Topic: She cried, "Sanctuary!"


Date: 2007-03-19 18:05 EST
She was supposed to go to the Sanctuary today, tell Isuelt what had happened, request that Sisters let her stay with them for the duration of this little issue in the West End. She was supposed to but she refused to leave room number seven at the Red Dragon Inn to do so. True restful sleep had been beyond her grasp all night even with Stephen?s presence. A few minutes of half-sleep were scattered between moments of starting awake, the feel of imaginary fingers choking her or the sounds of cruel laughing at the window lingering even as the dreams faded away. The feeling of being followed was unpleasant, evoked memory after memory, made her want to pull on her hair and scream.

No, she did not want to leave the relative safety of the Inn. She had messed up this time, had placed her children in jeopardy. Her oversight, her failure to protect the kids and put their safety first, had shaken her confidence badly. Having to leave the kids with Alex, unable to see them every day, to be there for them, was her punishment. She wasn?t fit to be their mother.

Mentally, emotionally, physically exhausted, she didn?t want to do much of anything. However, Issy had to be informed of the situation; that was imperative. She could not leave to do so, was too ashamed to ask Stephen to go with her to the Sanctuary. Her fear embarrassed her. A letter was decided upon and written up, a Page sent to travel the distance across the city that she was unwilling to walk. He was instructed to ensure that it got to one person and one person only: Issy. Jewell did not want anyone else knowing about this occurrence.

Sealed simply with blue wax, it read in her nervously written script:


I had a little trouble at my house last night and needed to bring the kids elsewhere to be safe. I?m afraid I will have to infringe upon the hospitality of you and the Sisters for the foreseeable future by staying at the Sanctuary. I had planned to deliver this news in person today but I am, frankly, a little exhausted after what happened. I?m at the Inn now, safe and sound. If I do not see you this afternoon then plan on my arriving some time this evening at the Sanctuary, I will find my way there. An odd request?do you have any rooms without windows, if so may I stay in one?
