Topic: Mandatory OOC Thread.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-05-21 18:05 EST
Every folder has one. Thus this one has one too.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-05-26 17:13 EST
What is wrong with people these days? Anyone? Because this was a truly excruciatingly horrible experience. Is our society so adverse to criticism, we need to make it a crime now?


Date: 2009-05-26 19:47 EST
You have got to be sh**ing me. That's beyond a doubt one of the most asinine things I've ever heard of.

I wonder if you could sue them for the trauma of the experience, not to mention the sheer bullsh** factor.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-07-05 18:53 EST
Sorry that I've been scarce, everyone. I've been going through a pretty rough spot in my life and just haven't been up to doing anything here as of late. I'll probably have a couple posts coming within a week or so.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-08-26 18:33 EST
Mmm... if anyone's curious, my life is starting to get back to an image of normalcy. Sorry that I've been extremely aloof. I apologize for disappointing anyone.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-09-10 19:30 EST
Life seems to be disrupted with stress again. My unemployment hasn't fallen through though I can appeal. Still... this is causing severe depression that's bending my interest away from the things I love. One of those items being namely this site.

I ... I just want to throttle something.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-10-22 18:57 EST
If there's any readers at all, I still have not forgotten this folder. Regardless, I felt it necessary to inform people that there's a significant change of location for me in the near future. In advance, though, happy Halloween to you all.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-11-05 17:59 EST
The way things have been going lately, I should have seen this coming....

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2009-11-18 22:49 EST
Life isn't going well. I don't know what to do. If anyone can offer some help or advice, that'd be appreciated.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2010-06-22 19:27 EST
So for the last month I've been trading blows with a rogue anti-spyware. Let this post serve as a warning as I've caught this thing twice and it was very hard to remove both times. Thanks to it, my computer is bristling with security applications.

Edit: Actually, it seems to be this one I had. In any case their functions are almost identical.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2010-08-08 17:39 EST
So, if anyone's been reading closely, you're certain to be aware that Jamie has a "twin sister" somewhere out there. The problem is that I lost track of the mun who played her twin years ago. She just kinda vanished.

The character's name was Jade and went by the SN of SapphireDemon. For a while she lost access to AOL and had the AIM SN of BustyDevilDoll. She also had a Yahoo SN, Silk_brimstone. Eventually she regained AOL as a primary service but I had since quit its services. Unfortunately, I wound up losing track of her.

It would mean quite a bit to me if someone could help me find her. My trail to follow is personally very cold, but maybe someone out there knows something....

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2010-08-18 14:33 EST
I'm getting a phone/Internet disconnection tomorrow due my failure of being able to pay the bill. I don't know how long I will be gone.


Date: 2010-08-18 16:19 EST
Hope things improve lovely.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2010-10-04 21:55 EST
I've returned.


Date: 2010-10-11 17:30 EST
Good to have you back!

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2010-12-27 21:56 EST

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2011-01-26 17:21 EST
So yeah, he died back on New Year's Eve. I've been finding it a bit hard to be motivated lately because of the need to mourn. Alas, why did the year have to start on such a downer?

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2011-02-16 16:59 EST
Well, last night my spirits were lightened as a stray cat I rescued a couple months ago gave birth to five kittens. A sixth was born as well, but didn't live. I posthumously named it "Angel."

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2011-05-09 02:05 EST
Today, the 8th was my birthday. 29 years. It took very long to get there, and thankfully time feels slower each day.

Hopefully my book sees publishing soon. Yes, I wrote one. Shopping it to agents, no less.


Date: 2011-05-14 03:07 EST
Happy belated birthday! And good luck with the book!

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2011-09-04 18:14 EST


Jamie Kilner

Date: 2014-07-19 16:32 EST
So lately, I've been noticing my usual RP pals growing scarce or dropping off the face of the planet. Issy has been noticing the same. Thus, we have developed a working theory:

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2014-11-18 16:30 EST
Bored during the void between RP sessions? Wondering what to do with yourself while your friends are being held prisoner by aliens? Well, there's a possible solution and it can be found... here.

(Seriously, I'll never get that silly dance out of my head. I love the Mother/Earthbound series.)

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2014-11-30 15:28 EST
Tragedy has struck my life again....

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2015-01-29 01:01 EST
So lately, I've been noticing my usual RP pals growing scarce or dropping off the face of the planet. Issy has been noticing the same. Thus, we have developed a working theory:

I'm starting to really suspect that we were on to something with this. :|

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2015-04-28 15:44 EST
So, just a bit of a life update that I feel that I need to voice somewhere. I've been feeling rather low lately; gloomy, depressed, crushed. It's been rather hard to get out of, and I've had very little motivation for anything. Blahh....

Scorched Druid

Date: 2015-05-26 16:38 EST
It's a bit late, but Happy Birthday to Seductive Nights! 6 years of dark eroticism and violent fun!

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2015-07-21 00:34 EST
So, interesting things have been happening in my life, and plans are branching from those events. I've always been a very meticulous planner despite Murphy always utterly ruining things for me, but this time it looks like the tides are going to turn in my favor. I deserve it, after all.

Keep watch, once the moment of reckoning grows closer, I will divulge all.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2015-10-03 22:57 EST
So, that revelation I was plotting; it didn't quite occur as I was expecting:

Even if you're too far away, you can contribute to my cause:

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2015-12-05 23:36 EST
Sorry friends, life's been a roller coaster. It should be heading in the right direction in just a few moments though.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2016-03-31 22:52 EST
So we're back.

Yeah, so... the last few months were... interesting as per the old Chinese curse. Left my mother's as she was just not supportive of the whole transgender thing, bounced around on a couple couches, had a brush with a suicide attempt or two, and now I finally have a place of my own with two supportive roommates, one of which is also trans. So, yeah... it's no surprise I had to let this folder lapse like that with all of that shit going on.

Soon, I should have a look at Touched again and post a new segment to it.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2016-05-05 22:52 EST
Ahh... things are going wonderfully right. I got my Estradiol today, so my HRT has finally begun. I'm so pleased.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2016-06-25 21:37 EST
Missed me? Things have been a bit busy, between medications, pride events, therapy, meeting neighbors, and slowly putting together notes for my D&D campaign setting. Whew.

I'll get to writing here again when I can. I also have some ideas to post in an info thread here: A floor plan of Ame Corrumpue Manor as well as D&D 3.5 stats of Jamie herself. So much to do, so much wondering where I'll fit it all in.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2016-11-11 06:08 EST
So things have taken a sour turn. Someone I thought was a decent person has proven otherwise. It might be a while before I can think up another storyline, especially when my mind is plagued with panic and concern from everything happening in the real world right now.