Topic: Dinner And A Show

David Lo

Date: 2012-07-20 10:46 EST
Riley had decided to make Italian food for their little dinner party with Danny and his new girl. She'd spent the better part of the morning of Friday the Thirteenth in her office at the hotel, pouring over cookbooks in the vain attempt to plan the perfect menu for the night. Finally, she went in search of her husband to get his input. He liked food almost as much as she did, after all. She plopped herself down in one of the client chairs that sat across David's desk from his own ultra-comfy executive chair and set three cookbooks down in front of her. Each book was bristling with enough sticky notes to make it look like the bastard love child of a porcupine. "Help?" she said, giving her husband a look that was remarkably like Finn's when he was trying to cage people food from a soft mark.

Privately, David thought making dinner for someone who was spending a lot of time with Dan was an unfair proposition anyway. The guy was a world-class chef?his midnight snacks were better than most people's carefully planned Sunday dinners. He knew Riley was having some misgivings about Dan meeting someone new so soon after Lelah?though he did notice that she seemed a lot less reluctant to give this Jenni the benefit of the doubt than she had Lelah. He wondered if that was because she and Lelah really had become good friends in the time she was with Dan, even if it had turned out badly in the end. "Can't figure out what to make, huh babe?" He reached for the first of the cookbooks. "What've you got it narrowed down to?" Judging by the stick notes, there hadn't been much narrowing?but he was kind of hoping there was another explanation for the medium-sized forest's worth of paper sticking out of the books.

"Narrow is such a...broad term," she said, sitting back and crossing those trademark legs. "I was thinking four courses. With either beef or chicken as the main course. And zabaglione with berries as dessert."

He enjoyed a good look at the aforementioned legs before answering. He was allowed. "Chicken Parmigiano? You don't find too many people who don't like that stuff."

"Ooh, yeah," she said excitedly, leaning forward to check one of the other books. She found the recipe and left it open to that page. "And we could do either spaghetti marinara or spaghetti with oil, garlic, and red pepper for the pasta course."

"The second one. That sounds awesome to me." He nodded. "And definitely the zabaglione. Anyone who doesn't like that can't be trusted anyway." He grinned at her.

She chuckled and then found the recipe for the pasta dish, the zabaglione, and then shoved another book at David. "Traditional anti-pasta for the appetiser?"

He nodded vigorously. "Mmm, yes. That stuff is awesome. Even if someone always goes through and picks out all of the pepperoni."

She gave him an innocent look and took her book back. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Besides, vegetables are for health food nuts and prey animals." She stood up, leaned across the desk for a kiss, and then went back into her office to draw up a shopping list.

He smirked a bit, but was more than willing to accept a kiss in place of apology or admission of guilt. "Let me know when you want to go."

"We can hit the Marketplace on the way home tonight, then if there's anything missing, I can go after class in the morning. Ooh, we need wine, too. Would you track down Christian and get his opinion?" One of the many perks of working in a world-class, or in the case of the Imperial Grand Rhy?Din multiverse-class, hotel was the availability of amazing specialists to give opinions and help when needed. Christian Bertand was a sommelier Riley had seduced away from a three-star Michelin restaurant in Paris and employed at the Temple.

"Why don?t we let Jenni and Dan bring it?" David countered, knowing it was likely the only way Riley would let the other couple bring anything with them.

"Ooh, an even better idea! Would you track down Danny and ask him to bring some wine for tomorrow night? I?ve gotta call our laundry people. They?ve jacked up our prices again." As Riley dialed the phone, she grumbled about the recent incursion of protection money rackets and their effects on the small business person.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-21 18:30 EST
Saturday evening had arrived, so Daniel and Jenni were on their way to Twin Oaks for dinner with Riley and David.? Despite working together for a week, everyone had been so busy that there'd been no chance for Daniel to introduce Jenni to his best friends.? He was excited to be finally getting the chance to do it now, and possibly just a little worried that for some reason they wouldn't like her.? He didn't mention that worry, or let it show at all as they got on the train that would take them very close to Riley and David's house.? "I hope you like dogs," he said instead.? "Riley and David have a rather large one."

"I've never owned a dog," Jenni admitted.? "I've liked the ones I've met though.? And they don't make me sneeze or my eyes get all itchy and watery like cats do."? She gave him an apologetic smile.? "Are you certain the only thing they'd let us bring was wine?? I feel weird going to someone's house without a gift or something."? Jenni's mother was very old-fashioned and was a firm believer in bringing hostess gifts, a notion that she'd drilled into Jenni's head from birth.

Just the wine," he confirmed, nodding.? "I've learned that it's best not to argue with Riley," he added, chuckling.? "Well, if you've liked dogs you've met, then you'll probably love Finn.? He's the size of a pony, but he's a very sweet dog."

"Wow," Jenni said.? "But she's a cat, like you, right?? Isn't Finn afraid of her?"? They were walking from the train stop in Seaside to the Lo's house.? The neighborhood reminded Jenni a lot of the neighborhood she'd grown up in on Bainbridge Island?the scent of the water, the tall trees, the big houses.? She felt at home here.

"She's a Jaguar, not a Leopard, but no, Finn loves her dearly.? They got him as small puppy, so I can only assume he's grown completely accustomed to the scent of a Lycan.? He doesn't seem bothered by me, either, for that matter."? He pointed as Twin Oaks came into view.? "That's theirs." Jenni's brows rose when she spotted the house.? It was set back from the road and fronted by a dry-brick wall, two huge oak trees, and a row of healthy yellow hydrangea bushes.? The top of the house was all that was visible at the moment. "You should've seen the place when we first found it," he said. "It was a wreck.? The three of us spent months restoring it ourselves."

She glanced back at him over her shoulder as they crossed the road and headed up the flagstone path that led towards the front door.? "You were going to live here?"? The house itself was modestly sized; the attraction the owners felt was clearly to the lot itself, with its mature trees, flowering shrubs and its close proximity to the river.

"I was, yes."? He left it there, unsure how she would feel about the relationship that the three of them had shared.

Her brows furrowed a bit and she said, "Huh," and left it at that.? If he wanted to tell her why it was 'was' and not 'is', he certainly could but Jenni had never been the sort of person to pry into another's private business.? Even if she was enjoying the best sex of her life with him.? As they rounded a corner, the front door became visible and Jenni stopped at the edge of the little stoop.? "You should knock.? Do you knock or do you just walk in?"? The air in the yard was heavily perfumed with the scent of roses and hydrangeas and the sea.? Jenni found herself smiling.

"I knock," he said.? "It's their house, not mine, even if they've made it clear I'm always welcome."? He watched her smiling, his own face mirroring the expression.? "You have a beautiful smile, Jenni.? I like seeing it."

She blushed deeply and made a tiny noise of happiness, which quickly turned into a meep of fear as a pony-sized dog ran around the corner and immediately shoved his nose into Daniel's hand before sitting down and sweeping the ground with his long tail. He immediately patted Finn on the head?a feat which did not require any downwards reaching?and quickly said, "This is Finn, Jenni.? Riley and David's dog."

The great beast's head turned towards Jenni and he stood up and moved over to sit in front of her, his head raised to look up at her.? It became clear that he was waiting for something.? "He's waiting for you to greet him," came a woman's voice just before Riley herself came around the corner.? "We're trying to teach him manners," she explained. Riley Lo was tall for a woman, tall for a man, even. She had long, lustrous sable brown hair with lighter streaks in it from the sun, skin the color of coffee ice cream, caramel-colored eyes, and the longest, prettiest legs Jenni had ever seen. She was dressed in a pair of olive green shorts, a black t-shirt, and aspen leaf earrings. Jenni felt better about her own very casual outfit of leaf-green jeans and a pink t-shirt.

Jenni smiled nervously and reached out to stroke the dog's velvety-soft ears and huge head.? "Oh, he's so polite and so pretty, too.? Hello, Finn," she said.? The dog's tail began wagging again with far more enthusiasm before he stood and went to snuffled Daniel's hand, lick Riley's bare knee, and disappeared around the corner again. Riley grinned and went over to greet Danny, brushing a kiss against his cheek and giving him a brief but very firm hug.

"Riley," he said, smiling happily and squeezing her tightly for a moment.? Then he stepped back and took Jenni's hand.? "This is Jenni.? Jenni, this is Riley, as I'm sure you've guessed already."

Jenni smiled a little shyly and gripped Daniel's hand tightly while she extended her own to Riley.? "It's nice to finally meet you," she said.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-21 18:31 EST
Riley gave Jenni a warm smile and stepped in to enfold the tiny woman in a light hug.? "You, too.? Danny's been telling us about you.? He didn't say how pretty you are, though.? C'mon in.? David's...uh...around here somewhere." Riley headed inside, pushing through the front door and leaving it open for Dan and Jenni to follow.

Jenni gave Daniel a stunned look and then whispered to Daniel once Riley had disappeared into the house, "She's gorgeous.? And very tall.? I feel like a munchkin."

Daniel, who was himself several inches shorter than Riley, nodded, grinning.? "She is indeed."? He understood the stunned look perfectly?he'd had the same reaction to his first sight of Riley.? David had, too.? In fact, most people did.? "Come on," he continued.? "Let's go in and meet David."? He kept a gentle grip on her hand, and led her into the house.

David was setting the table while Riley went out with Finn to wait for their guests.? When he heard the front door open and close again, he figured they'd arrived, so he finished up quickly and went out to meet them.? He grinned at Dan and then turned his attention to the girl with him.? The first thing he saw was that she was tiny?like a foot shorter than him.? The next thing he saw was her eyes.? They were electric blue, shockingly so.? They were the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.? He stepped forward, holding out his hand to her.? "I'm David," he said.? "It's nice to meet you at last."

Jenni smiled bashfully and shook David's hand, taken in by his easy-going attitude and his good-looks.? "Hi.? It's nice to meet you, too.? I love your house.? It reminds me a lot of the place I grew up in." David was even taller than his wife and had broad muscular shoulders and a narrow waist. He carried himself with ease and Jenni immediately thought that he must have been a martial artist or maybe a boxer. He was dressed in jeans and a short-sleeved rugby shirt with navy blue and white stripes. His hair was black and his eyes the exact color of dark chocolate. He and Riley made a beautiful couple and Jenni thought that if they ever had children those children would be intensely cute.

Riley and Finn were sitting at the kitchen table?Riley in a chair, Finn curled up at her feet as he worried at an enormous beef bone.? The Cat was quietly studying Daniel's new girl, nostrils delicately flaring as she took in her scent.? Jenni was cute, no doubt about that, and she could totally understand why Daniel was drawn to her.? She reeked of prey, something to which a strong, dominant Alpha Lycan would very attracted.? But there was something else about her.? Something somewhat familiar...

Dan glanced over at Riley, knowing immediately what she was doing.? It was instinctive, that sizing up.? He also knew pretty much what she was concluding from it.? Although, he wasn't so sure about the faintly confused scent he was getting from her?like she was trying to remember something and couldn't quite do it.

"Thanks," David said, givng her hand a gentle shake.? Her skin was very soft, and he felt like she might shatter if he squeezed a bit.? "We're pretty fond of it, too."? He grinned.

Riley finally roused herself from trying to figure out why Jenni was so familiar to her, decided that she must have caught the girl's scent around the hotel at one point or seen her in Danny's office.? "Would either of you like something to drink?? Dan, did you bring wine?"? She stood up, gave Finn's head a pat and went to stand next to David, rubbing against him subconsciously, like a cat rubbing along a favourite human's ankles.

"Oh, yes!"? Jenni said and held out the bottles of red and white wine they'd picked up on their way to Twin Oaks.? "I nearly forgot.? I hope it's okay.? I wasn't sure what you were making for dinner so I thought I'd cover all the bases."

David slid one arm around Riley's shoulders when she brushed up against him, looking between Dan and Jenni.? She was very cute, he decided, and almost nothing at all like Lelah.? That was good?less likely to remind Dan of things he'd be better off putting behind him.? She seemed really into Dan, too.? He hoped so.? He didn't like seeing his friends hurting the way Dan was when Lelah up and walked.? When Jenni held out the wine, he smiled and took it from her.? "Thank you," he said again.? "It's perfect."

"Well, I think everything's pretty much done, so we can start with antipasta and wine out on the patio, if you guys want," Riley said, taking the wine from David and uncorking the red to let it breathe while she poured glasses of white for herself and anyone else that wanted one.

"Can I help with anything?" Jenni asked a little timidly.? Her mother's endless etiquette lessons were beginning to gang up on her and push her past her shyness and fears.? She let go of Daniel's hand and moved closer to Riley.

"Sounds good," Dan said to Riley.? He gave a little smile when Jenni went over to ask Riley if she could help, glad that she seemed to be overcoming her shyness.? He waited to see what Riley would say before heading out to the patio.

"Uh, sure," Riley said, looking around for something Jenni could do. "Here," she said, filling the girl's hands with small plates and napkins.? "You can take these out back and I'll bring the wine and the antipasta."

Jenni took the plates and followed David and Daniel outside.? "Oh, wow," she said softly as she looked around their back patio.? There was a large koi pond in the far corner and next to it was something that looked like a little hut with a statue of Buddha and another god or goddess inside.? There was also a chess table, a telescope, a huge outdoor hearth surrounded by comfortable-looking wicker furniture, and a well-appointed kitchen, too.? "This is gorgeous," she said.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-21 18:32 EST
David showed Jenni where to put the plates down, then motioned her and Dan towards the wicker loveseat.? "Have a seat," he said.? Hearing Jenni compliment their house sent a little surge of pride through him?he and Riley had worked hard to make the place nice.

Dan sat down, twisting a little so he could see the both of them.? He patted the seat next to himself, raising a brow at Jenni. She settled the plates down on the table in front of the hearth and sat next to Daniel, curling herself comfortably against the side of his body.

Riley handed out plates and glasses of wine before settling down herself.? "We don't stand on ceremony around here, Jenni, so go ahead and help yourself.? As my husband pointed out to me yesterday, the pepperoni has a way of disappearing quickly."? She grinned and winked at David, who snorted a little laugh, and reached out to very carefully and deliberately spear a piece of pepperoni with his fork.?

Jenni grinned a little and selected some of the olives and other vegetables.? "Oh, well, you carnivores are welcome to the meat.? I'll just stick with veggies."

Riley raised her brows and exchanged a look with Daniel.? Carnivores?

He nodded in response, lifting his shoulders in a little shrug.? She knows what we are.

Riley made a face that said, 'huh', and shrugged herself before sipping the wine and stealing a smallish stack of pepperoni slices.? "So, Jenni.? Where are you from? What did you do on Earth?"

Jenni was nibbling at an olive and glanced up at Daniel for a moment before saying, "Well, I'm from the Seattle area and I worked for my dad for a while.? He's Neil Rammage.? You might have heard of him?"

David, in the midst of taking a drink of his wine, choked suddenly, barely avoiding spraying it all over the rest of the group.? He set the glass down hurriedly and coughed, thumping his chest with one hand.? "Did you say Neil Rammage?" he gasped out.

The girl's too-blue eyes widened and she reached out to David with a napkin in her hand.? "Yes, Neil Rammage.? He owns Rammage, Inc?? The think tank?? Solar-powered computers and everything?"

Riley had gone utterly still, unlike David, and was staring intently at the girl and then at Daniel.? Coincidence?? Or something darker and more sinister?? Her gaze flicked towards David then; they had to take Daniel aside and question him at length about Jenni.

Daniel?s eyes narrowed as both David and Riley reacted to the mention of her father's name.? He already knew that Jenni was from a different Earth than he and Riley, so how could Riley know of her father?? Jenni could possibly be from David's Earth, but it seemed an unlikely coincidence.? And the reactions were very extreme.? What did they know about her father?

David got control of his breathing and met Riley's look, wondering if it could possibly be the same Neil Rammage.? An alternate universe double seemed a lot more likely. Riley arched a brow and then shrugged a little.? She didn't want to jump to conclusions until they had all the facts.? But Jenni's eyes were the exact shade as those of the Neil Rammage that she and David had just turned over to the MVA, and there was a certain similarity in their scents as well.? She cleared her throat a bit and shifted in her seat, leaning forward to steal a pickled pepper.? "I've never heard of him.? 'Course I doubt very much we're from the same Earth.? Daniel has told you about the different Earths?" she asked Jenni, hoping to steer the conversation away from Jenni's father for the time being.

Jenni, who was unaware of the drama between the three happening in front of her, nodded and glanced up at Daniel with a happy smile.? "Oh, yes.? He explained that he and you are from the same earth, but that I'm not since I didn't know about Lycans and vampires and all of that."

Daniel smiled back at her, trying to put his curiosity and concern out of his head for the moment.? He would talk to Riley and David the first chance he got, and see why it was they'd reacted like someone had stuck them with a cattle prod.

Riley nodded and finished off her glass of wine.? "So how do you like Rhy'Din?? Pretty weird, huh?"

Jenni nodded.? "Yes, the first night I was here I met a real dragon who talked and knew who Tolkien was.? Of course I also met Daniel that night."? She smiled softly and gave Daniel a sweet smile.? "But yes, it's weird.? But nice.? It's not that much different than Seattle honestly."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-21 18:32 EST
David was finding it surprisingly hard to keep his trademarked impassive expression in the face of Jenni's shocking revelation.? Could she actually be Makepeace's daughter?? And if she was...was this some kind of trap?? Some plot for revenge?? It was a lot more likely that it was an alternate universe coincidence...but he rarely believed in coincidence.? It was just too suspicious.? For Dan's sake, he was going to have to try to act normal, though.? At least for now.? As soon as they got a chance to talk to him alone, though...? "I bet that dragon was Icer," he said.? "She's always greeting newcomers."

"Yes, that was the name. Icer.? Big blue dragon with a lot of kids.? She said she gardens and has a ranch or something."? Jenni shook her head a bit as if she found the whole idea amazing.

Daniel nodded, smiling.? "Yes, Icer is one of the more friendly dragons around.? She was very nice to me when I first arrived in RhyDin, too." Waves of confusion and concern were coming off of David with tsunami force?he was hiding it quite well to human eyes, but a Lycan's nose wasn't fooled.? Why was the identity of Jenni's father so important?

Riley stood up then, figuring that the first course was done and wanting to diffuse the situation that she knew Daniel was picking up on.? "Let's go back inside and start the second and third courses.? I have to be at the theatre in a little while."

Jenni stood and helped Riley collect dishes to carry inside.? "The theatre?? Are you in a play or something?"

"The ballet, actually," Riley said as she headed into the kitchen.? "I own a dance studio where I teach and from time to time, our little company does a show at a friend's theatre.? This month, we're doing La Bayadere."? She nodded towards the three of them.? "You all should come.? David hasn't seen the show yet and usually he's in the audience for every performance.? I think we could squeeze a box out of 'Taya, the theatre's owner, if you're interested."

David, coming in behind them, nodded.? "I like that idea," he said.? "Box seats, very fancy."? He grinned, only having to force it a little this time.? He considered himself to be an better-than-average judge of a person's character, and so far he wasn't getting any warning bells about Jenni.? The way she smiled at Dan was either a supreme act, or she really liked him.? He wanted to believe it was the latter.

"I'd love to see one of your shows," Daniel said, coming into the kitchen as well.? "I haven't had many chances to do so."? He looked over at Jenni, raising a brow.? "How about it?? Do you like the ballet?"

"Oh, I love the ballet.? I have tickets to the Pacific Northwest Company.? My mother and I would go to see the Nutcracker every year."? She reached for Daniel's hand, excitement pouring off her, bringing a twinkle to her eyes.? "Could we go?? I'd love to see the show."

He took her hand, smiling at her reaction to the idea and nodded, looking at Riley with a grin.? "I think that's a yes, don't you?"

"Well, cool.? Then it's settled.? You guys can have a seat and I'll bring the pasta and chicken over and we can eat."

"Let me give you a hand," he said, wanting a chance to talk to Riley separately.? He glanced at Dan and suddenly realized that there was nowhere in the house he wouldn't able to hear them.? His ears were as good as Riley's.? So he didn't say anything as they picked up the dishes, just gave her a Significant Look.

She nodded subtly and on the off-chance his freaky brain powers had morphed into an ability to read minds, thought very hard at him: 'After dinner'.

Jenni went to sit down at the table and poured everyone a glass of the red wine.? "Gosh, it smells wonderful.? Chicken parm, right?"

Daniel nodded, settling into the seat next to her.? "Yes indeed.? Don't let her pretend otherwise," he continued, grinning.? "Riley is actually quite a good cook."? Some of it had likely come from living with him, but he wasn't tactless enough to say that out loud.

"Only because I had a good teacher," she said with a little smile.? In addition to the chicken parm, there was a big bowl of spaghetti noodles that was dressed in olive oil, crushed roasted garlic, and red pepper flakes, a smaller bowl of roasted green beans, and a small loaf of crusty Italian bread.

David snorted softly.? "Somehow, Dan's cooking skills never rubbed off of me, though.? He was carrying the green beans and the bread, as well as a knife for cutting it, and some butter.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-21 18:33 EST
"Probably because you were too busy being Constable Hotstuff while we stayed at home and slaved over a hot stove making your dinner," Riley teased gently as she took a seat at the table.

"Yeah, that must be it," he replied, deadpan.? He leaned over and kissed the top of Riley's head before sitting down, too.

Jenni watched all of this with a little smile.? "Constable Hotstuff?" she asked curiously.? "The three of you lived together?"

Whoops.? Daniel had never really explained that to her.? Yet another thing in the list of hard-to-accept things he'd told her, right?? Maybe she'd had enough of them by now that any more wouldn't surprise her.? He could hope.? First, though...? "David used to be a Watchman here?RhyDin's police equivalent.? Apparently, after he left the Watch, one of the newspaper columnists started calling him Ex-Constable Hotstuff."

Jenni giggled and dug in to the food.? Everything was delicious.? "I think it's neat how there's a newspaper and a couple of radio stations and a casino and spa.? It's really like a little Earth here in places."

"RhyDin is home to beings from all kinds of crazy worlds, but a lot of them are from one Earth or can see Earth's influence everywhere you look.? There was even a movie studio here for a...crap."? He broke off, giving Dan an apologetic look.

One corner of Riley's mouth tugged up in a wry smirk.? "There's a Chinatown, too.? Although you should probably avoid the area for a while.? It's not exactly safe.? Gang warfare."? She, too, dug into her food and was pleasantly surprised to find that her cooking was almost as good as Signore Carito's.

He met David's look with a little shake of his head, letting him know that it was okay?mentioning Lelah or things connected to her didn't hurt him so much that they had to walk on eggshells over it.? "Unless you're with me," he said to Jenni after Riley's Chinatown comment.? "I'll protect you."

Jenni gave Daniel a soft little smile and nodded her head.? "I'll be careful.? Do they have a Chinese restaurant there?? I love dim sum.? And sushi?"

He nodded.? "There's a place called the Double Happiness in Chinatown that's supposed to have the best dim sum in town."? He grinned over at Riley.? "Riley's a fan."

"Riley did an ad for it.? Now Riley gets free food for life."? Riley grinned around a mouthful of chicken.? This was a Cat who took her food very seriously.

Jenni laughed.? "That's smart.? We should go sometime, Daniel."? She reached for his hand, and held it while she ate.

"Any time you'd like," he said, smiling down at their joined hands, the way her pale skin contrasted so sharply with his own, much darker?and larger?hand.? He was still a little surprised at how quickly and easily they'd slipped into a relationship.? He felt good with her. Everything was natural and easy.

The rest of dinner and the dessert course passed by quickly and Jenni helped Riley with the dishes before Riley disappeared into their bedroom to change into her dance clothes.? Before leaving, she stopped to give Jenni a hug and to thank her for the wine.? Then she kissed Daniel and hugged David and told them she'd see them after the show that night.? Then she and Finn headed out to the theatre to do some warm-ups and to get the rest of the crew ready for the show.

After Riley left, Jenni excused herself to the upstairs guest bathroom, giving Dan and David a chance to talk. As soon as they were alone, David turned to Dan. "Dan..." he said carefully. "I need to tell you something."

He nodded, unsurprised.? The anxiety David was feeling was obvious to a Lycan's nose.? "You looked like someone had goosed you with a taser when Jenni mentioned her father's name, David.? What is it?"

He hesitated for a second, took a deep breath.? Dan really wasn't going to like this.? But he had to be told...just in case.? "All right.? You know why we've been gone?and what we did there.? What you don't know is that when I first made contact with Makepeace, he...? He introduced himself as Neil Rammage, Dan."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-21 18:35 EST
For an instant, he stared blankly at David, thinking he'd misheard, or misunderstood what he'd heard.? Then he shook his head.? "No."? His voice was low and a thread of anger wound through it.? "No," he said again.

He sighed.? "I'm sorry, Dan."? He held up a hand.? "Now, I'm not saying that it's her father.? We both know there's over a hundred other possibilities.? Maybe it's just a coincidence."? He sure hoped it was.

He shook his head again, his nose telling him what David was really feeling, regardless of his words.? "David," he said.? "Jenni is a nice, sweet and shy girl.? I won't believe that she's part of some plot.? She couldn't hide that...not from me.? Not from Riley, either."

"I never said she wasn't, Dan."? There was a hint of pleading in his voice.? "Come on, you know I wouldn't say this sh*t unless I was worried.? I don't want to f*ck things up for you.? Or her.? Maybe it really is just a coincidence, a multiverse practical joke.? Ask her if she's talked to her dad lately."

Daniel froze.? "Sh*t," he said very softly, but with great feeling.? All of his arguments fell apart as he thought of what Jenni had told him?the event that had sparked them getting back together.? "Her father's missing, David," he whispered, unable to meet the other man's eyes.? "He disappeared two weeks ago, without a trace."

He stared at Dan, unsure of what to say.? They both knew what it had to mean.? It wasn't any alternate universe coincidence.?? Jenni was Makepeace's actual daughter.? This...complicated things.? "Maybe she doesn't know," he said with no small bit of desperation.

He looked up now, meeting David's eyes.? The compassion in them was obvious, even if he hadn't been able to smell it.? A little spark of hope flared to life inside him.? "She told me she doesn't get on that well with her dad.? That he was always away."

Though a terribly small person and generally light on her feet, the sound of Jenni coming down the steps was still pretty loud, giving the men time to compose themselves before she entered the kitchen.? She gave David a smile but went to sit next to Daniel at the table, sliding her hand in with his and giving it a gentle squeeze.? "Thanks for inviting us over, David.? You have a beautiful home."

He forced a smile, nodding politely.? "Thank you, Jenni."? Dan was right, though.? She seemed a perfectly sweet, normal girl.? If she was playing them all, and could fool a Lycan's nose?two Lycan's noses!?then none of them had a chance of exposing her anyway.? He had to at least try to get it sorted, though.? "Dan just mentioned to me that your father's gone missing," he said.? "I hope you don't mind.? I was a cop back in San Fransico, you see.? He thought maybe I could help."

She smiled softly, sadly, and shook her head.? "The FBI are looking into it."? She glanced aside at Daniel for a moment then asked David, "Did Daniel tell you why I'm here?? What caused me to come to Rhy'Din, I mean?"

He shook his head.? "I didn't mention that," he said softly.? "I wouldn't have said anything if he and Riley weren't my best friends, Jenni.? I trust them with my life."

She gave Daniel a grateful smile and then turned to David.? "I was being stalked.? Someone was calling me at all hours, following me around and taking photos of me and emailing them to me, along with creepy messages that said stuff like "You have what I want" and things like that."? She shivered a little.? "The local cops in Seattle called the FBI, I guess 'cause of my dad, and the FBI decided to send me here to keep me safe."? She gave a tiny giggle.? "I still can't believe they know about this place."

That brought a little smile to his face, too.? "Believe me, I was as shocked as you to find out..."? He shot Dan a little glance, almost asking permission to continue.? He got a little nod in return, so he pushed on.? "They never caught the guy?it was a guy, I take it?"

She shrugged a little.? "They never caught him, no.? That's why they won't let me go home and be with my mother now.? They're worried that the same guy?or guys, maybe?took my dad in the hopes of flushing me out."

"So they think someone's stalking you in order to get to your father?? He's rich, obviously.? Does he have government contracts?"

"Oh, yes.? His think tank has contracts with DARPA, the military, the DoD.? All of the alphabet soup agencies."

His lip twitched a little at 'alphabet soup'.? "So he doesn't just have money, he's got secrets.? Knowledge is power, right?"? He was almost musing to himself.? "Are they trying just to open a door to him through you...or do they think you've got something to give them, too?? Are you close to him?"

"No, we haven't been close since I was a little girl.? His idea of dealing with me was to throw money at me."? Her voice was bitter, eyes hard and flinty.? "Everything I could have ever needed monetarily was mine for the asking, but my parents ignored me.? My dad was always away on business and my mother...well, she's probably at the bottom of a bottle again."

He glanced at Dan?just a quick flick of the eyes.? If she was telling the truth?and his instincts from ten years a cop said she was?then maybe, just maybe, she had no idea what her father really did.? "I'm sorry," he said, really meaning it.? No one should have to grow up like that.

Daniel caught that little look, and knew what it meant.? David was starting to believe Jenni was exactly what she said she was.

She gave David a sweet, grateful smile.? "Thanks, but..."? She shrugged a little.? "It's how they were raised.? They don't know any better."

He nodded, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder.? "I don't know if I can really do anything, but I'll talk to some people," he said.? "In the meantime...we have a ballet to get to.? If you still want to go."

"Yes, I still really want to go."? She stood up and took Daniel's hand and after David locked the house up, they caught the train that would take them down to the Shanachie Theatre just in time to watch Riley and her students take the stage.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-22 16:32 EST
Though they'd all had a good time at the Theatre watching Riley and the rest of the troupe perform, Daniel couldn't stop thinking about what David had told him at Twin Oaks. Jenni was Makepeace's daughter. Makepeace. The man responsible for dozens of minor wars, and God knew who many thousands of deaths, including some of his friends, people he'd lived with and fought beside in Burma. It was a gun that Makepeace had sold that had blown a chunk out of his chest deep enough to see his own lung through. Makepeace, the man whom David and Riley had traveled back to Earth to find and capture in order to stop him from destroying Daniel and Riley's world by inciting war after war until someone went nuclear. And they'd succeeded. Jenni's father was missing because David and Riley had yanked him from her world and brought him to RhyDin, to the MVA's justice. He didn't know how to handle the situation. How could he tell her? How could he not? He had to talk to Riley and David about it. He'd have to wait for Monday, though, since he was spending Sunday with Jenni. He'd just have to pretend everything was okay until then.

Mondays were a pretty structured day for Riley and David. There were non-stop meetings, with the casino manager and staff, the spa manager and attendants, and Daniel, his sous chef, and the sommelier. They always scheduled the meeting with the restaurant staff for last, simply because Daniel and his assistants had been cooking and they always brought food with them. Catered meetings were just one more in a long list of perks that came from owning a hotel with a killer restaurant. The Monday after the dinner party with Danny and Jenni was also the first official meeting with Jenni present and Riley was immediately impressed with the girl's ideas for changing things around in the kitchens. Her ideas were given the green light immediately and she and the sous chef and sommelier left shortly thereafter, though Daniel lingered behind. Riley could tell there was something on his mind, and from the conversation she'd had with David yesterday, she thought she knew what it was.

Dan told Jenni he'd be down in a bit, that he had something else to discuss with David and Riley. When he closed the door after Jenni and others had left, he turned back to the two of them and said, "I haven't told her anything about her father yet. I don't like keeping it from her at all. I need your help."

Riley?s brow rose and she nodded. "Of course, Danny. Anything you need."

"Yeah, what she said," David said right after Riley. "It's been on my mind, too."

"She's worried sick about her father being missing, " Daniel explained. "Even though they never got on, and she doesn't think he really cares about her, she's worried about him."

Riley sighed deeply and leaned forward, resting her forearms on the surface of the table. "What do you think, Danny? Is it some bizarre coincidence? Is she a plant? Do you think she knows about her father's side business and she's here to somehow bust him out of the MVA's custody?"

Dan shook his head immediately, and vehemently. "Not a chance, Riley. You know as well as I do that she could never hide such a thing from us. If she has any idea what her father really is, it's buried so deeply down that even her subconscious can't access it. No, I think she'd just what she appears to be?a sweet, shy girl who's been discarded by her father."

"So, what do you want to do? Do you want to tell her what's happened to him? Where he is and who he is?" David asked.

"I don't know," Dan said softly, frustration evident in his voice. "I feel like a terrible person when she mentions her father. I can hear and smell the pain coming from her...and I know what's happened to him."

"Do you think she could handle the news? Of what he is and what he did and we?" she motioned to David and herself, "did to him?"

"She might. There's a core of strength inside her, hard to see under the shy, fragile-looking exterior, but it's there. But even if she can handle it...could she handle being with someone whose two best friends kidnapped her father?"

"I'm not sure I could," David said. "If I learned my dad was some kind of terrible person, that he'd been responsible for all the stuff Makepeace had, I'd hate it, and I'd probably hate him, too. But he'd still be my dad."

Riley was nodding, agreeing with everything David had said. She gave Daniel a sad smile. "What are you going to do?" she asked in a gentle voice.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-22 16:33 EST
"I don't know," Dan said again, dropping heavily into one of the office's chairs. "I can't just pretend to know nothing every time she talks about him. That's the same as lying to her."

"Well," she began carefully. "Sometimes it's best to lie to someone when the truth would hurt them. Of course, not knowing what happened to her father might be even worse than knowing." She shrugged a bit. "I think if I were in that situation, I'd want to know. Even if it turned out that my father was a complete and utter d*ck, I'd want to know what happened to him."

David nodded, the corners of his mouth pulled down in a contemplative frown. "Yeah. She's right. I'd want to know, too. Even if it meant losing a friend."

Daniel nodded slowly. "I know," he said softly. "I knew right away, even if I didn't want to believe it. I can't let her sit and wonder if she's ever going to see her father again. Even if it means she'll leave."

"It might suck at first, but maybe she'll come around to it. Maybe she'll...oh, I don't grateful that you told her and she doesn't have to wonder anymore." Woah. When did Riley become Little Miss Pollyanna? David glanced at her, a little surprised. She wasn't normally one to sugarcoat things. She frowned defensively. "What? It could happen."

"I hope you're right," Daniel said, standing again. He looked between the two of them, grey eyes very serious. "I'm tired of hurting, you know?" Riley gave Danny a sad smile and rose from her chair to cross the room and enfold him in a tight hug, like she was trying to keep the rest of the world from hurting him.

David went over and rested his hand on Dan's shoulder. "Sucks being human sometimes, doesn't it, brother?"

Despite himself, Daniel chuckled. "How the hell would I know?"

She chuckled softly and darted a kiss against Danny's cheek. "Lemme know if you need anything, okay?"

"I may need a hole to crawl into and pull after me," he said. "Once I break the news." The he stiffened. "Ah...I can tell her, right? The MVA isn't going to bust in and arrest me if I say something about Makepeace?"

Riley shrugged. "I don't see why you can't. They didn't tell us not to talk about it and there were no non-disclosure documents, so yeah. Go for it."

"F*ck 'em if they don't like it," David said bluntly. "We did their dirty work for them, so they owe us."

Dan chuckled again. "All right. Good. I'll tell her, then. As soon as we get a quiet moment."