Topic: Mid-morning visiting

Dracos Drasoini

Date: 2006-12-06 09:52 EST
The bare footed man moved along the snow covered streets rather easily, dark green eyes fixated on his eventual goal: The Sanctuary. Each step brought him closer, though he seemed to be taking his sweet time in making it to his chosen destination. His hands were folded behind his back, resting at the base of his spine. That care-worn gray robe shifted as he moved, fringe trailing along the dirty snow causing the material to grow wet and a little heavier.

He pondered what had brought him to this course of action, what it was that had him approaching people who seemed rather wary about him. It was most likely his attatchment to this city and its people. Someone was slaughtering them and he wanted to help put an end to that. Thin lips twisted into a wry grin as he continued to walk, yes, perhaps he was getting more protective.

Those dark eyes lifted, spying the main gate into the Scathachian Sanctuary. He stopped a moment and concentrated, any passerbys would simply see a man stare at the walls and gate for about ten seconds before nodding to himself. So, they had a great deal of warding about the place. "Good," he thought "I'm glad I made the choice to come in broad daylight and to the front door."

Taking a deep breath, Dracos began moving forward once more, right hand flexing. If the Sisters wished to have so many wards up, then they were well protected and keeping his shell on would only be rude. So, as he reached the main gate he lifted his right hand, fire bursting to life on his fingertips. After a moment it faded and his skin and clothing simply fell away, turning to so much white ash, mixing in with the snow that was left near him.

Revealed beneath the falling ash was a humanoid body, six feet in height, comprised completely out of green flame. Twin points of bright white light floated about where his eyes had previously been, his hands still holding enough definition to possess 'fingers'. He lifted his right hand, touching the outer Warding, curious if the Sisters were aware of even this kind of interaction.

"I've come as I promised, may I enter the Sanctuary?"

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-07 13:10 EST
<<Note: This takes place prior to Brian moving out of the Sanctuary>>

Going about his business, Brian was yet on another grocery run, as he wanted to make sure the sisters were taken care of, as he readied himself for his move. Returning home to the Sanctuary, he caught a familiar sight a bit ahead. It looked to be that person that had spoken to he and his sister, and also Lady Kairee the other evening, the same person who offered to assist Brian in a patrol of WestEnd as well.

Brian recalled his name to some extent, and noted he believed the being was an elemental possibly, and noted he had also spoken to Icer, and was concerned in the rash kidnappings and beatings of children as of late.

Bags of foods in hand, Brian slowly approached and watched as the man near the walls, and noted he was barefoot to boot. This of course cause a brow to raise a bit, as he neared himself and continued to watch on. Lately many have come seeking to assist, just the other day Kitty Helston herself showed up, and offered.

It seemed the populace was taking notice and finally making a stand to some extent in regards to the senseless killings and rampant chaos within the walls of Rhy'din. Brian nodded and smiled to himself, as he thought of the offensive force that could be created with some of the powerhouses that have been seen recently near the Sanctuary, and have offered assistance.

The next moment, caused Bri to pause, as he watched the man literally shift forms, and looked to literally be the elemental he truy was.

"I've come as I promised, may I enter the Sanctuary?"

His words carried to Brian's ears, as the elder Ravenlock approached and offered a most respectful nod.

"Good afternoon and welcome, may I ask who you gave a promise to, so I may get them for you?"

Dracos Drasoini

Date: 2006-12-07 13:33 EST
He turned, or rather, his eyes spun on the part of him that resembled a head. The white points focused a moment and then his voice rumbled once more from the center of his body, sounding rather cheerful.

"Ah, good morning Brian. The Lady DeRomiano is the one I promised my appearance to. In order to aid as her and her Sisters they required."

He paused a moment, if elementals could look sheepish, this was the time. He turned his eyes to look at the Sanctuary once more.

"However it appears that they are either not here, or do not like my current appearance. I only thought it polite to show my, true colors as they are."

Crackling flames of his shoulders shrugged a bit. Watching the man with what could be curiousity, it was hard to tell with flames and light.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-07 21:31 EST
"Ah, good morning Brian. The Lady DeRomiano is the one I promised my appearance to. In order to aid as her and her Sisters they required."

"Oh, no worries. I'll go fet--"

"However it appears that they are either not here, or do not like my current appearance. I only thought it polite to show my, true colors as they are."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. If it is one thing this bunch is known for, it is their lack of discrimination.. Save men visiting their home island, save that I think you are gravy. Lemme get in there and see if I can drum up Jenai or Isuelt and we can get to talkin'. As it stands, we could use all the help we can muster, and I am sure an elemental could offer that in spades. I'll be right back."

Brian slipped inside to find one of the girls and advise them of their visitor.


Date: 2006-12-07 22:21 EST
She was moving around the corner, coming into view of the foyer. The acoustics of the marbled entrance hall were second to none. And it is a known fact of physics that lower sound waves carry farther...male voices. Not something overheard at the Sanctuary, though Brian's were familiar enough. But two?

Isuelt cleared the visual obstruction called the corner to catch the show at precisely the right flames of a sort and Brian standing just before them. Her hands instinctively, yet slowly sought her blades...none there. Not even Scathachians walked around the hallowed ground of their own Sanctuary constantly strapped. Still...a Scathachian was a weapon. She pushed on, watching Brian turn around to face her.

"Everything okay here?" she cast him an inquisitive glance.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-08 07:36 EST
"Everything okay here?"

If Brian were surprised he never showed it, instead he offered a cheesy type grin and noddled to the Judge a moment. Turning his head, he nodded a bit to Dracos, and looked back to Isuelt.

"This is Dracos, he wished to assist. Actually, let me start again, he says he spoke to you, and offered to show up to assist. So I leave him in your care, I got a menu to plan, then I need to hit the pavement."

A nod offered to each, and Brian was on his way, groceries in hand. He figured they had things to discuss, and he truly wasn't needed for that.

Dracos Drasoini

Date: 2006-12-09 01:26 EST
He inclined the head-shaped fire that served as his head for the moment to Brian, then turned the points of white light to the Lady DeRomiano.

"As sir Ravenlock stated, I have come to offer my assistance as it may or may not be needed. I show you my true self, so that I do not hide what I am from those I seek to help."

And after that he fell silent, knowing that his current state was probably cause for concern. He spread his 'arms' a bit, giving his body a bit more humanoid definition and simply waited for the Judge to answer.


Date: 2006-12-10 08:53 EST
Isuelt had always been wary of magic of any sort, not to mention being uneasy around those who seemed to wield it so easily. She kept her arms folded over her chest as she nodded to Brian and cautiously stepped forward toward their "visitor."

His mention of "true self" was enough to set her alarm off, though she was well-versed enough in self-control not to show it. Everyone knows, after all, that playing poker with Isuelt is a losing game.

"Dracos...Yes, I remember you from the alleyway a few nights ago. You are offering your help?" Wasn't everyone these days? And one had to be so careful... "Tell me, Dracos, what sort of skills to you bear?" An honest question, was it not?

Dracos Drasoini

Date: 2006-12-10 22:53 EST
He inclined that firey visage once more, somewhat shocked by the forwardness of the Judge's question, no need for small talk, apparently. His hands folded to touch his chest, skin and clothing bursting from his upper back as soon as his hands had folded over one another. Wrapping around his body rapidly, the shell's gelatinous state causing it to ripple like a pond disturbed. Once it surrounded his entire body, however, it solidified and was once more a close representation of a human body.

Dark green eyes regarded the Judge now, before he spoke.

"I am an elemental and a mage, skilled in the magic of my people, that of fire. As you've seen, I can make my shell look and act in just about any way I wish, as it is just that, a shell of mystical creation to protect others from my natural heat."

His eyes narrowed a bit hower, lips pressing into a thin line. Not much of a poker player, he often let his face betray him.

"And I have a rather large dislike of those that would bring this much, hmm, darkness into the world. I think that is an appropriate word for it."


Date: 2006-12-11 17:38 EST
Several moments elapsed before she was able to recover her words after witnessing the display. Her facial features, even as practiced as she was, fluctuated between awe and disruption.

Isuelt drew a long breath and nodded only slowly to him, "I see." Another moment she took to pull herself completely together. After all, watching a figure of fire gelatinously transform in front of oneself was not an everyday occurrence "Then it would seem that you have come to the right place. The Daughters of Scathach extend help to all, and accept it only from the worthy."

She regarded him a moment more...

"You seem worthy, but of course, virtue is something tested and won in the heat of battle," a pause before she continued. "No pun intended."

A smile touched her lips, whether due to amusement at her own humor, or the fact that she was pleased with Dracos' pledge. "Your help is welcomed here. Please...sit; we will discuss your role, Lord Dracos."

Dracos Drasoini

Date: 2006-12-11 17:59 EST
With a soft smile at the humor, Dracos took the offered seat. He let out a soft chuckle a moment later, as he was refered to as 'Lord'. A shake of his head to the Judge.

"I am no Lord, Lady De Romiano. Dracos is my name, besides, I am within the walls of your home in Rhydin, a visitor seeking to aid those who are doing what is right."

He leaned back a bit, folding his hand on his lap, dark green eyes studying the woman before him for a long moment. He nodded and leaned forward a bit once more.

"I may be an accomplished mage and not totally unversed in physical combat, but there are things I can help with that are not so direct. Supplying information through magical means, locating and supplying arms and armor of the mystical type, or simply going on jaunts where others would find it hard to follow."

He paused once more, then nodded as if confirming something to himself. Those dark eyes remained focused on the Judge, rambling as he was he still kept an eye on her reactions.

"Of course, all this depends on if I prove a worthy ally to your Sisters and your Goddess, no?"


Date: 2006-12-12 17:12 EST
She bowed her head at his request of name, "Then please...Issy is fine. If one thing is certain, it is that I am no 'Lady'." Her lips curled into an even smile. "Okay, Dracos," she began as she sat opposite him on the settee, "Information is always something we do not have enough of. As I have said to others..." She paused here, a slight sigh before she began again, "We are dealing with something...someone with a great hatred of us. They have gone through great trouble to set us up, sully our name, stain our reputation and drive fear into the hearts of our allies."

She stood, walking to the modest fireplace and back again, pacing as it were. "We simply don't know who or why. Or, perhaps more importantly...what next." The Scathachian's chin turned as she eyed Dracos cooly, "The WestEnd seems to be the hotbed. We need to find out as much information as possible. Have other posters been vandalized? Other bodies, before unclaimed, the work of this person? And most importantly, has anyone living in the WestEnd harbored any information? We already know that several of our usual informants have found holes. People are wary of us, people that never used to be."

The tall woman turned her body to stand before Dracos, "Information will help us...all of us make the correct decisions in the coming days." It was not as if she was overly suspicious of Dracos, instead, she believed this task to be gentle enough of a proving ground. Besides, strangers...all strangers, in this day and age were met with a certain degree of suspicion. Were they not?

Dracos Drasoini

Date: 2006-12-15 17:07 EST
He stood swiftly, nodding. His lips twisted into that dueler's grin that he often wore in the ring.

"Consider it done, I'll put my talents to use and see what I can see. And..judging by the twisting signs as of late, well, I best do it fast."

And with that he tapped the index and middle finger of his right hand against his forehead and turned for the exit, robe and long black hair trailing behind him. His dark eyes narrowed in focus, there was much to do and no time to have it done.