Topic: The forge keeper

David Cinders

Date: 2007-03-11 12:20 EST
:: He somehow found his way to the Sanctuary the boys eyes slowly looking over the structure with an inkept facination for the large building..his hand lightly touching the wood the stone and metal that this very place of Juctice was founded apon...his eyes look over his shoulder for a brief moment...after all it might be the middle of the day...but he trusted only family...his past tught him that. Scathach...that was another name he trusted along with the sisters within...he had seen them...watched them an unknown face saved from time to time just to disappear once more within the shadows of the Old Temple District until burning day had arrived. But now he was he was sure...he would help them in anyway he could..maybe he could never fight..but he could help in some ways....his eyes look back once more before he turns to leave for Antonio's place to get the materials he would need to forge with no heat no create metals and shapes known to man and woman only by what they see from craft masters...he nods slowly and leaves only to return several hours later with the materials his small hands knocking thrice apon the large doors of Justice::