Topic: Fireworks (Mature Content)

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:52 EST
The lunch shift waiters had grown accustomed to seeing Jenni in the Temple's dining room or patio at around one o'clock every afternoon.? She sat quietly, sketching or writing, while she ate very sparingly and drank very copiously.? She was always polite, always tipped nicely, and wasn't too demanding or needy.? There were, of course, rumors flying about her involvement with their boss, but no one knew for certain the real story.? All they knew was that one night last week, one of the overnight shift waiters delivered food to her room and found Daniel at the door, looking like he'd just enjoyed a really good time. Daniel himself was keeping completely quiet about it, and none of his staff had yet dared to ask him, or even hint about it in his presence.? He never approached her table when she was in for lunch, but a careful observer would note that he made it a point to check on her?from a distance?at least once each time she came in.?

And Jenni, too, was unobtrusively looking for Daniel.? She followed him with her eyes as he moved from table to table, chatting amiably with his customers.? The more she watched him, the more she realized that maybe there was something other-worldly about him.? He was far too graceful, for one thing.? For another, there was that growl that he'd let loose just as he was leaving the last time.? She still got shivers thinking about that noise.

It'd been over a week now since Riley and David had gone to Earth to stop Makepeace, and Daniel was starting to feel the strain of managing the hotel on his own.? He hadn't been making things up when he'd told Jenni that he could really use some help.? The staff was excellent, of course, but there were so many issues that only management could handle.? It was a good thing he had supernatural stamina, or he'd never have been able to handle the sixteen-hour days and middle-of-the-night emergency calls.

Jenni had spent a week in Rhy'Din before she checked in with the local FBI office.? They allowed her to phone her mother on a secure line and after speaking to her for thirty seconds, Jenni learned that her father had been missing since shortly after Jenni had been relocated.? "What do you mean, missing?"? Jenni asked her mother.

"No one has seen or heard from him since the day after you left.? There's been no trace.? It's like he just disappeared from the face of the Earth," was her mother's reply.? The agent who was handling Jenni's case told her that their investigations had turned up nothing.? He hadn't been sent to any of their safe houses, he certainly had been sent to Rhy'Din.? He literally drove to work one morning and no one had seen him since.

Jenni went back to the hotel in a state of shock.? It was as if her head had been stuffed with cotton wool.? Sounds and colors were muted and she felt a little like an automaton.? As she moved through the lobby towards the elevator banks, she slammed into someone and mumbled an apology without noticing that it was Daniel she'd run into.

He stopped in surprise when Jenni bounced off of him, then his eyes widened at the miasma of shock, sadness, disbelief, and helplessness that was coming off of her like London fog.? "Jenni?" he asked.? "What's wrong?"? It didn't matter that they hadn't spoken a word to each other since he left her room last week, he could no more ignore the emotions he smelled than could he flap his arms and fly away.

She snapped her gaze up at him and quailed a bit.? Taking a step back, she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.? "Nothing," she said softly.? "I'm sorry."? She tried to side-step him.? Of all the people to run into after a phone call like the one she'd just had...

He moved to the side, giving her room to pass if she wanted, but he couldn't help trying again.? "Look...I realize things aren't exactly happiness and kittens between us, but...I know something's upset you badly.? If you want to talk?just talk--I'm here."

She took a deep breath and said, "My father's missing."

"Missing?? For how long?"

"Since the day after I got here."? She looked around the lobby as if realizing for the first time where she was.? "I just spoke to my mother.? She said no one's seen him since last week.? No one's heard from him.? The FBI can't find any trace of him."

"Has he ever disappeared before?"? He reached for her arm, hesitated, then finished the motion, taking her arm and leading her over to one of the couches in the lobby.?

"No," she said, allowing herself to be led and then seated.? "He goes away on business trips a lot, but he always tells someone before he leaves and he's in contact while he's gone, too."

He nodded, sitting down on the couch next to her, careful to leave a foot of space between them.? "Do you think someone's taken him for his money?? A ransom or something?"

"The FBI doesn't think so.? There haven't been any demands.? It's like he just...disappeared from the face of the Earth or something."? She was feeling strangely numb.? She knew she should feel guilty or worried or scared or something, but in truth, she felt nothing.? Perhaps it was just shock.? Maybe once it settled in, she'd feel panicked and worried.? Maybe she'd even cry over it.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:53 EST
"I'm sorry," he said softly.? He wanted to wrap his arms around her, hold her against him and offer whatever comfort he could.? His fingers twitched.? He held still.? "Are you going to go back to Earth?"

She shook her head slowly.? "They told me that I had to stay here.? My mother's all alone..."? Now the tears began to fall.? Not because of her father but because her mother was alone and probably terrified.

His hand lifted of its accord, reaching out to pat her shoulder.? "How can they keep you apart now?? It's cruel."

"They're worried about me being taken, too," she said, her voice thick with tears.? She took a deep, shaky breath and wrestled for control of herself once more, though tears still slowly ran down her cheeks and dripped onto the dress she was wearing.

He sighed softly.? " there anything I can do?"? It seemed like a ridiculous question to ask, after everything that had happened, but he had to make sure she was all right.

"No, thanks," she said, shaking her head.? She stood up and gave Daniel a soft smile before turning to head towards the elevators again.

He watched her go, not moving from the couch.? It seemed terribly unfair?she was exiled on another world, with no friends or family, and now her father was missing, too. As Jenni was standing at the elevator, waiting for the doors to open, he suddenly jumped up and walked quickly towards her.? He would never be able to prove to her that he'd been telling the truth if they just stayed away from each other.? "Jenni," he called when he was about ten feet away.? "Wait."

The elevator doors slid open and she paused, turning a bit to look back at him.? Then she turned and cast a longing look at the elevator before moving away from it, allowing a couple who was waiting to step inside.? She shook her head in the negative when the man asked if she was going up.? "What is it?" she asked Daniel, moving away from the elevators to an out of the way corner.

Instead of going into a big song and dance, he decided to just dive right in.? "I swear to you that everything I said last night was completely true.? I can prove it, as well."? He lifted a hand imploringly.? "Allow me that, at least.? Please.? If you decide you want nothing to do with me afterwards, I won't bother you again."

She fixed him with a level look, weighing his words with his actions and finally nodded slowly.? "Fine.? Prove it then."? She didn't mean to sound so churlish and petulant, like a five year old after throwing a temper tantrum; her words just came out that way.

A relieved smile crossed his face when she agreed.? He glanced over his shoulder, saw that no one was paying them any particular interest and turned back to her.? His hand was still upraised and while it was in plain sight for her, it was blocked from casual view by his body.? He willed that hand to Shift.? Grey, white, and black fur poured from the wrist up towards the fingers like time-lapse photography, covering them in the space of a second.? He held his hand perfectly still, and kept his claws carefully sheathed, worried that the sight of them would scare her worse than the change was already likely to.? He didn't watch the Shift?it wasn't like he hadn't seen it before?instead keeping his eyes on her face, watching her reaction.

When the fur began growing, her eyes grew wide.? When fingers became blunted and pink pads replaced flesh, she took a stumbling step backwards, running into the wall opposite the elevator bank.? "Oh, my God," she said and pressed her curled fist to her chest.? She swallowed?the motion was obvious in her throat?and flicked a wide-eyed look at Daniel's face before her gaslight blue eyes moved back to his hand/paw.? She reached out, tentatively, her fingers stopping inches from his.

"Go ahead," he said softly.? "We like to be touched."? Her scent was a mix of fear and curiosity.? Almost equal parts of the two, which he considered a good sign.? That and her not running away screaming immediately.

Her fingers brushed his hand, the barest touch possible and an uncontrolled giggle escaped her mouth when she found the fur thick and warm.? Emboldened, she reached out further and stroked the top of the paw to where fur met human skin and back again.? "This is...? This is just unreal."

He smiled at her again, a soft, almost inaudible purr starting up deep in his chest.? "It's real, Jenni," he said, voice still soft.? "This is who I am."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:54 EST
She reclaimed her hand, let it fall loose to her side, and shook her head.? "You weren't lying to me the other night.? You were being honest.? And I...? Oh, wow," she said and flattened her back against the wall and slid down it, coming to a rest on her bottom with her thighs pressed against her chest.? "I was so mean to you."

He willed the hand to Shift back, the fur disappearing into skin without a trace, fingers resuming normal human proportions.? He reached that hand down to her, wondering if she would take it, after seeing the transformation.? "I wasn't lying," he confirmed.? "I wasn't lying about anything.? I'm not mad, Jenni.? I can understand how hard it is to accept, how different this place is from Earth.? I...had planned to tell you if it looked like we would...continue seeing each other, before we became intimate."? He gave a wry little smile.? "Things didn't exactly turn out that way.? I'm sorry."

She stood up and did take his hand, hesitantly slipping her fingers through his, before she took another step forward, closer to him, a foot or less separating them now.? She tilted her head up and smiled softly at him.? The look was somehow happy and contrite at the same time.? "I'm sorry, too," she said in a soft voice before lowering her gaze once more.? "I was a jackass."? A little giggle.? "Or a jenny, if you prefer."

He chuckled.? "You look nothing like a donkey, male or female, believe me.? He lifted their joined hands, glad she'd taken his.? She wasn't afraid to touch him now, knowing what he was.? He rubbed his cheek against the back of her hand lightly, still purring softly.? "I should have Shifted for you that night.? I was just afraid it would scare you away."

"It probably would have," she admitted softly, taking a step forward, pressing her body against his in a familiar way.? "I kinda wish you would have done so, though.? We could have skipped the past week or so of not speaking."

The gentle purr grew in volume when she moved up against him.? "I wish I had, as well.? I would like to make it up to you this evening.? If the whole situation isn't too strange for you, of course."? He hesitated for a second, then added, "I'll understand if it is."

She laughed and shook her head.? "No, it's not too strange.? You get furry once a month.? I get moody.? It all works out in the end, right?"

He grinned, nodding.? "I can get furry whenever I want, but yes, it works out.? He lowered his hand, keeping hold of hers.? "You know what?? Screw this evening.? Would you like to do something with me right now?"

"Can you get away?"? She looked up at him once more, her free hand raising to come to rest above his heart, where the dueling vibrations of heart-beat and that intoxicating purr fought for her attentions. "Do you know what day it is today?" she asked suddenly, out of the blue.

"Yes, they can manage without me for an afternoon.? And if not, well, I have a phone."? He leaned lightly into her hand, enjoying the contact.? "Ah, it's Wednesday," he said.? "July the fourth."? Then he grinned.? "Oh...the fourth of July.? An important day for Americans."

"Yes.? If I were back home, in Seattle, I mean, my parents and I would be out on our dock, watching the fireworks above the water, eating grilled salmon, and potatoes, and green beans.? My mother would have made wild berry cobbler for dessert, and later, my father and I would go for a sail around the harbor."? She sighed unhappily.

"Well," he said. "I don't have a boat, but I do have a lake.? If you would like to come see it, I will cook you grilled salmon, potatoes and green beans.? With a wild berry cobbler for dessert.? And perhaps a walk in the forest might be an acceptable substitute for a sail around the harbor?"

She smiled shyly and nodded.? "Yes, that sounds wonderful.? Thank you, Daniel."? She stood on tip-toe and kissed his cheek softly, almost shyly.

He smiled, then nodded.? "Good.? Let me go tell the staff I'll be gone for the rest of the day.? I shouldn't be a moment."?

She nodded and went to wait by the revolving door at the front of the lobby.? She wondered what Daniel's cabin might look like, if he'd let her help in the kitchen, what kind of music he cooked to, if he read or watched TV when he wasn't working...

Less than ten minutes later, he joined her at the door.? "Ready?" he asked.? "Do you need anything from your room?"

She shook her head; she had her bag and a light sweater with her already.? "I've got everything I need.? Is it far, your house?"

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:56 EST
He nodded.? "It's a bit far.? Probably half an hour, forty-five minutes on foot.? We can take the train, though, if you like.? That would cut the walking down to perhaps ten minutes."

"I love the train," she said as they proceeded outside.? "It reminds me of the monorail back home."

"It is a very recent addition to RhyDin," he replied.? "Only a few months.? I haven't been on it much?I like to walk, or sometimes run, but I hear it's quite nice."? He took her hand in his and crossed the street to the Imperial Grand Station.? "Convenient, isn't it?? Having a station directly across from us.? It helps business immensely."

"I'll bet."? She was quiet for a moment and then said in a soft voice, "This was kind of you, you know.? Inviting me over, I mean."

"I know what it's like to be alone in an unfamiliar place," he said, looking over at her.? Then he shot her a little wink.? "It's not entirely selfless, you know.? I really do enjoy your company.? And I'd like the chance to get to know you better."? Which might have sounded a bit silly, considering they'd already slept together, but it was true.

She gave him a soft smile and once the train came, settled down very close to him, her side pressed tightly against his.? She was quiet during the ride to New Haven, attention mostly on the sights of the city as they drove through it, though she couldn't help but be aware of Daniel's closeness and the warmth of his body.

He slipped his arm comfortably around her shoulders as they rode, letting the silence stand for the most part.? It didn't feel awkward at all.? He did point out a landmark or two as they passed, continuing his attempts to familiarize her with the city.? She felt very good against him.? She was even smaller than Lelah, more than half a foot shorter than him.? She looked like a porcelain doll, pale and fragile?though he knew she wasn't actually fragile. Their night together had proven that.? When they reached the New Haven station he led her off the train and down the road that would eventually meet the path which lead to his cabin.

She gasped once they entered the cool, shadey woods.? "Oh, Daniel," she said, turning circles as they walked.? "This looks so much like where I lived when I was still at my parents' house."

He smiled.? "I'm glad you like it.? I've become rather fond of it myself."?

When the clearing in which his little cabin stood became visible between a break in the trees, Jenni let loose a little happy squeal and bounded forward, running full-out across the lawn to the boat dock and pounded down it, halting just at the edge.? "Oh, this is wonderful!" she called out to him over her shoulder.? "Do you know how to sail?? You need a boat on this water.? It looks smooth as glass!"

He laughed as he followed her, his feet making not the slightest whisper even when he crossed the wooden dock.? "No," he said when he reached her.? "I'm afraid my experiences with water are fairly minimal."? He gave her a little grin, glad he'd shared his nature with her.? "Cats and water, you know."

She nodded and turned back to look out over the water.? "Well, you need a boat.? I'll teach you to sail, if you want.? Otherwise, I'll just be your captain."? She grinned and turned around, looking over the little house for the first time.? "Oh, it's lovely," she said, eyes sweeping the lines of the roof, the wrap-around porch, the little dormer windows on the second floor.? "It reminds me of a little Swiss chalet."

He'd been on boats before?it was occasionally unavoidable, but had never quite gotten comfortable with them.? Still, he didn't want to say no to her.? "Perhaps I'll look into a boat, then," he said.? He went up the stairs to the door and unlocked it, gesturing over the threshold.? "Would you like to see the inside?"

She nodded, and moved inside.? Her initial impression of the kitchen was that it was extremely tidy.? The counters and sink and floor were clean, no stray utensils had been left out on the counters, and there was even a milk jug full of flowers sitting on the windowsill next to a few pots of herbs.? "Are you sure you live here alone?? There's no woman still here?"? Her tone was light and teasing.

He forced a little chuckle, shaking his head and trying hard not to think about the times he and Lelah had spent in here together.? Their shared passion for cooking had been a joy to him?and her, too.? "Just me," answered.? He thought his voice hid his thoughts fairly well.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-09 23:43 EST
"It's beautiful."? She pointed to the archway.? "What's in there?? The living area?"

He nodded and walked through the arch with her.? The living room was lit well enough by the afternoon sun that he didn't bother turning on a lamp.? The fireplace was unlit, of course?it was the middle of summer.? He nodded to the sofa.? "Make yourself comfortable.? Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure.? Whatever you're having," she said and moved around the room to settle on the couch.? "You had a decorator?? This is a wonderful room.? Such warm colors and the Mid-Century pieces look authentic."

He paused in the archway.? "Lelah made most of the decorating choices," he said quietly.? This time, there was no hiding the pain in his voice.? "It was before she moved in with me, but we were already together when I bought the cabin.? Everything's authentic?she didn't believe in imitations."

"Oh," she said softly and turned to give him a sad smile.? "I'm sorry to bring up bad memories.? If you ever want to redecorate, make the space more you and less...painful...I'd be glad to help."

"It's all right," he said.? "Thank you, though.? I've grown used to how it looks, but...perhaps a change wouldn't be a bad idea."? He went to the fridge and took out a pitcher of chai he'd made the night before, pouring two glasses full.? He put the pitcher back in the fridge, then carried the glasses out to the living room, handing one to her.

"Thanks," she said taking the glass from him and settling back.? She slipped off her sandals and studied her pedicure for a moment before showing it off for Daniel.? Her nails were red and there were little white and blue fireworks bursting on them.? "Lai in the spa did these for me yesterday.? She said she was experimenting and gave me the pedi for free.? That would never have happened back home.? People are far more generous here."

He nodded in agreement.? "Often, yes.? They're very cute.? Your nails, I mean."? He settled onto the couch next to her and took a sip of his chai, watching her.

She continued her study of the room, nothing the lack of television, but the presence of a radio.? She approved of this.? And of the chai once she took a sip.? "Oh, this is good.? You made it?"

"Yes," he answered.? "Authentic chai.? I thought you'd like it.? What do you think of the cabin?"?

"It's cute.?, I think."? She smiled and then glanced over her shoulder to the staircase that led up.? "Bath and bedrooms up there?"

Cute, was it?? He grinned.? "That's right.? I'll show you them later, if you want."

"I'd like that," she said softly, coyly.? She'd like that very much indeed.? "Can I help in the kitchen?? I'm not really a chef, but I'm good at chopping and fetching and carrying."

Her answer sent a pleasant tingle through him, and he found that he was definitely looking forward to it, as well.? "I would love your help.? I've always found that cooking is much better with two people involved.? Rather like sex."

"But more than that and it's too many?" she asked with a naughty little giggle.

He gave her a smoldering glance, and slowly shook his head.? "I wouldn't say that..."? It never occured to him to keep that to himself.

Her brows crawled up her brow in shocked surprise.? "You've...? How many?"

"I have an entire kitchen staff," he said, intentionally misinterpreting her question, smirking.?

She gave him a disgusted look and shook her head, but was unable to keep the tiny giggle back.? "Fine.? Keep your secrets.? At least you don't kiss and tell."

"That depends upon whom I'm telling.? And whom I'm kissing."

Jenni?s mouth hitched in a little smirk and she let the subject go?for now. She noticed a photograph on the mantel, a group of four very attractive dark-haired people. She stood and went over to look at it. The women were beautiful, both exotic looking. One had an Asian cast to her features, like the man with his lips pressed to her temple. The other woman was Middle Eastern. Daniel was in the photograph, with his arm around her. Jenni assumed these were David, Riley, and the infamous Lelah. "Are they like you?? Your friends? Lelah, too?"

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-09 23:44 EST
"Like me?? Lycans, you mean?"

"Yes.? Lycans."

"One of them is.? Lelah is not.? She's as human as you."

"And she knew?? About you...and the other?"

"Oh yes.? I showed her, very much like I showed you.? She thought it fascinating."? He took another sip of his chai, eyes moving over her face and those amazingly blue eyes.

Jenni nodded slowly, her face thoughtful again.? Well, if an actress was comfortable with Daniel's dual nature, Jenni certainly could be, too.? She wasn't about to let some Hollywood starlet best her.? "What's it like?? Changing?? What do you do on the full moons?" She returned to her spot on the couch next to him.

"It's like nothing else at all.? You see the world in an entirely new light.? And hear it, and smell it.? Everything comes alive in a way no human can experience."? He paused, trying to think of how he could explain it to someone who didn't even have the frame of reference to start from.? "On full moons, I usually hunt."

"Hunt?"? A tiny thrill of fear colored the pheromones she?d felt since he?d first mentioned sex , muting the bright, brassy smell of her desire.? "What do you hunt?"

"Deer, mostly.? Sometimes rabbits."

"Oh.? Oh, good," she said with a rush of relief.? She had the presence of mind to blush a bit and look away, realizing that she was thinking he hunted human beings, like a movie monster.

"I don't eat people," he said softly.? "Well...unless they ask me to."

She blushed even more startling red at his double entredre and bit her lower lip.? "I've never done this before," she said.? "Been so...openly sexual with someone.? Especially someone I've just met.? Scott, my boyfriend, and I dated for a month before I even let him kiss me."

"The one who was only using you for your dad's money?"

She nodded.? Yes, that's the one.? It was closer to two months before we went to bed together.? It was my first time."

"Was he considerate?"? He wondered how long ago this had taken place.? She didn't seem like she'd been with many men before, yet she hadn't hesitated long before taking him to her bed.

"Yes.? He was...well, until I was with you, I didn't have a point of comparison.? But he was good.? He gave me pleasure, taught me a few things."? She suddenly became bashful and turned away, unable to hold his gaze any longer.

He nodded.? "I'm glad your first time went well...even if the relationship itself didn't."? He reached over, laying his hand on her knee and giving it a little squeeze.? "Your shyness is very appealing, Jenni."

She laughed self-consciously.? "I've struggled with it forever, you know.? It used to drive my father crazy.? He'd get so mad at me."? She covered his hand with her own and squeezed it.? "Mother told me it would attract boys to me, that I could use it to gain their attention.? But then once I had it, I didn't know what to do with it."? She shrugged a little.? "I don't do small talk very well."

"You keep saying that, and yet we continue to have interesting conversations."? He smiled.? "Your mother was right, though. It does attract me."

"Because I'm like prey?"? The question was asked softly and another bubble of fear burst between them.

"That's part of it," he said, nodding in agreement.? "But please don't think I would hurt you.? I am Alpha.? I control the Beast, not the other way around.? You have nothing to fear from me, Jenni."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-09 23:45 EST
She gave him a shy smile and nodded.? "I know.? I don't know how I know, but I do."? She finished off her chai and then leaned forward to set the glass down on the table in front of them.? "Are you hungry?? I'm starving.? Will there be fireworks tonight?"

"I'm nearly always hungry," he admitted.? "We Lycans have a very fast metabolism.? Shall we start cooking?"? He stood, reaching out for her hand.? "There will probably be fireworks.? There are enough people from one American or another here in the city that someone usually puts on a show."

She stood and slipped her hand into his.? "'One America or another'?? There's more than one America?"

"Oh, yes.? This city is built around a Nexus of dimensions...there are over a hundred alternate universes connected to it, and there's an Earth and an America in each one.? My friend Riley is from the same Earth as I am, but her husband David is not.? I can tell you're not from our Earth, too, because you didn't know about Lycans.? You could be from David's, or one of the many others."

"Wow," she said quietly and followed him into the kitchen obediently.? "That's crazy to think about.? Are there mes and yous in each of these other universes?"

" appears there's a version of all us in each one."? He went to fridge and freezer, began pulling out ingredients for their dinner.

"I wonder if that Jenni is happy," she said musingly, watching him pull out fish, potatoes, and green beans.? "Hey, those look fresh," she said, pointing to the vegetables.? "Do you have a garden?"

"I do," he said, nodding out the window.? "I planted it for Lelah?she'd always wanted to have a garden.? Then we realized how nice it was to have fresh vegetables and herbs on hand all the time, and it kind of expanded.? Feel like cutting potatoes?"? He was silent for a moment, then, "I've sometimes wondered about the other versions of me.? What their lives have been like.? Very little like mine, I hope."

She nodded and found a chef's knife and began quartering the potatoes.? "Me, too.? I hope her father isn't rich.? I hope her mother isn't...Well, I just hope that her life is nothing at all like mine."

"Yeah...I know what you mean.? Be right back."? He went outside to put some cedar planks into a bucket of water to soak, then came back inside and went to work on the salmon, filleting it and rubbing it with a mixture of oil, garlic, dill, salt, pepper and lemon zest.? When he'd finished, he put the fish back in the fridge to wait for the planks to be ready.

She finished the potatoes and then moved onto the green beans.? Having something constructive to do with her hands helped her feel less self-conscious around Daniel.? He'd seen her naked; they'd done things together and to each other that she'd never done before.? It made her feel more than a little awkward.? And of course, there was also the fact that she desperately wanted to see him naked again and repeat those things that made her blush to the roots of her hair.

It was a bit distracting to be breathing in the mingled scents of desire and shyness, arousal and embarrassment.? More than a bit, in fact.? He was becoming decidedly turned on as time passed.? He excused himself to go start up a fire in the grill, leaving the kitchen with some reluctance.? He knew that if he'd stayed much longer, though, they would've ended up having to postpone dinner...

Once the veggies were taken care of, she cleaned off the knife and counter where she'd been working and then went to sit down at the little round country table at the opposite end of the kitchen.? She watched Daniel working outside with a small smile.? Idly, she wondered how long dinner would take...

When the fire was going, he came back inside.? He was immediately struck by how good she looked sitting at the little table.? Like she belonged there.? He froze for a second before saying, "It'll probably be half an hour at least until the fire and the planks are ready.? We can just put everything back in the fridge until then."

"Okay," she said, shyly tucking a hank of raven's wing hair behind her ear as she rose from the table to help put vegetables away into the fridge.? She was acutely conscious of his nearness, of the earthy scent he brought in with him?the smell of the water and the pine trees that surrounded the house, the scent of the dirt and the grass.? She made a show of sniffing him, her delicate nostrils flaring as she grinned.

His head turned curiously when she sniffed him, and his brows went up.? "I don't believe a human has ever done that before," he said softly.? He leaned in, inhaling the honeysuckle and rose perfume she wore, along with the smell of freshly-cut veggies and herbs...and under it all, growing stronger all the time, her lust for him.? Leopard snarled in his head, urging him to take the female now.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-09 23:47 EST
She laughed softly.? "I'm sure we're all just intimidated by your sniffing prowess.? What do you smell on me?"

"Honeysuckle and roses.? Vegetables, butter, honey, herbs, lemon.? Self-consciousness, a little embarrassment, anticipation, and a large dose of sexual excitement."

"You can smell my emotions?"? She was stunned by this revelation.? "Every one of my emotions?"

"Yes...I can."? He knew some people?a lot of people, in fact, got worried when they realized that they could hide virtually nothing from an Alpha Lycan.? Would she react that way?

"Must make it hard to have secrets, huh?"? She moved a step closer to him and reached out to lay her hand gently along his forearm, just above the jagged scar that so intrigued her.? "And people could never lie to you either.? That would come in handy."

"It has, many times."? He looked down at her hand on his arm.? Milk on mahogany.? The muscles of his forearm flexed slightly under fingers.? "It also scares a lot of people."

She nodded and ran her hand lightly further up his arm, fingers curled loosely around it, feeling the firm, sculpted muscles beneath his skin.? "People with things to hide."

"In my experience, everyone has something they want to hide," he said softly.? Everywhere her hand lingered, the muscles tensed, just a little.

Her hand moved up to his shoulder, slid along to where his neck began and then she walked her fingers up the side and into his hair, curling it between and around.? "Do you have something to hide?"

He tilted his head to the side a little and began to purr as she touched him, his hands taking hold of her waist.? "Perhaps not so much hide as wish I could forget...," he murmured.

"I can help you forget," she whispered and pulled him closer, raising her lips to his and kissing him gently.? With her body pressed so tightly against his, she was acutely aware of him, the length and the girth, even though it hadn't yet reached its full potential.? Just the thought of it when it was fully engorged made her blood run like fire and she could feel warm wetness between her legs.

Perhaps she could, at that.? He slid his arms around her, one hand pressing into the small of her back while the other sank lower, finding her firm little rear.? The kiss started out soft, but was rapidly growing...and it wasn't the only thing growing.? His pants were becoming distinctly tight.

Without any sort of input from her brain, her hips began rocking back and forth, grinding her pelvis against his in a distinct impression of what might be coming once their clothes were off and they were on a horizontal surface. "Jenni..."? The word was half-moaned, half-growled.? He pulled her hard against him and sucked her lower lip into his mouth, biting gently down on it.? Leopard was growling in his mind, urging him on.? There was an empty table right next to the two of them, it would do just fine...


? Once they'd both recovered, she rose up on her elbows and smiled shyly.? "Can I ask you something?"? Her voice was raw and slightly hoarse from screaming and crying out.

"Of course," he said, breathing back to normal now.? Quick recovery was something Lycans excelled at.? He reached down and lifted her off the table, holding her in his arms like a child.? She was small enough to make it easy, even without his supernatural strength.

She giggled softly and wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggling her face against his shoulder.? "Why do you do that?? Pull out, I mean.? Not that I mind it.? It's really hot to see, but I just wonder."

Too say he was surprised by her question would be an understatement.? Gobsmacked came closer.? "Ah...because you're human," he answered after a long moment of shock.? "And I'm not wearing any protection."

"Oh.? Well, I'm on the Pill. Of course you couldn?t have known that," she said and then raised her head to look him in the eye.? "What does my being human have to do with it?"? She hoped he was carrying her up to the bathroom so she could clean up before dinner.

He was, now that he'd recovered from the surprise of her question.? He went to the stairs, walking slowly up them, carrying her without any discernible effort, not even a strain in his voice.? "You're on the...I see.?'s better to err on the side of caution, is it not?"? He went on to answer her question.? "Lycans are compatible with humans?in fact, it's how virtually all born Lycans come to be.? Two Lycans can almost never have children.? The fetus can't survive a mother's Shifts.? That also means a female Lycan can rarely have children by a male human.? But a male Lycan can impregnate a female human just about as easily as a male human can."? He set her down gently outside his bathroom door as he finished talking.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-09 23:49 EST
"I see.? So...if we, you know, ever got married and had babies, they'd be Lycans?"

"The chances are about fifty-fifty that the child would carry the lycanthropy virus," he said.? "The more children a Lycan has, the more likely one of them at least will be a Lycan as well."

"Hmmm," she said thoughtfully and went into the little bath, once more impressed with how neat and tidy everything was.? She cleaned up, straightened her clothing, and went back out into the hall.? There were two closed doors on either end.? "Which is your bedroom?"

"The one on the left," he said.? "The right is a small guest bedroom slash office."? He went to the door on the left and opened it for her to go inside.

She went inside and looked around, finding the room tasteful and quite masculine.? The bed was inviting and she went and perched on the edge of it, bouncing up and down and making the springs creak a bit.? She grinned at him.

He grinned back at her.? "Comfortable?"

She nodded and leaned back a bit, reaching to undo the belt at her waist and then behind her back to unzip her dress.? Then she stood and let the garment slip to the floor, leaving her in just red lace panties and a matching bra.

His eyes devoured her body, amazed at the contrast between her pale skin and the red undergarments.? He grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it aside.? He went to her, then, taking her in his arms and kissing her softly.

She chuckled softly against his mouth and gently pushed him away, taking a few steps backwards in the process.? "After dinner," she said firmly.

He raised a brow at her.? "Planning on dining in your underthings?"

She nodded slowly.? "Don't you?" she asked with a wicked little smile.

His smile matched hers.? "I usually eat naked."

"Oh really?"? She raised a brow and then reached behind her back once more to undo the hook and eye fastening of her bra.? Then she shrugged it off, where it joined her dress on the floor at their feet.

He nodded, eyes travelling over the milky slopes of her breasts.? He unfastened his pants and stepped out of them, leaving only a pair of boxers. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and then drew them down her legs, stepping out of them and gently kicked them away onto the growing pile.

He followed suit, stripping off the boxers and standing naked before her.? "This will be an interesting meal," he murmured.?

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-10 19:38 EST
"It should be a very interesting meal," she said before sliding past him and heading downstairs to the kitchen.? "You don't have close neighbors, do you?? I'm not going to have to worry about someone glancing through the window and seeing my bits on display, am I?"

He chuckled softly.? "My nearest neighbours are more than half a mile away, don't worry."? He went down the steps behind her, greatly enjoying the view of her rear.? "There's no one to glance in the windows except forest creatures?and most of them don't come near the cabin.? Your bits are for my eyes only."? And he was smiling about that, yes indeed.

She chuckled softly.? "As are yours."? She took a moment to lower her gaze and give his most interesting bit a good, long look before she winked at him.? "So what can I do?"

His eyes narrowed just a bit, seeming to darken.? "I can think of a few things," he said softly, lasciviously.

She waggled her finger at him and shook her head.? "Not until after dinner. You might have super human stamina, but I'm just a mere mortal.? I need food."

"Shake your finger some more," he replied, watching the way her breasts shook.? He was a little bit incorrigible, it seemed. She tilted her head to the side and planted her fists against her hips, giving him a level look. "I'm standing in my kitchen naked, with a beautiful woman?also naked?in front of me," he pointed out.? "What do you expect?"

Her brows rose.? "Self-control?"? One corner of her mouth tugged up in a little smirk.? "I'm hungry," she whined and went to the fridge.

He sighed dramatically, then laughed.? "Very well, I shall restrain myself.? "Would you like to grill the fish, or work on the potatoes and green beans?"

"I think I'll let you be near fire while naked," she said and pulled out the veggies to prepare them.

"Smart girl," he answered, reaching over her shoulder?making sure to press his body up against hers as he did so?and pulling out the fish.

She made a tiny noise and pressed back against him, a shiver making the hairs along her spine stand straight up.? "Quit that," she said and playfully smacked at his arm.

He just grinned in reply, pleased by her reaction to his touch.? He was amazed by how responsive she was to him, and found himself thinking back to when he'd first met Lelah, if she'd been like that, too.? He walked outside to the grill and set the plate of fish down on the little platform on the side of it, then went to pull the planks out of the water.? They were nicely soaked, so he put them onto the grill and closed the lid.

Meanwhile, Jenni was fixing the potatoes, drizzling honey, mustard, and a bit of butter over them, before putting them in the oven to roast while the fish was grilling.? Once that was done, she moved onto the green beans, cooking them with onion, celery, and green peppers before putting parsley, fresh-squeezed lemon juice and a touch of salt and black pepper over them.

After a few minutes, the wood began to smoke?the signal he was waiting for.? He put the salmon on the hot plank and shifted it off the direct heat, then closed the lid again and went back inside.? "Fish is on," he said.? "It'll be probably twenty minutes until it's done."

"Good.? That works out well, then.? That's probably how long everything else will take, too."? She was sitting at the kitchen table again, a pitcher of something red with chunks of fruit floating in it next to two glasses.? "Want some?"

"Sangria?" he asked, taking in the scent of red wine and several fruits, including cherries, apples, and oranges, plus some mint.? "Yes, thank you. I haven't had sangria in quite a while."

She poured him a glassful and held it out.? "I hope you don't mind.? You had this beautiful wine and fruit.? I was worried it'd go to waste otherwise."

"Not at all," he said, smiling.? "As the Spanish say, 'Mi casa es su casa."? He took the glass and sat down next to her at the table.

She sipped her wine and enjoyed the silence for a moment before asking, "Do you want to play another game like Two Truths? It?s called I Never."

"Sure.? That was fun.? What did you have in mind?"? He took a drink of the sangria and nodded slightly, approving.? He wasn't a big alcohol drinker?it had always seemed a little pointless when it was nearly impossible for a Lycan to get drunk.? This, however, tasted quite good.

"You say something like, 'I never kissed a boy'.? And if you have done that, you take a drink.? Do you see?"

"You take the drink if you're lying about what you've just said?"

She nodded.? "So, since I've kissed a boy, I'd drink.? And if you've kissed a boy, you'd drink, too."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-10 19:42 EST
"Ah, I see.? We both respond to the question, regardless of who asks it."? He nodded.? "I understand."

"Yes.? So, I'll go first since it was my idea."? She flashed a grin at him.? "I've never kissed a boy."? She took a long pull at her wine and winked at him across the rim of the glass.

He chuckled softly and raised his glass, taking a small sip.? "And now I go?"

She blinked in surprise and nodded.? "Yeah.? Your turn.? But have to explain first."

"I do, do I?"? He grinned.? "Is that part of the game, or are you adding extras?"

"I'm adding extras.? C'mon.? Spill it."

"Not so fast," he said, his grin spreading even wider.? "You'll have to give me something extra, if you want something extra."

Her eyes narrowed a little.? "Such as what?"

"How about a kiss?"

She leaned over the table and kissed his cheek softly before taking her seat once more.? "There.? Your turn.? I want details."

"I mentioned to you that I spent several years in the States," he began.? "Much of it was in California, before I ever came to RhyDin.?? I made friends with a fairly wild bunch of surfer guys and girls, and we used to spend nearly every night on the beach with a big bonfire.? This, of course, generally lead to quite a bit of snogging.? There, ah, wasn't really any shortage of women interested in me." He gave her a little grin.? "As it turned out, there was a guy rather interested, too."

"Ooh.? Snogging."? She frowned and paused for a moment.? "Is that kissing?"

He nodded.? "Yes, sorry.? English slang."

She nodded in understanding.? "And was that all there was?? Just kissing?"

"In general?"

"No, silly.? With you and this guy."

"Yes, just kissing.? I'm not often attracted to men, to be honest."

She nodded, picking up on the 'often' qualifier of his sentence.? "Your turn," she said, filing that little tid-bit away for future reference.

He took another drink of the sangria before speaking.? "I've never had a car."? He set the glass down.

She stared at him for a moment.? "By 'had', do you mean owned?"

"Well, yes.? What else could I mean?"

She shrugged and took a drink.? "I didn't know.? You English people talk funny."? She winked at him.

He snickered softly.? "It's you Yanks who talk funny.? We Brits speak English as it ought to be."

"Yeah, yeah.? Okay.? I've never..."? She made a thoughtful face for a moment, lips pursed and slightly off-kilter. "I've never played strip poker."? Her glass remained on the table. He didn't touch his glass, either. "I'm surprised,"?she said before she stood up and moved over the oven to check on the food.? "I think these are almost done.? Maybe five more minutes."

He chuckled softly at her surprise, and nodded.? "Good. I'm hungry."? Then he took his turn.? "I've never played Strip Monopoly."? This time, he picked up the glass and drained half of it.

Since her glass was still over on the side of the room, she left it there.? "Strip monopoly?? How does that work?"

"You start out playing it just as you would any game of Monopoly.? When it gets to the point where someone has a debt they cannot afford, however, they surrender an article of clothing to pay it off."

"That sounds like it could be fun.? I'm actually pretty good at Monopoly.? We should play sometime."

"Absolutely.? It's much better in larger groups, though."? He grinned at her.? "Your turn."

"I've never done any illegal drugs."? She did not drink.

He didn't, either.? "Most of them are ineffective on Lycans," he said, volunteering details this time.

"So there wasn't any point," she said, nodding.? "Kinda handy, this Lycan thing."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-12 00:47 EST
"I've always thought so," he replied.? "I honestly can't imagine being any other way, though."

She nodded slowly, thoughtfully, and then the timer on the stove went off.? "Oh!? I'll bet it's done now."? She rose and went to check on the potatoes and beans, finding them perfectly cooked.? "Yep.? They're done.? Think the fish is yet?? I'm starving."

"I'll go check," he said, standing and going out to the yard.? It certainly smelled delicious.? He opened the grill lid and peered in at the salmon, then gently prodded it with a finger.? Yup, done.? The poke test never lied.? He carefully slid the fish onto the plate and carried it back inside.? "It's done," he said as he came through the door.

"Yay!"? She carried the vegetables over to the table and served Danny a generous amount before taking less than a third of what she'd given him.? "It smells divine," she commented.

He shook his head at the tiny amount she'd given herself.? "How can you survive on so little?"

She shrugged a little.? "I'm a tiny person, Daniel.? It's not like I need a lot of energy to sustain me."? She served him some fish, then herself, and waited for him to dig in before trying a bit of everything as well.

"Like a little bird," he said, ignoring the fact that birds ate a tremendous amount of food compared to their weight.? He smiled at her.? "A little sparrow."? He nodded?it fit her well.? The fish tasted every bit as good as it smelled, and the veggies were perfect.

"Little Sparrow," she repeated and then grinned.? "I like that.? I do tend to draw a lot of birds," she said around a mouthful of salmon.? "Oh, wow.? This is great.? We did a good job with dinner tonight.? Better than anything I would have had in Seattle."

"I've always held the belief that food cooked in good company tastes better than food you make alone."? He ate some more fish, nodding happily.

"That has certainly proved true tonight."? They spent the rest of the meal chit-chatting about nothing of great consequence and by the end of the meal, Jenni had completely forgotten she was sitting naked in the kitchen of a man she'd only known for a week.? After they'd eaten everything on the table, she helped Daniel clean up and washed dishes so he could dry and put them away.? Once the kitchen was as spotless as it had been before they'd begun cooking, she leaned against the counter and glanced out the windows that overlooked the lake.? "How long until dark?"

It was nice having someone else helping in the kitchen, even if it felt slightly strange for it not to be Lelah.? "Not long," he replied, walking over to her and leaning up against her back.? "Maybe an hour."

She arched her back a bit, aware of his state of undress and a certain element of his anatomy that was pressed rather deliciously against her rear.? "Oh, really?? Well, that's enough time, don't you think?"

"Enough time for what?" he purred softly, rubbing lightly against that firm little rear.? He dipped his head, inhaling the scent of her hair, warm lips brushing against the back of her neck.?

She pushed back against him, wriggled her bottom over his growing proof of interest.? "To pick up where we left off," she breathed.

A few minutes later, to his surprise, Jenni pulled away from him. The surprise quickly turned to delight when she lead him outside, wanting to continue in the yard. The sun was setting, and the red-orange light limned her body with fiery accents. He exhaled softly, the sight literally taking his breath away. He followed her down to the lush grass...

Somewhat later...

He didn't want to pull away from her, break the connection between their bodies.? It felt too good.? He nibbled gently on her lip, moving his hips very slowly back and forth. She reluctantly pulled away from him, the position he'd arranged her in wasn't comfortable for someone with human musculature.? "I'm sorry," she said softly.? "I don't think I'm supposed to bend that way."? She gave him a tiny crooked grin and moved to climb to her feet.

He affected a disappointed sigh, then grinned and reached out to stop her from standing, instead pulling her onto his lap, stretching his legs out underneath her.? Arms around her waist, he rubbed his cheek against hers and softly began to purr.? "Better?"

"Much," she said, folding her hands over his and snuggling back against him.? He'd positioned them so they were facing the water and the slowly setting sun.? "It's beautiful here, Daniel.? You're very lucky to have this place."

"I know," he replied.? "I've lived in many places, some lovely, some not so much, but this is one of the best."? He pressed his face into her hair, breathing in the scent of her.? "I'm close enough to the city, but far enough that I don't have to see it."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-12 00:48 EST
She was silent for a moment and then said softly, "How did your friend become a Lycan?? Was he or she born that way, like you?"

"She," he said.? "It's Riley.? She wasn't born a Lycan.? She survived an attack."

"An attack?? Like in the movies?"

"Yes...much like that."? He paused for a second, then added, "There are different...levels, for lack of a better word...of Lycans.? Alphas, Betas, Omegas, we call them."

"You said you're an Alpha," she recalled.? "That must mean you're at the top of the heap, right?? Like in a wolf pack.? Only alpha males and females are allowed to breed and they always get the best parts of the kills, right?"

"It's not exactly the same, although top of the heap fits somewhat.? Although, for Werewolves, I suppose it is fairly accurate."? There was some measure of disgust in his voice when he said 'Werewolves'.? "The difference between Alphas, Betas and Omegas isn't just societal, though.? It's physical, too."

"Bigger, stronger, faster?" she asked, settling back even more, tipping her head back and to the side so it rested against his collarbone and the side of her face was pressed gently against the side of his neck.

His brows lifted.? "Yes, in fact.? But there is another, even more important distinction.? We...Alphas...have control over the Change.? We can Shift individual parts of our body.? And we keep our minds when we're Shifted, even completely."

"You're human still?? When you're an animal?"

"I'm not human, Jenni," he said gently.? "I retain my intelligence when I Shift.? It's not exactly the same thing."

"Huh," she said thoughtfully.? "And what dictates what you are?? Luck of the draw?? Or are Lycans who are born always alphas?"

"Born Lycans are always Alpha, as far as I know.? It doesn't happen very often.? Only one in a thousand Lycans has the potential to be Alpha, and only a tiny fraction of those are born Lycan."

"What says someone can be an Alpha?"

"A mutation in the Lycanthropy virus.? It's unclear what causes the mutation, but some people think it has to do with genetics, that only a certain ancestry allows it."

Her brows rose.? "So if you're not the right kind of person, you can't be an alpha?? You're stuck as, what, a beta?"

He nodded.? "All Lycans start out as Omegas.? Well...all but born ones."? He frowned slightly, thinking that made him sound a little arrogant, like was something better than other Lycans.

"They do?? How do they progress or whatever?"

"Going from Omega to Beta is just a matter of time.? Survive as a Lycan long enough?usually about ten years, and you find yourself stronger, faster, tougher.? Not to mention a little more in control when Shifted, although the Moon still controls your Shift."

"Survival of the fittest.? Darwinism in action."? She was thoughtful and quiet for a long time, just as the sun finally set and plunged their little slice of heaven into darkness.? Frogs and cicadas began their nightly chorus, joined eventually by hoot owls and crickets.? A wolf howled, a big cat growled, and Jenni got the shivers, her skin breaking out into goose-flesh.

His head lifted at the sound of the big cat growling?if he'd been Shifted, his ears would have pricked.? "Cougar," he murmured softly.? His arms tightened around her suddenly shivering body.? "Nothing will happen to you," he said very softly.? "I won't let it."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-12 00:49 EST
She felt incredibly safe in his arms.? "A real one?"

He felt her relax, knew that she was content with his protection, and smiled, pleased.? "You mean, not a Lycan?"? He found it amusing that she considered that 'real.'? He shook his head slightly.? "Unlikely.? Probably another Lycan.? Or some other kind of Shifter.? There are many here in RhyDin."

"Of course.? This place is so full of oddities, it almost seems as if you have to be weird or unusual to make it here."? She shivered again and stood up.? "Let's go back inside.? I'm actually getting cold."

"We should be able to see fireworks soon," he said as he stood.? "Perhaps some clothes, and then back out?"

"Yes, that'd be wonderful."? She took his hand and headed inside, moving up the stairs and dressing quickly.? "Thank you for dinner," she said as she turned her back to him, waiting for him to zip up the back of her dress.? "It was really good."

"It was," he said, one hand gliding slowly down her back, caressing the soft skin before zipping her up.? "So was dessert," he added, leaning forward to kiss the back of her neck?right where he'd bitten.

More goose-flesh, though this was more a reaction to the kiss and less one of fright.? She chuckled and spun in his arms, looping her own around his shoulders and standing on tip-toe to press a kiss against his very warm lips.? "We should do it again.? Dinner, sex, cooking, talking.? Everything.? I really like spending time with you, Daniel.? I want to learn everything there is about you and what you are."

He smiled against her lips, returning the kiss.? "I like spending time with you, too.? Quite a bit.? You're very different from other women I've been around."? He held her body against his, nuzzling his cheek on hers.? After a moment had passed, he spoke again, voice low, perhaps a little tentative.? "You could stay here tonight...if you wanted."

She leaned back in his arms, startling blue eyes meeting his for a moment, a vulnerable look in their depths.? "Would you like me to?"

He nodded.? "I would."? Those eyes were so amazing...? He'd never seen such an intense shade of blue before.

She smiled and then kissed him softly.? "I'd love to stay, then.? I'll warn you, though, I'm a sprawler.? I tend to take up the entire bed."

He chuckled and took her hand, leading her back downstairs.? "That's all right.? We Lycans really like contact.? We feel safer, more relaxed when we're touched.? I will enjoy having you sprawl on me."

She laughed softly and took his hand once more, leading him back downstairs and outside.? "Where do you think the best spot to watch the fireworks is?? You have such a lovely porch, you know."

"We should be able to see them from the porch, if you'd like to sit there.? Shall we bring some drinks out?? Snacks, perhaps?"

"Drinks, sure.? No food for me, though.? I'm still stuffed from dinner."? She went immediately and settled down on the Kitty Bed, a long, low, cushion-covered bench that was large enough for a full-sized snow leopard to curl up and snooze.? "Oh, this is wonderful.? So comfy.? We should sleep here tonight.? I love sleeping outside."

He smiled softly at the sight of her on the Kitty Bed, though a little tinge of sadness shot through him as he thought of all the time he and Lelah has spent on it.? "I would love to sleep outside with you," he said.? "What kind of drink would you like?"

"Some more of that sangria, maybe?" she asked, completely unaware of the sad memories her pick to get comfy caused Daniel to feel.? "It was very good and should be very cold by now, too."

"Be right back, then."? He went inside to get it, glad of the moment to compose himself and try to stop thinking about Lelah.? She was gone, and she wasn't coming back.? He took the pitcher out of the fridge, grabbed a couple of glasses, and went back outside.? He settled down onto the Kitty Bed next to her, setting the drinks on the small table next to it.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-12 00:50 EST
Just as he settled down, a familiar whine could be heard and a flash of light rose straight up in the sky seconds before a brilliant burst of gold exploded in the sky above the lake.? "Oh!? Look at that!" Jenni exclaimed excitedly.? "This really is the perfect place to see them!"

"Nice and dark, and with no big buildings in the way," he said in agreement.? He curled up on the Kitty Bed, wrapping his body around her, looking up into the sky.

They sat quietly, watching the light show above the water and sipped sangria.? Jenni couldn't remember a happier, more peaceful day in her life, despite a constant low-grade worry over her father's disappearance. Daniel split his attention between the fireworks themselves and Jenni?watching her reaction to them.? He felt more relaxed than he had since Lelah had told him she wanted to go back to Earth.? It was very nice.? There was something about Jenni that calmed him?soothed the savage beast, as it were.

Finally the show in the sky reached its spectacular conclusion and when it was over, she clapped excitedly.? "Wow," she gushed, breathless and grinning from ear to ear.? "That was wonderful.? Some of the best I've seen."? She drained her sangria glass and noticed that the pitcher was empty as well.? "Guess it's bedtime now, huh?"

"It was indeed."? He shrugged slightly.? "Are you tired?? It's not as though we have a set bed time."? He chuckled softly.

"No, I'm not tired.? Are you?"

He shook his head.? "Not at all. One of the perks of being an Alpha Lycan.? Supernatural stamina."

"Lucky," she said before standing and collecting their glasses and pitcher to take them inside and wash them.? "Do you have blankets we can sleep under?? There's bound to be a breeze off the water later and unlike you, I get cold."

"Yes, of course."? He followed her inside.? "I spent plenty of nights out there with...well..."? He trailed off, suddenly reluctant to bring up Lelah to her.? What if she got tired of always hearing about this other woman?

"Oh," she said sadly.? "I'm sorry.? We don't have to sleep there.? We could sleep in your bed if you'd rather."? She finished washing the glassware and set it aside in the drainer to dry.

He gave her a little smile, shaking his head.? "You're sweet, Jenni.? Sleeping out there will be fine.? I...miss her, but I'm not going to let that rule everything I do.? Especially not with you here.? I'm enjoying spending time with you, and I won't let it be ruined by sad memories."

She nodded, but a thin thread of worry crept into her at his mention of his ex-fiancee.? Lelah was gorgeous and accomplished.? Jenni had done a little research and had discovered that the woman had won Oscars and Golden Globes and was one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood.? Jenni's claim to fame was that her daddy was rich.? There was no way she could compete with Lelah or even Lelah's memory.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-15 16:31 EST
A whiff of anxiety drifted from her as he talked about Lelah, and he suddenly realized that she had to be comparing herself to his ex-fianc?e, and feeling like she was coming up short.? He didn't want her to think that he was...measuring the two of them, making a list or something, of plusses and minuses.? He wasn't sure how he could tell her that, though.? He slid his arms around her, kissed her softly.? "I'm glad you're here," he murmured.

She melted against him for a moment and then nodded.? "Me, too," she said in a soft voice.? "Fetch the blankets and let's go to bed?? I want you to tell me a story before we go to sleep."?

"Bedtime stories, is it?"? He chuckled, nodding.? "All right.? I won't be a moment."? He let go of her and went back into the house to grab a couple of blankets and an extra pillow?just in case.? "Here we are," he said, coming back outside and laying the blankets down at one end of the Kitty Bed.

She stripped off her clothing before sliding onto the bed and arranging herself comfortably on her side with her back against the exterior of the house.? She reached out and patted the remainder of the bed.? "It's cold.? Hurry."

He had yet to put on any clothing since he'd taken it off originally, so he joined her immediately, pressing his warm body right up against hers and covering them both with one of the blankets.? "Do you think you'll need another?"

"Not with my own personal furnace lying next to me all night."? She grinned and slid closer to him, laying her head in the hollow of his shoulder and resting an arm across his stomach.

He chuckled again.? "Fast metabolism and high body heat?those are two hallmarks of Lycans.? She felt very good snuggled up to him like that, tiny and seemingly delicate as the little sparrow he'd named her.? He slid his arms around her and squeezed her softly.

She took a deep breath and as she exhaled, all the day's tension drained out of her muscles, leaving her perfectly relaxed and at peace.? "Tell me a story," she said softly.? "About your childhood."

"My childhood," he repeated in surprise.? "Ah...well, there's something you ought to know about that."

"Tell me."? Her eyes slipped closed and she shifted a bit, getting more comfortable and snuggling closer to his side.

He purred softly as she shifted against him, fingers stroking her back in a long, slow motion.? "Remember how I told you I was born a Lycan?? And that it was rare for such a thing to happen?" Her nod was a barely perceptible motion. "I also told you that the reason it's so rare is because the fetus can't survive a mother's Shifting.? So born Lycans can only happen if the mother resists Shifting for nine months?or stays Shifted the entire time."? He hesitated for a second, wondering how she would take what he was about to say.? After everything else, it didn't seem like it should matter so much, might.? It would seem very alien to her.? "My mother?my real mother?turned her back on humanity.? She Shifted one day and never went back.? I...was born a Leopard, Jenni.? I didn't even know I was a Lycan until I was a year old, when an avalanche led to my first, accidental Shift."

She went absolutely still for a long moment.? "So, wait," she said, shifting once more and propping herself up on her elbows so she could look down at him.? "You were like?fifteen or whatever the first time you were a person?"

She'd worked that out quickly.? He nodded.? "Yes.? I had no idea what had just happened to me.? I fell down the side of a cliff and was pinned, and then...everything changed.? I?was suddenly furless, and everything was shaped wrong, and the world was somehow muted.? But my paws had become these amazing instruments that could lift things off of me.? Only then I was still stuck, in a completely different way.? I didn't know how to go back to my normal self."

"And your mother?? She was still a leopard?"

"Oh yes.? Was and is.? She's forgotten how to be human."

"That must have been really scary for you," she said softly before settling down next to him again.? "What happened after you dug yourself out?"

He closed his eyes, remembering his confusion and terror.? "I crawled around in the snow, trying to understand why my legs weren't working like they always had.? I would probably have frozen to death?it can happen to Lycans, eventually?if a pair of tourists hadn't heard my wailing and found me.? You can imagine their shock at finding a naked fifteen-year-old boy in the snow, especially one who couldn't speak or understand anything they said."

"Were they your parents?? The professors?"

He nodded.? "Yes.? English, but born in India, visiting the national parks of their homeland.? They took me home with them, raised me...taught how to speak and act like a human."

"That's pretty amazing," she said softly as she closed her eyes once more.? "How did you ever remember how to shift back?"

"For a long time, I didn't.? I spent several more years living only as a human being.? It took another Lycan to show me who?and what?I truly was."

"But at the full moons?? Was it awful for you?"

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-15 16:32 EST
"More awful for my parents, I should think," he said with a wry smile.? "I was born Alpha, remember, so the moon doesn't control me.? But I still feel the pull, and back then I couldn't understand it.? I was restless and terribly hyperactive during the full moons."

"But they found someone to be your mentor?? How on Earth did they find him or her?? Lycans are just stories back home."

"He was a research assistant for my father, and he realized what I was.? My parents had no idea I was a Lycan, or that they existed.? Not then, at least.? On my Earth, though, Lycans and Vampires and many other supernature creatures are public knowledge now."

"They are?? No way.? How'd that happen?"

Now he laughed softly.? "A very, very old vampire decided to...come out of the coffin, as it were, and he had been fortunate enough to make an acquaintance with a certain lawyer who happened to be a Jaguar Lycan."

"And now everyone knows that vampires and Lycans are real?? And they're okay with it?"

"I wouldn't say 'okay', necessarily."? He lifted a hand unconsciously and touched the scar under his eye.? "There is a substantial?and very vocal?minority who believes we're all cursed spawn of the Devil."

"Well, so are the Muslims and Jews back home," she pointed out.? "Silly humans, being frightened of what they don't know and don't understand."

"You won't get an argument from me."? He smiled, impressed at how well she was taking it?and all the others over the course of the past few days.

She yawned hugely and snuggled closer.? "My life has been so boring compared to yours.? I have no interesting stories from my childhood."

"I can't believe that," he said, taking her in his arms again.? "There must have been some interesting times."

"Well, being stalked has been kind of interesting.? Like that Chinese saying?"? She chuckled softly and then shrugged.? "Learning to sail when I 10 was kinda fun.? Learning to paint and draw and sketch at the Sorbonne in Paris the summer I was 13 was fun, too."

"See?"? He grinned at her.? "No one as fascinating as you could have had such a boring life as you seem to think."

"Fascinating?? Me?"? She snorted and shook her head.? "No.? I'm not fascinating.? I' Background scenery."

"You fascinate me," he said softly.

"Because you're a cat and I'm a bird...and you want to eat me."? If possible, she purred that last phrase in a decidedly wicked tone of voice.

"I would definitely like to eat you," he purred back, twisting to brushing his lips along her cheek, the tip of his tongue?slightly rougher than a human's would be?flicking against her ear.?

She shivered and moaned softly, stretching out against him, her toes barely reaching to his ankle bone.? "Do that again," she whispered, her breath hot against his naked chest.

He obliged, running his tongue over her ear again.? She tasted good.? He caught her earlobe lightly in his teeth and sucked on it, a little rumble rising in his chest.

She giggled; his tongue tickled a bit against her sensitive skin.? When he let go over her ear, she turned her head a bit and caught a bit of his flesh between her own teeth, biting down delicately in almost the same way as he'd bitten her.

His breath caught in his throat at the touch of her teeth, his body freezing for an instant.? "Harder," he said, voice a low growl. She rolled her eyes up to meet his, an unspoken question in their cerulean depths...? Was he sure? "Please," he said, the world almost a groan.?

She closed her eyes then and bit down harder as she reached for his body with her hands, carefully rolling atop him now, stretching out full-body against him. He made a soft sound in his throat, back arching as his head tipped back.? He closed his eyes, lifting his chest up against her mouth.? "Harder," he said again?exactly as she'd said to him when he was the one doing the biting.

She took a deep breath and bit down even harder, tasting the sweet copper of blood now.? It startled her and she made a little squeaking noise before jerking her head away.? "Oh, Daniel!? I'm so sorry!"? Sure enough, when she looked at the wound above his heart, there were little pinpricks of blood where her teeth had pierced his flesh.

When her teeth cut through his skin, he moaned loudly, body writhing under hers, and gasped her name softly.? An instant later, she pulled away, and the sigh that came from his throat was clearly disappointment.? "No...," he said with a little difficulty.? "Don't be sorry."? His mouth curled slowly into a pleased little smile.? "That was very good."

She blinked at him in mild shock and then slowly smiled.? Maintaining eye contact?blue locked with grey?she lowered her head and licked the wound, the coppery taste of his blood reminding her of the sea; long, slow, languid licks, their eyes locked together the whole time, like a cat grooming its mate.

Under her caressing tongue, the blood was quickly cleaned away, revealing whole, unscarred skin beneath it.? Her eyes were so blue, so bright?like sunlit ocean waves.? He felt like he was being pulled into their depths.? His body pressed up against hers insistently, his arousal obvious.


He clutched her body tightly to him as they rode out their peaks together, his sides heaving as he panted softly.? "Oh my god," he gasped softly when they'd gone limp against each other.? "That was...amazing.? Beyond amazing." She could only nod her head in agreement.? She had no strength or energy left; he may have preternatural stamina and might be capable of quick recovery, but she was not and being f*cked--and f*cked well--three or four times in one day was almost too much for her puny human body to take. He read her exhaustion immediately and shook his head slightly.? "I'm sorry," he murmured, reaching up to stroke her hair lightly.? "I've worn you out."? He turned onto his side, cradling her body against his gently.? "Sleep now, little sparrow," he continued.? "I'm looking forward to waking up with you next to me."

She made a tiny, happy noise deep in her throat and snuggled closer to him, burying her face in his chest.? "G'night, Daniel," she murmured softly and was almost instantly asleep after uttering those words.

"Good night," he whispered back, though he doubted she'd heard him.?