Topic: ...and the Ravenlocks cried, "Sanctuary!"


Date: 2006-07-16 14:59 EST
The Scathachian Sanctuary had endured a tense week, but with Isuelt and Trixie once again finding common ground with thanks to the ever-gentle wisdom of Jenai, the holy place was once more ready to serve its purpose: to protect.

And it would seem that this peace filled the Sanctuary not a day early, as turmoil would strike the battered Ravenlock clan once more. Isuelt had stopped briefly by the Inn that evening before heading home. However, as fate would have it, she would not make it home that night. Upon happening by the alley, she came across a bloody fight, which revealed the bloody and broken body of the Scathachian chef, Brian Ravenlock. Dodging the fray, she stooped down to heave him over her shoulder and carry him back inside.

As she laid him on the couch, his sister Jewell attended to his wounds as Isuelt looked on. There were many patrons buzzing about, not the least of which was the striking Natalia Gioccone. Natalia seemed to have an adverse effect on Jewell, sending her into a near hysterical state. So, Isuelt took hold of her friend and led her upstairs. Once in transit, Skyler, Jewell's new flirtation had made his way in and over to them. After getting into the security of the warm bedroom upstairs, Skyler helped confirm Isuelt's distaste for most men. It came out that he had been rough with Jewell and bruised her. Isuelt then decided that she would stay the night with her friend, to watch over her.

And in the middle of all of this, downstairs Brian was slowly coming unglued with all that had been happening to the Ravenlock clan. Vowing vengeance, spilling blood, making deals, the newly healed Ravenlock dragged a sore body and a broken spirit upstairs to his sister's room. And it was here that he asked for sanctuary. Brian asked for the protection of the Scathachians and for sanctuary. As he explained that he couldn't return home, Isuelt reassured him that he, and his sister if she could be convinced, would be under the roof and protection of the Scathachians for as long as they needed.

They would set out for the Sanctuary after a night of much needed rest. Brian and Jewell slept, while Isuelt stood sentinel. Tomorrow, the Sanctuary would have new house guests.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-07-19 10:54 EST
The events of the earlier night replayed fast and slow in the dreams of Brian Ravenlock.. Between the collision, his wife, Faith's escape, his saving at the hands of Isuelt, Jewell's healing, Skyler's confession and Natalia it was one nightmare after the next.

Brian awoke with a muffled cry as his eyes widened and looked into the darkness. He caught the cry just in time, and looked around carefully.. That's right he was in his sister's room, and she was in a slumber next to him. Isuelt was there as well, nodding off a tad. Brian's body wracked with pain, as he tried to move and finally came to a sitting position.

Brian knew he hadn't heard from Faith in a bit, but he did know she was safe for the moment. Still he had to be sure. Brian rose, and quietly sneaked out of the room and slowly made his way outside the alley exit. His body slow, and his steps a bit unsure as he made his way towards the stables, and took a horse, and was soon and slowly on his way. What he never saw was the shadows that was trailing him.

Brian reached the manor, and met with Faith. He washed and changed clothes as they spoke once more. Soon after Brian left the Manor and began the ride home, that's when it happened. From the trees, they came. Six figures, shrouded in crimson deep hooded cloaks stood before him. Brian slid off the horse and slid his hand to his sword, and yet none was present, he had forgotten 'Pulgasari'.

"Brian Alexander McDineen-Ravenlock, you have asked and we have come. We bring what you will need to weather this storm... And what will save your family, and loved ones."

"I did not ask for any of this, why are you here? Are you with Alex? Or maybe those Undead bastards?"

"Why Lord Raven... You did say-" ::clears throat as a parchment was produced out of no where:: "I would sell my soul to exact revenge upon them all."

Brian nodded a moment, anger rising as he recalled the scenario and what lead to it. His eyes narrowed, as he thought to taking each of their heads one by one, and dragging their corpses through the streets.

"I said it, and I meant it!"

"Good, then we are in agreement. We will give you the tool needed.. 'Yuritsuko' the demon's bane.. Forged by a god long forgotten and inside this very weapon, this sword, lives the soul of a demon, who will exact your vengeance upon those who harmed you. Your price in this.. Upon the taking of their heads, your sword and soul belong to us. But know this, you MUST do this alone, no friends, no family.. Only alone can you exact your revenge.

"No family... My wife?"

"No one, Lord. Think of it, no more will your family be abused, no more will they suffer! No more will your enemies rush to harm you and yours, because you will strike first and yours will be a death blow! You are a killer once more, as you were long ago. It was never Darkin, it was YOU and now once again, you will have the tools to do what you need to do, all for a small price.. Push then all away and take the heads of those undead savages and more! Think of your children... They hurt Lucy, they hurt your wife and unborn child and they will do so again!"

I agree! Give me the *&#$@! sword! You have my soul upon the taking of their heads! Give it to me!

"It is as you wish, Lord. We will meet again."

Brian felt a searing pain in his chest as everything around him turned a fiery red, and then it was all black.

Brian woke that next morning, and looked around. Alone in the room he sat in bed, and thought it all a nightmare. Until he felt the pain, and saw two swords instead of one, next to him.

"Yuritsuko, eh? Let's get this over with."

Brian rose, and grabbed the sword. First stop his home, it was time to push the most important thing in his life away forever. In the end they would thank him, wouldn't they?