he was offering. He'd hurt, maim... he'd kill... but never someone close. Never one who'd found their way inside to him, the real him. "Had you come to me just a few short months ago... not now. Not evermore."

The spell was broken, if it was a spell. Kruger would deny himself for Annabeth's sake. Even as he spoke those words, he felt the loss of that knowledge he'd have gained. He hated the feeling, hated himself for it as well. He wouldn't give her up though, not to some strange kind of slavery, no matter how much the chain glittered.

It frowned. Then continued in a soft even tone. ?Then I must find another way to convince her. Good day, Mr. Kruger." In an instant it disappeared.

It wasn't much of a comment, but it was ominous. Whatever plans for work he'd had, they were gone now. Maybe he should be kicking himself for asking for an emergency. If there were time he might even do that, but Kruger didn't have it anymore.

Now he was on his way to Annabeth's, running the entire way. There was no zigzagging to his route, unless he had no other choice. Kruger pushed his way through building lobbies, took alleyways, jumped fences until he'd made his way to Annabeth's new house.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 12:39 EST
She was standing outside the gate, it was obvious she had just arrived home after being out. Seeing Kruger coming she smiled and raised the book she held in her hand at him ?Hey, Kruger!?

He wasn't waving back, in fact he wasn't even slowing down. Relief filled him at seeing she was there, and alone. How long had it been? He couldn't be sure, Marcus, whoever or whatever he was had disappeared. That in itself spoke of the ability to travel much more quickly than the overland route Kruger had taken.

He charged through the gate, and pulled up short, grabbing hold of Annabeth and squeezing her tightly. "Don't go in there..." It was all he could get out through the panting. He hoped she didn't have a problem with him being sweaty.

She turned toward him and took hold of his arms. ?Breathe. Breathe and tell me what's wrong.?

Trying to catch his breath and still tell her what happened the words came out with long pauses. He didn't let go, uncertain if Marcus would appear from nowhere. He was determined to shield her from the unseen.

Slowly he told her of the encounter with the man calling himself Marcus Andrews and what he had wanted Kruger to do. He even reluctantly told her how tempted he'd been to do just that, though the words were bitter tasting to him.

He'd made his promise to her that night he'd kidnapped her that he'd never hurt her. Kruger even told her that it was her word that had helped him to fight back.

"He could be anywhere, could be waiting inside. I don't know what he is, I know that he doesn't want what's in your best interests."

As he explained he could probably see the look of understanding dawning in her features. It was all coming together. What Andu and Damien had said, what Izumi had just told her today, what Jenn had found out and sent her. Now it was coming together.

?Thank you. But unless he's found a way past my wards, and I'm not saying that's impossible, he won't be inside. There's a lot I should probably tell you, but standing outside here might not be the best place.?

She was feeling vulnerable and yet, at the same time, protected. ?Where would be the best place to talk??

The wards were a good sign. "We can go in, if you're sure about the wards. Letting her go from the hug, Kruger took up a position behind her and kept his eyes going everywhere until they were safely inside.

"Where would you like to do this?" His heart was coming back under control again. or at least it wasn't threatening to punch a hole through his rib cage. He wasn't ready to sit yet. Wasn't ready to do much more than be happy that Annabeth was safe.

She scooped up the book that had dropped to the ground. ?Let's go inside, and up to the tower room. That will give us some room to pace, talk, and I put a couple extra wards up there as well.?

She led him inside accepting that he would be right behind her. Then led him first up one flight of stairs, across the hall, and then another flight. Once both of them were inside she shut the door, and then went to the fridge behind the small wet bar, and grabbed a soda.

?I was going to get a drink, but I think having our wits about us right now might be best.? The book she'd been so careful about was dumped on the bar once she felt safe inside.

He'd take the soda, though the reasons for not drinking might be different for him. He looked around the place, selecting a chair to sit in.

"This doesn't seem like a surprise to you. Except perhaps that I showed up here."

Others had something happen too it seemed. Kruger couldn't relax, he sat on the edge of his seat, trying to keep his heels from tapping. Too much adrenaline, he got this way before performances. It didn't matter if it were the theater or the arena.

"I'm worried about you. This... person, what do you know about him?" Cutting right to the meat of things was something he wasn't always known for. Usually it was more like pulling teeth.

He took a drink, but kept his gaze on Annabeth. In another time and place that might mean something else. Here, now it was out of concern.

She took a long drink of her soda and then nodded.

?It started in December. You don't have to sit, move if you need to,? she was pacing as she talked herself. ?I saw what I thought was my mother's spirit, smiling at me. It made me feel safe, as if I were making the right decision to find a permanent home here. But later that same night, I saw her again, and she was frowning, looking at me as if -- well let's just say that if I'd come home pregnant at thirteen I'd probably have gotten that look.

?I went all cold inside. I wasn't sure what I'd done wrong, and it wouldn't say anything. It just stared. After a while one or two other people saw it, but not like I saw it. And one night, Andu Kirost, and Damien, a friend who's left Rhydin since, confronted it outside the inn. All they could seem to get out of it, was that I owed it something. A debt I was trying not to pay.? She reached the can up for another drink, and then put it back down.

?It was connected to my family somehow, it let that out. So I asked Jenn to do some leg work on my family tree. One thing that really stood out was that my sixth-great grandmother didn't seem to have any family, other than an absent brother, and that even when they searched her home town there were no records of her or her brother. Okay, it was the early 1800's lots of records went missing back then. But the brother? His name was Marcus Andrews."

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 12:46 EST
Feel free to move, he wanted to move. He'd even stood up to do just that, but movement didn't come. At least not to his legs. His hand went to his disheveled hair and pushed it back. The run had left it wet, and no amount of finger coming would straighten the finger length curls.

"That fits, at least his clothes. They were from a long time ago. He seems upset that you're the last of your family. Wanted to know my intentions toward you. I'll be honest, at first I thought he was just a reporter for some gossip rag or other."

Kruger looked at his hands for several heartbeats trying to figure out why that question had rattled him to begin with. What he came up with was simple.

"I don't have a problem with people assuming things normally, so long as it's only about me. He said more things, some quite presumptuous."

He shook his head trying to clear it of the offers made by the spirit. "Why doesn't he want you here?"

?From what my friend Izumi told me today, and this just depends on how honest it was with her last night, it's tied to the land and to my family line. From what I've been able to piece together, he and another spirit both helped Jesse Caldwell, my ancestor, when he first arrived.

"I'm not sure if Jesse knew or not, but at some point Marcus's companion left him, became human, I think, and married Jesse. She's the woman I mentioned that they couldn't find any records for before she married Jesse.

?Marcus continued to help, and at some point he got it in his head that because his companion had left to grow the family, some member of the family would return the favor and become his companion. As for why he doesn't want me here. From what he was saying to Izumi last night, he's tied to the land, and to my family.

"I think some of his power might come from the connection somehow. He feels I've betrayed a covenant or somethin', one I didn't even know about.?

She moved to him and put a hand on his shoulder, needing the contact.

"No, it's not just you he wants." Things had started to piece themselves together for him based on what Marcus had said. "Or what I mean is it doesn't have to be."

Kruger watched her move her hand, understood that she meant to touch him, but somehow still managed to be surprised when it happened. It was strange that this seemed so much more powerful than the embrace he'd given her earlier. He'd said she was dangerous once. That was still true, if not the way he once thought.

"I told you about the item he offered to give me information about." Kruger looked into her eyes, a brief glance before refocusing elsewhere, the part of her hair was a good place to start, maybe the curve of her eyebrow?

"I didn't tell you everything, not because I was intentionally hiding things. Mostly because I thought they were deliberately focused on something else."

He closed his eyes, took a breath and opened them to look at her once more. This time he managed to keep his eyes steady.

"He simply said that you should continue the line, that you could come here to work, to act. But you should return there. He said... He said you should think about the future. That if you did not wish to be his companion you should bring about another generation. He even suggested that I could join you... there."

He managed to get the last out, if a little rushed. He wasn't embarrassed by the words. He might be intimidated by the implications of it. Was Marcus reflecting Kruger's desires or hers? Was it all a test, an attempt to push the smith the last few steps to doing Marcus' bidding? Too many questions. There were always questions! Why couldn't he stop asking?

?There has to be a bit more than just continuing the line. I could do that here and Rhydin, and any of my children could go back home to take up where I left off. I know Jenn would be willing to sell back a few acres to me or my children.? That said, however, she looked into his eyes or tried to since he was determined not to.

?There are a lot worse men he could have tried to give me to. If I were his to give.? Her voice grew even softer as she continued, ?Kruger, I probably would have been tempted too.?

"You're not a commodity to be traded by anyone. Odd how he doesn't know that. I do..." He nodded as he said it, though it was only in part to what he was saying. The rest felt more like affirmation of what she'd said. "You're better than that. In the end, I knew that. I..."

"It was difficult to let it go Annabeth. All of it. I've searched for so long. I did it though, let go of everything I could have wanted. It seemed too simple. In my experience, nothing is simple. To respond though..."

His own tone softened a bit. "There are a lot better, you deserve better. I'm a mess, I'm the gift that Eregor gave you. Comedy and tragedy rolled into one chaotic bundle. No one really deserves that."

?Kruger, that's so close to how I see myself it isn't even close to funny. As to what I deserve, I think I'm old enough to choose for myself.? She leaned to put a chaste kiss on his cheek. Then almost as an afterthought, ?That bath though, it sounds, familiar.?

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 12:59 EST
Her kiss made him smile. If she were a mess though, how much worse was he than he thought himself?

"You are old enough to choose." Kruger heard her comment about the bath. He wouldn't jump on it though. He wasn't sure if she could understand what these things meant. Certainly she knew they were important. He'd been clear enough about that.

"When I was ten, I made my first blade. All of it myself. It took me three days to get it shaped, I had to restart four... maybe five times. It was important though, that first piece.

"Until then I was only able to do parts of a project. It was a part of the teaching process. The first thing I did was learn to keep the fire going. How to tell what coals were spent and which were still good. How to bank it so that it wouldn't go out for hours. Next I worked the bellows. Months and all I was allowed was to pull that chain and get those coals to maximum heat.

"Three years learning one part at a time before I was trusted to do the entire job myself. It wasn't my best work, but it was the thing that kept me with the master smith. If I'd failed, he'd have sent me home."

"I don't know why I finished that piece Annabeth, I wanted to go home. Grimm was quite pleased with the piece, it was horrible, but sharp, functional. I had a choice. If I'd known what was about to happen I would have been sorely tempted to fail." Kruger put took her hand in his looked at them closely and wished that his fingers could feel the way other peoples did.

"The practice at the time was to do something to mark the progress. To show what school you went to, who taught your trade. This was interpreted differently by those smiths who took apprentices. For me it meant a branding. One I didn't want, the very thought of it terrified me. I resisted as best a child can. So..."

Now he raised her hand to the wolf on his left cheek. "He branded what he could get to. It hurt, sometimes it still does though I think that is just a ghost. There was no more fear of the path for me though. You would have been about six months old if I am not guessing wrong." He wasn't, he knew the numbers very well.

"When I tell you that I've searched for these things for a very long time, I want you to know it's true. Maybe it is familiar, the bath. Maybe I'd try to find it, and maybe the person that came back would be the same that left. It's hard to say but every step I take changes me."

She just nodded. ?And something as powerful as that would change deeply.? She cupped his cheek in her hand.

She seems as if she might say more when a solid crack is heard in the air around them. Instinctively she moved to the windows closest to the street and looked out.

He tried to return her nod, but only succeeded in leaning into her palm. The sound had her moving, and him along behind her. What had happened out there?

The belief that the spirit was making its play was strong inside Kruger. If he could do anything to interfere, he was going to. That trait never seemed to disappear from him. It didn't seem to matter the circumstances. He leaned to the window over the street and looked down.

?One of the wards broke. I had them put an audible warning to it when that happened. Cost a pretty penny, but I'm glad now.? Searching the streets revealed nothing. She glanced at him. ?Check the back window? He might have come from the direction of the other house.?

Worry? Not now. He was there, and while he wasn't sure what he could do, at least not from here. He was sure that it would make a difference.

Kruger crossed to the back window and looked at the area between the houses, searching for any sign of Marcus down there. Would he have to be physically manifested though? Didn't spirits walk invisible? He'd seen his fair share of them, the nexus provided energy to become corporeal, or at least nearly so. The thought made him wonder if his own spirit would wander here when his body finally gave out.

A few minutes after Kruger looked out the window, the lights along the pathway -- obviously on a timer -- lit up several of the darker shadows of the back gardens. Making it a bit easier to see a form standing on the far side of the fence gate that separated the two yards. From the distance it could be Marcus. There was an aura effect surrounding it. Blacks, dark reds and oranges shimmered around the humanoid shape. And it looked as if it were tracing images in the empty air.

Annabeth meanwhile was still watching the front. The street seemed strangely empty for the time of evening. But then something caught her eye. Two somethings. Women, coming toward the front gate. One was about as familiar to her as her own face. Her voice came as a soft whisper. ?Mama??

"There's something out there, can't be positive it's our guy but it is too much of a coincidence for it to be anything else." Dehumanizing Marcus would make it easier to fight him.

Kruger may not have known that's what he was doing. It just seemed natural, but this wasn't the first time he'd faced a malevolent spirit, even if it had been polite in their previous meeting.

He heard her whisper, and looked over his shoulder at Annabeth. If the situation were different he'd have made a joke. No, it's Kruger would have come out quickly. There was too much happening here and now for that.

"Mama? What's going on over there Annabeth?" He wanted to go and see, but couldn't seem to move from his place and watching the symbols being drawn. He knew many such markings, but for each he knew, there were even more that he did not. There was something ominous about them though, and the strange aura surrounding the caster.

She turned around and spoke to him directly. ?My mother, or someone who looks a lot like her, is coming to the front gate, and she's with someone dressed like she came from the nineteenth century.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:12 EST
"What about the wards, do you want to keep her out?" Could they be certain that she was who she appeared to be? Too many questions and not enough answers.

"What do you want to do? I can go out the back and see if there is a way to stop whatever the one back there is doing." He was prepared to do just that, except that it would mean leaving Annabeth on her own. If the two out front weren't what they appeared to be, then the one out back was a distraction meant to lure Kruger away.

"No, I don't think I should leave you." He didn't really want to anyway, but the reasons had less to do with what was coming.

She was full of her own questions as well. And a lot of them mirrored his. ?I don't want you to leave me either.?

There was a short pause as she started to form a plan. ?All right here are my thoughts. You can see him. If he's on the opposite side of the fence, I'll let them through to the front door. If he's on this side they're just going to have to be outside for now.

"If I do let them through to the door, we're going to go down and talk to them. Kruger, do you know how to use a pistol?"

"I know how... Do you think a pistol will help?" He wasn't so sure, unless of course Marcus was far more solid than Kruger expected.

Possibilities.. Annabeth had said something about Marcus trying to become a physical being, perhaps he'd already succeeded?

"What do you know about the man that he used to be? I know you said he was tied to the family farm but, that doesn't make him the farmer he appeared to be."

The symbols had the stench of magic about them. Was it possible that Marcus had been a practitioner of the craft? He turned to look at Annabeth, was she offering him a pistol? That she owned one would definitely raise her higher in his esteem... and also make her more dangerous.

?I have no idea, but it's got some iron in it, and when dealing with the supernatural iron's not a bad thing to have with you. Whether even that will hurt him, I have no freakin' clue.? She took a deep breath before answering his question.

?I'm not entirely sure, but from what I can tell, he never was a man. He's a spirit being. I'm guessing he used his powers to help my ancestor start the farm.?

She moved to his side of the room to see where the spirit was. She relaxed a little seeing it was on the other side of the gate. She could let the women in the gate.

?I have one in my nightstand by my bed. I haven't really felt the need to carry it in town yet, but having one at home makes me feel better. I've got a shotgun in the library too, but the pistol's closer.? She watched Marcus for a little longer the aura giving her chills.

?All right, I'm letting them in as far as the door. Anything to say before I do??

"Iron, what kind of bullets are you using?" Somehow even in the midst of this, he still managed to pull out that mask she would be all too familiar with. Maybe she understood that he would need it for this?

"All right, lead the way, we'll finish this one way..." He'd been about to say the rest, but realized there was only one way he wanted this to end. If Kruger could he'd make it happen. What would it cost? It didn't matter at this point, this was exactly the kind of situation he would interfere in.

?I meant the gun itself. The steel has iron in it. Hey, it's not great, but I have to work with what I've got. The bullets, well, except for the silver one I keep in every magazine -? She winked at him; he wasn't the only one needing at least some mask tonight.

Then she let him down the stairs, a short detour into the bedroom got the Walther P-38 into their hands. She handed it to him, she wanted her hands free, but she wasn't quite sure why.

There was a lot of instinct going on here. Then they made their way down the hall. They could hear footsteps on the front porch. Did that mean they were solid, or just that they could imitate footfalls? Annabeth waited next to the door and let Kruger get where he wanted to be.

Kruger stopped short at the door to Annabeth's room. He couldn?t bring himself to follow, his hand rose and grasped the frame. He watched as she went to the nightstand and produced the pistol. Took it when she handed it over masking whatever hesitations he had as well as he could. Trouble was that she already understood him enough that he was sure his best efforts at hiding would never be good enough again.

Kruger was, if anything, the kind of guy that would put himself out there in the center of the room to be the first thing seen. He meant to be intimidating, to command attention away from the person he meant to protect no matter what. That pre-battle gleam was in his eye as she opened the door and let in the two women.

She wouldn't allow them in just yet. When they were at the door, Annabeth called through the door. ?Ether.?

Less than a moment later a voice sounding a great deal like Annabeth's if perhaps a touch deeper answered back, ?Kill da Wabbit.?

Anyone could see some of the tension seep out of Annabeth's frame. At that point she opened the door, but stepped behind it to let Kruger be visible.

Either he really knew how to shoot, or he watched a lot of detective shows. The pistol came up in both hands, left arm bent slightly more than the right as Kruger lined up the sights on whatever was coming through the door.

"Welcome, feel free to come right in... Just one thing, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." It didn't have to make sense for Kruger to say it in these circumstances. Fact was that if it confused enough that would might give him a heartbeats worth of an advantage.

"You might not believe this, but we are so glad you're here." And there it was, the quick grin and the face that would get him through this confrontation, no matter what happened.

He shot a glance to Annabeth and winked. It was probably a good thing that her mother really was dead, or she might just die from shock.

Annabeth could probably use her mother as a mirror. The only major differences were the eye shape and hair color. As she stepped into her daughter?s home she deadpanned, ?Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.? She came all the way through, letting the next woman follow.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:28 EST
This one had Annabeth's hair down to the roots. She was the one that looked confused, but as much at the weapon as the words. ?It seems to be some sort of firearm, but I haven't seen it's like before.?

She closed the door behind them and searched for a bolt. Annabeth moved in and locked the door, trusting that Kruger could have either one of them down before they hurt her too badly.

Assuming it would actually take them down he could have had either or both. If the projectile just passed through them, then anything behind them was at risk. That meant Annabeth.

It was entirely possible that he'd see which one made a move and take the other first just to keep from being the one to hurt her. He noted the similarities in the women, but that could all be arranged. He had no way to know, that would be up to the woman at the door to determine.

"Kansas? I thought you were from Kentucky?" He knew the line, but couldn't help putting in an ad lib.

"You'll pardon us for the... hostile welcome. Annabeth's got a few things going on and where we live you can't always believe what you're seeing.

"My name is Kruger, and it would make me very happy if you just stayed right there while the lady of the house asks a few questions." He knew she'd begun by the question and response before she opened the door.

The mother rolled her eyes, ?Tennessee, Kruger, there is a difference.?

But both women stood in a relaxed pose ready to answer any questions. Annabeth moved over to stand next to Kruger, one to keep out of the line of fire, but he could see in her eyes if he was looking in that direction that she wanted to be a lot closer to him during this.

?All right. Mom, why don't you tell me about that time in New York??

?New York? Okay, doodle bug, that's almost as bad as Kentucky. It was in DC, and we needed a sign and countersign, so you used that terrible knock knock joke, and I came back with the Bugs Bunny reference. I had to use it once, and your face was paler than skim milk.?

Annabeth nods although a bit pink at the nickname. She?s satisfied with the answer at any rate. "All right, why don't you tell me why you're here, and how you're here??

?The how is somehow tied to a temporal anomaly. I'm not entirely sure myself, but I was lying in bed and I saw something that looked like you, but translucent. It told me you needed me. And I'm your mother, I didn't ask questions, I just got up and followed it. One minute I was in the house and the next I was in a street in a strange city. And that's where I saw Dorothea here. She had a little better idea of what was going on than I did though.?

"With all those gorg... those freckles?" It was something he couldn't quite imagine, unless those had gone milky as well, or did the pallor deepen them? That would be interesting to see. Kruger couldn't quite hold back the color from his own cheeks, it was far from skim milk in shading.

He cleared his throat, lowering the pistol, if not putting it away completely. It could still come up and unload quickly. He did cast a glance her direction, in part to see if she was satisfied with the responses, and the rest was just to see if she'd caught his minor slip.

And once again there was the pink, accompanied by shy smile. He could read her well enough by now to know she was convinced enough to relax a bit.

?They stood out like a polka dots on tartan. And I agree they are gorgeous.? Jessica Caldwell obviously thought that it was a mother?s natural duty to embarrass her offspring in as many ways possible.

In order to change the subject Annabeth turned toward the one her mother called Dorothea. ?So what can you tell us??

The woman?s words were soft-spoken and matter of fact. ?I can tell you that my former companion has fallen so far from where he was when I left it, that I hardly recognize it. I can tell you it isn't your fault either, no matter what it insists. And I can tell you that at the moment it's ready to drag you back home.?

She hesitated at this point, not quite sure how to convey the rest of "Marcus's" plans. ?It will also see to it that there is a child born before Christmas if he succeeds. It is desperate, and it acts like any desperate wild animal."

Nope, no getting by without being called on it. In retrospect he should have known not to hope. Did his cheeks go a little more red? It must be an allergy to gunmetal!

Kruger hadn't noticeably moved, he'd shifted a few times, but that shifting had a purpose to it. He'd actually managed to get a little more of his own bulk between the two women and Annabeth.

His guard was far from let down, not with the entity in the back doing whatever it was to her wards. "So what holds it to the land? What keeps it from moving on?"

He looked over his shoulder at Annabeth for a moment. "He's not going to take her while I have breath... maybe not after either."

The one called Dorothea nodded. ?When we were created we were tied to the land. Not that we couldn't leave it, but that it's strength was our strength. When my husband, Jesse, first came to Caldwell's Rest, we liked him.

Jesse seemed to be almost as invested in the land as we were, so we helped him. In time, I fell in love with him. I became human, with all that entailed. We were married, and slowly over the years I explained things to my husband. By the time he died, he knew pretty much everything I was allowed to tell him.

?After we married, my former companion began to make ties with the family as well as the land. I thought that it was just a way to remain close to me, through my descendant's.

"As for what keeps it from going on, at this point obsession. He could have followed Annabeth here, and started the ties here with her. Or he could have been patient and waited for one of her children or grandchildren to return.

"Honestly he could have tied himself to the family that now lives on the farm. But he it is obsessed now with the Caldwells, and with Annabeth. It's gone so far, it doesn't believe it can go back or in any other direction, and that belief has made it real to him.?

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:38 EST
Annabeth knew what Kruger was doing, and she didn't argue. Partially because it kept them from seeing her grab the knife in the drawer of the hall table, if she needed to. More truthfully though, she was drawing a feeling of security from him.

Dorothea's words had caused her to tense, but Kruger's assertion had reassured her, but they also spurred her to vow that he wouldn't die if she had any say in things.

Kruger listened to Dorothea, he understood some of what she was saying. At least he understood the land, or perhaps it was simply the earth. He had his own affinity, it had been stronger once. Strong enough once to have felt the metal in the knife that Annabeth was going after. That bond now only had the same strength in one place.

"I can understand his obsession. It tells me he was lying earlier. A ruse to get my aid. Once he had it, possibly he'd do away with me."

It was good information, if Marcus' obsession were indeed that strong, everything it said would be suspect.

"It's out there now, trying to get in. This thing that waits and watches, except I don't think it's waiting anymore. It's coming, tonight if it can. The wards are in place, but no ward is impenetrable. They've all got weaknesses."

Even his own, he knew that. It would be the things he didn't think of that would destroy them. "Is there more either of you can do to help?"

Just then a loud crack indicated another ward falling. The three ladies all looked up and then Dorothea looked at him.

?He might have been lying or he might have been telling the truth, the thing is I'm not even sure it knows the difference anymore.

"It will try to drag Annabeth over to it's plane of existence, at least long enough to take her home. But that's also the only place you'll be able to deal with it. The only place you're going to be able to destroy it.

?I can help you cross over if you're willing, but I know you don't entirely trust me. Once you get there though, you could use any weapon, even the one in your hands, but you must target what seems to be the head.

"Attack that until the aura that you see and feel disappear. If you want, I can try to get it to cross over to this side, but I'm not sure if it will even listen to me anymore.?

Kruger considered it, "No, bringing it here would put too many at risk. I'll go to him, that is the way these things are done isn't it?"

That seemed to be the way for him at least. If there were no other choice Kruger would have agreed to have Marcus manifest here. It wouldn't have been ideal by any means.

He couldn't help wondering what he would find there, or if he would be lost in the end. Better him than her, and that thought might have escaped his control to find a place in his expression.

It was short lived though, gone almost as soon as it appeared.

"Whenever you're ready." How many wards did the house have left? He needed to end this before it was too late.

Annabeth looked toward the back of the house. ?We need to hurry, one more and he'll be in the house.?

Dorothea nodded and then looked at them. She closed her eyes and then held out her hand. ?Touch, and pass over. My last gift."

He should argue, protest that it was too dangerous for her to go. He should stop her, carry her off and lock her away. He should do anything but what he found himself doing.

Kruger took Annabeth's hand tightly, hoping that her mother would stop what was about to happen. That she would demand that Annabeth stay and let him go. She should let him go.

He reached out, the movement seemed to take forever, time slowing down so that it felt like minutes, hours between heartbeats. When he thought it would never happen, his hand made contact with Dorothea, and everything that he knew to be solid in front of him changed.

The moment Jessica saw it she did cry out, ?Annabeth!? By then, though, it was to late. They were both gone.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:42 EST
The house dissolved around them, and then shifted to the left. Now they were outside in the yard, but there was a strangeness about it. It seemed almost hyper-real. It made their world seem almost hazy.

An aura seemed to surround everything one you could see and feel. It was disorienting to Annabeth, and she had to guess it was to Kruger as well. When she was able to focus she saw Marcus moving toward them.

?You came? You changed your minds? I won't have to do it?? The spirit?s voice seemed to hover in the air.

Nausea, Kruger fought the urge to be sick right there in front of both of them. It never seemed to matter the method, crossings, portals, even simple teleportation made him ill. How could he have forgotten that?

Because he didn't have time for it. Didn't have a moment for weakness. The show must go on, and this particular show had an audience of just one.

Normally that would be a bad thing, he was very good at being in front of a crowd. There was one distinct difference though. There was more at stake her than a simple missed line, or lost bout. He didn't mind losing, when it didn't matter. Here, tonight, nothing mattered more.

"Came, but our minds haven't changed." His hadn't at least, and unless something very strange had happened he was sure Annabeth's hadn't either. "You won't have to do it, because it ends here."

Marcus glared at Kruger then turned toward Annabeth a stride taken in her direction. ?Annabeth??

She gave the same glare back at him that Kruger did. ?No, the answer is n-?

The word never finished, because there was no sound coming from her mouth. If Kruger wanted to see what Skim Milk Annabeth looked like it was probably right now. Although she probably looked like a fish as she tried to speak but no sound was made.

Marcus meanwhile had two hands raised in her direction. One aimed at her throat, the other just under her stomach.

Was he really doing that? It seemed too obscene to think about let alone to witness. Choking her was bad enough, whatever else he was doing was tantamount to...

"No." The word came softly and was nearly drowned out by the explosion of primer and gunpowder as the first bullet rocketed from the P 38.

"No...No!" For each utterance another bullet flew at Marcus, Kruger was moving forward hatred etched into his features. Five times he said the word, five bullets expended.

The creature's body, was rocked by each impact, a pair of panic stricken eyes looking at the place where the words and the pain came from. The bullets stole his footing leaving him bleeding on the ground. He stared up at empty sky, but it wasn't empty long. Kruger stood over him, shouted a final no and put the last round into Marcus' forehead.

"I'm a sinner by nature." Kruger spoke to the dead thing. He knew it had gone, but there was no stopping the things that came to his mouth sometimes. "Damned by your beliefs." Perhaps the words weren't for the dead, but for the living. He turned towards Annabeth, another mask removed to show her the anger and hatred that had been Marcus' last sight of him.

"If I can keep you safe, then I'll gladly go to that hell of yours. He never should have touched you. I'm sorry." It was still there, the hate, but it may have occurred to her that it wasn't for Marcus at all. It was for himself.

As he looks at her he can see that she doesn't see him that she's caught up in something that no one else can see, and she's shaking violently.

"Annabeth?" The few steps he taken towards Marcus were taken more quickly. Something was wrong, he'd failed her. He'd known he needed to leave her but. Why bring her along?

He was close to her, sure he'd been closer, but not when she'd needed help in quite this way. He put his hand to her face, she was so pale. It made him worry more just looking at her. "Annabeth... snap out of it darlin'."

She blinked and then looked at him. She was seeing him that was obvious, because there was an overwhelming relief in her eyes. She silently mouthed his name.

About that time the world seemed to shift again and they were in their plane again.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:46 EST
((This piece starts right at the moment Annabeth looses her voice. It would have been too difficult to play so I wrote it up afterward to fit in. It sheds some light on what Marcus was doing to her, and what she was seeing during and just after the attack.))

From the moment her voice disappeared she realized she?d made a mistake. It had occurred to her while Dorothea gave her explanation to call Andu. She?d waited though. It would be better to wait until they were on the same plane as Marcus, she told herself, it would make Andu?s crossing easier.

She hadn?t expected the crossing to be so disorienting, or that they?d be outside where Marcus could see them. Even so, she waited, almost instinctively searching for the most dramatic moment. Yet, when the cue came, she couldn?t utter her lines.

That had barely even begun to cross her mind, however, when she saw Marcus raise his hands toward her. She raised her own hands defensively, as two black waves shot their way across the distance between them. The lower wave slipped by her hands, but was blocked just before it reached her body, the higher wave she held back, even if it was a struggle.

Stop fighting.


You?re alone. No one to help you.

You?re wrong.

Who? Your friend with the gun? He pretends to help you, and he brings you right to me. Your other friends don?t even know you?re in trouble. Oh or is it your god that you think will protect you.

Annabeth refused to take the bait, and focused instead on keeping those waves from hitting her.

Your god who pretends to love you, then takes everything away from you. Your god who doesn?t even bother to show up to help you. Who leaves you here to fight on your own.

Images of her family bombard her mind. Her father she never knew, her grandparents, her mother, all dead long before their time. Then pictures of Kruger laughing at her. Times at the Shanachie when she thought he was laughing with her, suddenly seemed more twisted and ominous. Then the trip into the sewers. Pieces of the dialog echoed in a loop, focusing on the fearful and the ominous.


No? That seems to be your favorite word. He doesn?t love you, you know. He?s using you. He wants what I can give him. He?s much smarter than I gave him credit.

The waves pushed back harder against her hands; she worked hard just to breathe properly. What if he wasn?t lying what if he was right. Was what he wanted really such a big deal?

It was slavery.

Was it?

Her hands slipped; they were falling.

Oh God, help me please!

The briefest light pulsed about her, about the same time that the first bullet cracked. The waves cascaded around her no longer focused. Now the images and sounds rushed at her like a film montage on high speed. It was all she could see all she could hear.

?Annabeth snap out of it darlin?.?

The waves broke at the sound of his voice. The bullets, the noes, every word he had said standing over Marcus penetrated her mind. She saw him standing in front of her, and relief saturated her soul.

~Kruger.~ Her lips gave the word shape but there was no sound to give it flesh. Was it gone for good? The thought formed about the same moment as the world shifted around her once more they were back in their reality. She almost wasn?t sure though what exactly reality meant anymore.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:51 EST
Still outside, and although she's shaking she reached out for him.

She didn't have far to reach, but he could see her shaking, could feel it under his hand. He put his arm around Annabeth, trying to give her something solid to hold onto.

"I'm sorry..." Kruger's lips were close to her ear as he whispered the words. "I'm so sorry Annabeth." He'd failed her, or did that thing really get into his head. What had it said? It wanted him to bring her, that's exactly what he ended up doing.

He knew he shouldn't have, could feel it even as he took her hand. It was his fault, everything his fault. The only thing he could think of to do was hold on tighter

She rested in that embrace until she wasn't shaking so much anymore, then looked up into his face and shook her head. She tried to tell him, but she couldn't make a sound. Finally she mouthed slowly and slightly exaggerated, ?No. Saved Me. You.?

He'd heard the moment her voice disappeared. That was when the rage had begun. He'd hoped it would return when he was gone. That it seemed was too much to ask for as well. He managed to read her lips, if it were what she said, or tried to, then why didn't it feel that way?

She was too close, not close enough. He tried to let her go, but his arms wouldn't seem to listen to him. He looked at her desperately wanting to believe. His kiss came quickly, and it was far less chaste than the one she'd given him earlier.

Shock registered in him the moment it had happened and as quickly as it began, he ended it. As if some strange internal breaker had been reset his arms came away from her. Kruger was looking for an escape, ready to run out the front gate at a pace that made his entry seem slow. His heart was already pounding from the panic his action had caused.

The kiss had caught her off guard. But just when she realized what was happening he pulled away. She saw the panic in his eyes; she knew he was retreating.

Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him around with a strength she hadn't known she possessed. ~DO NOT LEAVE ME. I LOVE YOU.~ If she had actually said the words she would have been screaming.

Her grip took him by surprise, she'd caught him before he could make a move. Had him spinning like a dancer. No sound came from her, would that go away? He had no way of knowing, but the words were clear enough. He shook his head.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." The decision once made relieved him of the need to run.

"I'm not leaving you Annabeth" His arms were back around her. "I love you too." It wasn't the non-scream she'd wanted to give. He didn't need to. his mouth was close to her ear once more.

She sighed and rested against him. Things were far from settled, but she felt a peace that she hadn't in several hours.

There were things going on with her that pushed a different kind of worry on Kruger. Annabeth's missing voice, was just the most obvious. Whatever else Marcus had done might not be something so easy to discover as a lost voice. For that matter was it lost, or something far more ominous? Did he somehow remove it from the woman permanently?

With what the entity had wanted, Kruger could see that being an ultimate goal. If she couldn't speak she couldn't act. That would make one less reason to return here once he got her away. It wouldn't have happened that way, he'd have seen to it even if he'd needed to kidnap her once more and take her someplace safe until Marcus could be gotten rid of.

All of those thoughts went through his head as she sighed. There was another as well, Jessica was she still inside or had she disappeared as well when they'd been transferred to the other plane?

"Can you walk?" Not that he wanted to move all that much, but they needed to figure things out at some point. "We should get you checked out, there's no telling what he..."

Kruger wouidn't call something into being if he could help it. He stopped talking, shook his head still angry because he wasn't sure if taking her along was his idea or Marcus' manipulation. "...We should get you checked out."

She nodded, and checked her pockets for her cell phone. Just then Jessica ran around the corner of the house. "Annabeth! Annabeth!"

The appearance of Jessica answered one of his questions. It startled him enough to make his arms tighten around her as though he thought someone might try to rip Annabeth from his grasp.

"She's here..." He'd very nearly said she's alright, but the truth was he didn't know that. He knew she was alive, and warm in his arms. That she seemed in good health. If he didn't already know she couldn't speak he'd have assumed nothing was wrong at all.

"Her voice is gone though. I'm not sure of the exact cause." Kruger wasn't going to relay that Marcus had choked her, at least that was what it looked like to Kruger as it happened. His anger at that was enough to make him end Marcus quickly.

Annabeth let Kruger and her mother talk while she pulled up her Rhy'din physician's number. Rillian was a rare breed of doctor who not only made house calls but loved them. She also had some specialized training that might come in handy with this situation. She hoped it would anyway.

Jessica frowned but came over more quickly. "We need to get her looked at then. But I really have no clue about where." She saw Annabeth scrolling through her phone. "Got an idea about that, doodle bug?"

Annabeth just nodded as she sent the text. Then she typed a message on the phone and handed it to Kruger. ~Texted my doctor. She'll probably be here in ten minutes.~ After he saw it, the phone played "Cherokee Nation" Annabeth looked at it, then nodded both to the phone and to Kruger.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 13:56 EST
A frown wasn't the worst thing he'd ever seen, still it pierced with the finality of a coffin nail. She was echoing what he'd just said, and why not? It hadn't been his first instinct though. Should he feel guilty that his first one had him kissing her instead of making sure she was okay? If he didn't now, he would later.

He looked at the message on the phone. "She's sent a message to someone. I had just said the same thing to her before you came around the corner."

Suddenly conscious of their position, Kruger released Annabeth, he managed a small smile for the nickname that her mother used. He was certain there was a story behind that particular name.

Kruger moved, more of a pivot than anything else. He stayed close, but gave enough room for Jessica to get to her daughter without having to climb over him in the process.

The song signifying the return text had him looking from mother to daughter. They were very similar, but as closely as they resembled one another there were enough differences to tell them apart.

Jessica moved a bit closer and at that point smiled a bit. Her daughter at least was able to move, and reason.

Annabeth hugged her mother tightly before she moved back and leaned against Kruger. She may look like she had it together, but she knew Kruger could see beneath at least some of that. She was shook as her grandparents used to say. ~Maybe go inside?~

Nodding at the question, his arm found its way around her offering support. He'd carry her if she needed it. It wouldn't be the first time he'd done that, though this time he wasn't merely trying to prevent her from wading through the sewers.

"Let's go inside, you can wait for the doctor in there. Maybe collect yourself a little before the doc comes." He wasn't familiar with the name he'd seen flash across the screen with the text.

Kruger let Jessica lead the way, mostly so he could say a few words to Annabeth. "I'll stay for as long as you need me." That could be as little as a few hours or all night. It didn't matter much to him, he'd been set to stay up all night anyway.

She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze. They made their way inside and not much longer the doorbell rang. Jessica went to get the door, and soon, escorted a woman in her mid-forties into the library where Annabeth and Kruger were waiting. She was obviously of native American descent.

"All right, which one of you want to tell me what happened so I know how to best help?

Kruger looked to Annabeth, not for her to begin, rather he was looking for permission to tell everything he knew. "That would have to be me at this point since Annabeth's not able to voice it for herself." Unless she would prefer to write it so that she could add anything that Kruger hadn't felt because he wasn't her.

Annabeth nodded to Kruger, then looked to Rillian. ~He and my mother have my permission to be here. Anything I need to add I'll do here.~
Jessica looked around, "Actually, why don't I make some coffee. I think we all might need some."

Rillian nodded to them all and sat down to wait, while she started taking Annabeth's vitals.

Kruger was still feeling a little over protective. He separated from Annabeth, but stayed close. "We encountered a planar being of some sort, it wasn't able to fully manifest itself here, though it managed to cross over a few times. It had an... obsession for Annabeth."

He wasn't going to go into too many details over that particular part. If the doctor wanted to know more she'd need to ask.

"However, in order to break whatever chain was linking it to her, we crossed over and confronted it. I don't know what he did, or how he did it, but he managed to assault her, stealing her voice and.. there seemed like more he... it was trying to accomplish."

Kruger's brows went slightly up and inward worried over what else Marcus might have been doing. angry that he'd not struck first and never given Marcus the chance to try." His hand went to his forehead, fingers massaging it lightly.

"It looked as though he were choking her, but his hands were nowhere near her. Whatever energies it commanded were used against Annabeth."

He looked from the doctor to the patient. The seats in the library looked like they might be comfortable, Kruger couldn't bring himself to use them though. He was still wary and wired. He slipped behind and to the side of Annabeth, putting a hand on her shoulder, another sign of that protective urge out of him.

Rillian nodded as she listened, and then pulled out something that looked like it was from Star Wars or Star Trek. "Diagnostic tool, it'll help me determine a few things. Other things, I'll have to be more ritualistic about. You're all right with that Annabeth?"

Annabeth nodded and waited as Rillian used the tool. Several minutes later she set the tool down. "Elevated adrenaline levels, but that's understandable." She mutters some medical jargon that Annabeth couldn't really follow, then a question. "You've been using your birth control regularly, yes?"

Annabeth gave a nod and then looked up at Kruger and held her hand out for him.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 14:01 EST
"Yeah, that would explain the readings I'm getting then. Everything seems normal on that front. Your vocal cords are healthy, so that's not the issue. Physically you're just as well off as you were for your last physical." She put the diagnostic tool away and pulled some incense out of the bag.

The hand held diagnostic tool was intriguing to Kruger, though that was more on a professional level. It would have been his urge to pull it apart and see how it worked.

He took the proffered hand of Annabeth, staying silent so that Rillan could do her job. He made certain assumptions about the information passing between them. It was good news after all. Still no explanation about the voice yet, but he'd give her time to work.

Part of him was relieved, his shoulders relaxed some, but there was still a long way to go inside him before he would be able to feel comfortable enough to do more than stand like a watchtower guard peering into the darkness. Perhaps into the unseen would be a better metaphor.

What he could manage was to kneel down and be on Annabeth's level. He gave her hand a squeeze, managing a quick wink while Rillan was removing things from her bag.

The air came alive with the smell of coffee brewing. Jessica was obviously done doing that, likely she was making herself busy while Annabeth was being examined.

"Will you need me to leave you two for any of this?" It wasn't what he would choose but some things had to be done anyway.

Annabeth shook her head, and the panic in her eyes when he suggested it was probably as obvious as her red hair. Rillian smiled a soft smile before adding, "No, Kruger," She had recognized him easily enough. "And I think she'd be more relaxed if you stay."

She went on to explain. "A good physician can tell a lot about the history of wound by looking at the wounds. Spiritual, psychic damage, they leave the same kinds of clues if you know how, where, and what to look for. That's what I'm going to do now. I'll ask again, Annabeth, are you comfortable with this? Do you want me to proceed?"

Annabeth gave a nod, but her eyes were on Kruger at the moment.

It was always a surprise to have his name used without ever giving it. It happened more now than it had before. He listened to Rillan, but never really stopped looking at Annabeth.

"I said until you don't need me. I can stay for this so long as you're comfortable."

Patting her thigh just before rising once more, he looked at Rillan. "I get that there are metaphysical wounds. I almost understand this being's tie to Annabeth. I've come across relics that have spirits bound to them. Is there anything you need me to do besides be here "

"No, just be here to calm her. All I'm doing is looking, studying." The incense was lit, and then Rillian closed her eyes they were closed for close to a quarter of an hour.

Finally, she opened them and looked at them both. "There is metaphysical damage to her vocal cords. I can't really tell if it's permanent or temporary at this point.

"I'm inclined to think that they'll heal, but it would take a while and another examination in a couple of weeks to know for certain. There are also indications that he tried to attack your womb but was warded off, both by the birth control and your own will it would seem.

"Your will though, that's showing some damage as well. Annabeth?"

She nodded. ~He, it tried to break me, showed me things.~ But that's all Annabeth will say at the moment.

Kruger tried to stand perfectly still. It was a wasted effort. He hadn't been able to do that even before he'd met the spirit. He occupied himself by playing with Annabeth's hair, smoothing it back away from her face.

He was able to remain silent, that was something that didn't occur too often. It wouldn't likely last long either. He'd end up talking to himself if only to hear a voice once in a while.

He knew that the entity was trying to impregnate Annabeth. He'd figured that from their conversation coupled with Dorothea's words. The moment he saw how Marcus was standing he knew what was on the spirit's mind. Kruger wouldn't allow that to go unpunished.

Had Marcus been successful he still wouldn't have survived, but he'd gotten lucky with the method. There were things in Kruger's head that he didn't like to dwell on. Marcus was spared because Kruger caught him in the act. that was all that saved him.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2016-03-08 14:04 EST
Jessica brought in the coffee on a tray. It had taken her a little while to figure out where everything was, so she wasn't done quite as soon as she wanted. Rillian started putting things away, and took a cup of the steaming liquid.

"Annabeth, I think the best that you can do right now, is to try to rest tonight, but then try to get back to your normal routine. The more relaxed and comfortable you are, the more healing will happen. Don't be surprised if you start getting hit by depression. The will damage will play into that. When it hits try to make yourself do things you enjoy.

?Don't try to make yourself happy, but don't allow yourself to fall into a pit. This isn't like clinical depression, so I'm not going to prescribe anything. But if you let yourself wallow, it might shift the chemical balances.

?I'm probably throwing a lot at you right now, so I'm going to shut up a bit. You have my number if you need me, and I want to see you in two weeks if your voice isn't back by then, to see if there's a least been any progress. Let me know if you want to come see me or have me come here."

Annabeth nodded and shook Rillian's hand before she snatched her own cup of coffee.

He didn't snatch a cup, but he did take one from the tray. "You sure you want to drink that? She did say try to rest tonight." The comment came with a grin. It had been produced by the way Annabeth had gone after her cup.

"We'll make sure she manages to get rest, even if that means she needs to sleep in for half the day tomorrow." He wasn't exactly sure how to guarantee that it would be so. Tying her to the bed seemed a little extreme. The best he figured he could manage was to simply let her fall asleep on her own and see what happened.

"Thank you for coming by Doctor." He was grateful for her presence and the speed with which she'd managed to get here.

"Thank you for making coffee, Mrs. Caldwell. There was a time when he lived on the stuff. That had been quite some time ago. now it was more or less something he indulged once in a while.

"Of course." She couldn't remember his name at the moment, her focus had been on Annabeth when introductions had been made. "And I think Annabeth knows that I made decaf. Since it was all she had at the moment."

Annabeth finger gunned her mother, and stuck her tongue out at Kruger. ~Tell mom what's going on, Rillian?~

"Of course. And the two women head into the parlor to talk, leaving Kruger and Annabeth in the library.

She took a long drink of her coffee then sat it down along with her cell phone, before turning all her attention to Kruger. She mouths the words slowly. ~Stay here tonight?~

There, he managed to chuckle at having a tongue stuck out at him. He was mildly surprised by the asking.

Part of him figured she would want to spend her night with her mother, maybe catch up in a way that hadn't been possible for the last year. His eyes flitted from Annabeth to the parlor and back before he smiled and nodded silently.

"Of course I'll stay. Those wards are down, I may still be of some kind of use tonight." All the news hadn't been good, some had only left more questions. There had been enough that Kruger finally felt able to settle into a seat on the couch.

He sat all the way to the left, then looked to Annabeth, patted the seat next to him. "Why not take a seat and start that relaxing and resting?"

She nodded and sat next to him, before leaning against him. She figured that she would talk to her mother, but she felt she needed strength with her mother. With Kruger she could rest against him and be small and vulnerable.:: ~I love you.~ She tested out the words again.

Kruger set the cup aside, putting his arm around her shoulders. He took a deep breath, letting it slowly out while she leaned into him. He may not be certain of why things had begun this way, but he was glad they'd ended with her leaning on him.

"I love you, Annabeth." He kissed her hair, and leaned his forehead on the side of her head wondering where things would go from here.