Topic: Blaze

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2013-10-27 17:33 EST
Jamie arched a brow at the burning village while its inhabitants frantically ran to and fro to put it out. Somewhere in their minds they would blame her for their home's destruction and stories would be told generations later about how the demon came and leveled the village. Never would the blame rest on their own shoulders where it should, considering that they weren't particularly careful with those torches they were carrying as an unruly mob. She knew exactly what was going to happen when she saw the crowd coming toward the inn through the narrow streets, forcing some of the torches precariously close to the straw roofs.

All she was attempting to do was follow another lead on the whereabouts of her sister, although now it was obvious that it was another dead end. Jamie Kilner had been a truly shocking and unexpected sight for the villagers, strutting among them in her tight, short violet and black dress and her tall frame, red skin, and demonic features making obvious what she was. Indeed, so many became excited by their horror that by the time she began questioning people at the local drinking establishment, the angry mob showed up, chanting, "Kill the demon." How exactly they planned to kill a demon with fire and farm instruments, she had no idea, but they seemed confident in their delusional fury that they completely lost track of their common sense.

And so now their village was burning because of it. Oh well, not her problem.

She turned away from the frantic villagers and their blazing homes and stretched her wings to take to the air. Once aloft, she circled in the air several times before heading off in the direction of Rhy'Din City. Perhaps while she was wasting time here, some information had come in at the manor. A girl could dream, couldn't she?