Topic: Jenni-with-an-I (Mature Content)

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:30 EST
Jenni left the Inn early the next morning, when the downstairs tap room was empty.? She didn't know whether or not there would be maid service, so she took a moment to straighten up before leaving.

The experiences of the night before were still forefront in her mind.? She'd met a dragon who talked and knew about Tolkien and who raised sheep and cows and gardened!? And then there was the handsome man who claimed to be from India, although he sounded more English than anything else. His eyes had haunted her dreams that night.? She'd seen then somewhere before but couldn't quite remember where.? As she explored the city, eventually finding her way to the Marketplace again, she puzzled this over.

She found breakfast in the form of an apple-cinnamon muffin and a cup of coffee at a bookstore and then decided to continue her explorations south.? The girl behind the counter at the bookstore told her to avoid an area called the Five Kingdoms but the rest of the city would be relatively safe.

On the other side of the river that bisected the city, she explored a huge library, a museum, a temple, and found something that looked like the Hotel de Paris in Monaco.? "No way," she said, standing at the curb and staring up at it.? "No freakin' way."

She hopped up the front steps, and as soon as she stepped through the revolving door that led into the lobby, she felt as though she was coming home.? Marble, gilt, crystal chandeliers, hothouse flowers, antique Persian carpets as far as the eye could see.? Doormen in uniforms, bellboys rushing luggage to rooms, a spa, a casino, a roof-top pool.? It was as if she'd somehow wound up in Monaco.

The lunch-time rush was in full swing at the Temple causing a mouth-watering blend of aromas to waft and mix out of the elegant doors of the restaurant.? Roasted red peppers, seafood, grilled meat; they all beckoned to passersby as effectively as any advertisement. Enticed by the amazing smells coming from the restaurant located just off the lobby, Jenni headed in that direction.? The dining room was packed to the gills and she had to wait for 15 minutes just to get a table on the patio, overlooking a small, beautifully arranged kitchen garden.? She ordered a mimosa and looked over the menu while she waited for her drink.

It had been a busy morning for Daniel.? Without Riley or David around, he'd spent the time so far bouncing back and forth between his restaurant and the administrative offices.? It was a good thing that the staff was quite competent by this point?he didn't worry too badly about what was going in the rest of hotel when he was in the Temple's kitchen.? His cooks were a little more worrisome, but since they were all slightly terrified of their intense-eyed, growly-voiced boss, all of them were working extra hard even when he was busy elsewhere.

In the kitchen, Daniel moved from station to station in a ceaseless circuit.? He used the activity to keep his mind off thoughts of Lelah.? The only hint of his darker-than-usual mood came out in brusque comments regarding the quality of food being produced in his kitchen.? He never crossed the line into actual anger, but all of his chefs could tell something was bothering him.

When he was satisfied that everyone was performing up to snuff, Daniel took off his apron and went out into the dining room to circulate among the guests for a while, asking after their meals, greeting regulars, and searching for any signs of trouble--the culinary kind, generally, though any guest who smelled even a little upset soon found a politely concerned Indian man standing next to their table and asking how everything was

Jenni finally decided upon vegetable spring rolls and a Temple salad and had just settled down to wait in the herb-scented air when a familiar face arrived on the patio.? The guy with the haunting eyes!? And he was dressed in a chef's jacket.? Did he work here?? And what was his name?

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:31 EST
He recognized the scared woman from the Inn the night before immediately?he never forgot a scent once smelled.? She was much calmer now, he was glad to see.? As he'd told Icer, a night's rest did wonders for a troubled mind.? He saw that she was looking at him, and seemed to remember him, so he walked over and smiled.? "Hello again."

She gave him a shy smile and said, "Hi.? Funny running into you here."? All of this was delivered in a very soft voice that barely carried above the whisper of wind in the leaves of the palm trees that lined the far edge of the garden.

If his hearing hadn't been so sensitive, he might've missed what she said.? To Lycan ears, though, her voice was as clear as if she'd spoken into a microphone.? "Not at all," he replied.? "I'm here every day."

You work here?? In the kitchen?"? The waiter brought her food, gave Daniel a smile, and whisked Jenni's glass away, taking it to the bar for a refill.

He gave the man an approving nod, then nodded again, this time in response to Jenni's question.? "I run the place, actually."

"You do?? Oh, how wonderful."? Her plate was gorgeous and she picked up fork and knife and carefully sliced the end off her spring roll.? "Did you make this or did one of your sous chefs do it?"? She speared the piece with her fork and nibbled at it.? It was divine.? She made a happy little sound and ate the rest.

"The recipe is mine, but it was prepared by one of the sous chefs," he answered.? He smiled at the pleased sound.? "I'm glad you approve.? I'm glad to see you looking more at ease here, as well."?

"Yes, well."? She wanted to say that she was used to this sort of thing.? She wanted to tell him that this was the kind of place she belonged, not some horrible little room above a bar, with sheets that reeked of cheap beer and the sounds of a couple rutting all night long.? She wanted to ask him if there were any rooms available upstairs.? But she didn't say any of this.? Instead she ate her lunch and made banal comments about how good the food was. "Would you join me?" she asked, nodding to the empty chair across from her.? "Or are you too busy?"

He sat in the indicated chair.? "One of the perks of being a part-owner of hotel is being able to take a break whenever I please," he said with a small smile.? He wondered at the level of anxiety he smelled on her?was it simply being a stranger in a strange land, or was it more personal?? Some people were sensitive to the supernatural energies of Lycans, and often felt uncomfortable around them.

"You own this place, too?"? Her icy blue eyes grew wide with wonder.? "So you'd know if there were vacancies, right?"? The question burst forth out of her mouth without stopping to ask permission from her brain.

"Well, I'm one of three owners," he explained.? "But yes, there are several vacancies right now.? Are you interested in a room here?"

She nodded reluctantly and gave the waiter a grateful smile when he brought her another mimosa.? "I would, yes.? Just a junior suite, though.? I don't have enough for anything else."? She gave a tiny nervous laugh.? "I might not even have enough for that.? The people at the Welcome Center only gave me something like $200 to tide me over until I can figure out what I'm going to do."

He chuckled softly.? "Well, another of the perks of being a part owner is the ability to comp a room a now and again."? He held up a hand before she could say anything, especially a protest about charity or the like.? "I remember how lost I was when I first arrived here, and there was no Welcome Center yet, either.? A very kind woman was generous enough to buy me a week's stay at the Inn so I could get my bearings.? One good karmic turn deserves another."

She blushed deeply, rather alarmingly, and a rush of gratitude suddenly filled the air between them.? "Thank you," she said in a tiny voice.? "I'll pay you back.? When I get a job, I promise."? Hints of steely pride won through the meek demeanor suddenly.? This was not a girl who was used to accepting charity.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:32 EST
The intensity of her blush was a bit amusing, but no hint of that showed in his face or voice.? "Promise that if and when the opportunity arises, you will do the same for another," he said.? "That's the only payment I need."

"Oh, I will.? I will."? She nodded so hard that her head seemed in danger of falling off her neck and rolling away under a bush, like someone's poor meatball.? "Would you mind terribly if I just hung out here for a while?? I've got my sketchbook and if it's no trouble, I'd like to just sit and draw."

"You're an artist?" he asked, leaning forward interestedly.? Artistic abilities always fascinated him.? They could tell as much about a person as their scent, sometimes.

She nodded and dug in the large black messenger bag that sat at her feet.? Shyly, she extended a black hard-cover sketch book to him.? "I'm not that good.? But I don't draw for anyone else really.? Just for me."? Inside were pages of random doodles of birds, flowers and trees, city skylines, and portraits of beautiful women.? Despite her claims not to be very good, the drawings all displayed more than an aptitude for sketching.

"I think you underestimate your abilities," he said after a few moments spent looking through her sketch book.? "These are quite good."? He handed the book back to her.? "Thank you for letting me see them."?

She smiled again, ducked her head and tucked a bit of hair behind her ear.? "Thank you," she murmured as she accepted the sketchbook back, grateful that she hadn't accidentally given him her journal.? "I'm kinda embarrassed to admit this, but I can't remember your name.? I know it starts with a D, though."

"Understandable," he said, giving her another small smile, careful not to display his too-sharp teeth.? He was fairly certain she wasn't ready for that.? "You weren't having the best night for introductions.? It's Daniel.? Daniel Tej."? He held out his hand, every inch the gentleman.

She shook his hand, her fingers soft, skin silky.? This was a girl who had never done anything more active with her hands than hold a pencil.? "Jenni-with-an-I Rammage.? You might have heard of my dad.? He's Neil Rammage?"? She fully expected everyone to have heard of her father.? After all, he was the world's third wealthiest man, right behind Bill Gates.

He held her hand as though it were made of glass.? His own was practically the exact opposite of hers.? Hard, calloused, and with a sense of disproportionate strength, carefully restrained.? He shook his head slightly.? "I'm afraid I've been a bit out of touch with events on Earth," he explained.? That was an understatement.? He actively avoided news from Earth.? It brought back too many bad memories.? Even mentioning it like this brought an unavoidable ghost of pain to his eyes, a personal haunting that would likely be with him forever.

She frowned softly, wondered at the pain, but was far too well-bred to ask about it.? "Well," she said once she'd reluctantly reclaimed her hand and picked up her drink, "you're not missing much.? He's just a really rich guy who does weird stuff with his money."? She shrugged.

He didn't miss the frown, but, well, it wasn't something he was comfortable talking about with a virtual stranger.? "Weird in what way?"

She shrugged again and finished her spring roll before taking another sip of the mimosa.? "He's the head of Rammage, Inc., which is like...well, the official name of it is a think tank."? She paused for a second, wondering if he knew what that was.? Not a lot of people did, so she wouldn't be surprised if he had no clue what a think tank was.

He tilted his head slightly.? "The kind that tries to come up with better ways to run things or make things?"?

She gave him a big grin.? "Yeah, exactly!? They have contracts with DARPA and the DOD and even the military."

He kept his expression carefully neutral, unwilling to let her see how much such organizations bothered him.? He'd had enough of the military and war tech to last several lifetimes.? "How is that weird?" he asked instead.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:33 EST
"It's the things they come up with.? The ideas for problems."? She shrugged again and finished her salad, just in time for the waiter to come by and take away her plates.? He exchanged a rather complicated look with Daniel?would the lady's meal be comped or should he return with the bill?

He shook his head very slightly?offering her a room for free was enough, the pride that had shown in that exchanged had left him sure that a comped meal in addition to the room would only offend her.? He turned back to Jenni, waiting for her to continue.

She gave a little shrug.? "I'm not really supposed to talk about what they do there.? I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement and everything."? A nervous giggle.? "'Course, I doubt it matters much here, huh?"

"Well, I wouldn't want to ask you to break an agreement.? Let's talk about something else."? A momentary pause.? "Assuming you wish to continue talking to me, of course."

"Oh, I'd be happy to sit and natter on at you all day," she said with a happy smile an instant before a startling blush covered her face.? "If you're not too busy, that is," she added quickly.

It was rather cute how easily she blushed.? He wasn't really used to that.? Lelah didn't blush, and neither did Riley.? "Well," he said slowly.? "All day might be pushing it a tad.? However, I don't think the hotel will collapse around us if I spend an hour or two sitting with you."

She grinned at him and then accepted another mimosa and the bill from her waiter.? "Hang on a sec," she said and dug in the messenger bag once more, pulling out a voucher from the Welcome Center.? She showed it to Daniel.? "Can I use this here?"

"Of course," he replied.? "The Imperial Grand RhyDin is a proud supporter of the Welcome Center."? This was said in a very official-sounding voice, of course.?

A little giggle at the voice and she handed the bill and the voucher to the waiter, who took it with a smile and walked away.? Jenni took a sip of her drink and gave Daniel a nervous look.? "So..."

He leaned forward slightly, grey eyes unblinking as he watched her.? "Yes?"? He wasn't intentionally trying to be unnerving, but he had been spending quite a bit of time Shifted lately, which meant Leopard was far closer to the surface than He might normally be this far from the full moon.

As he leaned forward, she leaned back, flashing him a slightly freaked out look.? "Anyone ever told you that you're kinda intense?"

He blinked, suddenly realizing that he was staring at her almost like he would a deer or some other prey animal.? He took firm mental control of Leopard, shoving Him unceremoniously deeper into the recesses of his mind.? "I...forgive me," he said quietly.? "These past weeks have not been the best for me."

She relaxed a tiny bit and leaned forward once more.? "Oh?? Do you...I mean, I'm a good listener...if you, you know, wanna talk."? She shrugged, broke eye contact and looked down at the sketchbook that was still on the table between them.

The wave of fear that had leapt out at him receded some, but he could still smell it there, under the surface.? It was wound through with eagerness, though.? Was she really interested in hearing about his troubles?? He'd talked to Riley and David about it, of course, but no one else.? Maybe a stranger's point of view would help.? He folded his hands on the table and looked down at them.? "My...the relationship I was in for over a year ended rather abruptly a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."? She searched for other things to say, wondered if it would be too forward for her to ask if things were serious...if it was a man or a woman he'd been involved with.? "Did you...? I mean, was he? she? a live-in?"

"Yes," he said softly, not looking up at her.? "She...we were engaged."? He was still in a state of disbelief over how much that hurt him.? He'd never thought much about marriage before?he and Riley had gone around about it more than once.? He'd left her so she could marry David, who wanted it as much as she did.? But now...he thought he understood a little better how it had hurt Riley when he'd admitted that marriage didn't really interest him.? Which didn't help to make him feel any better, of course.? He sighed quietly.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:33 EST
"Oh, Daniel," she said, her hand moving automatically to cover his.? "I'm really sorry.? Do you know why?? I mean, did she tell you or did she know...leave?"

"She wanted to leave RhyDin, go back to Earth.? I...didn't.? She felt that there was nothing here for her besides me, and it wasn't enough.? I...can't really blame her.? I would have felt the same way in Hollywood, if I had gone.? This is my home.? My friends are here, my job is here.? And last time..."? he broke off, not quite ready to volunteer information about when he was last on Earth.

"Hollywood?"? She picked up on the unfinished sentence, but didn't want to push for him to finish it.? "She's an actress?"

"Actress, director, screenwriter.? She is very talented."

The corner of her mouth tugged upwards in a little smile.? She herself was not at all talented and knew it.? "I'm really sorry.? I've only been in one relationship before and wasn't good.? It ended before it ever really began."

He wasn't entirely sure what to make of that statement.? He lifted his eyes and met hers, forced a little smile.? "I am sorry, too, then."? He was abruptly conscious of her hand still resting on his.? He held still, though, worried that it would make her self-conscious if he pulled away.

She did pull her hand back from his, but only because it dawned on her that his skin was fever-hot.? This worried her.? He had said that he didn't actually prepare her meal, but still...? "I'm kinda glad it ended.? He was only using me to get to my dad anyway."? She shrugged and finished her drink.

"To get to your dad?" he repeated.? "Because of his money?"

She nodded.? "Yeah.? Since he has so much an' all."

"I see.?'ve never had another?? Relationship, I mean."? He found this surprising.? Humans tended to be as fickle as cats when it came to matings.

"No.? I haven't.? I guess I'm just not that kind of girl."? What kind of girl would that be?? Oh, the one who's interesting and pretty and well-spoken.

"Well," he said.? "There's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person."

She snorted softly.? "I think I'll be waiting for a very long time, then."? A little self-deprecating smile.? "I know I'm not...well, the kind of girl that boys like.? Men.? Not boys.? I'm not pretty, I'm not well-spoken, or talented.? The only thing I have going for me is my dad's money."

"But you are talented."? He nodded at her sketchbook.? "And not at all unattractive," he added, a hint of a smile flickering around the edges of his mouth.? He'd never been one to hold back speaking his mind, like most Cats.

She frowned, giving him a look that said she clearly did not believe him.? "You're kind," she said, dismissing his opinion out of hand.? Then she sighed softly.? "But...I think I'll wind up a crazy cat lady old maid."

Unexpectedly, his smile grew considerably broader.? "I'm rather attached to cats, myself," he said.?

She chuckled softly.? "I'm actually allergic to them.? But there's shots you can take now so their dander or whatever doesn't bother you so much."

"Perhaps you just need to be around them more often."? The waiter came back with her change and a cup of tea for Daniel, asking Jenni if she'd like anything else.?

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:34 EST
She shook her head and gave the man a grateful smile.? "No, I'm fine, thank you.? Everything was wonderful.? My compliments to the chef," she added with a little wink and a grin.

Daniel picked up the cup of tea and took a sip, watching Jenni as she spoke to the waiter.? The waiter chuckled.? "I'll be sure to pass your compliments on," he answered, then went off to his next table.

A little chuckle of her own and she sighed softly, relaxing for the first time since she'd entered the restaurant.? "Is the pool on the roof open?? And how late is the spa open?? I'd die for a sauna and a massage."

"They're both open twenty-four hours a day.? Nothing but the best for our guests," he replied, smiling again.

"That sounds wonderful.? Maybe I'll go take a dip later.? I have to go back to the Inn to pick up my things, not that there's a lot of things to pick up.? Three bags is all.? I wasn't allowed to carry a lot with me."

"Weren't allowed?"? Unconsciously, he leaned forward again.? That was interesting enough to pique the Cat's curiosity.

She nodded slowly with a guilty look.? "I'm not...I'm not supposed to talk about that, either," she said with a slightly contrite tone.

"I'm sorry," he said immediately.? "I don't mean to be nosy.? I have a very strong sense of curiosity, you see.? Occasionally it gets me into trouble."

"Don't apologize.? I'm not used to people caring enough to be curious."? She cut a quick look left, then right, and then leaned forward again, lowering her voice.? "I was being stalked and the FBI and US Marshalls sent me here to protect me," she whispered.

His eyes widened at that revelation, surprised not only by the fact of it, but that she'd chosen to tell him.? "Holy crap," he said, borrowing a phrase from Riley.? It seemed to fit the situation.?

She nodded.? "Yeah, they figured it was because of something I saw at work.? I worked for my dad, you know?? And I saw all sorts of top secret projects and stuff like that."? She shrugged a little.? "They couldn't figure out who it was or what they wanted, so they just shipped me here while they investigate."

"You know," he said, "I believe that's the second most interesting RhyDin arrival story I've ever heard."?

Her brows rose.? "Second?? Who's got first?"

"My friend David?one of the other owners of the hotel

"How'd he get here?"

"You'll have to ask David," he said apologetically.? "It's not my story to tell.? Not without permission, at least.? Sorry."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-02 23:35 EST
She wasn?t disappointed. She respected his desire to keep his friends? secrets. "I'll have to meet him first," she pointed out.

"He's out of town right now, but I'd be happy to introduce you to he and his wife, the third owner.? If you haven't had enough of me already by then."? He shot her a little grin.? Somewhat surprisingly, the conversation with her really was helping him to recover some of his usual demeanor and shed at lest a bit of the gloom that had been surrounding him since Lelah left for Earth.

"I think...? Well, I think I'd like that.? I don't...? I've never really had a lot of friends.? I'm...well...I'm awkward around people."? She gave him a little smile, as if saying 'bet you didn't know that, huh?'? "I never know what to say or what not to say.? I pretty much stink at casual conversation."

"This hasn't been so bad," he pointed out.

"I guess not, huh?"? She flashed him a big smile.? "Probably because you're actually talking to me."

"You're very hard on yourself," he said.? "I haven't seen anything terribly wrong yet."

"You don't know me yet.? Just wait."? She chuckled softly and then sighed.? "You should probably go back to work soon, huh?? I don't want to keep you."

"Unfortunately, that's true.? I'm afraid the chefs may burn my kitchen down if I'm gone much longer."? He stood, smiled down at her.? "I enjoyed our conversation, Jenni-with-an-i.? I hope you have a good time at the pool and spa."

She, too, stood, and shoved her sketchbook back into her messenger bag before slinging it over her shoulder.? "I'm glad to have met you, Daniel the Chef.? I'm sure I'll see you around here again."? She extended her hand to him.

He took her hand and shook it with the sense of careful restraint as before.? "I might as well live here," he confirmed.

With a little chuckle, she gave him a wave before turning and heading out into the town again.? She'd go back to the Inn, gather her bags, and come back here.? After she'd checked into her suite, she'd head up to the roof to check out the pool.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:04 EST
The next day...

Daniel had seen Jenni come into the Temple again this afternoon for lunch, but he'd been caught up in averting a pecan-crusted trout disaster, and couldn't go out to say hi to her.? Later that afternoon, when no seafood was in mortal peril, he thought about the conversation he'd had with her the day before, and realized that he was looking forward to talking to her again.? He wondered if it wouldn't be too weird for him to go up to her suite after work and offer to show her around RhyDin a bit, or something to that effect. He supposed it would be all right if it wasn't too late by the time he got done.? At worst, she could tell him to go away.? He did kind of want to talk to someone, which he realized was rather ironic, since Riley had been trying to get him to talk since Lelah left.?

Around a quarter until nine, he decided he'd done enough for the day. He?left the cleaning up to the staff, saying good night to everyone as he walked out of the Temple.? A quick check of the computer told him what room Jenni was in, so he rode the elevator to the third floor and paused outside her door, nostrils flaring as he tested the air.? She was inside.? He knocked.

A soft squeak and a sound as if a book or something had tumbled to the floor followed immediately after his knock.? Then there was a period of silence, a heavy weighty silence charged with anticipation.? Jenni's small voice sang out, "Who's there?" after a minute or so.

He almost chuckled at the sound of her obvious surprise, then sobered abruptly when he realized that, given what she'd told him last night, an unexpected visitor might well signal some very unwanted attention.? Perhaps he should have called first...? "It's Daniel," he called back.? "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Oh," she said softly, her voice barely carrying through the door.? A rush of embarrassment was the prelude to her opening the door and flashing him a somewhat sheepish smile.? "Hi.? C'mon in.? Can I get you something?? The minibar here is amazing."? She was dressed in a white sleeveless blouse with red-blue-and-yellow parrots on it, paired with a short red skirt.? Her feet were bare, hair pulled back in a messy ballerina's bun at the nape of her neck.? Her cheeks and nose were red.

He smiled when she opened the door.? She looked rather cute, he thought.? Even with the sunburn.? "You can thank Riley for that," he said in regards to the minibar.? "She does all the ordering.? I hope it's not too late," he continued.? "I saw you at lunch time, but someone was attempting to see if trout could fly.? Thus, I had to stay in the kitchen and fix it."

She giggled and shut the door behind him once he was inside.? "Not too late at all.? I've eaten all the gummi dinosaurs in there.? The woman knows her gummis."? There were two sketchbooks, a kneaded eraser, colored pencils, a mechanical pencil, and a felt-tipped marker spread over the coffee table in the suite's sitting room and the radio was tuned softly into DJ Zazzy Yas's show on 101.1 WHAM.

"She is a gummi connoisseur," he agreed.? He looked down at the art supplies spread around.? "I hope I'm not interrupting important art."

She shook her head and perched on the edge of the wing chair to the left of the sofa.? "No, not important.? I was just updating my journal.? Are you thirsty?? There's some yummy iced green tea with citrus.? I've been drinking it since I got back from the pool."

"That sounds perfect," he replied.? "Thank you.? How did you like the pool?"

She hopped up and went to the small refrigerator and plucked out a pitcher of pale green tea, poured two glasses full and brought one back to him.? "It's lovely up there.? Such a wonderful view of the whole city.? Lots of people to draw, too."? She settled back down in her chair and curled her feet up beneath her body.

"Good," he said, taking the glass and sitting down on the sofa.? "It looks as though you got a bit too much sun, however."

She grinned with embarrassment.? "Yes, I might have fallen asleep up there at some point."? She took a sip of her tea and leaned forward to put it down on the edge of the coffee table before she gathered her drawing supplies and stacked them neatly near her tea.? "I was thinking about things up there.? Like how long I'm going to have to live here until I can go home and how I'll support myself and things like that.? I need a job and a place to live.? Do you know where I could get either of those things?"

"I might, actually," he answered.? "I'll need to know a bit more about you, though, before I can properly answer that."? Not to mention before his curiosity would be assuaged.?

Her brows rose in surprise.? "Oh?? What kinda stuff do you need to know?"

"Well, your skillset, mostly.? What can you do?? If I'm to find you a job, I'll need to know what sort to suggest, right?"? He shot her a little smile.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:05 EST
"Oh, yeah."? Another burst of embarrassment filled the air between them.? "Well, I've worked as a librarian and my father's assistant.? So I guess any kind of secretarial position?? I can type pretty well."

"Well, there is an opening for a clerk at the front desk here," he said after a moment.? "If you would like to put in an application, I can guarantee it will be looked at quickly."? There was a tiny glint of humor in his eyes as he said that.

She chuckled softly and then shrugged.? "I don't want to seem like an ingrate, but...I'm not very good with the public.? Maybe you or the other owners need a secretary?"

"Hm.? How are your organizational skills?"

"Really good.? I make lists and I keep them all here," she rose and went into the bedroom for a moment, coming back out clutching a black leather case about the size and shape of a paperback book.? She flipped it open, touched something and then showed it to Daniel.? It was a tiny computer with a touch screen.? It was displaying a very advanced system of running a very busy, very demanding person's life.? There was an appointment calendar, a to-do list, contacts, documents...everything any executive could possibly need to keep track of.

His eyebrows rose at the complexity and level of detail displayed on the small screen.? "That's rather impressive," he said, nodding.? "And you like to do this sort thing?"

She nodded.? "Oh, yes.? It's the only thing that I'm very good at."

"I very much doubt that," he said gently.

She made a tiny noise and smiled hesitantly, but it was clear she didn't believe him.? Carefully putting the little computer on the table, she picked up her tea once more and took another sip, her startling blue eyes still on Daniel's face. She was even worse at taking a compliment than Riley, he realized.? He had the impression that she wasn't used to getting them, that people overlooked her a lot more often than they noticed her talents.? A sad thing, in his opinion.? If nothing else, she was helping to cheer him up quite a bit.? That alone was worth more compliments than he can reasonably fit into a conversation.? "Well," he said after a moment's silence, his voice low.? "You'll recall I mentioned that the other two owners of the hotel are out of town, leaving me in charge of the place myself." She nodded, leaning forward as he pitched his voice lower.? "I am not the world's greatest organizer," he admitted.? "I'm a very good chef, and I run a restaurant well, but the day-to-day workings of a hotel are far outside my comfort zone.? I could use some help."

She gasped softly and her face lit up with excitement.? "Really?? Oh, I could do that for you.? No problem!? I could keep your books and track your inventory and organize your suppliers and even make schedules for shifts and deliveries.? Oh, you won't regret it, Daniel!"? She shot off the couch and hugged him fiercely.? Her perfume was delicate, a m?lange of honeysuckle and roses.

The embrace was so unexpected that he reacted automatically, hugging her and brushing his cheek against her shoulder.? There was even a tiny rumbling purr, deep in his chest, so faint as to be right on the edge of hearing.? His nostrils flared as he inhaled her scent.? It was nice to hold someone again, even for a moment.? Riley hugged him often, of course, but she wasn't here.

"Oh!" she said, withdrawing immediately.? "I'm so sorry.? That was really forward of me."? Her sunburn and the blush that sprang up dueled for dominance on her face and she went to sit down in her chair again, every line of her body radiating embarrassment.

"It's all right," he said softly.? "No one should be afraid of a nice hug."? He still couldn't quite understand why so many humans were scared of contact with others.

She made a tiny little sound in her throat, a mix of a snort and a laugh.? "You're very kind.? Your ex-fianc? made a big mistake in letting you go."

He looked down, a sudden burst of longing shooting through him.? "I miss her," he said.?

"I'm so sorry," she said softly, a look of deep concern and sympathy on her features.? "I wish I could make it better for you somehow.? You're such a nice man; you shouldn't hurt like you do."

"You're sweet," he answered, shaking off the sadness with an effort of will.? "Believe me when I say you have already helped to make it better."? He looked up, meeting her extraordinarily blue eyes with his grey ones.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:06 EST
She gave him a shy smile and shifted uncomfortably in her chair.? "Does this place have late night coffee shops?" she asked suddenly.

"Certainly."? He hesitated for a second.? "Would you like to go to one?"? Was he asking her for a date?? He wasn't actually sure, himself.? Lelah's abrupt departure had thrown everything off its normal pattern.? Leopard's near indifference didn't help, either.? He wasn't concerned with long-term relationships.?

"Yeah, I would.? I was born and raised in the Seattle area, you know.? We're a coffee culture.? Just let me get some shoes."? She hopped up from her seat, gathered her art supplies and carried them into the bedroom.

"All right."? He stood, finishing off his tea, and waited for her to come back.? "I've never been to Seattle," he said. "Is it nice there?"

"It's wonderful," she called out from the bedroom.? "Lush and green.? Lots of trees and flowers.? 'Course if you're not fond of rain, you might not like it."? She came back out, wearing sandals and carrying the big messenger bag he'd seen her with the day before.

"I'm fairly indifferent to rain, I suppose.? I don't go jumping in puddles when it rains, but neither do I run and hide.? Shall we go?"? He offered her his arm, all gentleman-like.

She slipped her arm through his, a burst of impressed surprised flavoring the air.? "Jumping in puddles is the best part of a rain storm.? That and the lightning."? She let him lead her to wherever they were going.

"Riley would agree with you," he said.? "About the puddles, at least."? He led her out of the hotel and into the moonlight streets of RhyDin.? It was a warm night, and despite the clouds, there was no rain or puddles to be found.? He took a deep breath, drinking in the night air and all of the myriad scents it contained.

She looked up at him and smiled softly.? "It does smell differently here.? Cleaner, less pollution.? More...earthy, I guess."? She took an experimental sniff or two.? "I miss the scent of the sea, though."

"I love the night air," he said.? "It's so different from the day.? More alive."

"You're right," she said softly.? "I never thought of it like that before."? Despite the late hour, the streets surrounding the hotel were still packed with people...and not people, too.? Elves, dwarves, dragons, creatures in metal armor who might or might not be robots, plus things she'd never heard of or could even guess at swarmed the sidewalks and open-air places of the city.

He pointed out landmarks as they walked, trying to give her a sense of the city she'd come to.? Fifteen minutes or so later, they arrived at the coffee shop, amusingly named Bean Me Up.? "Here we are," he said.

"Bean Me Up," she read and then giggled.? "Oh, that's clever.? Reminds me of a place in Seattle called Cloud City."? The heady aroma of roasting beans vied for attention with fresh-brewed coffee, cinnamon, vanilla, and even chocolate.? "Oh, this smell reminds me of home," she said wistfully.

It did smell good, even if he wasn't a big coffee drinker, in general.? "Well, let's go in and get you a taste of home, then, shall we?"? He pulled open the door and gestured for her to go in first.

She gave him a grateful smile and headed inside.? One look at the menu and she felt home again.? "Oh, look.? They have vanilla chai lattes and homemade lavender shortbread biscuits!"? She rushed up to the counter and immediately ordered both.

A pleased smile curled one corner of his mouth when she went straight for the chai?his favorite drink.? He followed her to the counter and ordered one for himself.? "Good choice," he said to her.

After the barista filled their orders, Jenni looked around for a spot to sit.? A table right next to the expansive windows opened up and she nodded towards it.? "Is that okay?? I like to people watch."

"I do, too," he said, nodding.? "H...people are fascinating."? If they were going to keep spending time together, he was going to have to tell her about himself soon.? He was afraid it would scare her away, though.

If she caught the almost-slip, she didn't react to it.? Instead she made her way to the table and settled down at it, laying her bag at her elbow before fishing out the larger of the two sketchbooks, a pencil, and the kneaded eraser.? "Do you mind if I draw while we talk?"

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:07 EST
"Of course not," he said, sitting down across from her and folding his legs.? "Will you let me see the drawing when you're done?"? He leaned over his chai and took a deep breath.? Yum.

"Sure," she said with a grin.? She flipped open the book to the next empty page and sighed softly.? "Ever heard of a game called Two Truths and A Lie?"

He shook his head.? "I don't believe so.? Is it like Truth or Dare?"? He'd had some good times playing that game in the past.

"Sort of.? You're supposed to tell two truths and one lie about yourself and then the other person has to guess which the lie is."? She began sketching, her hand moving in sure, smooth motions, forming a curved line.

"I see.? Sounds interesting.? And what happens if you guess correctly?? Or incorrectly?"

She shrugged a little.? "I dunno.? I don't think there's a penalty.? It's just supposed to help you get to know people."? She took a sip of her coffee, followed it with a nibble of the biscuit.? "Oh, wow.? That's really good."

He nodded in understanding, then tasted his chai.? It was pretty good, even to his discerning palate.? "I'll make you real chai sometime," he said.? "I think you'll like it."

"That sounds like a wonderful plan.? So do you want to play?"? The curved line became the top of something that might eventually be a head.? Or possibly an egg.

"Sure.? Who will start?"? He leaned forward in the chair a little, watching the motion of her hand rather intently.? Leopard was always interested in things that moved a lot.

"I'll go.? Let's see..."? She paused for a moment, turning the pencil over in her hand and tapping the eraser end against the paper as she thought. "I went to high school with the daughter of Ann Wilson, from Heart.? I qualified for the Olympics in snowboarding but couldn't go because I broke my leg.? When my father dies, I'll inherit over $50 billion."

His brows went up again.? "The one about the Olympics is the lie," he said.? He wondered what she'd say if she knew he could smell the difference between truth and lies as she spoke them.? The other two, true ones were more interesting than the lie, in his opinion.? "Could she sing?"

She wrinkled her nose up in mock disgust when he correctly picked the lie.? "Marie?? Sorta, not as well as her mother, though."

"Pity...Ann Wilson has an amazing voice.? My turn, then?

"Yep.? To both."? She grinned and went back to her sketch.

The amount of money she stood to inherit was impressively huge, but he'd never really cared that much about money, after all.? Love of money was a human thing.? He liked being able to get things when he wanted them, but the whole business of having money so you could have more money just seemed pointless to him.? So he made no comment on the wealth of her father.? "Hmm, let me see.? I was born in a National Park.? Both of my parents teach at Oxford University.? I've never been to America."

She studied him for a moment; icy blue eyes squinted closed a bit in concentration.? "Hmmm,?I?m going to go with you never having been to America."

"Well done," he said, smiling.? "I spent several years in the States."

She grinned and then set her pencil down in exchange for her coffee and biscuit.? "Let's see.? I'm fluent in German, I don't know how to swim, I've never been drunk."

"You must know how to swim," he said.? Then he grinned.? "I've never been drunk either, you know."? Of course, it was all but impossible for him to be drunk.

"Is that one of yours?" she gave him a tiny smile.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:07 EST
He chuckled softly.? "No, that was a freebie.? I'm generous."

She nodded sagely.? "Yes.? That you are."? She picked her pencil up once more and the curve she'd just drawn morphed into a horned head.

His eyes dropped to her hand again as he thought of his next set of truths and a lie.? "I learned to cook in prison.? I didn't learn English until I was fifteen years old.? I've only had two serious relationships in my life."

"Hmm..." she mused.? "They all sound pretty plausible.? But I think I'm going to go with you having learned English when you were 15.? You're too well spoken."

He shook his head.? "I've never been to prison.? The other two are quite true."

She laughed softly.? "Well, I would never have guessed."? The horned head acquired two over-large eyes as she thought.

"I'm not sure whether to thank you for the compliment on my speech, or be shocked that you were ready to believe I'd been in prison."

She blushed and ducked her head in embarrassment.? "I'd feel better about my faux pas if you'd go with the former, rather than the latter."

"Thank you, then," he said quietly.

She glanced up at him, her eyelashes a sooty fan against the milk-white of her skin.? Her too-blue eyes met his for a brief moment before she looked back down at her drawing.? "Let's see.? I don't know how to drive, I didn't go to college, and my favorite animal is a meadow lark."

Leopard growled softly in the recesses of his mind.? He was restless, wanting to either go out hunting or stop talking with the female and get on with the mating.? She was rather attractive, despite her protests to the contrary, he thought.? "I can't believe you don't know how to drive," he said, trying to ignore Leopard's urging.

"You are too good at this game!"? She finished her coffee and sat back in her chair.? "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were my stalker."? Despite the laughter and joking in her voice, there was a real thrill of fear underlying everything.

His mouth turned down at the corners, and he shook his head.? "I hope you don't really think that.? I wouldn't do such a thing," he said softly.? "And I haven't been back to Earth in over a year."

She shook her head and shrugged a little.? "No, I don't.? Not really.?'s spooky, you know?? Knowing there's someone out there who has been following me around, taking pictures of me, sending me email, calling me in the middle of the night."? She shivered and the pencil bounced across the paper.?

He reached over and touched her hand lightly.? "I know it is.? I'm sorry you have had to go through that.? You're safe here, though."

Her hand reflexively curled around his for the briefest of moments before falling away once more.? "I hope so.? I still can't believe the FBI even knows about this place."

"They have a branch office here, actually.? Though it's rather small, and mostly for research."? He let his hand rest on the table a couple of inches from hers.

She let out a surprised laugh and shook her head.? "I can't believe that.? Well, I guess I shouldn't say that anymore, should I?? After all, I talked to a dragon the other night and I'm pretty sure the waiter who brought me breakfast this morning was an elf or a faerie or something."

He nodded.? "There's a great variety of beings living on this world, and in this city.? Practically anything you can imagine, and many you can't."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:09 EST
She took a deep breath, which morphed into a yawn, and she ducked her head sheepishly.? "Oh, my.? I don't know where that came from.? I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize.? Are you tired?? I'll walk you back to the Hotel if you'd like."

"Yeah, the sun sort of wiped me out today.? I'm much sleepier than I normally am at this hour."? Carefully gathering up her things, she slipped them all back in her bag and cleaned up her coffee cup and the few crumbs from her shortbread.

He stood, giving her another little smile.? "Will you allow me to pay for this?"

She nodded slowly.? "Yes, thank you."? Inwardly, she felt a tiny thrill.? It was a date if the boy paid, right?? Was she on a date now?? She wanted to be on a date.

He took the bill up to the register and paid it, then came back to the table and left a generous, though not ridiculous, tip.? "All set," he said, offering her his arm again.

She slid her arm through his and rested her palm along his well-muscled forearm.? She ran the index finger of her free hand along the scar beneath her palm.? "What's this from?"

"A knife," he said softly, trying not to think about how soft and smooth her skin felt on his.? Of course, it was either think of that, or think of how he'd gotten the scar, and the others.

"Were you in a fight?"? She glanced up at him, raised the same finger to touch the scar beneath his eye.? "There's another on your other arm, right?? Are they all from the same time?"

He held very still as she touched the scar on his face, breath quickening just a bit.? He shook his head.? "Yes, from a fight.? No...not from the same time."

Her brows rose and she hazarded a tiny smile.? "Are you sure you've never been in prison?"? A light laugh followed the question and she curled her free hand around the strap of her bag.? She was reasonably certain that Daniel was not the kind of man her father would want her to marry.? This fact, of course, made her want him all the more.

He forced himself to chuckle, though it came hard this time.? "Positive.? I would remember that."? He wondered what it was about scars that so fascinated people.? Sympathy?? Morbid curiosity?? The romance of danger?

"I would hope so," she said with a giggle.? The rest of the short walk went quickly and quietly.? Jenni's thoughts were a jumbled mess?she missed Seattle, but was glad to be here nonetheless.? She hoped she could go home soon, but not too soon.? Rhy'Din had far too much for her to uncover still.

When they reached the Hotel, he walked with her up to the third floor and stopped in front of her door, turning to face her and smiling.? "Here we are, then."

"Thanks.? I had fun tonight."? She hesitated for a moment, the key card in her hand.? Then she stood on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek.? Her own cheeks flamed crimson and she gave a nervous giggle.? "I suppose I shouldn't have done that.? You're my boss now and all..."

"I've never made a habit of turning down a kiss from a pretty girl," he said with a little wink, "and I don't plan to start now."? Her nearness was rousing Leopard again, despite the strict mental restraints he'd wound around Him.

The blush deepened when he complimented her and she ducked her head and tucked a bit of hair behind her ear in a very shy manner.? "Bet you say that to all the girls," she said softly, lifting her eyes to peer at him from underneath a fan of sooty lashes.

"Only the ones I like being around," he replied, watching her.? Her shy personality was so very different from Lelah's or Riley's.? He found it endearing, he had to admit to himself.? Embarrassment and pleased surprise flowed off of her, and under it...his nostrils flared a bit as a soft rush of pheromones washed over him.? Leopard let out a soft growl, pleased that the female was attracted to him.? He moved half a step closer to her.

She took a half step back, fetching up against the door and flattening her back against it.? She swallowed, the muscles of her throat working visibly giving her an even more vulnerable look.? "Do you...maybe want to come in?" she asked in a soft voice.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-07 17:10 EST
"Would you like me to come in, Jenni?" he asked, voice low.? Leopard was pacing now, reacting to the way she was behaving?like prey.? It was making things hard for him to keep his distance.

She nodded, dared to meet his eyes.? She gasped to see the look in them...hungry, raw, powerful.? Her breathing quickened, heart hammered in her chest.? "I...I think...Yes."? The last word was hissed, the sound full of desire, of an aching need.? She turned, jammed the key card into the door's lock and shoved the door open in one swift, seamless motion.? Her blood rushed in her ears, filling her head with the sound of breakers crashing against rocks on the shore.? A very small portion of her was wondering just what in the hell she was doing.? The rest of her told her to stop thinking and start feeling.

He almost leapt after her when she retreated like that, barely stopping himself from literally pouncing upon her.? He turned the motion into several quick steps into the room, swinging the door shut behind him.? Spending so much time Shifted had brought more of Leopard to the surface than he'd realized.? He had to be very careful around her.

She shrugged off her bag, let it fall to the floor next to the sofa in the main room.? The suite was dark, lit dimly by a single lamp shining in the bedroom, spilling honey-warm light through the open French doors that separated the two rooms.? Still moving away from Daniel, a little bird leading a cat on a merry chase, Jenni headed into the bedroom, her steps carrying her backwards until she ran into the bed, the backs of her knees collapsing and dumping her onto the coverlet.? She took a deep breath and held it, the icy blue of her eyes mere rings around huge pupils.

When she fell back on the bed, a strangled noise came from his throat, half shocked disbelief and half growled arousal.? For an instant, he wondered if she was intentionally leading him on with these actions, but her scent?all fear and pheromones?put that theory right out immediately.? He stalked forward, a fast, graceful and thoroughly predatory motion that carried him to the edge of bed before she could blink, face bare inches from hers.

She gasped again and a thrill of fear stair-stepped down her spine, standing the hairs along her forearms straight up.? She seemed to somehow shrink into herself without physically moving.? The tip of her tongue poked out, ran along her lower lip, retreated again.? She tilted her head up, meeting his eyes as a corner of her mouth lifted in a tiny smile.? Predator had caught prey.

His nostrils flared again as they drank in her scent, eyes fixed on the motion of her tongue, and that little smile.? With surprisingly delicacy, considering the speed and intensity of his previous motions, he leaned in and kissed her, one hand rising to cup the back of her neck, preventing any easy escape.

Her hands rose, her fingers curled in the fabric of his shirt as she clung to him and returned his kiss, softly, tentatively at first, though growing bolder when she realized that he had not only initiated it, but was also enjoying it.? Her body reacted strongly to the kiss and she scooted forward towards him, pressing her chest against his, her knees spreading a bit to surround his legs.

A soft rumble began, deep in his chest, when she didn't try to pull away.? Her lips were incredibly soft, tasting of chai and lavender over her own very female flavor.? He was amazed at how quickly she'd responded, her shyness falling away like a discarded shirt.? He nipped lightly at her lip, rubbing his chest up against hers.?

That little nip startled her and she drew back, her hands flying to her mouth, pressing the tips of her fingers against her bee-stung lips.? She started at him with wide, guileless eyes.? Her scent was a complicated m?lange of lust, fear, embarrassment, and uncertainty, and flavored the air between them, circling round them like an unseen cloud.

His breath came quickly, the strength of her emotions making him feel almost light-headed.? He reached up and took her hands in his, drawing them down and away from her mouth.? Then he kissed her again, leaving out the nip that had startled her so.?

Her fingers slid through his, curled around them, and she held tightly to them as he kissed her once more.? The uncertainty and embarrassment slipped away, the lust and fear growing.? Her hind brain, the lizard part located at the base of her skull, the portion that controlled fight or flight reflexes was screaming; the higher functioning areas, though, were singing out in unbridled passion.

His nose followed the interplay of emotions going on inside her as though reading them from a script.? The human side of him was worrying that perhaps he was pushing her too hard, too quickly, while the part under Leopard's control was wondering why he hadn't thrown her back on the bed and torn her clothes off yet.? The tip of his tongue ran across her lips, darting between as the Leopard-controlled side began to slowly win the contest.

Her fingers tightened around his as his tongue brushed across her lips.? She let go of him slowly and her hands slid up his arms to his shoulders and the collar of his shirt, which she bunched in curled fists.? Her lips parted, her tongue touched his, feather-light, and she made a tiny noise in her throat.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:20 EST
With that tiny noise, another part of his self-control fell away, and he pressed up against her once more, one hand slipping down to the small of her back, fingers spread wide and curling inwards slightly like a kneading cat. His breath was hot against her mouth as their tongues danced and played together.

For a moment, her lizard brain won the battle and she tore her mouth away from his, dropping her hands from their grip on his shirt and lowered her head, hiding her face from him while she caught her breath and slowed her racing heart.

A soft sound of disappointment escaped his throat involuntarily when she pulled away.? His fingers pressed harder into her back for an instant, then fell away as he forced himself to relax.? This wasn't like him at all.? Except that wasn't quite true.? This was a lot like the old him, before he'd come to RhyDin and met Riley.? That thought broke through the haze of arousal and desire, and he opened his eyes, looking down at the top of her head.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, the weight of his gaze pressing down on her head.? Correctly or not, she interpreted his silence as disappointment and disapproval.? "I...? I shouldn't have let...? It's too..."? She shook her head minutely and sighed, her hands folding together in her lap, right thumbnail scraping softly over the left.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, reasserting his control over Leopard.? He was Alpha--he controlled the Beast, not the other way around.? "No," he said, his voice rough, the ever-present growl standing out just a little more.? "Don't apologize.? I was wrong force that on you."

Her head snapped up at the sound of his voice, eyes wide with kindling fear.? She scooted back a bit and drew one leg up against her chest as if creating a physical ward to keep him away from her.

He straightened abruptly and backed away from the bed.? This wasn't the same kind of fear that had turned him on moments ago.? This fear made him feel like a bully...or a rapist.? "I'm sorry, Jenni," he whispered, then turned and all but ran for the door.

She sat mutely on the edge of the bed, watching him leaving.? Confusion burst in the air, laying its presence over everything else and smothering them.? Why was he running away? What did he have to be sorry for? Jenni sat still for a moment or two longer, then finally stirred and stood up.? She went into the living room and retrieved her bag, returning it to the chair in the bedroom before she undressed slowly and headed into the bath.? Maybe a shower would help clear her head...

Sensitive ears caught the sound of the shower starting up, and unbidden, a vivid mental imagine of her standing naked under the water swam into his mind.? He turned and stared at the door as if he could see through it.? Leopard snarled, urging him to go back inside and finish what he'd started.? It would be easier now?she was already undressed.

A few moments later, she shut the water off and stood in the stall, drip-drying as her mother would say.? Finally, stirring herself out of strange thoughts?did Daniel really growl?? It sounded so feral, so beastly?she stepped out of the shower and wrapped the hotel's fluffy robe around her slight body and cinched the belt closed tightly.? Taking her comb with her, she headed out into the living room and sat down on the edge of the sofa.? She flipped on the room's TV and scrolled through the available movies as she combed out her wet hair.

When he heard the shower turn off, and shortly thereafter, the TV turn on, he took a breath and went back to the door.? He didn't want the night to end this way?him scaring the crap out of her by coming on way too strong.? This girl was nice; she didn't deserve the way he'd treated her.? Raising a hand, he knocked gently on her door.

She squeaked with fright and dropped the comb.? "Daniel?" she called out softly, rising from the couch and gripping the front of the robe closed in a white-knuckled hand.

"Yes, it's me," he called through the door.? "I'm sorry for scaring you."? Again.

She let out a relieved breath and went to open the door for him, peeking around the edge of it and giving him a tiny smile.? "I'm just jumpy," she said and took a step back, opening the door wider and wordlessly inviting him in again.? "I'm sorry about this," she said, motioning to the robe.? "I just got out of the shower."

"'s all right."? He'd almost said 'I know'?that wasn't creepy at all, right?? He was relieved that she didn't seem to be mad at him, and stepped inside gratefully.?

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:22 EST
She gently pushed the door closed and followed him into the living room.? "Have a seat," she said and went to sit on the wing chair and began to comb out her hair again.

He sat as ordered, turning to watch her combing her hair.? "I'm sorry," he said.?

"Me, too," she said, carefully avoiding his gaze.? "I shouldn't have let it go so far.? You're just out of a really serious relationship and...well...I'm lonely."? She darted a look at him, meeting his eyes for a fraction of a second before she looked away again.? Naked vulnerability shone in her eyes for the brief moment.

He nodded slowly, feeling the intense urge to touch her.? It wasn't Leopard's work, either, this time.? It was Daniel?s own desire to assuage that vulnerability.? "You're a sweet girl, Jenni," he said softly.? "I like you."

"But I'm not the kind of girl that you'd be interested in if you were looking for a real relationship," she supplied, sensing an unspoken 'but' at the end of his sentence.? "Anything that happened between us would be because you're on the rebound."

He frowned at her.? "You're selling yourself short again."? He hesitated for a second.? " very attracted to you."?

The comb stopped in mid-motion and she swung her gaze towards him once more, blue eyes meeting grey.? She raised both brows and tilted her head to the side, like a bird considering a worm on the ground at her feet.? "You know," she said at length.? "I believe you."

One corner of his mouth ticked up at that unexpected response.? "As well you should.? I hardly ever waste time lying."

She made a tiny pleased noise and dropped the comb onto the table.? Her hair hung to her shoulders in straight, thick lines, brushing against the snow-white fabric of the robe.? "So...? Did you just come back to apologize?" she asked in a soft voice.

"That was only part of it," he replied, fascinated by the contrast of her dark hair on the white robe.

"And the other part?"

"I wanted to be near you again."? Not only did he hardly every waste time lying, but obviously he didn't see much need to beat around the bush.

She blinked, mildly taken aback by his blunt honesty.? "Oh," she said quietly.? A sudden image popped unbidden into her mind?standing up, untying the robe and letting it drop to the floor, taking his hand and leading him into the bedroom, undressing him, making love for the rest of the night.? She inhaled sharply, and a sudden rush of warmth spread throughout her lower belly.

His lips parted slightly as the strongest burst of pheromones from her yet rolled over him like a hurricane.? He shifted on the sofa, muscles tightening.? His pants suddenly felt a couple of sizes too small.? Hunger rose in his grey eyes as they fixated on hers.

It would be so easy, she decided, so easy to just forget the complications and consequences, so easy to just let him take her into the bedroom and help her to lose herself for a while, help her forget where she was, why she wasn't at home, what had driven her away from her life in Seattle.? So easy to go down that path...but where would it lead?? Would it be just this once?? Would it be for a while, before he tired of her?? "Daniel," she said, his name a plea, a prayer, an invitation...

He was standing and moving towards her even as she spoke his name.? He halted just in front of her, not quite touching, his eyes questioning.? He wanted her...and she knew it.? She wanted him...and he knew it.? It would be so easy to just push ahead?he knew he could do it.? But that wasn't right...he knew better...? "Jenni," he murmured, barely audible.

The hand that was clenching the robe fell away just as the hand that was clenching the arm of her chair reached for his.? She took his hand, slid it into the opening of her robe, gasping at the touch of his rough, calloused skin against her soft, silken flesh.? She arched her back, pressed her breast into his palm, and tipped her head back as her eyes fluttered shut.

He drew in a shaky breath, fingers closing on that delicate globe of flesh, caressing and teasing.? He pulled her close with his other hand, lowering his mouth to the milk-white expanse of throat she'd exposed, tracing a line of burning kisses down towards her shoulder. She shivered and caught her lower lip between her teeth, moaned softly and pressed herself closer to him, her free hand rising to plunge fingers into his hair, gripping his head tightly. A soft rumble rose in his chest when she grabbed his head.? His teeth scraped lightly against the hollow of her neck and shoulder, even as he found one pale pink nipple and rolled it gently between his fingers.? His free hand parted her robe further, exposing both breasts and the concave curve of her stomach.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:24 EST
She shivered against him, arched her back further, and made a tiny whimpering sound in her throat.? With a shrug of her shoulders, the robe fell away, pooling around her waist now where it was still tied.? She turned her head, nuzzled his temple, darted a series of kiss against the shell of his ear, and gently sucked his lobe into her mouth. He closed his eyes, reached up and unbuttoned his shirt, dropping it off his arms to the floor.? Naked to the waist, just as she was, he lifted his head to find her mouth and kissed her.? There was nothing tentative or delicate in the kiss this time.? It was deep, intense, and forceful.? He took one breast in each hand, kneading them slowly and sensuously.

She melted against him, that kiss searing her, sending thrills of intense desire shooting through her body.? Her hands moved over his back, found scars, touched them delicately before moving on, delighting in the firm, sculpted muscles she found everywhere.? "Bedroom," she managed against his mouth, rising and trying not to break the kiss as she did so.

He slid his arms around her back and lifted her without effort, not even jarring the kiss as he turned and carried her towards the bed.? She was so tiny?even if he hadn't been supernaturally strong he could have managed it.? As it was, it was like lifting air. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her naked body against his naked chest.? She was hot and wet, both from the shower still and from her desire for him.? Her body ached for his touch and the few moments it took for him to cross the room and place her on the bed beneath him was far too long a time to wait.

He laid her on the bed, pulling her robe completely off of her body and knelt on the bed between her knees, bending down to kiss her breasts, running his tongue over the tips of her nipples.? Her skin was so pale, it seemed to glow in the dim room, especially when contrasted with his own.? He lifted his head, meeting her eyes.? "You are beautiful," he whispered.

She smiled softly and reached to cup his face before curling up to kiss him.? She wanted to believe him and in this time, in this room, anything was possible, so she did.? She was beautiful...but only because of him.

After kissing her for several long minutes, his heart pounding in his ears, hands moving over her body at will, he lifted his mouth from hers and whispered, "Do you want me, Jenni?"? He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear her say it. She nodded, not trusting her voice to answer.? Her fingers trailed down the long scar on his rib cage, stopping at his waistband and tugging at it.? She wanted him like she hadn't wanted anyone ever before.


"You are incredible," he murmured, an hour or so later.

She made a happy sound and smiled weakly, her eyes still closed, sides heaving like a spent horse.? "You're no slouch yourself," she said in a whisper.

"I'm glad you think so," he answered, placing another soft kiss just behind her ear.? He rolled onto his back next to her, pressing himself along the length of her body and stretched luxuriously.

"Will you stay?" she asked, her eyes opening and a look of raw vulnerability coloring their depths.

"Yes," he replied, reaching out to run his fingers along her shoulder.? "I would like that."? It was true, but even as he spoke, part of his mind was worrying over the inevitable revelation that he wasn't human, and how she would react to it.? It would have been better to tell her before they ended up in bed, but that had happened far sooner than he'd any right to have expected.

She gave him a sweet smile and crawled off the bed.? "I'll be right back," she said before heading into the bath.? She closed the door behind her and a moment later, the shower turned on.

He stared at the ceiling, listening to the sound of her showering and wondering how he would break the news to her, or if he even should.? They'd slept together, yes, but what was going to happen now?? If he was going to continue seeing her, he had to tell her.

Mere moments later, Jenni exited the bathroom, just as naked as she'd gone in.? "Are you thirsty?? Hungry?" she asked, her eyes moving with deep appreciation over his body, drinking in the sight of him.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:26 EST
He smiled at her, letting his gaze do its own wandering.? Her skin really was amazing.? Not a single flaw anywhere he could see.? "A bit of both, yes," he replied, sitting up and stretching again, partly because it felt good, and partly because he knew she would enjoy the sight.

She bit her lower lip and sighed like a besotted teenager.? "Well, I could call down for room service, or there's snacks and stuff in the minibar still."? She shrugged lightly, cast a questioning look at her discarded robe, and decided that if he enjoyed looking at her body, she wouldn't deny him that pleasure.

"The room service is quite good here," he said, deadpan, as though it wasn't his own kitchens that provided the food.? He stood, walking over to her, his movements smoother and quieter than seemed possible.

She chuckled softly.? "Yes, I know.? I've had late night snacks."? She went to him, raised up on tip-toe, and brushed a gentle, shy kiss against his mouth.

"Well, then," he said, resting his hands lightly on her waist.? "Would you care to have a late night snack with me?"? Maybe he would have a better idea of what was going to happen next after they sat and talked a bit...

"I would love to have a late night snack with you."? She smiled and slipped out of his embrace, headed into the living area, where she perched on the edge of the sofa.? "Should I consult a menu or shall we trust the chef's judgment?"

"I have it on good authority that head chef here is rather talented," he said, a smirk lifting one corner of his mouth.? He followed her into the living area, finding it difficult to take his eyes off of her pale skin.?

She giggled softly and smiled up at him.? "Then I'll defer to your superior judgment and allow you to order."? She nodded towards the phone and settled back onto the sofa.

He picked up the phone and ordered room service for two, no doubt causing some small amount of gossip among the staff?all of whom knew about his relationship with Lelah, and its subsequent end.? Even as he spoke, his gaze stayed on her.?

She met his gaze steadily as he spoke, her eyes only straying to watch his mouth, the way he formed words, the movement of his lips and tongue.? With a tiny smile, she remembered the way those movements felt on her body and the room was suddenly awash with the scent of her desire. He almost lost the thread of his order with the kitchen as that heady scent hit him.? For a second or two, he considered just putting down the phone and going over to make love to her again.? He really was hungry, though.? There'd be time for it later, assuming things went well, and she wasn't frightened off by his revelation.

When he was done ordering, she sat forward on the couch a bit and asked, "How long did they say?"

"Perhaps half an hour," he said, putting the phone and walking over to stand in front of her.? "Some of the food needs to be prepared."

She nodded and sat up straight, reaching to put her hands on his hipbones and draw him in closer.? Stroking her hands up and down his flanks, she laid a gentle kiss against his thigh, then hips, then the other thigh, her breath hot against his skin, fingers digging in and kneading softly. A soft sigh escaped his throat when her mouth brushed over his skin, her touch bringing him fully erect almost instantly.? He reached down and ran his fingers through her hair, stroking her scalp softly.

Moments later, he panted softly as he looked down at her, amazed at the blueness of her eyes.? He reached out to cup her cheek softly?and just then, a knock sounded at the door.? His head snapped around and he froze in place, staring at the door.

"Oh, sh*t!" she exclaimed and leapt from the couch, streaking across the room naked and ran into the bathroom, where she slammed the door.

Her unexpected curse?the first one he'd heard her use yet?sent his eyebrows shooting up towards his hairline, and a bubble of hysterical laughter rose in his throat.? He forced it down and turned, stalking to the door.? "Who is it?" he called.

"Room service," came the reply.

"A moment," he called back, turning and sprinting into the bedroom to find his pants.? He put them on with inhuman speed, then ran back to the door and pulled it open, taking the tray from the startled waiter with a hurried 'thanks', then closed the door practically in the poor man's face.? He set the tray on the table and went to the bathroom.? "He's gone," he said to the closed door.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:27 EST
A single blue eye peeked around the corner of the door frame and then a moment later, the lady herself appeared, still naked, though cleaned up.? "Do you think he knew what you're doing?" she asked meekly as she went and put on the bathrobe before going to sit down at the table.

"I think he can probably guess," he replied truthfully.? "Is that...does that bother you?"?

She shrugged and uncovered the plates, sniffing everything experimentally.? "No one knows me here; it's your reputation I'm worried about."? She lifted her eyes to him, the same question he'd asked of her in them. Lifting the covers revealed a plate of lamb samosas, another of spring rolls, a third with melon chunks and sorbet, covered with a minty-smelling syrup, and the last an orange and lemon cake with cream.

"It doesn't bother me any," he replied.? "Everyone here should know by now that my...former relationship is over.? If they would begrudge me any contact because of it...,"? He shrugged slightly.? People's opinions didn't really matter much to him, for the most part.? Riley and David's did, but he knew neither of them would condemn him for what had happened.

Her hand snaked out and she snagged a chunk of melon and quickly popped it into her mouth.? She smiled; it was delicious.? "Good, then," she managed once she'd swallowed the bite.? "I wouldn't want your position undermined or anything like that."

He shook his head, giving her a soft smile.? "Thank you," he said.? "I'm not worried, though."? He picked up one of the samosas and took a bite, pleased to find that the recipe?his own?had been followed perfectly.

She ate in silence for a moment, taking the tiniest of bites from each plate, only going back for seconds of the melon, before she declared herself stuffed and sat back in her seat, folding her hands over her stomach.

His brows rose.? "So little?? Can that really be enough?"? He'd eaten at least five times as much as she had in that short time.

She nodded.? "My father tells me I eat like a bird."? She shrugged and sneaked another samosa, nibbling at it just to please Daniel.? "It's really good.? All of it.? You're quite talented."

"Thank you," he said again, finishing off the last of the samosas and moving on to the spring rolls.? He took a few bites, then swallowed, watching her closely.? He wanted to ask her if this was to be a one-night stand, or if she wanted to keep seeing him.

She met his intense gaze for a moment then smiled softly.? "You look like you want to eat me, too."

A lazy, somewhat predatory smile curled his lips.? "I did once already," he said.? "It was very enjoyable..." She blushed clear to her hairline and lowered her gaze demurely, but not before she bit her lip in memory of having him in her mouth.

He grinned, reaching across the table to take her hand in his.? "Jenni...," he said softly.

She lifted her head and slid her fingers to twine with his.? A tiny smile spread across her lips at the small contact.? "Daniel..."

He hesitated, unsure exactly how to say what was going through his mind in a way that wouldn't sound rude or dismissive.? "Tonight has been...wonderful," he said.? "I hope you think so, too."

"Oh, yes," she said shyly.? "I've had a great time.? The best I've had...well, since ever, I think."

He smiled, glad to hear that, though it made him a little sad to know that her life had been so void of happiness.? He gave her hand a soft squeeze.? Why was it so hard to come out and say what he needed to say?? It had never been hard before.? "Is this...," he started, then rephrased the sentence before it could ger far.? "I need to ask you something, and please tell me truth when you answer."? He paused, waiting for her answer.

A tiny frown marred her features and she slowly nodded.? "I'll try to, certainly."?

Daniel Tej

Date: 2012-07-08 18:28 EST
He nodded back.? "What are you looking for?? Is this just a night of fun, or do you want it to be something more?"? His voice was steady as he spoke the question, and his grey eyes were very serious.

She blinked, a little taken aback by the blunt honesty of his question.? She seemed to shrink in on herself, lowering her gaze to their conjoined hands.? A little shrug proceeded a barely audible, "I don't know."? She was lying, of course.? She did know but was terrified of answering truthfully, of making herself that vulnerable with someone who was, by all intents and purposes, a stranger, despite what they?d been doing for the past two hours.

"Jenni...I need to know.? Don't be afraid that I'll be upset with one answer or the other."?

"You...I mean, I..."? She took a deep breath and the words poured from her mouth like a waterfall.? "This is probably not going to become anything serious because the woman you were going to marry just left you and you're still obviously hurting from that and that's totally fine because you were in love with her so I'm not expecting anything serious but I think I would like something more than just a one night stand and then we become friends after that."

He could smell the honesty this time, and nodded slowly.? He didn't take his hand away from hers, either.? "I can't make any promises as to what the future will hold," he said.? "But I like you.? You're sweet and interesting to talk to, and quite lovely, even if you think otherwise."

She gave him a shy smile and raised her gaze to his again.? "And what about you?? What do you want?"

"I would like to keep seeing you," he said softly.

"Really?" she asked breathlessly.? "Even though this is probably just a rebound and won't last long?" Why, oh, why did you ask that, Jenni? she thought, embarrassment radiating off her in waves.

"Yes, really," he answered, deciding the safest thing to do was to just ignore the second half of her question.? "But...there is something else I need to tell you, if we are going to continue seeing each other."

"Oh?"? She tried for neutrality but there was no denying the rush of fear and worry that followed the question.

"This may be too much for you to accept," he began.? "I'll understand if, once you've heard me out, you tell me to leave and never return."? He continued on right away, not wanting her to dwell so much on what he'd just said, and so he could get it out before she panicked and kicked him out.? "I'm a Lycan, Jenni.? Do you know what that means?"

"Lycan," she repeated, the frown deepening.? "Where have I heard that word before?"? She was quiet for a moment while she tried hard to remember.? Then a rush of first fear and then anger.? "Like from the Underworld movies?? A...a werewolf or something?"? She jerked her hand back and an angry stubborn set to her jaw appeared.? "If you don't want to see me again, at least just say it.? Don't feed me some...some...bullsh*t excuse!"

"It's no bullsh*t, Jenni," he said quietly.? "I am a Lycan.? I was born a Lycan, and I will be one until I die.? I have no reason to lie to you?quite the opposite, in fact.? I don't want to deceive you by pretending to be a normal person."

She stared hard at him, her blue eyes cold now, cold and hard.? "You really believe you can turn into some sort of man-wolf creature on the full moon?"? She snorted in derisive anger.? "You need professional help."? She stood up and moved towards the door.

"You've had a conversation with a dragon," he said to her back.? Surely that was no less far-fetched than lycanthropy.

She ignored him and opened the door, standing beside it in a clear signal that she wanted him to leave.? She was practically vibrating with anger and hurt and tears shimmered in her eyes.? Bitter regret flavored the air between them now. He growled softly, a primal sound that shot straight to a person's spinal column without bothering to engage the brain first. She went still, her eyes growing wide.? She shrank in on herself, making herself smaller, hiding in plain sight, just like a mouse or a wounded bird.

He sighed, looking away from her.? He should have known it would be too much for her to handle.? Her life had obviously been too sheltered, and even the shock of RhyDin hadn't broken down those walls.? He rose and walked past her, pausing in the doorway.? "I'm sorry," he said, very quietly.? "I'll leave you be."? He stepped out into the hall and walked towards the elevator.? His movements were as graceful and easy as ever, but something in the set of his shoulders, the way he held his head told of the unhappiness he was feeling.

The door closed behind him with a thud and she stood for a long moment with her forehead pressed against it, eyes closed, tears streaking down her face.? She felt like such a failure.? Her mother had been correct?if you jump into bed with a man you've just met, be prepared for him walking out and never speaking to you again.? If you give it up so easily, don't expect him to respect you.