Topic: Walk-in

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-01-23 15:59 EST
The sun is high in the sky when he wanders into the Sanctuary grounds, a man shrouded in red-brown robes, his pace slow and deliberate. He pauses for a moment, looking around the grounds.

Seems peaceful enough here...maybe I can get some time to myself...a little peace and quiet...

As he looks around, he is struck by how much this place reminds him of the temples where he is from. Places he had not visited in too long. He finds a shaded place under a tree and settles there, still shrouded in his robes, and begins to meditate.

It's the first place he's found in this strange town that was at least a little peaceful. Hopefully he'll be undisturbed here, for a little while...

Reeni Baxter

Date: 2007-01-23 17:56 EST
Reeni was prowling about the grounds of the Sactuary, checking here and there for possible threats, though mostly she was just wandering about trying to relax. She had taken to carrying her old, worn wooden Chakram on one hip when wandering within the relative safety of the grounds. And of course, a metal, much more formidable Chakram on her other hip. It was certainly quiet enough on the grounds, and every now and then, fingers dropped to run along the well-worn wood, a habit of long-standing.

The sun was still high in the sky when she came upon the copse of trees which the meditating man happened to be. At first, she didn't notice anything out of sorts. But then, there was a flash of red-brown that just didn't match with the particular foliage that was around. She froze, and crept into the shadow a tree while slipping the razor sharp metal hoop from her hip, and readying herself. Not sure whether friend or foe, she figured scare tactics were the best option. If it came to a fight, she was confident she could win, or have the aid of her Sisters within moments. The Chakram was sent whistling towards the man, to embed itself in the tree about three inches above his head. Reeni did give herself a cushion, just in case. Wouldn't do well to decapitate an innocent. Then she launched herself towards the man with a banshee yell, size 15 feet and strong legs carrying her towards him swiftly.

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-01-25 12:06 EST
He's just begun to relax, extending his senses beyond himself to feel out the surrounding area, when she throws the weapon.

He can sense the attack as it happens, feel the weapon racing towards him, can tell without even opening his eyes that it won't hit him. And that it's a warning shot. At least that's what he thinks, until he hears the yell.

It's a trick his long-dead Master taught him, to speed up his thoughts and movements so that time appears to slow from his perspective. So he has plenty of time to watch her charging him.

You've got to be kidding. Is there no peace in this place?

If he had been younger, more arrogant, he might have laughed. You don't warn one like him that you're going to attack and give him so much time to prepare for it. If you're smart, you don't give him any time at all.

But then, he's never been here before, isn't sure where here is, isn't even sure if these people have even heard the word Jedi.

A second, perhaps, has passed as these thoughts flash through his mind, maybe two, and still he watches her come, as if she's mired in time and moving through the air like it's a syrup.

He looks to the side and spies a length of dead wood, perhaps two feet in length and thick enough to do a bit of hurt. Focusing, he grabs it in a telekinetic grip.

Ah, good. Heavy. Solid.

He steadies his grip on it with his mind and flings it at her broadside, aiming for her torso with just enough force behind it to stun her. He doesn't want to do any harm, but she could be crazy, running at him screaming like that, and he isn't here for a fight.

At the same time, he moves, rolling away from the tree and out of her way as fast as Jedi-trained muscles will allow. As he comes to his feet, he sheds his robe, shrugging out of it and letting it fall to the ground with practiced smoothness. If she still wants a fight after that, it would do him well to be unencumbered - despite her kamikaze method of attack, she could prove to be a formidable foe - but doesn't pull either lightsaber from his hip yet.

Hopefully, he won't have to...

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-02-01 10:01 EST
He looks around, suddenly. Nothing?

His attacker seems to have disappeared, interestingly...gone like she never was.

He hopes he wasn't hallucinating...or else it was some sort of vision.

But the area is abandoned, for the moment, so he picks his cloak up and puts it back on, then resumes his place under the tree.

Hopefully, the next person won't be an all-out kamikaze attack.

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-02-12 15:24 EST
Finally, after several hours, he feels much better.

It seems this sanctuary has its own measure of peace, as he's been undisturbed - minus the little hiccup - to concentrate on regaining his own inner calm. The land is unfamiliar, but even here, the Force is still with him.

He's had time to meditate, and even to practice a few Force exercises - a bit of telekinesis, sensory exercises, and the like. He had worried that there were more disturbances in wait, but he's been fortunate enough to be left to himself.

Now he stands, stretching his body as he looks around. It's nice here, even though he can feel subtle signs of turmoil in this place - people in fear, frustration, and determination. Something is going on here, some form of disturbance that has the denizens of this place stirred up.

He finishes stretching before he begins walking towards the temple he glimpsed through the trees off to his left. At the very least, he can find out if there's any aid he can render.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-15 01:48 EST
Where there was a fading sun and peace to be disturbed, there was also a good chance you'd eventually find a Trixie lurking about.

Obi Wan Unknown over there was about to get another little burst of excitement. She was fresh off a pre-dinner-snack hunt, a necessity in order to keep her inner beast docile, and picking her way back through an expanse of trees. Though she'd gone out in her wolf-form, and retained it after the capture and through the feasting, she was all human (in shape, at least) now. Also, since only her patrol suit had proven able to morph into a canine with her, she was naked as the day she popped onto Earth...and about as ashamed of it as she was then.

She smelled him first, but soon after, she'd spotted him. She was still a little ways back, behind some trees, but she didn't doubt there was some white flesh sticking out somewhere that could be seen. She didn't make a sound as she peered out around a tree trunk, one green eye narrowed as the unofficial Scathachian guard-dog sized him up. Sometimes, she really did dig those stealth options that came with the "cursed" territory.

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-02-15 10:45 EST
There doesn't appear to be anyone home - at least, not that he can see. Or perhaps they're busy with something else. Or just ignoring him, which would actually be something of a relief. The hardest part of being a Jedi, he had found, was visiting a place that had never seen one and having to contend with all the local toughs that wanted to see if the Jedi were 'just a product of good storytelling.' He'd had none of that here, yet.

He's not fool enough to think that he has been unnoticed - his senses buzz lightly in his mind, alerting him to the prescence of someone else nearby, watching him. No danger, yet, just watching.

If whoever it was had been creeping up on anyone else, they'd have done a good job - without any extrasensory abilities, he'd never have known they were there. He reaches out with those senses, getting a feel for the stalker - female, he is almost certain, human as far as he can tell, and with that intriguing feeling of good strangely mixed with evil that he'd sensed from a few others here, as if one were laid over the other. It was a strange sensation to him, that sense. But it seemed to be somewhat common here.

He pauses in his tracks, looking just over his shoulder in the general direction he's sensed her in - not specific enough to spot her visually, but just enough to be looking that way with the corner of his eye. His motions are deliberate - if whoever was there was as good an observer as they were a hunter, then they'd be able to figure out that he knew they were there.

If it was a fight they wanted, they could let him know - if he was intruding, they could tell him to leave. He stays put, waiting for whoever this is to make the first move.


Date: 2007-02-15 13:10 EST
It had been awhile since the dragon had last visited the Sanctuary, her mate having had wanted her to relax and rest after her encounter with the wyverns.

Wing beats sounded overhead as she glided on a thermal, attention focused on those below, she needed to get out, to patrol again, and what better way to start than around the Sanctuary grounds.

Trees hid some view, but a vague red brown was spotted, and moving in, lower this time, she lazily circled overhead, attention remaining focused on the figure.

She wouldn't be the one to make the first move, Trix was spotted as well, but she wouldn't acknowledge her, just to make sure that if indeed she was hunting, her position wouldn't be given away.

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-02-17 12:08 EST
He takes another step, before he feels another set of eyes on him...this time from above. He looks up just in time to see a huge...something...glide silently above him. With the trees in the way, it was hard to tell, but he'd had the impression of a flying version of one of his home's dragons.

He'd seen such things before, on his home planet - the krayt dragons there were not only huge, but dangerous - but he'd never had the impression of sentience from one of those. This set of eyes had had some intelligence behind it, at least as much as the Masters he had trained with.

It seems I get the full welcome, then.

He sighs and comes to a full halt, not bothering to turn around to see where his terrestrial pursuer is hiding. He knows she is there, and within easy distance to hear his voice at normal levels.

"I know you are there. If you have something to say - be it welcome or dismissal - come out and say it. I'm not here for a fight - unless, that is, you're not going to give me the choice."

Usually, he's more patient, more willing to wait for someone else to make the first move. Anger, fear, aggression - the dark side are they. Briefly, he wonders which side curiousity serves.


Date: 2007-02-18 13:41 EST
A few more lazy circles overhead, then wings beat slower as she descended to land behind the figure she'd seen dressed in the robes.

Avoiding the trees as best she was able, hind legs finally touched down on the ground, followed by her forelegs, her wings folding back against her sides.

Nostrils quivered a few times as she tried picking up a scent that seemed familiar as it touched her snout. Finally, she spoke, hello, can I help you with something?

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-19 19:47 EST
The huntress had gotten so caught up in the prowl that she'd missed her opportunity to expose herself (considering her current clothing state that would have been very literal). Icer, being a friend, was forgiven for the little intrusion, as Trixie perked up her ears to hear the male's response. She knew he was completely aware of her being there, but that didn't make stalking about any less fun.

As a show of his knowledge and her awareness of it, she moved forward so she was just behind one of the trunks at the very front of the line of trees. She was just being obvious now, too, what with one bare hip cocked and peeking out.

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-02-28 11:12 EST
He turns around to face the dragon, A slow, deceptively casual movement, as though he is just some everyday wanderer...a monk perhaps, probably confused as to his whereabouts, not really sure where he is going next. Just someone out for a stroll, who happened to end up here, going where his feet carry him.

Nobody dangerous. Really.

His eyes pick out his surrounding carefully, examining everything in case of the need for a fight - not that he's anticipating one, but it is always best to be prepared, right? His eyes alight on the outthrust curve of a hip, which catches his attention all the moreso because of its obvious lack of clothing. He doesn't permit any of his emotions to show, but it catches his eyes nonetheless, and they linger there for a moment. So many where he's from seem to think that his kind are above the influences of the flesh, but if they knew the truth, they might be a little shocked to find out that it is far from the truth.

Finally, he tears his eyes away from that tantalizingly revealed skin and faces the dragon fully. A beautiful creature it is, as well - even in the face of something dangerous like this, he can still find an appreciation for form - and he sets his features in a look of slight confusion, as if he doesn't quite realize the gravity of his situation. "Actually...I was just wondering what this place is...I'm new here, you see, and I was looking for a place to stay, and...well, this place reminded me a bit of home."

His tone is light, letting just a trace of lost affability into his voice. He doesn't want anyone to think he is dangerous. Not yet, anyway.


Date: 2007-03-09 16:21 EST
Ice blue eyes blinked as she kept her attention on the man, though her tail twitched now and then, for now she was letting him speak, listening to his tone and watching his every movement.

A long silence after he finished, and a glance toward the trees momentarilly, before turning her full attention back on the man.

This is a special place..., thats all she'd say about the Sanctuary for now, but you are here in Rhydin, and you seem vaguely familiar, if I will, may I have your name?

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-03-10 11:49 EST
For just a moment he hesitates, wondering to himself if he should give his name. But then he laughs at himself - inwardly, of course - at his own cautiousness. There's no reason not to tell's not like anyone here would know who he was. He's fairly convinced that there's no one here who's even seen a Jedi before. And - as far as he can tell, anyway - merely curious.

He's still a little surprised that such a one can talk in a language he can understand, even if it is a bit different.

"Certainly...though I doubt you know me. I'm certain I've never been here before. My name is Aquilonius Fardreamer."

He can tell this place is special, of course - he can feel it as surely as if he were home, in one of the Temples of the Jedi. Still, there's no reason to let them know what he can or can't sense - he still isn't certain of their intentions, and besides, he isn't prepared to reveal himself for what he is.


Date: 2007-03-10 15:39 EST
There was another long pause as she listened intently, before almost tasting the name on her tongue, a pleasure Aquilonius..Fardreamer, I am Icer. The blue dragon remained steadfast, ice blue eyes remaining on the man in front of her, nostrils taking in his scent to remember.

Wings rustled slightly in the breeze that blew over her, but yet she did not stir, her voice remainingsteady as she spoke once more.

Friend.. or Foe..

Aquilonius Skywalker

Date: 2007-03-10 21:19 EST
He bows again, his features hidden for a moment as she asks her next question. Again, the slight hesitation as he returns to standing straight, hands clasped under his sleeves as he looks up at her, looking for all the world like just a simple monk. He's managed to fool many like this, not letting them know what he is until they decide that they want to test him. On occasion, he's been able to pull off the act so well that it's never questioned, and he's allowed to go on his way unmolested.

"As with all things, I am what you choose to make of me. But if it is important to you, you may count me a friend, unless you should choose the path of aggression. That, however, I leave in your hands. Suffice it to say that I come here intending no harm to anyone, but ready for trouble should I find it."

He looks up at the dragon, his expression open and friendly, peaceful.


Date: 2007-03-11 12:16 EST
she considered his words as if weighing them, then canted her head, showing the old scar that ran through her left eye, wings stirring only to extend in a stretch then folding back against her sides.

I am only aggressive if need be, and you have given me no reason to be, I just hope to keep it that way, as this is one of the areas I will defend.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-03-11 17:09 EST
"Yer safe enough if you could even get this close."

Said matter-o-factly by the once-hidden McAllister, who'd been watching and listening to the exchange quite closely. Her predatory instincts had mellowed, considering her would-be prey was being pretty polite and well-handled by another, so she'd decided it was time to step out.

Flesh led to more flesh as she cut a line that ran diagonal through the courtyard--meaning she'd be stalking directly through the space between the already proven friend, Icer, and the one still up for inspection. She was pure confidence, training-toned body quite sure of itself and her curves delighting in the open air. She had no need to blush, leaving skin coloration up to her numerous tattoos.

She held her nose up for the briefest second when she was parallel to the man. From there, it was only the most subtle turn of her head, her nose drawing an invisible line in the air that hovered over his left clavicle and ended over at his right. She'd captured his scent.

Her eyes were fiercely green as they bore into his, holding tight throughout the exchange.

"So yeah, friend fer now. You'll hafta earn the title, though, 'fore I use it easily."

Her tone was throaty as it lapped at the vaguely wicked curve of her lips. But that was all. Once the last word was spoken, she'd turned her eyes over to Icer, given the dragon a nod, and then proceeded to move through.