Topic: The Hardest Tale to Tell


Date: 2006-10-25 20:18 EST
Bracing herself against the bath tub, naked body trembling in the cold, her hand ran across the water to skir its surface as the tap ran hot and bubbled in a trail of white water flurry filling the cream coloured tub.

Sinking into the waters one foot at a time with eyes closed and shoulders luxuriously submerging she let out a content exhalation, a soft flimsy pocket of air as her lips rolled into a magnificent grin.

So, she had a bottle of half drunken rum on the round Venetian table that stood in its marble finesse by wooden walls. She was quickly running out of money, her lipstick filter was smudged in its last quarter of an inch of Firecracker Fuschia left, her nailpolish about a drop from done, her hot water bill rising by the month. But she enjoyed this singular lavish attention on herself. She'd returned from Peru, staying with an Andean hillside community Chanta Alta who had electricity for two hours every day. After that she swore she'd quit her baths, two she might take on a winter's night...and it was Autumn now. Uh oh.

A glance over with a flop of her neck to the left in a gaze at the Peruvian vest shrugged across the back of her parlour wrought-iron chair.

"I'm in trouble..."

Soaking there, in a sort of heaven, she thought to what her life had been the last six months. Three of them having the Garanle' curse heaved off of her so that she wasn't the entreprenur and slaver, Miss Nyx who switched to black skinned demon by will, and another to escape her woes and focus on others, living in South America.

Now, again, six months later, in Rhy'Din, feeling very much herself and very much alive she flexed her fingers and wiggled her toes in and peeking from the hot, swarthy water, coloured so in a milky blue from the Vanilla and Honey soap bombs laced with Sapphire Stars. Staring at the swirls coursing across her nipples, belly and the apex of her thighs, she decided that things were looking up, and she'd make a go of her singing. Get back what a curse had taken from her. A fierce lapse of sea-green floated in her eyes, misty and smoky, as her eyes got when passionate. Standing she collected her towl about her small frame and stepped in front of the mirror. Through the steam on the mirror she could just see her reflection; small, pretty, ghostly with steam-imprints plastered here and there. But distraught. There was so much to lose, when she was only just getting it all back.


Date: 2006-10-26 19:14 EST
In her eyes reflected the crisscrossed silver of the powerstations ascending into the sky. She always felt so lonely and vacant and filled in a strange emptiness staring up at them. Like heavens and all of the cosmic drainpipe were to sizzle and stain those rods, to slink down in pouring electricity, a way to commune with the galaxies.

Peculiar imaginings riddled her with her legs crossing in their spritely chorus to the bottom of the jutting station, fingers reached out for the cold silver hot in the stinging rays. She slumped back against it, closing her eyes and just listening as the earth and skies trembled at her back, and zaps of telekinetic freefalling energy made static her hair.

Who was this lovely little lady? Where was it she was heading? Removing her shades she tucked them at her purse resting at her hip and placed a foot back behind her. Small songs dug out graves in the stomach and heart of her sampled, crackled vinyl mind. Discs warbled on precarious edges, giants pirouetting in moors and mire, her words breathless feeble descriptions. A tilt back as her jades, swept in stormy sea green overtures, wrapt their way at the distance and the growing dust and dirt that filled its sky, she longed to ride the clouds and mystery of, the faraway grew ugly and frantic in splotches of umbrish and ash. A twister was near, and the panic startled an excitement within.

Where the desert had her romances, and arid secrets hid, was where Lerida knew to trek. To hide her own pueblo scented treasures. To bask in the pasts knowledge, to power on into a future, uncertain, but thrilling nonetheless.

The glassy sky, that sky, glittered down in the clover green. Sunset was soon, and she walked over to the bonnet of her car and crept onto its rusty red-raw surface. She watched the earth and wind and sky blend together in a warped entrancing spire. A steeple, filled in agonised torrents of dirt and air pressure, a religion of earth, her only spirituality. She looked one.


Date: 2006-10-28 09:26 EST
Losing the star without a sky
Losing the reasons why
Sew your fortunes on a string
And hold them up to light
Blue smoke will take
A very violent flight
And you will be changed-'Metal Heart', Cat Power

Playing on the radio, turned down, at 5am. When she first awakens, to go about her day.

Funny, that coincidence thing.

Some just lead it, a stray dog, through a loop, to their ankle.


Date: 2006-10-30 16:47 EST
written late night, the 29th of October, two days before Halloween Night.

Williamstown, I've always said, is the kind of town you don't have to know about. It's of one of the same as those sprinkled at the ridges of Death Valley; nothing, plain, uninteresting. Even to those that call it "Home".

To me, it's not so much the spectacular sunset and skyline that breaks out over such a landscape; unrelenting, empty, endless, arid. It's the people.

The best euphemism for the people of the town, is that where rivers of red should run beneath their skin, is sand. They are a course people, well-worn, resilient, and you rub them the wrong way, and they'll grind back twice as hard. I know, I've been the recipient.

My tale begins when my brother, Lennon, pulled me into his room, pushed me against the door grabbing my wrists as though to snap, then backed up, stared me hard in the face and told me he was there. That the moment my eyes opened in a crib in a hostel in the some county northwest, and the crone, Aunt Gertrude, set her own on me, my destiny, or at least a big part of it, was set.

Our family has an old old blood, it's a scarlet red, not a deep crimson, and it spills cooler than most and freely. Lennon knows, and others do too, when the 99 scars that skitter across both arms and the backs of his knees are seen in fluorescent light at the discotesque or on some trek, and he's got himself in a position, forgive him, that all can see his history. Painful. Jagged. Nails at a coffin he just cannot pry off.

That same blood, that pain, haunts the blood line. Gertrude, it's Mother, from whence the Curse came, that hot, ugly place. She was the progenitor, the womb, the evil. No such thing as magic as most know it. Yes, I am an Enchantress, I've been a Rogue, but this all hasa contemporary feel to it, a different semblance. There's just something about the On'Esand. Just something, they say...

I don't know why me, I wasn't a particularly vivacious child, I was always making wreathes out of dandelions and drawing, or sitting in the backyard for hours and hours and hours, just watching the sky. The clouds move, and the off-putting notion of me there, so still, but it was addictive. Surreal..

And so, things changed. My brother was expelled from the house, he was a rock in the way of a river that was going to be dry before it gave up its testament against its obstacles if it didn't get me first. And it did. And I drowned, how I drowned. I was taken apart, my magics exhumed, toxins filling my flesh, my eye, my heart, my inside. That place, the soul..and it so began. I was a black pawn, a black market baby, a pinnacle for her plots, she too weak to hurdle herself and so I ran for Gertie. I passed the bodies through the slots and watched the children be sung to slavery and sex, before their time and should never have been, the drugs were there accessible and marvellous, and there was me-manipulated, easy, drunk on a life that wasn't my own. It was my body, but not my mind or heart that did things. But as long as it was my fingerprints on in the sand, signing off my name, then it was Me. Lerida Nyx.

I need to write this out, to let the story run clear. I'm me, again, I'm free. But my body still reels from the side-effects of a life unworthy. A scoundrel in black chiffon, silk, satin, velvet. Me and my henchmen, my red hair, my Dalamar and my hideous beauty. My heart was an ashen pulp.

But it was not me. This is what those I love need to know. What Lennon needs to believe, sitting there in that darned psychiatric ward, what Icer, Aurthur, Tera, Brian...what they all need to know. This is me, And how can I show them? How can I really forget so much of a life this heart and mind never really lived. It was existed..

As for Val. ...Oh boy.



Date: 2006-10-31 19:31 EST
The marble table by the tub, smashed. The bath-tub's edge covered in stretched bloodied fingerprint. The last clutch.

Chairs tossed. Guitar strings un-bound and songless. Limp. Stiff.

Black Eyed Bob gone from the house, bloodied paw prints in a trail from the bathroom. Only her Peruvian vest sprawled across a chair arm.

The only part of her house to remain untouched, a treasured frame, brazen on the wall amidst this chaos.

Entitled, "afterall"


Date: 2006-11-01 19:39 EST
She was around. Just.

TThe knot entwined her legs, a bruise ran the extended of her jaw through to the left hand side of her chest. Restrained.

There was a way out. There always was. Out of anything. Even if that option was death. She'd almost taken the route, at the belly of addiction, armful of lovers and spitefilled face.

It was not ok. Not ok for her turn to end so quickly on this carousel, she'd only just gotten on, swung her leg over and smiled, and now she was bound, gagged and sitting in a loft. Looking out over the wasteland.

"I can show you fear
in a handful of dust"

Was this the end, already?

Conflicting notions teetered precariously at her tongue, her every toe and finger was aching from the bind, the taut twine and dock rope that encircled her. It was less the rope and more the fact she was again caught.

Gertrude, or some business associate from the days of yore. She was frantic, but silent. With a gag, not much choice!

She'd been walking home last night when she'd seen the vans and coaches milling around the close of Ermine street, the exit of which led down the washboard trail to her house. She'd run off, straight away fearing that she was to be brought to justice. She wasn't a fugitive, Gertrude was. Not her. Gertrude...

She scuffled forward, her bare feet pounding against the floor as she looked around. There was no way out of this. It had been set up. They had been watching for days. Why hadn't they taken her when she was drunk? Why had they waited till she was on her way to Val's? The scumsuckers had mounted every move carefully. And now she had a deadend.

A drop of her heart and a sudden gagging on the cloth stuffed right into her jaw. The uncomfortable grind of tooth against cotton. Spine chilling. Nauseus. Her heart rose into her throat, as foot steps sounded from the staircase. Her eyes settled on the gap beneath the door, waiting for their shadow to fill the daylight that poured there....


Date: 2006-11-07 01:50 EST
Alone. Awake. Perplexed.

Before her land a yarn that had been pulled from its comfortable curl, and let go to wander her sheets, her life. To leave a stain, an imprint, a reminder.

It was bloodless and drugless and sexless. It was the very and only thing that relaxed the muscles and pelted her eyelids, forcing her to sleep. After a long week of a lot of thoughts and action and emotion it was great to be zilch, nothing, at the outer curve of the blue-tinged circle.

The night didn't scare and neither did the morning. She kept coming back to the Wildflowers, kept walking through their colourful mists, to pursue nothing and everything. And then, she would lay back on green and stare at the sky, and be encaptured and enraptured by the immensity above and the immensity within. A feeling that only certain artists and scents and glows; like a brightly lit lilac coloured sunset sky, or a riff such as the pioneering waves to 'Nosferatu Man' as Pajo and co. sauntered their guitars and drums through especially soggy marshes, the wastelands of the heart, to fall into 'washer' where tears and faith and true love were built tall and strong and indomitable.

Such as how She felt now. Alone and yet so very near, amongst, a part of. That universal feeling....that only sometimes was glimpses, on hot hazy days, or twilit wanders through the world, as her feet and hips swished and danced along coals and ice, where her in her stitch-embroidered gown of diaphanous sheet over silk, where she walked trailing constellations in her wake, some somersaulting diamond, a tear drop from the night sky..

It was ok, to feel isolated and a loner. To be a discharge from the mass. To be a whole, yet so very apart. And aware of that distance. And how it is a treasure in its parting. To be humble and fulfilled. To be standing on her own two feet. And that the curtain could fall at any time and she would still...Be.

That even without her quasars and pulsing love-joints, without her instrument and her body, music and the sensual, she was all that she was before and during and after. That no identity, previous or before, her own or another's could deceive. So ripe and juicy, ready. Set. Go.


Date: 2006-11-09 23:56 EST
You're not of this time

Neither am I

We don't belong to anywhere

scrawled on a tree trunk, down the road from her house. Nearby lays a dead hawk; out of place and yet looking so peaceful. She couldn't resist writing it a good bye.

There was no use in introducing herself all over again or focusing on herself or the past. The red re-growth was happening and her eyes had once again developed that emerald-glaze. That disconcerting spark; too bright, too intense.

She tried to hide it all beneath her favourite hats and wearing eye shadow that didn't bring out the green. Didn't bring out the mean memory. Her weight had plummeted and she'd kept her ether doses limited. Only a swipe once a day in the past week, she'd kept herself in order but her gaunt cheeks and the baggy once fitting brown mohair turtle neck was making her feel nauseas. None of this was what she had wanted. It would be more of a skid to a stop then any kind of abrupt stand still.

She leant against the door, scrunched scarf in her fist, staring at the world outside past her porch and the pebble pathway to its first step. The gravel was only stirred by her feet and Bob's. The dog was sitting at her feet, lapping at his paws and pointing those black eyes at the sun. Irreverent and goofy, the best companion she'd had. And yet, so alike that stranger in the white coat. She giggled and bent down to stroke his neck and stare at his short lashes to cover his dark dark eyes. He was a joker and a free spirit, and he too loved the guitar. He'd always sat by her feet as she played her lullabies. She hugged him close and finally sat down, to watch the great yellow eye fall behind the distance, and be replaced in dark velvet blue. Where pinhole stars were to shine through.

She thought back to the dead hawk. If someday when the tree was overgrown in herb and brush, someone might see it. Might remember, might imagine. That the bones of the perished would be dug out, given back to the stars. She felt that sparkle inside, and closed her eyes, as blue sunlight warped forwards, a tumble, cartwheelng limbs of cloud, in amniotic coat of midnight and sunrise colour, wrapping her up. Keeping her warm.


Date: 2006-11-12 04:40 EST
I have this little arrow head I've carried with me for years, to remind me to always have direction. I've been holding it a lot lately, taking it every place I go. Like the past can't hurt me anymore.

I don't tell anyone about it, almost Brian, almost. It just sits stale on the end of my pen, ready to be wrote.

I'm disarmed.


Date: 2006-11-13 03:44 EST
She's a bad egg
in a broken shell
sitting stiff on the highway
she's a little noose
hanging from your tune
ready to be strummed out of the way
she's a nuisance
shes a heckler
she's the queen of the worst five cards
she carried me home from a dangerous slumber
on an isle of pines
on a thousand waves
all tossing me south

to your grave


Date: 2006-11-13 16:32 EST
It's an act
That effect is true
It's all a warped-reflection
of me
riding a horse and staying on all the ride long

It's a tribute to a life not lived
these fabrics don't do justice to the sins in my lips
I've worn poison and I've kept the dart close to my chest
I'm a Bella Donna, a poison ivy, a deluge in the dark
leaves that fall and cannot be counted
clusters of worn moonlight
singed in a brown stream
in a broken town

I'm left of center
A bruise
a staple to your paper
I'm equal and I'm delicate
a strangle-hold grip to life
trying to stay on the horse

stay on the horse
this infernal equestrian partaking
a bargain with a ghost

the outer perimeters

my home


I'm moving to Marban. So long the township for a time.


Date: 2006-11-15 17:20 EST
So Marban was opening up for her spilt in dried weed trail and shanty-style huts littering the meadows. She stood alone in one of those fields, smoking, watching the dirty-brown sky in its cloud infested hike upon the blue. She smiled at that, and this, being away, on some stretch of land that was hers. They say no man can talk unless a state they call their own; and so it was all about amalgamation, rearing in the 'nancies and pulling the blame on the sunshine..And a few too many swings of the rustwind.

A turn then, she knelt to the ground and gathered Bob to her chest as he had been licking at her toes wanting her attention for the last twenty minutes. And, she was a hundred short; damned son of no one and nothing but allie with all that shone ghastly grey, and blue in his case, was its hundred more than she. But she wanted her derringer, and she'd be damned if she wouldn't get it, though along his edge she'd be damned and dead too if she spoke too many a word. She didn't doubt his effects and threats; one of the few in this town to follow through.

Wait, not this town. This was a different place altogether. This was a crying out loud and it echo's for hours sort of place. This was Marban. This was her home. Of her heart of hearts.

Bob licked her cheek, one parting wallop of taupe-tongue and then he was off to skiddaddle as he should this land, this stretch of swaying field. Where he might not find love, but he would adventure.

A pause then in her thoughts, and she looked over to the house, alone on the hill. Her soul swam loosely from its joints and that panic wracked her chest. That twinge in her belly re-started, a groan from the machismo that it was drowning. A baby.


Date: 2006-11-17 02:27 EST
She had been sweeping down the house completely unawares of much else than her broom and the padding of her dog before before her as she moved about, clearing the cobwebs, as they say.

She'd also, at this point, not been attuned to her energies, her magics, her voudou and any such slumbering lumber of a man, crouched down in the meadows near her house. It was a spring clean in Fall, and her thoughts were millions of miles away.

Lately, unknown to even those closest, she had grown a fondness for a small sculpture, from Peru, the single token that she had bought back that wasn't an item of clothing. She had her Chanta Altan vest, sandles, wooden guitar picks inscribed with various shaman symbology and tiny scriptures from the community, but then too this delicate moulding, in a coppery metal, of a Tigress.

She'd taken an immediate liking to it and likened herself to it. She'd felt it out it's every curve and sweep, it's little cold brindled eyes, a delicate fixture to her otherwise rather shabby looking new roost.

But now, cloth-rubbed shiny and upon the mantlepiece within what would be the living quarters, was the statuette. A bronze sphinx watching her every move. She'd look at it and smile her wistful smile, as the thoughts decorating her mind verged off to journeys yet to be had, a return to Peru, work on the farm and her future with a special someone. It was the Enchantress who was being Enchanted...and how very wonderful that felt.

A drift over to the statuette and a peek into its amulet-shaped eyes and she gasped. It's mouth reared open and the figure regarded her like a coy woman might her man; a very Lerida expression. She stood back and closed her eyes tight, and then opened them again, and the Tigress was inanimate once more.

While alone in the room but for Bob, a sense of sexuality and strength galloped across her blood stream, up and down her legs, like a chainsaw of energy harping at her every angle and vein, as if a puppeteer orchestrated her motions, as she slid the brush along and spun on the balls of her feet, an annoucement of an ancient sensibility that explored her dark and her light, her secrets and the made known.

A step to the front door as the sun began hiding from Noon, and once again she felt ....normal. That rush subsiding, but leaving goosebumps and distended hairs across her body in its wake, like a an Artic-touched wave receding back to low tide.

As though nothing had happened; but the splur of Crotian ghost songs and murder ballads that began bubbling in a racket from her stereo spoke otherwise.

Like a ghost had wandered through and temporary invaded her, then left, she looked at this poltergeist air and sent forth her fingers into the air. Her, now, the explorer.


Silence. The chords done.

A breath taken and she leant back against the door frame, and closed her eyes.

No matter the distraction or odd occurances of late that noticeable twinge deep down, as though someone's finger was prodding into her belly button, was present. Reminding her..

It was not possible. She was not pregnant. Out of the question. And she certainly could not be carrying a long dead child. What she had done, she had done because she had to.

She slammed the door and ran to her room, Bob watching after her wide eyed, with a placing of his snout on the floorboards.

Whatever was it she had to do, for the past to let go of her. For she had let go already. The Future was Now.


Date: 2006-11-20 21:13 EST
There's a trend to air here. It is sickly and like twine to my vocal chords, but I'll get used to it.

It's thicker and more dreary, but I do feel comfortable. That other house was a void for trouble. I didn't like it much.

I'm holding in my hands a candle and its holder, brass and heavy. I am tired but I like the view, out over the hillside. I bring its light to the curtains as I spread out across the dried weed at my feet, an apparition I would appear as I go adrifting. Like always.

Ever so happy, I get that giddy feeling sprite in my gut, and I make a look to the east, to the track leading to my own. I stand there tall and proud with my eyes two playful pools; come on dive in. I can call out but my voice is lost, I am drowned out in the steady night wind.

Roving over my pores and each features the hands of an invisible Man, the wendigo in black down the the cuff. Off the hook. I miss him, strange little willowwisp. Cattail. He lived in the trees. He lived in the soil and the sky. All around but never to be seen.

And then, as the candle flickers, refusing to be snuffed, I blow it out from the hot breeze inside, and close my eyes. I can feel the man for me in the air, in my hair, at the back of my neck. I can feel him closing in on my house, baring down on all that is mine and making it ours. He's a hero to me. He's a magic man.

A shrill excitement splices me then, and my eyes fly open and into that satin blue night sky. I am thick and slick with my wanton vibe, I am moist and lush for the picking. The branch bends....

The wind urges me sometimes, too that baby, and the tigress. The many dimensions to a simple woman. I am only one of those of those aspects at heart.

I carry myself back inside then, with quickly cooled wicker-curls rising like goblin arms from snow. I trespass the feelings with a close of the door and leave the outside to its restless self.

Contentment I did not know I would find. There has always been a role to play, a costume to fit, a mould to break. Now, without these three burdens I feel light and free of cosmetic lie. I am eager and new and I am proud.

I sink into my sheets and let my hands make their way south. I open up like a petal wet, and I close my eyes and my tongue it furls. I hold back my gasps and my tweets. I place my hands into my camisole and make taut the peaks of the mounds beneath, I make music from and for myself. A melody only my body can play to, and only my foxy little troubador can make resonate. Makes me feel wonderful all times. Even without him there.

I am so so in love. And I am so so alive, again. I love these moments of escape. I was wrong about so much for so long. Takes a hand to hold your own sometimes, to let you know, "it's all good"


Date: 2006-11-22 01:57 EST
I sit in my wicker rocking chair and watch that scamp paw around the place, and I hoped he'd not pee in any corner such as the side of my bed to make himself at home in this locale. So out there and wide and endless and forever. I felt my bones getting used to it, the tonsils, the ears and the eyes. Salty and bright, always mellow and orange this shading. Almost go for the charcoal...

But while that twinge is nested in my gut I don't feel artful. I sit there with that orange light melodramatic across me, warm in the fall cool coming in through the windows. I wonder what it would have looked like, whether a girl or a boy. Never even got there far it didn't.

I pick myself up and hug myself, for lack of long arms to do the job, his arm, the arms.

Damn it, I should not think this way. Train myself elsewhere..

Almost go for derringer, go shoot some cans off the edge, be a right Marban hick. I laugh and go make myself some tea. Don't feel like putting the damage on tonight.

So I get myself some Redding and fly the zip to the stick and let the music spin its black crackled number. It soaks me and I sway alone in the center of the room, Bob circling me and yipping now and again. I feel my breast and find my heart racing. Not a good sign, I was feeling an energy.

I walk to the window and look out, half expecting that blue bastard. I smirk and squint out at the horizon. I can still make out the sound of sand being shifted by boots down the track some. It was unsettling, after the past month.

I go back to the kitchen and sit down, the warm tea bitter without its sugar. Life without love, I relate it to. How true. Stark. Like this land, and my two white hands against the marred table top. My red nails chipped, I was out of that colour and my favourite lipstick. Don't have the money for charm. I have a cabaret at the Hall coming up, more for fun then lala, though if someone likes my kicks and tricks enough....

I stand, restless like the outside, pull myself outwards to the round carpet, old and stained in a couple sections, that musk pink shade. It's warm and prickly against my bare feet, and the music sweetens all my senses. I do not want to be reliant on another, or even this music. But it feels so good. Being vulnerable, or somethin'..

Enough about myself, I surrender to the sound, and I sway for a good hour, and make a couple more teas. I can feel the night growing heavy, a shadow lurking into the banisters and wood, to speak through such charges its secrets. I, always willingly listening, I find my bed eventually, dance-sore knees covered in sheets cool and fresh, and I close my eyes and listen to the tremors coming along the ceiling and earth, again, the wood and the floor. That creak a log on this ship I ride. My ride, my vessel. Pinholes for stars, letting in light where it shone never before. Mistress of Swords, once known, Lady of Situations, a walking living breathing, tarot. I turn over and open my eyes, at the violet hour before me. I mumble Eliot in my sleep, and find Marban a wasteland similar, though filled only with the bone of animal, not man and war.

Such a thing to expedition, in a braver less introspective moment. Where maybe I can put to rest my unborn. My never to be had.

Maybe one day..I can ..have?!


Date: 2006-11-23 01:55 EST
Down the track she headed off, a large long branch in her right hand, slim and gnarled into clots at random sections of its part, as her shins moved through thistle and her finger tips of her free fist ran across their tops, delicate wisps of golden powery baubles, waving quietly in the afternoon.

The sky was a thousand shades in all different splotches across the Northern sky, where light became dark and stole the blue into its hungry, greedy tangerine depths.

Beneath a tree she stopped, to catch her breath and dampen her chest and neck with a cloth. She leant into the shade and let its shadows colour her skin in tattoo's of black. Coloured shadows, like fairylights at the carnival, dancing across her thighs as they kicked out across the crowd, her body lean and stretched to its utter reaches and limits on rope, wire and tetris beams. A spidery dance, all her own.

"This track never ends..."

Bob came up and leapt up for some attention. She scratched his head, loose fur moving back and forth.

"Come on"

And then they stepped out of this bifocal orange and black embellished walk, this mirror of the sky and shadow on display against her pale skin, and they were off. Two wanderers searching for the endless dawn, hunting it down. Unforgiving the sun shone...nameless, faceless, bright.


Date: 2006-11-27 03:39 EST
If time is my vessel, then learning to love
Might be my way back to sea
The flying, the metal, the turning above
These are just ways to be seen
We all get paid
but some get faith before they die
But the stars we will navigate
Through the holes in your eyes -

How many days will it take to end?
How many ways to reach abandon?
Oh, you and I.

Oh, so swoon baby starry nights -
May our bodies remain.
You move with me, I'll treat you right, baby,
May our bodies remain

There is love to be made
So just stay here for this while
Perhaps heartstrings recesitate
The fading sounds of your life

How many days will it take to land
How many ways to reach abandon?
Oh, you and I.

So swoon baby starry nights
May our bodies remain
As deep we move, I'll feed you light, baby
May our bodies remain
Oh yeah in history, I'll treat you right, baby
I am honest that way

Swoon baby starry nights
May our bodies remain



Date: 2006-11-28 16:55 EST
I painted last night for the first time in a long long time. Felt kind of uneasy with the brush in my hand and directing it where I wanted it, splotches of colour reminiscent of the afternoon's sunset.

Through all my drawings I criss crossed the spires and silver, but not in that hue didn't have any gray or black or white paint, so I made them crimson, like my nails, and livened up the mellow with a fire. I felt that way at the time. A flame. A whirlwind.

But back to the picture, and my state of being hypnotised. I looked at the gun on the window sill, silent and deadly and somehow real pretty, real elegant in its silver mess. What it could do, with my finger on the trigger. That important fact. What I could dispell in my myth; or just confirm the lies?

I'm thinking of taking Raye on her offer, running with it. Like the wind, like I said I wanted to.



Date: 2006-11-29 16:40 EST
Mesmerised, the Enchantress sat stiff backed against the stone, covered in grimey bird poo drivels and sun-whitened gristle, eyes plastered to the distance; wide and all-seeing. The vision walk, the lightning from above in the palms of her hands. She had taken the frequencies and delivered them, extended their antler shaped wiring into the cloud and sun and absorbed the light across the field, across Marban to the very reaches of the track that left Rhy'Din's edge and designated the fringe way to her house.

Purpose and passion spoilt any brooding she might have had after the last month. So much in so little a time-kidnapped, hired, two jobs, and new love. It was joyous and silly and fast paced, mad capped mayhem for all the adventures, but yet the tendril of fate and the grace she walked with unwound slowly across the sheets, snowy and brilliant in contrast to the Universe, and she used stepping stones for stars no longer. It was out of reach, now that her every little part was earth-bound, Marban based, sketching a new signature for her soul across this soil.

There was the other side of the coin; hot from the same sun but a deeper, more copper hue, like the undersides of her hair, when lifted up in brooch and revealing the delectable nape of her neck. It was startling that shade, a myriad of dark reds and orange, sunset through sepia.

That other side was scorched and from where she sat she could not even bend to pick it up. The pleasure and the release and the now utter exhaustion from her symbiosis between herself and the derelict Venus stables of once-living spirit, and the make shift home on the hill in Marban had exhumed her energy and she sat now legs spread before her toes, free to wiggle in the wind, satiated and soft lipped; smiling in a dreamy, lazy tune.

Her entelechy.


It was time to stand strong. To focus on the rush that filled her core in its drifting veil and no longer be prone to doubt, to selfish warblings to the wind. It was time to run with that pull of air, that slur of Nature's speech, that carried her off, as she was free, freefalling static, luminescent eyes sea swept once more, features dewy from her perspiration; natural glow, her hair tousled in tendrils across her brow and chin-Autumn's apparition.

Breathing in she stood and smiled some more, brighter and stretching to lift her cheeks and crinkle the skin beneath her eyes. Arms outstretched and the heaven's, after all, were not so far away...


Date: 2006-12-02 04:28 EST
She's convinced she can hold back a glacier..

But she couldn't keep baby alive.


I had a wonderful, relaxing evening. I played guitar, had some time out with Val. Then got the anxiety again. I miss what I never had. Regret is not doing what you should have, could have, maybe even would have.

In this instance, I didn't even have the choice.

Thoughts as she stares at the pitter patter droplets across her window. Naked, for the pale blue silk dressing gown across her shoulders, she shudders and turns to climb back into bed. Alone.

Her thoughts turned to needing Val's hand in hers about now, although she ground her teeth, jaw set in her sleep. To needing his comfort while she felt so down. So pathetic. It wasn't her fault, she had wanted it. Wanted so much. For selfless reasons. Just to love it. Now she wanted one, to feel good, to feel like she had a chance to make herself new.

Such complex, irrational thought attended to her, a nasty bedside vigil. She found herself weeping into her pillow. She felt cold, within. A hurricane churning, relentless. No handkerchief soiree would fix her either. She wept and wept, till the sun's rays brought out the blonde in her helixed locks, sprawled across the pillow, and she sat up and hugged herself. Eyes down cast. What a horrible value to have placed on herself.

A defiant look crossed her features and she left the bed. She needed nothing and no one. Just a chance to heal. And she was the only one to give herself such a gift.


Date: 2006-12-03 04:05 EST
On the rocking chair on her porch, the single feature to stand out against this brown wash boredom of wood and passing chalk dust sand, she watched sunrise, a smile on her lips.

A new friend, maybe, another path to walk? So many things in her mind, swirling in the rush of the twinge and the fading sounds of opium-blessed tongue. She closed her eyes and recalled the moments of the night, earlier and barely recalled, but for the snow-touched imagery of that new friend. It excited her ever so much. But that was possibly the dropper and last scotch speaking. Possibly.

And there she was, out stretched to the heaven's, extended from here to the womb of the moon. Starlight pods made her bones, she was the celestial collection of anemones and nebula fish. It was so clear, the reality of her chemistry.

She left the rocker in a slow sweep of bare feet, inside she walked, inside to have a hot shower, let static fry and fizzle fast, she shed her violet cum sleet-dirty skirt, singlet top and worry, steam and naked curves inviting the warmth. No awkward trespasses, just relaxation, as snow flake fell steadily outside.


Date: 2006-12-04 02:12 EST
I found this today. So I'm going to attach it to this page, a little tape and look on it whenever I think of baby.

I can relate to this. Felt nice.

Sonnet XVI
-Pablo Naruda

I do not love you as if you were salt-
rose, or topaz, or the arrow of
carnations the fire shoots off. I love
you as certain dark things are to be
loved, in secret, between the shadow
and the soul. I love you as the plant
that never blooms but carries in
itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid
fragrance, risen from the earth, lives
darkly in my body. I love you without
knowing how, or when, or from where. I
love you straightforwardly, without
complexities or pride; so I love you
because I know no other way than this:
where I does not exist, nor you, so
close that your hand on my chest is my
hand, so close that your eyes close as
I fall asleep.



Date: 2006-12-07 00:27 EST

'Spring Haze'-Tori Amos
Well I know it's just a spring haze
But I don't much like the look of it
And if omens are a god send like men
Breezing in
Certain these clouds go somewhere
Billowing out to somewhere
In a single engine cessna
You say we'll never make it there
So all we do is circle it

Uh oh
Let go
Off on my way
Unseen this eternal wanting
Uh oh
Way to go
So I get creamed
Waiting for Sunday to drown
Uh oh
Way to go
Waiting on Sunday Waiting on Sunday to land
Uh oh
Way to go
Waiting on Sunday
Waiting on sunday to drown

So I know it's just a spring haze
But I don't much like the look of it
And all we do is circle it
And I found out where my edge is
And it bleeds into where you resist
And my only way, way out is to go
So far in
Billowing out to somewhere
Billowing out
Luna riviera
Billowing out to Somewhere

Uh oh
Let go
Off on my way
Unseen this eternal wanting
Let go
So if I really get creamed
Waiting for Sunday to drown
Waiting on Sunday to drown

Why does it always end up like this
Why does it always end up like this
Why does it always end up like this

Uh oh
Off on my way
Unseen this eternal wanting
Let go
Way to go
So I get creamed
Waiting on Sunday to drown
Uh oh
Waiting on
Waiting on Sunday
Waiting on Sunday to land
Uh oh
Waiting on
Waiting on Sunday
Waiting on Sunday to drown
Waiting on Sunday to
Waiting on Sunday Waiting on Sunday to land
Uh oh
So if I really get creamed
Waiting on Sunday to drown

Cello hid away into cupboard, feet finding woolen slippers, lips finding edge of tea-holding mug, flames nestling in cheeks.


Date: 2006-12-07 20:00 EST
Her expression was plaintive as the closet was closed and she turned her back to it, fingers knotted at the small of her back still clutching the closet's brass handles. Cold. Unrelenting.

She stared dead ahead upon her mattress free of sheet and pillow, throw and Bob's sleeping form. It was spacial and empty and discomforting. Her entire house had that feeling lately, and she wondered often of late to herself if Marban was where she belonged.

It had appealed to her right away once the ransacking and kidnapping had returned her to a state of fray; it was old and harmless and reminded her of the granges outside of Williamstown. It offered her a counter to the bad times, a sweet reminder. However sometimes things left were best kept that way, and as she relinquished her hold on the doors and trudged towards the bed to place fresh sheets on it, neatly piled on the single simple-framed wooden chair behind her, she felt her stomach convulse and that twinge grow into a taunting, nauseas tug.

In shock, and frustration, she fell to the matress in a prolonged gasp; amber lashes fluttering as she winced and grabbed her stomach, winding thoughts of sandy miles long gone and that floating imagery of a purple baby withering at the back of her mind. She clung to the matress, and whimpered as she crawled upwards to sit on her knees, beads of sweat at her brow, hands clammy and her neck moist.

It didn't feel as though she were to gag, it felt as though her insides were being made rope and twisted in twine; as though she may be pulled inside out, into nothing, through her belly button. That umbilical cord to night; to the stars.

She groaned and fell face forward again, fingers clutching at the unclutchable matress; hard mounds of cotton flat against her writhing figure, teased by an indescribable lurch within. She sung out, shivering, knees folding in then straightening as she flipped onto her back and screamed; her body racked and slapped, hips swaying along the bed, wrists pinned to each side of her head as she felt a weight dropping against her.

She lay stunned for some time, grappling within her mind, putting process to what had just happened. Lashes batting slowly as she made to sit up and gasped.

There stood Aunt Gertrude; Lennon a slip of a man at her side.

Lerida snarled and made to move further, only to feel that queer urge to stay down. Silent. Scared.

With her might and unyielding determination to better things, this life, scratched enough by the crone before her, she smiled. Bright, forced, but still warm and radiant.

"This is a surprise!", she muttered bitterly, her laconic mouthing only enticing a cruel sliver of a smile from Gertrude.

"Un' it is ah saaprize fo' uhs ulll, Lurr-eeeeee-dah!"

Her mouth popped into a close as that awful grin disappeared.

Lerida stared at her Aunt, in complete and utter distaste. She had to look away, had to look at the slur of her scarlet nails across the bed. The way they shook and trembled.

"God damn it....", she crooned softly to no one.


Date: 2006-12-11 17:00 EST
Concentrated on the windowpane, one small milky hand against it, her skin covered in rain drop shadows tinting her chest and neck in spots, her thoughts gravitated to a place far away and long ago and yet so very future. Such emotions lurked within her that she had never been able to articulate it, for that town. That psychogeographical event, her and her kind had descended within, propelled, given life to. Force. Gravity. And because, destruction.

She took her hand from the pane, fingers cold from the flakes that lashed at it from outside, and brought it to her stomach, where her other arm was folded past her ribs, her face filled in that discontent expression she had tried to hide during her last shift at the Inn. But with a lot happening, she was learning, she could not handle. Not yet. She was still prone to nigh sweats and wanting to hide away for good, staying in bed for hours with her guitar trying to distract herself from three things.

What were they?

Aunt Gertrude had left, the conversation between the small circle of family had proved useless and a last means as a derivitive from Gertie and Lennon, who now were in kapish! with one another. Their ability to establish an anxiety in her and then disappear, abandon her like a brittle leaf; the rotten branch of that Ancestral Tree. They were good at that...

In a huff, she fell back to sit on the bed. There were still two other bothers.

Val, still so much a stranger, had told her he had something to share. Something to tell. It didn't scare her, but it made her consider the complexities of what every relationship held. Every soul was a puzzle piece and getting the right fit was a miracle. But they had. She enjoyed their private world, their respect for each others secrets, but it was growing sore that being so courteous, and she knew, if not now then soon, he would have to know everything she had done. And if her energies were anything to go by, his past had been as unsavoury as her own.

But that was mild, in the scheme of recent months. She had greater things to fear than the past, the past that isn't now, isn't what they did have. A durable, profound bond, something so true and natural and easy to learn, but sometimes hard to accept. Lerida had never once in her life considered herself wife material, a mother, someone who could stand by and be a rock. Sometime's people change us, or rather, their beauty, their tenderness, make us what to change ourselves.

Soon after, she fell asleep, as tired and cosey as a kitten. Lost in dreams and fancies. That third bother not even a stain to her silver lining. But it was there, humming in the distance, a reminder.

While all was well, she had a long way to go. Gertie was not dead, nor Lennon, and she still had a mission to play out.


Date: 2006-12-14 19:23 EST
Swallowed whole. Consumed. Devoured. Enjoyed. Digested. Crepuscular break down; this flower blossoming by eerie glare. She moved towards the windmill, hands outstretched, tripping over her own feet in this haze, this daze. She bent down to pluck a flower, a sister, and breathe in her vespertine elegance. It was stark and holy in this place. So dreary, but so beautiful.

She sat down on a large flat stone and read aloud to the No one how the cloud's appeared; galloping horse, puffs of palm, bunny ears, tinsel patterned trees. She was roped in and held onto by the twine of the night of the sky of the unknown; what it once was and being forgot.

Things was hasty and off kilter. It was time to run, again. So long Rhy'Din, however heavy it made her heart.


Date: 2006-12-17 18:41 EST
She could wear carelessness with the slip of a negligee. Careless she could be, easy to trip. Sometimes she felt it an act. But it was no such a thing. She was as cunning and cruel as anyone could be, but she didn't tend to that garden. It didn't thrill and had no gain.

She would stay in town for a while more. There was no point to moving offwards and carrying the same troubles around. And what of what she had set up here. She had a house now, she had a job, she had friends. She had a lover.

A sigh at that, watching the gables sway and soak in sunlight. Bob was wandering around, as usual, pestering rabbits and making holes in the snow. Whatever had he found over there; a dead bird?

She wandered over, and bending down, skirt a pool of white, lilly like, around her ankles, she reached out to hum gently to Bob and peer over his head at the dead animal.

A fox. Long whiskered and peaceful looking, its head on a pillow of straw thin grass, mottled in dusty sleet-coloured snow. She smiled, so faint, and caressed its side; bristled fur the colour of her hair in the fading sun. It had a full gut, yet no wounds and so, with those grey speckles along its snout, she presumed old age had kicked in, in the cold. Bob licked and laved at the dead Fox, until Lerida urged him away with a whistle and a nudge of her shin, and they returned to the house. She would cook a roast, write some music, and pray all was not lost.


Date: 2006-12-26 18:30 EST
By mistletoe and bell. Not alone, not afraid. New year, new hope.

She walks out to touch the world, spread her self like a cosmic butter along the hill, pine and gulch, to sink into the sand and into the leaf.

Songs glisten and smoke towards the sky. Hello and goodbye.


Date: 2006-12-27 19:15 EST
I'm in a new place. Bags at my feet, and more dust. Took a rest and a long trek with the pooch. Haven't seen anyone in days. My hair is a long tangled mess, I had a shower and still had the aches. Don't feel much like singing anymore. That saddens me the most. I haven't picked out a number in oh so long. Why am I back here?

I woke up last night after walking into the yard and felt a cold ripple in my bones. I looked over my shoulder expecting that gunslinger Blue or his Heartbreaker Brother. Even felt for a moment perhaps that loverly little ravenhaired girl might be there. Val's sister? Anyways, I was asleep and I couldn't stop thinking on that train, and I kept thinking on those flipping nebula fish and phantoms, and everything was dark. Brandy soaked. So I paced down to Westend, in lingerie and my overcoat, I kept laughing to myself and getting all rugged up and sexy and I suddenly was lost and couldn't remember where to find him. His address. I kept thinking of 1313 but to get there.....And so I went back home and made some Turkish Apple tea and stewed on my thoughts. I am afraid I am coming to need someone. This is not how I function, how I think on men. But I do need him. And I cannot find him.

So I lit a small bonfire tonight, twigs, mulch and best I could made myself a flame in the middle of the frigid air. I had hoped he'd see my semaphore. No one turned up, even my guitar looked ashamed of me in her curvy golden shadows. And I didn't feel that lingerie and sex meant a thing. It was all soaked in his red hue because it was now the colour of my heart. And I cried and cried, as all ashen coloured throbbing was long gone, and I was in love for real.


Date: 2007-01-03 19:53 EST
I am the horizon. Pressed thin between a heavy sky and a weightless ocean.

I am not as graceful as I used to be.

I sit in leathers of different shades by an old tree and watch the long dirt road before me swelter in the glare of the sun. Water running from the snow.

I am not intrigued by myth and legend and I do not want to be either. I long most for the orange shadows these trees provide. The subtleness. The simplicity. The sepia glow in his canid eyes.


Date: 2007-01-03 23:30 EST
There was once a ray of light. It fell in purple sheets like scattered rain drops to the cemetary of Desdichado. And there the fawn opened her eyes, planted new and with roots stretching for miles, into the desert. There a journey would begin.

It is a story that has naught significance to many. To some, it means tomes worth. She has always been a secret. Her scent always that of pueblo treasures, sepia shadows and extraordinary darkness. That same vein pattern bled through into most everything she touched.

There, then, was a lonely old woman. Gertrude On'Esand. Her first child a disappointment for it was a male. And a male could never pass on her inherant witchery the way a woman could. Intuition, treachery, charm, deceit. Marvels of feminine nature, when honed, deadly. And though that fawn she found had been born and sent forth to ressurect man and digest the sins and roam the interstellar Yaru together, magic can be learnt and ground into the spirit as Getrude's selfish, disfigured vision would have it. A girl, a nightmare.

A story that stretches between ravine and canyon cannot be brought down to its vital elements. It's essential parts. For a life that spans the snap of thunder and the dawn of chaos cannot be sharpened to a dull gleam. Ordinary was not known.

But yet, in this time, this day, this is all she seeks. To be caught on the wrong wind, the flipside of the coin, the backside of the mirror. A presence but never really there. Perhaps this instinct is what has brought her into this entirety. No Garanle' but flying nonetheless, prowling and seeking...Hunting.

The Lady of the Knives is the true form, the final purpose for this Soul eater. She is Huntress. She is benefactor of pleasure and compassion. An advocate for mercy and a pawn of her own making. Only her mind can direct her across the board.

She moves in shadow, sepia and stripe. Tigressheart the name she has taken as she walks this new chapter.

It is yet to be known what happens for this to be Royal Consort.

Out with the old, and In with the New.


Date: 2007-01-09 01:25 EST
Uncurling herself from a ball on the couch she sat to face the door. Alone and afraid, most suddenly, she dunked her head and stretched her arm to the cloth laced in ether by the couch she lay upon. Habit was a funny thing, digging at the bones, probing and questioning and undoing. But she was deliberate with it. Death cannot delete Death, for she was Venusian, she had to keep retelling herself her story.

But limp and bedraggled she knew the nonsense of her thinking. Addiction and the Feed all too much to push away. She would always have the toxins in her body. It unhinged her day by day...

She would have to confess to her friend her concerns. She'd just murdered. She'd just spent a week doped out.

A junkie, a hopeless huntress about now. Stripes and swords or no.


Date: 2007-01-10 00:11 EST
Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held inlunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Dissolve the floors of memory
And all its clear relations,
Its divisions and precisions.
Every street-lamp that I pass
Beats like a fatalistic drum,
And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium.

Half-past one,
The street-lamp sputtered,
The street-lamp muttered,
The street-lamp said, 'Regard that woman
Who hesitates toward you in the light of the door
Which opens like a grin.
You see the border of her dress
Is torn and stained with sand,
And you see the corner of her eye
Twists like a crooked pin.'

The memory throws up high and dry
A crowd of twisted things;
A twisted branch upon the beach
Eaten smooth, and polished
As if the world gave up
The secret of its skeleton,
Stiff and white.
A broken spring in a factory yard,
Rust that clings to the form that the strength has left
Hard and curled and ready to snap.

Half-past two,
The street-lamp said,
'Remark the cat which flattens itself in the gutter,
Slips out its tongue
And devours a morsel of rancid butter.'
So the hand of the child, automatic,
Slipped out and pocketed a toy that was running along the quay.
I could se nothing behind that child's eye.
I have seen eyes in the street
Trying to peer through lighted shutters,
And a crab one afternoon in a pool,
An old crab with barnacles on his back,
Gripped the end of a stick which I held him.

Half-past three,
The lamp sputtered,
The lamp muttered in the dark.
The lamp hummed:
'Regard the moon,
la lune ne garde aucune rancune,
She winks a feeble eye,
She smiles into corners.
She smooths the hair of the grass.
The moon has lost her memory.
A washed-out smallpox cracks her face,
Her hand twists a paper rose,
That smells of dust and eau de Cologne,
She is alone
With all the nocturnal smells
That cross and cross across her brain.'
The reminiscence comes
Of sunless dry geraniums
And dust in crevices,
Smells of chestnuts in the streets,
And female smells in shuttered rooms
And cigarettes in corridors
And cocktail smells in bars.

The lamp said,
'Four o'clock,
Here is the number on the door.
You have the key,
The little lamp spreads a ring on the stair.
The bed is open; the tooth-brush hangs on the wall,
Put your shoes at the door, sleep, prepare for life.'

The last twist of the knife.


Date: 2007-01-11 21:32 EST
I want red wine and Coltrane.

The Enchantress, the Huntress, the Alien stood in meadow. She was wearing a simple black gown and held her guitar strapped to her bosom and barefoot. Night and day were in collision as she strummed the first notes of a long time.


Leaning back in a chair and observing a Lord, A Norse-a fateful kiss. If only to edge her away from town.

Her trip to the field of wildflowers with Brian. Wandering and experiencing heightened senses. Friendship.

The Black Feather. No name and no skill. Balanced on her knuckles. Jack, offering her lighter in return for a gift not yet given. Loss.

Strangely so, flirtations with his paramour, Trueblood. A brief dance. And then a wave and a seat taken, a seat offered and some wild course of romantic zeitgeist, psychic hearts. Valcroix.

She smiled and began her walk down out of the blowing golden to the desert track, west. Coarse road and a tender heart.


Date: 2007-01-16 20:01 EST
I am inspired.

Incense lifts up past me like a black lace veil.

I imagine tealights and lagoons.

A trek to keep faith.

So I imagine.


I have a meeting tonight with the old Man and who knows which way this goes..

I care about Mish for a reason I can't even describe. I do I do...and Then I see him last night and I coudn't shake off what I know. That if we meet again I'm going to be wantin' his arms. I can't like two men, that's just silly. Not when Valcroix is everything I looked for in my songs and journeys. That ..That person that is filled on such hopeful residue even after both our wild hearts came turnip.

I need to know how I feel before I find myself at his harbour. I am torn in two, and make no sense. I have nothing more I can explain. My truth is terrible. Something has got to decide it for me today. I got to get my head on straight.

Hopefully he can love my sharp angles, too. Amongst the rest of the mess that is me..


Date: 2007-01-17 18:00 EST
With the sugar sickness
You spy the kidnap kid
Who kids you to oblivion
It's the perfect hassle
For the perfumed kiss
He makes you miss him more than home

You love him
You love him more than this
You love him and you cannot, you can't resist
You love him
You love him for yourself
You love him and no one, no one else

Past sidewalk ashes
A last lovers arc
You come apart to intertwine
It was all so simple
As you watched him move
Across the darkness in your room

You love him
You love him for youself
You love him and no one, no one else

And the winding vines
The pretty boys dive
And through the pinhole stars
Into the shadow mind
You will lose him then
On some gentle dawn
This boy is here and gone

You love him
You love him for yourself
You love him and no one, no one else
You love him
You love him more than this
You love him and you cannot, you can't resist

You love him...

~the smashing pumpkins~

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Passed out on the couch on newborn dawn, with neonate lips puckered and her gown half off, she felt her way past the wide white walls and staircase and couch to the puddle of morning joy that sat in a pot combed of its heat but bitter tasty to her nose.

She poured herself a mug and then stretched out against the wall, in divine dance with her shadow; she felt alive and like a cartoon-animated to a perfect feeling. Love. And more than that, the strong possibility of falling into it in a way she had not. Shredder, heart-pulp destroyer. She shook off such skin and sin to paw about the furniture and charm and serpentine lover's knot taking place in her mind. A gift! A gift! There was still a faith to seal, trek and jewel the same.

To lyrics passing from the vinyl snap she twirled, pressing hands to the ceiling and bed and windowsill and heavens and cool, fleeting waves. Enchantress considering a proper mortality. She was not quite eternal, now was she?

Her signature in the soil. The meadows were crawling, raising their cropped crowns to peer. The wendigo moved below, and she danced unbeknownest...

And who was the Wendigo? Gargoyle tall and clawed when Striding. He tilted his nose to the wind, a gloved face in leather, to scent out the rush of spicey smell-fig, cinnamon, vetiver....


Her name burned. He leapt through fiery loop and wheat and headed for her door. Phantom walking through the wooden frame, up the stairs, to stand at her door.

But she would not know him. Not sense him. Not value. Her heart was with another. Her Enchanters blood less straining. He removed his skull cap and let loose the reigning knee length raven hair. Braided down his spine, skull shaved on both sides, his burning red eyes tore away and walked back down. He sat in sail-white blouse and leather pants, a desperado of Moscow. He plotted and sobbed and felt so alone. Exiter was less than a passing breeze to her. The Enchantress stunk of mortal coil. She was no longer a bruised, haunting lamentation to the old days, the rough ones, back stalking cathedral spire with their black feathered wings. She hid no longer wrapt in masquerade. She was a proud, sterling denizen of Rhy'Din, of Marban, of someone else's heart. She was no longer killer and huntress as she may have fantasized on an ether strung highwire days ago. He had seen it all.

He stood, ash and wrinkled leaf to fly. Black Eyed Bob whimpered by the couch and observed. Metered captions of forgetfulness and snowy Russian evenings. A dream. He was gone.


Date: 2007-01-18 19:56 EST
Moscow. Romania. The memory of a child drowned.

Folklore. Ethnic tableware, colourful landmarks.

Diurmuid. Who owned this name? Why did she awake with it on her mind?

Thrilling, expansive thoughts filled her waking self. She trailed the constellations with diamond rain drops behind. Hair filled in rose and pepper magic. Eyes a sunset canny and cool. Fires.

Rising into the sky she held herself aloft and let go the shuddering vine trapped in poison. So much to be left.

Her house, her old house, no one had bought and so would be abandoned.

Her bladework a backseat at the time.

Her training, her plotting....No such thing in this skin. The Nyx was Dead.

She was close to leaving. So, so close. Her reputatation already soiled. Life a sullied plan.

But she could not. Could not run. No no no. She had efforts to cut and paste.

Meticulous plucking and straining.

She picked up her guitar. It glinted and quivered.

"Hello sugar...", her raspy torchsong flickered at her tongue. She sat down upon unfolded Navajo quilt and bent fingers to slur white and red along golden taut melody. She imagined a change. That there was no use in hiding, in excavating everything she had built.

There was something to learn. She realised, only now in hazy firstblinks since sleep, that there was something wrong if the idea of her love sleeping with another did not hurt her. It didn't stir a pinch of jealousy. It didn't destroy. But to him, it was a betrayel unheard of. Could she change? Really?

She mouthed a sweet little ditty. She had to do this. Her heart depended on it. His heart. Time to be a little less selfish and a lot more insightful. Not in enchantments and strange blues lore, but in terms of the Two Soul intertwine. He was her soul mate. She knew it. He knew it. They both Trusted it. Loved the fact. After all, after all his miseries and her rainy days they had found one another and welcomed it. She was his Kitty Cat. And he, he her lanky troubadorin' Fox.

Her music drifted and twittered in loose notes. Unhurried, patient but mighty.

Maybe she had to open her mouth and her heart and her entire self to walking that line she said she would.

A kiss wasn't a promise. She knew that now.
