Topic: Desecrated...A message awaiting an answer.

Priest of the Fallen

Date: 2008-04-18 20:47 EST
The night was warmer than most, the air hung about in a moist invisible cloud that almost choked all who took her in. With weather like this most would be doing all they could to try and keep cool, at the very least take a cold ale or two from the local tavern. But there she was, sitting against a small tree, taking in all that the late evening had to offer. There were stars out, countless in the skies above. The moon hung high overhead without a cloud to blot out even the smallest fraction of the luminescent brilliance. She hadn't a care in the world, this was exactly where she wanted to be. Away from the problems with her father, away from the pressure of the world, all on her own. She liked to be alone, especially when she could lie back and imagine herself in that sea of stars, causing ripple after ripple to cascade against the endless back drop of the sky. She was, for the moment, happy. That didn't happen often anymore. She had grown now to a young woman, and had the responsibilities of one to boot. She had lost her mother a few years back to an illness no one could explain. It was just her and father now, and he needed tending to. Her father worked hard just outside of town, he would always return home tired, and covered in dirt. This meant that there was a never ending supply of chores, laundry included. She would also need to have his food on the table ready for his consumption, when he got home. She did this without complaint since her mother had passed, it was her duty as the sole woman of the house. But tonight she had decided that after all of her chores, she would go to her favorite spot, stare up at the stars, and forget her troubles, even for just a few moments. It was just what she needed.

What she didn't know is that she wasn't alone this night. There was a presence just outside her sight, standing under a tree not more than a stones throw, directly in front of her. He had been there from the first hint of shadow, cast by the brightness of the moon. His eyes were fixed on her small lithe form, watching intently as she lied there almost completely motionless, lost in her own world. The only noticeable movement she made, was the gently expansion of her chest as the night air relaxed her with every breath. She was so relaxed in fact that she didn't notice the shadow figure move closer, his footsteps gentle enough, his image a dark blur against the backdrop of the night. He could hear the air blow past her lips, and exit through her nostrils. He was close enough he could count the beats of her heart, in the pale caress of her neck. The soft thudding of her life's blood pulsing through her perfect body. He stopped a moment, just far enough away that he could not quite reach her, but he could however smell her warmth. She was exactly what he was looking for, she would serve his needs, and fulfill his desires, and she didn't even know it.

She closed her eyes, remembering at that moment an image of her mother. Mother was a beautiful woman. She was of average height, with long wavy brown hair. She always wore a green sun dress when she would take her daughter to this very spot, on warm nights, just like tonight. The two would sit an look up into the sky and forget all their troubles. They would hold hands, and never say a word, just lie side by side and lose themselves in the beauty. She missed her mother, she missed her very much.

A tear pushed past closed lids, and hung for a second on a lash before sliding down the warmth of her skin. It cooled a path down her face, just enough to notice. She opened her eyes to take one last look at the stars before she would make her way home.

That is when it happened. He was right on top of her, standing there without motion, without a sound. A spectre at most, at least she thought so. A shade that was only visible by the outline cast by the glow of the moon, but he was real, and so was the nightmare about to unfold. She would not wake from this horrible dream, it was happening. His hand moved to cover the inevitable scream she didn't even know was building. His swiftness was something to fear, but she would learn this night, it was not the only part of this evil man she would fear. He stripped her of clothing and took part in her body, shaming her with his every move. His eyes burned into her flesh, she could feel it. His hand never left its tight grip over her mouth, any attempt she made to scream was futile. They were alone, she knew. She had never even seen anyone else, aside from her mother, in the small glen she had been going to since she was a child. No one would come to her rescue. He knew it too.

He ravaged her body, without even the slightest morsel of remorse. When he was through he lifted her body, and raised her to a stand. He removed his hand from over her mouth, but she didn't scream. The worst was over, she thought to herself. If she didn't upset him, he might let her live. But, that was not the plan, and she would soon find out. Without a word he pulled a small curved blade from his belt, he stroked the flat of the cold steel against her tear soaked cheek. Her mind screamed at the top of it's lungs, but she never made a sound. He smiled. That was the first time she had noticed his face. She couldn't imagine how this could have made anyone smile, no matter how sick and twisted they were, but there he was, smiling ear to ear.

She didn't notice him take the blade down from the side of her face, she was lost in the disbelief of his sadistic enjoyment. The blade slipped inside her body, to the hilt, straight between her exposed breasts. Here sight began to fade, and grow blurred around the edges. She never made a sound, she went limp and fell into the dark form in front of her. The blade straight through her heart. It was over.

Her eyes shut as the world went completely black, and a single tear pushed passed closed lids, and hung for a second on a lash before sliding down the now cold and clammy skin.

She died well he thought to himself, pleased with the nights events. But it wasn't over, the others are going to want this one too. It wouldn't matter to them if she was dead or alive, it was all the same. He thought about what they would do to her, and that same evil smile cursed his lips. He would allow them to partake, and then he would return her to this place.

Her body now a slump of flesh on the ground at his feet, he picked her up and placed her over his shoulder. He would need some of her blood, he thought to himself. There was a purpose to his madness after all. The blood of a young girl, spilled just as she became a woman, was rare. Bhaal would appreciate the trouble he went through to get it.

The shadow of wickedness moved out into the night, the young womans form slung, limp and lifeless, over his shoulder. The clothing torn from her form left in a blood soaked mess under the tree, under the sea of stars, illuminated by the moon... beautiful.

Priest of the Fallen

Date: 2008-04-19 01:54 EST
Each night seems to lead one more lamb to the slaughter
Tomorrow may hold, your mother, wife, or daughter
Before daybreaks each night, we will extinguish a life
A sacrifice to him, blood spilled with a knife

The torture unrelenting, forever it seems
The sweet echoes of all those familiar screams
The end is not near, not even in sight
Give up, let go, there is no need to fight

You cannot win, you will not survive
A sacrifice you are, you wont leave alive
Before we are through, your body will we ravage
So brutally will we take you, our thoughts made savage

Your blood will run, it will trickle and pool
Your skin will pale, your body turn cool
Your soul will not linger, nor will it return
To he who created, no your soul will burn

You are not loved for if you were this would stop
The slowing of hearts rhythm, blood good to the last drop
This life is almost over, but your torment will remain
Eternity will you endeavor, an eternity of pain

Each night will you relive, your gruesome demise
Each night will it haunt you, don't dare close your eyes
The nightmare is one of the waking, and in slumber
The one you should be thanking is marked with a number

Goodnight my sweet child, your breathing going still
There isn't a drop of your blood left to spill
Leaving your body, your soul will not rest
You did well child, you passed our test

An "A" for effort, you brought much delight
Keep up the good work, this is not the end of your plight
We tasted you body, we probed and we tore
Nothing left on this alter, just the body of a whore


Two in one night... busy busy busy.

Priest of the Fallen

Date: 2008-04-23 23:18 EST
The moon was out tonight, full and bright, not a cloud in the sky. The heavens undaunted, no plague of clouds to blot out the luminescent spectre which hung brightly against the void of night. The air bit gently against the warmth of each living things flesh. The wind carried a chill, just enough to cool the earth, soothe her sun soaked body with each gentle breeze. The ambient, stagnant places still warm, reluctant to let loose their grasp on the warmth of the day, causing mists to form, hugging close to the breast of mother earth. The waters which crashed upon the shores lulled the night and her occupants into an enigmatic type trance where one could easily lose them self in just the beauty of Gods perfect 6-day creation.

The shadows stretched long across the cooling earth, ghoulish and frightening against the backdrop set. Out of place and foreign on a night like this were the shadows, their jagged twisted forms stretched to unnatural lengths. That is where the vile things of the earth would begin to seep out into the depths of this once so perfect night. Ghostly shadows began to entangle themselves with the natural moonlit shadows cast in every corner, under every tree, every rock. Their seductive dark existence, a nightmarish concoction of their devilish desires, and their sensually explicit forms, which began to taste the air with forked tongues. Hisses, gasps, and groans filled this silent night, this unholy night, where all that was calm, was quickly turning otherwise. All that was so bright, now cursed into the bleak absence of light.

Clouds began to roll in. The light of the moon hung in the sky, slowly, ever so slowly the clouds began to shade the luminescent glow. Soft shades of red hues slip between the moon and the earth, becoming the adulterous other, and creating a void between the wedlock of the heavens and earth. The bloodstained skies beckoning the shadows to life, creating the ambiance of everything unholy, a setting not unlike the backdrop setting of hell itself. Demons, ghouls, shadows, ghosts, and sinful patrons alike, all feel it, all know it, it is a perfect night.

What started out a nice night to take a walk, a moonlit stroll, has now become something else entirely. The night was perfect, perfect for those seeking to maim, to rape, to kill. A night to create a sinfully delightful debaucheries , and revel in the pain and suffering. Tonight was a night in which innocent blood would be spilled yet again, and it was the Priest who would bask in the sanguine liquid, take his fill, and beg for more.

Midnight tresses frolicked over alabaster skin...

Lush full lips played melodies in his mind...

Heaving bosoms danced to each tune...

She was a thing of every mortal mans dreams...

He was soon to be her nightmare.

She was out for a jog, and her body was without flaw. She was athletic, he hoped she would resist. It seemed the all cowered and accepted their fate as of late. It would be a nice change of pace if she were to fight back, or even try to run, however useless the attempts might be. He waited amongst an audience of shade, beneath a well over grown tree. The blood red rays fighting their way through the overwhelming clouds which now almost completely filled the sky, dance about the trail she runs. The trail she runs, right into the unholy one. Her vision was lovely, he guessed, but she would be of the utmost beauty once he got his hands on her.

He would defile her body of course, he would taste of her essence. She will scream, she will cry, she will definitely bleed, and beg for mercy. Mercy was not in the cards. In fact, if this were to be summed up as a game of cards, she held a nice pair, but it wouldn't beat the Dead Man's Hand, Aces and Eights. He was the ever blowing wind, wreaking havoc on her house of cards. She was all in, it was all on the line, and she though she didn't know it, this game was for keeps.

It was over all to quickly, he thought, looking down on the young woman, but he noticed she hadn't yet laid down her hand.

The midnight hair which first bounced so effortlessly now clung close to her skin. Blood and sweat the bonds which bound each matted curl flat against her face.

Lips which were once so full and deep dark red, now pale and blue. Death stealing the life from her body, she slipped deeper into her everlasting sleep with each frantic gasp for breath.

The alabaster skin, the beautifully pale and untouched alabaster skin, was now bruised, and scrapped, scratched and torn.

Her forced breaths causing her bosom to rise and fall in a scattered and unorganized rhythm, no longer encased in clothing, but exposed to night.

Her innocents lost, her life soon to follow. It was pathetic, he thought, the frailty of life. It was bewildering to think these lesser beings were made in the image of the God which he had forsaken. But on the other hand, she was still fighting, she struggled in each everlasting second, but she still clung to life with every part of being she still possessed. Light still shone from behind half closed shudders, someone was still home.

It pleased him to see her still clinging to life, he had hoped as much from her. Life slowly slipped away, and she fought to pull it back. He relished in her demise.

Something remarkable began to happen...

She surprised him once again by her unwaivering strength. Prayers passed chilled lips, offering her devotion to a Father she hoped would hear. The Priest smirked at this action, worthless, he thought.

But, her strength returned and her broken spirit and tattered body began to rise and as she began to stand she met the astonished Priest's gaze. A grin of her own then forced its way to the fury which pursed across the her willful face. Determination spread over her brow, as she gained her feet. Half naked, raped, shamed, and beaten she stood.

He knew she was finished, it was all she had to feign this last act, she knew it too, though she fought to keep this to herself. He stepped closer, his ominous form getting inches from hers, a test he hoped would allow for tonights games to continue.

A tear fell from her cheek, creating a thunderous crash, which echoed in the silence, as it slammed home into the earth. She was finished. The Priest made a hand gesture not unlike the cursed catholics would, and placed his hands on the sides of her head. He pulled her closer, and kissed her gently atop the nose, and rested forehead to forehead, looking deep in her eyes. She didn't realize until it was too late, but a blade was then thrust into her gut. He wretched the blade within her, tearing more than making a clean cut, and pulled it free. A hand placed under her chin, grasping her neck, and holding her on her feet. The priest reached within her newly opened abdomen and passed her ribs. Her heart was ripped from her chest. He laid her now lifeless body on the ground, her arms crossed over her chest. His bloodied finger drew a crude cross-like figure over her forehead. You were special to me, he said while grinning with glee, I will not forget you.

He turned and walked away, holding her heart in his hand. He could not remove his gaze from this souvenir. He would remember her, always. She was not to be disturbed by any other this night, she was his and his alone. He knew the shadows would ravage her if he left her there...

He continued on his way, after picking up her body and slinging her over his shoulder. He began to speak though his words were only for her.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep.
And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

And now I lay you down to rest,
A beating heart ripped from your chest.
And in the earth your body now lies,
Sleep well child, never to rise.

And now in death will you sleep
Another soul that I did reap
Leaves on a tombstone for those to rake
Another life that I did take