Topic: Happy Birthday to Me.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-05-21 07:19 EST
What does one give ones self for ones birthday?

Erin made her way into the brand new shop with unsure feet and unsteady hands. The bell on the door chimed-- dingalingling and there she was, the small englishwoman with the cherubic face and mischievous eyes.


It was more like a squeak than a word. More like a question than a statement. Erin had told know one of her early morning trip. Her fingers were curled around a small piece of rolled up loose leaf paper. She wore a dress with a plunging back-- almost didn't cover her back at all-- she figured it would hurt less that way.

"Anyone here?"

The place was open, it was an hour when tattoo shops always were. Late, early, but not breakfast time, not yet. She had lied at the inn, saying she needed sleep-- really she needed courage, and she took it in the form of a nip from the flask Hawk had given her the night before. Full of new hope and rebirth.

Let the ones who lose their way, live to see just one more day in the sunshine.

The words made her drink less than she would have wanted, made her draw faster. One more day in the sunshine. It wasn't entirely true that Erin was lost, her way seemed clearer lately-- but she felt like the mythical creature it had taken her all week to pen, and this, her twenty-first birthday, was when she wanted it imprinted on her.

"I just need a little work."

And with that said, she waited just inside the door to the tattoo shop. One hand stuck in the pockets on the front of that plunging dress, the other clutching a rolled and unrolled piece of paper. Her palms were sweaty, her face was red, and almost all of her wished she had remembered to invite someone-- Jordan, most likely.

But this was between her and god and whoever would put the design on her back.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-05-22 02:25 EST

There was a click clack of beads and the whisper of bare feet on the plastic floor as Lerida came into the doorframe. She smiled, and held back the fringe of the beads, her head tilted as she studied the first customer.

Heya, don't I know you? Her eyes squinted for a moment and she chuckled, leaving the Scrape place as she called it, where people came in plain and walked out an artwork and walked over to the familiar face. Erin smiled at her, recognized her and was a bit surprised. The nervousness drained away as it wasn't a burly man that was greeting her. Erin wasn't it? And she was more at ease when the women remembered her name. Lerida's smile grew, friendly and warm and she gestured with a pale hand to the larger space. Welcome...

It was.? And the slightly drunk, very tired Erinalle Dunbridge smirked at the other woman.? We used to work together.? Huh? She pushed some hair from her face as she moved further into the space, looking down at the black and white?linoleum that reminded her of a picture she saw once of a 1950s kitchen.? America.? Lerida.? The name came to her as if on the wind and she smiled at her own?memory. Things were flooding back through the somewhat drunken haze like a clip reel from an ancient movie. Right?? And with that she turned to inspect a wall, looking at the art that was hung there, biting on her bottom lip. It was strange, and beautiful and added to the atmosphere of the sideshow shop that would bear her transformation.

One of Lerida's lime green nails tucked an errant corkscrew of blue hair behind her ear as she continued to study Erin, without being rude nor intimidating-- her look mearly curious. Her gaze followed to the wall where there were drawings of unicorns, blushed female mermaids, dragons, griffons, lions with female heads and breasts, ornate arm bands, each possible picture for a lonely patch of skin. Finally the woman nodded to Erin.

We sure did, all that time ago it feels.., she made conversation, I'll let you look a while, unless you know what you wanted? Erin was sure of what she wanted and her eyes did not linger long on the wall. This was a mission more than a whim. Something long thought out and suddenly acted upon. She watched as Lerida slink towards a basin beyond the scarlet red counter to their right. I'll get you some tea, or if prefer a beer... Lerida gave Erin one of those notorious smirks over her shoulder as she opened the bar bridge and plucked out two long necks.

A beer.? Erin nodded.? The small mad englishwoman had quit drinking, but the thought of her birthday appearing made her dip into the flask that Hawk had given her.? And that had done much to send her towards drunk.? With a smile over her own shoulder she inspected the rainbow woman and then-- Erin's eyes light up.? Oh, I know what I want.? I spent years drawing it now.? I think I'm finally worthy?of it.? And she took from her pocket a crinkled and well worn piece of paper, holding it between her hands, not yet ready to offer it to the other woman.? She would have to be asked.

That paper, it had been with her for almost two years now. The drawing followed her dead child and then lived in her pocket, her bag, her drawer... it was the one painting Erin had ever done and it was what she wanted to put on herself forever. Mark herself. Remind herself. Bring herself out of the funk with its power.

While Erin thought, Lerida chuckled and made her way over to stand beside Erin and hand her a bottle, already uncapped, her own held to her breast.

It must mean a lot to you, she offered. The perceptive woman must have seen something on Erin's face as she clutched the paper. She canted her head to smile at Erin gently. Can I see it? Or would you prefer to start with where you want it?

Erin, again, did not need to think. While others would see this as impulsive, even shocking, it was something she had put much thought into. It was a plan. My back. She traded long neck for paper, the design a colorful water-colored phoenix rising up from the flames. I want it on my entire back. And Erin was as serious as she could be, almost deathly so. She made sure to lock eyes with the artist before she uncapped her bottle and took a swig.

Lerida's full mouth pursed as she took the proffered paper and unfolded it gingerly. For a long moment Lerida took the image in and then looked up to Erin, nodding once, but without a hint of solemn.

Turn around. With the bottle she raised her hand and signaled for the girl to turn, as she leant into a foot. Erin spun, turning her almost entirely bare back to Lerida.? It was sensual in its intimacy, but not sexual.? Not yet.? She twisted her shoulders a little to peer over her shoulder, try and see the expression on the woman who had her future in her hands.? It would be lying to say she wasn't nervous, but there was something about the serene emptiness of the shop that settled her. She was sure-- completely sure-- and it was a comfort to be sure of something. She so rarely was.

I know it'll probably take awhile... with all the color...? And she gave a lopsided smile before turning herself straight. Charmed, Lerida's lids dropped a touch and she gazed across to the vivacious brunette.

It is an elegant picture to wear, and I think you will carry it well The warmth to Lerida was always in the eyes, if not the smile, as her expressive mouth twitched and quirked in thought, pursed as it was. ?She waved towards the fringe of multicoloured beads. I can begin on a sketch and you can tell me what to change. ?I'll make small 'x's on your back to know which parts to minimise and which to elaborate Lerida's eyes twinkled as she was excited for the girl, and Erin fed off that excitement. It was all she could do not to bounce once.

That sounds lovely...? And Erin took another swig from her bottle as she made her way towards the curtain.? She liked that it wasn't a door, or even velvet, there was something gypsy and mystical about the beads.? Hair pushed behind her ears--again--and she was ready for the trip.? Anything you need to do.

And through they went.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-05-22 14:10 EST
You just lay on your chest, get comfortable, there's a plush's purple..just on the chair's bed underneath, rest your arms and neck on that, and I'll get the charcoal pen to draw with Lerida winked and turned, moving to a yellow bookshelf, and one of tis many shelves, plucked a thin, defined pen. Erin reached down to grab the pillow, setting it on the chair, she untied her dress and lowered the halter to her waist so that her back was bare. She was missing a bra, but lowered herself onto the pillow before she flashed enough skin to draw the attention of the blue-haired artist. The chair was slender and blue, raised at the back so that it was perfect for comfortable rest.

The dress around her waist, arms hanging to the sides of the chair, she was comfortable, happy and let out a little sigh as she closed her eyes. The beer had been placed beneath her right hand in an attempt to tell herself she was going to drink from it. But she most likely would not. Erin rested there, on the chair, and closed her eyes ready for the hours of work to come. It was no secret that the small mad Englishwoman liked pain. When things did not go her way, the outback was usually her first destination. She was in that small group of women who loved to take a beating. But this time it was not pain that begot pain, but the desire to remember something-- the was still alive. Having been in Rhydin almost a year, she had many things happen to her: close to death experiences, beatings and fights, missing friends-- the reminder of her mortality but also her vitality seemed suddenly so important.

Lerida swayed in, chin high, she grinned at the girl, pencil in hand. ?Quietly, she approached the chair and slid onto the gray one, of the same stiff upholster, and slid it over without a squeak, and in a hushed voice spoke, You can wash the charcoal off after, just scrub a bit, try some rosewater and she smiled and arched her neck across the delicate, fine boned slope of Erinalle's back and shoulders. ??Lerida was patient, gentle and respectful, and paced the tip of the pen at the centre of Erin's spine, where the discs rolled beneath the flesh, and the slim waist and lower back gave way to her bottom. ?She admired it as a woman, and as a lover of women too, but not in a lewd, distasteful way. ?She only pondered on how she could compliment such a shape. This is the center of your piece, where I will sketch from.

Erin paused as the felt the press of the pen on her skin, and it caused her to smile. She rolled her shoulders once and was again relaxed and ready for the night. If I wanted it to wash off, I wouldn't be here. It was said in a hushed tone. The moment was not lost on Erin.? She understood love and admiration: expectation and desire.? She desiered the marking on her back as much as Lerida desired to put it there and that was how they were connected tonight-- perhaps forever.? The pencil was cold and she shuddered a little at the touch to her skin, but?she did not move again.? The nod to her last statement was almost nonexistant, and Erin let her breathing go deep and her thoughts run wild.? She hadn't thought of the reactions she would get to this-- this was something Erin was doing for herself.? A gift for her birthday.? A gift to help save her life.

In her element, intimacy and sensuousness, Lerida plowed. ?Her nostrils flared a bit, her chin bent just so, as she drew a line from the diametre towards Erin's right hand shoulder. ?She followed the artwork she had rested on the bench below the cabinets which held ink needles, bled rainbows in vials and pulpers, and and flasks and boxes of plastic gloves. ?Tonight, her hands were naked. ?Warm but not clammy, one rested on Erin's neck, the' V between forefinger and thumb spread across lightly.

Erin intook air sharply and smiled into the pillow rested on the chair. She let Lerida work without much of a word, her body reacting to the touch by getting warm, and nothing more.? Her face colored, but it was hidden and the burn in her hands and in her feet was also hidden from the woman.? Tingling from alcohol, Erin had never been more sure of anthing than she was of this decision.

I'm going to do the bones of the piece and then build the lines and sweeps of pattern to give that in flight, wheeling effect for you Lerida's smile could be heard. I like your bravery, Erin....You've always been a fighter Her voice was endangered, not afraid to crack with how softly she spoke.

I guess I'm tired of fighting.? It's time to rise up and away from the muck.? And Erin felt that maybe she finally was, flying out of the ruins of her life and into something more beautiful and pure.? I won't crash again.? And it was said with the firmness of Scarlette at Tara and the conviction of every woman scorned. She would no longer be the scared little girl she had played so well to this point. She would fight tooth and nail, perhaps to her death-- defiance was built into the woman. Power and care.

The rush of air as Lerida's fingers halted could be felt, as she listened carefully, You need to be your own heroineshe said simply, but not sagely, she said it in the voice of one her could relate. ?Erin thought on it a moment and without nodding, agreed. She would have to save herself of let herself die, but it was up to her and no one else. Changing, transforming--it was Erin, not Sebastian or Gideon or Chi or even Jordan who had to come sweep her out of her self created hell. And then Lerida's fingers tilted, knuckles grazing the girl's left shoulder as she began the very tip of the second wing

How far down will the tail feathers fall? ?To your tail bone or higher? Her gaze drifted down the back, the smooth pale skin, and to the place where the dress creased and crawled into a soft mess.

Perhaps just a little higher?? Erin thought, fingers opening and closing and then opening again as she anticipated the pain to come.? I think if only the feathers showed when my shirt rode up, it would look silly.? And she was worried about silly.? Without knowing she was moving, she stretched her back, just a little, and hopefully did not jostle the pen.

Erinalle. ?I can do this now. ?The charcoal is only to give you the outline, for you to see in the mirror before you go ahead. ?Otherwise, I'm fairly confident in being able to pull this outline, in ink, off for you tonight Silence began, punctuated only by the breathy percussion of the colourful beads that billowed softly side to side, clapping like a distant applause. ?Lerida placed her hand along the back of Erin's head in a caress, to soothe her, to settle her. ?A smile graced her mouth as she listened to the beads, and the soft, determined breaths of this artwork. Erin did not need the soothing, she was settled, but she saw it as an affection that she shared with the woman who was changing her, perhaps forever. The pen moved southwards and Leridia drew careful, elaborate lines to give flight to the bird.

I'll turn the mirror for you*quietly still, she moved from the chair and walked to the narrow mirror to the edge of the small room. ?She turned it around, smiling.

The finality of the decision was already made. I want it done.? And she did.? There was a smile and she rolled her shoulders once.? Mark it on me.?