Topic: Lofty Ambitions

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-03-29 12:54 EST
Well, Daniel thought as he stood in the doorway of his new apartment; his new and completely empty apartment. Good thing I haven't any problems sleeping on the floor. Since that was where it looked like he'd be spending his time, at least for a while. Once he had a bit of income flowing in from the Cafe, things would change. Assuming the Cafe got any business, of course. That's a whole separate issue, Danny-boy.

While he'd spent plenty of time working in diners and bars, it was always a temporary job, something taken simply to build up enough money for the inevitable next journey. Certainly, he'd never had a business of his own to run, and no management skills to do so. About the only thing he had going for him was an above-average ability to cook, which, granted, was rather important for a Cafe. Well, no matter. He'd just have to pick it up as he went along. How hard could it be, really? First things first; he needed to get the place up and running, and try to draw in some customers. The best way to do that would be to make sure his prices were lower than other places nearby. Prices...hell. I'm not even sure what this place uses for money, let alone how much to charge for a bloody meal. Daniel sighed and turned away from the doorway, closing the door behind him. Time to hit the town and start learning the way things worked in this crazy place. It looked like he had a long way to go.

Mindy McKnight

Date: 2010-04-01 16:58 EST
Naked apartments weren't the most comfortable of places to be. Hearing Daniel's place was like that made her want to help out some. On her way back from the inn Mindy stopped at a couple places. First was the home of one of the librarians she had formerly worked with. After explaining what she was after she came away with a somewhat worn, but rather masculine patchwork quilt and a reading lamp that was missing it's shade.

The next stop was at the home of one of her favorite library patrons. A grandfatherly fellow who had been talking about downsizing his home in the near future. After several glasses of brandy she came away with a pleasant buzz, a mini bar in a globe, and the promise of a matched set of end tables to be delivered the next day.

She added that to the two beige stripped arm chairs in the stock room at Tranquility, along with an inflatable mattress bought a discount store, she figured that was enough to get him started. And on a whim, she threw in a watercolor of a monkey in a mango tree in front of a jungle ruin. It wasn't a big one, but bare walls were almost more depressing than empty space.

Satisfied she locked up the shop and headed next to door to the cafe for lunch and a good gossip.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-04-02 13:26 EST
Daniel awoke, stretched long and hard, and looked around at his empty room. The time had come for a bed. Now that the cafe had been doing excellent business for a few days, Daniel figured he could afford the luxury of a place to sleep that wasn't the floor. He dressed quickly, and headed out the door. He'd see if he could find a second-hand shop that sold furniture, first. Even a cot or futon would do, he didn't need much yet.

Two hours later, he came back down the street toting a semi-new fold-up futon and cushion. He dropped it off in his apartment, then decided now would be a good time to get the furniture Mindy had very sweetly found for him.

After he picked up the furniture, Daniel set about preparing the lunch he'd promised to cater at Mindy's book club meeting. A couple vegetarian sample platters, a couple non-vegetarian sampler platters to start. Then a big tray of several types of naan. Appetizers and sides done, he turned next to the main course; Lamb Bhuna, Shrimp Vindaloo, and finally, Shahi Murgh. That ought to be enough for the group. Well, almost. He decided to throw in a mango mousse pie, too, in case they wanted something sweet to end the meal. Satisfied with his efforts, he carefully wrapped everything up for transport and loaded it onto a cart. He hoped Mindy and her friends would enjoy the food. She'd certainly earned a good meal, and more, for the help she'd given him already.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-05-09 18:36 EST
Weeks later.

Daniel slipped out of bed even earlier than Riley this morning, about an hour and a half before dawn, mostly due to excitement. Today was moving day. He went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for her, since she'd be up in less than half an hour. Twenty minutes later, the smell of brewing coffee filled the house nicely. Even though he'd never developed a taste for the stuff, he couldn't deny how good it smelled.

Roused from a weird dream involving a pack of Chihuahuas, a single serape and a coffee plantation, Riley opened her eyes in the gloom of pre-dawn and decided that at least the coffee plantation had been based on something in reality.? Danny must have gotten up early and made her some of the life-giving black gold.? She stretched hugely and sat up, loosening the rubber band that held her hair back in a braid and ran her fingers through the sun-kissed sable tresses.? "Danny?" she said, her voice still thick with sleep.

He came back into the bedroom, carrying a mug of coffee to the side of the bed. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, offering the aromatic brew as he did so. "Good morning, sundari," he said, smiling. "I was up, so I made you coffee."

"Oh, you are officially my favorite person ever," she said as she accepted both the kiss, and possibly more importantly, the mug of coffee.? She took a tentative sip and sighed happily.? "Thank you.? And why the hell are you up so early?? Only crazy people and yoga instructors are up before dawn."

He grinned happily. "Well, I don't teach yoga...," letting the sentence trail off, before laughing and continuing, "I'm just excited, I suppose."

She slowly shook her head and sipped more coffee before yawning so hugely that she was in danger of swallowing her own head.? "Well, I have to shower and head up to the roof for an hour and a half, but then I'll be back down to help out.? Do you want help?"? He was a pretty burly, brawny guy - she was relatively certain that he could handle the paltry amount of furniture in his loft and since he'd spent maybe two or three days living there in total, it wouldn't take long to clean.

"Well, I suppose that depends on what we're going to do with the majority of my junk," he replied. "I'm going to keep the monkey picture that Mindy gave me, of course. Do you want to bring the mini-bar over here, as well?" He grinned a bit.

"Oh, yes.? That thing is freaking cool."? She grinned and then drank some more coffee.? "I'd like to give your futon to Oliver," she said softly.? She had a very special place in her heart for the young boy and wanted to help him as much as possible, which translated to as much as he'd let her.? "What do you want to do with the rest of it?"

He smiled. It was always nice when her soft side showed through that tough exterior. "He's welcome to it, and anything else that might be useful."? He shrugged, thinking about the rest. "We can donate it all, really, to one place or another. There's no lack of people who need furniture, even second-hand stuff that doesn't match."

She finished her coffee and set the mug aside on the bedside table.? Then she leaned into him and kissed him softly, whispering against his lips, "You're a good guy, Daniel Atma Tej."? She slipped out of bed and padded naked and barefoot into the bathroom.

A little purr rumbled in his chest at her kiss, and he turned to watch her head into the bathroom. "Want some company?" he couldn't help asking; and really, could anyone blame him for that?

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-05-09 18:36 EST
She merely chuckled, knowing that if she invited him, she'd be late for her class.? Twenty minutes later, dressed in loose-fitting, low-slung black yoga pants and a brightly-patterned sports bra, she emerged from the bathroom, wet hair slicked back in a tight braid and feeling refreshed and slightly more awake than before.?

Well, if he couldn't join her in the shower, he could at least go over and give her a long, deep kiss when she came out. A short eternity later, he reluctantly broke the kiss to say, "I'm going to hop in the shower now, then head over to start. I'll see you after your class?"

Her fingers curled through the hair at the base of his neck and held him close as he kissed her.? When he moved away, she slowly opened her eyes and nodded.? "Yeah," she said, her voice rough with lust.? Painfully, she tore herself away from him, picked up her bag and left the loft.

"Have a good one," he said softly as she left, knowing she'd hear anyway. He didn't move until the door closed behind her, then turned and went to take that shower, which would now have to rather colder than he'd originally intended.

After drying off and getting dressed, he headed out of the loft and up the stairs to his place. Inside the apartment, he looked around, and couldn't help chuckling a bit at the sadly mismatched state of the furniture.? The Cafe had been doing very well ever since opening, so he certainly didn't lack for money anymore, yet he'd never bothered to put any of it into better furniture. Of course, most of that was because he spent virtually all of his time downstairs with Riley, anyway.

"First things first," he said out loud, going over to take the picture off the wall and scooping up the mini bar in a globe. He carried them downstairs and set them down in the living room. He'd let Riley decide where she'd like to hang the picture. Then it was back up the stairs to begin moving everything else down and outside to the front.? He set the futon to one side, and, after a moment's thought, added the patchwork quilt and the reading lamp that was missing a shade. He nodded; those seemed like they'd be useful to a street urchin, even one who couldn't read.

He piled the rest of his furniture a foot or two away from the futon. With so few items, it was only about a half hour's work to get it all outside. The last thing to do was close and lock the door; he'd give the key back to Riley when she came down from her class. He sat down in one of the chairs, there by the side of the street, to wait. He didn't want anyone running off with the furniture for Oliver, even if the rest didn't matter.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-05-09 18:37 EST
Feeling warm and very limber after the hour-long class, Riley slipped back into her loft, only to find a mini-bar in a globe and a cheerful water color of a monkey sitting next to her desk.? She smiled and stripped out of her damp clothing.? Taking another shower, she dressed quickly, this time in worn cut-offs and a ragged, thread-bare New England Patriots t-shirt.? Slipping on a pair of low-top black Converse All-Stars, she headed downstairs and outside to the front of the building.

She chuckled softly when she saw Danny lounging curbside.? "You look like the old men in Southside," she said as she stood next to him, hands on hips as she surveyed the assortment of stuff.? "Is all of this for Oliver?"

Even in raggedy clothes like that, she still looked good enough to eat. He stood and slipped his arms around her, stealing another kiss. Then he nodded. "I thought he could find a use for them. Any ideas on what do with the rest of it?"

She cocked her head to the side and chewed her lower lip as she thought about it.? "Well, if you leave it out here, it'll either be dragged out into the middle of the street and set afire or used as target practice.? If you want to drag it down the street, there's a resale shop there and they may take it off your hands and give you a couple of silvers in exchange."

He shook his head. "I don't want any money for it. I'd rather donate it somewhere."

?You could always refuse to take anything from the resale shop," she shrugged and then glanced towards the burned-out flour mill across the street.? "What did you want to give to Oliver?? I'll go see if he's around."

He pointed at the other pile. "The futon, the quilt, and the lamp. Do you think he'd like the lamp? I wasn't sure about it. Don't even know if power."

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't.? There's no water or heat to the building; chances are there's no power, either.? He'll appreciate the quilt and the futon, though."? She reached down and ran her fingers through Danny's hair, smiling softly at him.? "You really are a good guy."? Then she straightened up and glanced once more to the flour mill.? "I'll be right back, okay?"

He leaned into her hand and smiled. "Thank you, pyara." He looked over towards the mill, too, then nodded. "I'll wait here. I think he's scared of me."

She chuckled.? "He's mostly afraid of me, too."? Then she set off across the street, taking care to be visible and noisy.? She'd learned that Oliver hated to be sneaked up on.? She stuck her head through the doorway and called out to the boy.? Soon after, a filthy, grubby, probably-blonde head popped out of a shadow and gave her a wary once over.? Riley explained to him what she and Danny were about and the boy's face lit up like Christmas morning.? "A bed?" he asked.? "I ain't never had me own bed 'afore."

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-05-09 18:38 EST
Daniel smiled, keen ears picking up the conversation even from across the street. He felt absurdly good for helping the kid.

She smiled and then informed Oliver that she and Mr Tej would return momentarily with the futon and the quilt.? Then she turned and went back to Danny.? "Okay.? Let's go," she said and grabbed the quilt, figuring he could handle the futon on his own.

And he could. The weight was pretty negligible, really, though the futon was awkwardly long. He settled for hoisting it onto one shoulder like a lazy fireman's ladder, and set off across the street behind her.

Oliver was hovering just inside the ruined building, his eyes growing wide with shock when he spotted Daniel.? "Corblimey, but he's a strong 'un, ain't he?" he whispered.? Riley gave the boy a lop-sided smile and nodded.? The boy blinked and headed deeper into the building, leading them through a turning, twisting, labyrinthine path to a secret room in the back of the building.

Daniel grinned, but didn't say anything, for fear of scaring off the skittish urchin. It took some doing to negotiate some of the turns he was lead through while carrying a futon; in fact it would have been all but impossible for someone without lycanthropic strength and agility. He managed to avoid banging the thing into walls and door frames fairly successfully, though. Only a an extra scratch or two on it, and he doubted Oliver would care, even if he noticed.

The room that Oliver led the two Cats into looked nothing like the rest of the building.? For one, it was spotless and orderly.? For another, none of the smoke or fire damage seemed to have touched it.? The walls were a pale robins-egg blue and covered with collages of pictures clipped from fliers and posters and magazines and newspapers.? There was a small nest, made of clean, though ragged and thread-bare blankets, a shelf that contained three books, a small statue of a long, spindly legged deer missing an ear, and a pretty rock, and a single, large iron cauldron on a stand, which had been settled over a hole in the floor.

Daniel stopped in the doorway, looking around the room in surprise. Not at all what he would have expected from a street kid. Though, it made sense when he thought about it for a minute; when you had almost nothing, you took care of it.

Riley, too, was surprised at the cleanliness and order of the room.? It made her heart ache just a little more to see this secret haven amidst the chaos of the surrounding building.? "Where would you like your new bed, sweet-heart?" she asked the boy.

Oliver looked around, a bit of a confused frown on his face.? "Uhm...I guess you could put it here," he said as he scrambled to move his blanket nest.? Riley nodded and glanced over at Danny.

Daniel stepped over to the indicated spot when Oliver had finished clearing it out and settled the futon carefully into place. Then he nodded to the boy and gave him a bit of smile before moving back to the doorway of the room.

Oliver smiled, a lightning-quick expression that was no less endearing for its brevity.? Riley held the quilt out to him and he tentatively took it from her and hugged it against his chest.? "Thanks," he said, studiously avoiding eye contact with either of the adults.

Riley reached out and laid her hand gently on his forearm, pushing through the instinct to draw away from him when he flinched.? He looked up at her, his hazel eyes soft and full of gratitude that he had no words to express.? "You're welcome, sweet-heart.? There's some other stuff out front, if you'd like to come look."

The boy shook his head and stepped back, moving out of arm's reach.? "N-n-no."? He looked back and forth between Riley and Danny, then added as an after-thought.? "Thank you kindly, though.? I'll repay you somehow, Missus."? His voice was full of painful pride and Riley had to smile softly.

"Of course.? I might have some other messages for you to carry soon.? Can I let you know?" she asked, knowing better than to give the boy any kind of charity.? He nodded and she gave him another sweet smile before waving and leaving his sanctuary.? She slipped her hand into Danny's and sighed softly, sadly.

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-05-09 18:38 EST
He squeezed her hand in sympathy, knowing what she was feeling.? He didn't say anything as they crossed the street, giving her a minute or two to collect herself.? When they were back in front of the Gardens, he asked, "So, know anyone who could use any of the rest?"

She shook her head slowly.? "Honestly, I don't.? I'm sure the neighborhood is full of them, but I'm afraid that the Makos will get to it first.? I think our best bet is to take it to the resale shop and then..."? She trailed off and then got an excited look.? "No!? I know the perfect place.? Only problem will be getting it all over there."? She made a thoughtful face, looking over the collection.

"Oh? Where? If it's not that far, we can manage."

"Well, it's on the way to the Glen.? So, it's a goodly distance.? Let me run over to Reynaldo's and see if I can borrow one of the boys and a wagon."

"Ah, I see. Go ahead, then. I'll wait here and watch it." He dropped back down into one of the arm chairs and made himself comfortable. It was a nice day, at least.

She chuckled and jogged over to the Fruit Stand.? After about fifteen minutes, she came back, sitting in the front of a wagon, next to a handsome man in his early twenties.? When the wagon came to a stop in front of Danny, the lad hopped down from his seat and began helping move the things into the bed.

"Excellent," he said, "Thanks a lot." To the man as they loaded up the remaining furniture, just a few minutes work.

He nodded and Riley shook his hand as she slipped down from the wagon's seat.? "Remember, the Orphanage," she said.? "And get them to sign for it and bring it back.? There's a gold in it for you."? The man nodded again, clicked his and shook the reins, saying, "Walk on," to the horses.? The wagon slowly rumbled off, making a loud clattering noise against the cobbles as it drove down the street.

"Orphanage, eh? That's perfect," he said, smiling. "Good thought, pyara." He slipped his arm around her waist and hugged her against him. "Well, that didn't take long, did it? Oh, the last thing." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key to his former loft, and held it out to her. "I wonder who'll end up in there?"

Daniel Tej

Date: 2010-05-09 18:39 EST
She chuckled and took the key from him.? "I don't know.? But, I have a feeling that whomever it is, will be very happy here."? She kissed his cheek softly as they entered the building.? They passed Mr Cheung, and Riley handed the key to him with a smile.? He glowered at her and gave Danny a respectful nod.? Riley frowned and shook her head.? "I don't get it."

"Authority figures," he whispered, and snickered quietly after nodding back to the super. "Or maybe he's intimidated by tall women." He chuckled some more, making a show of looking up at her.

She stuck her tongue out at him and then dragged him up the stairs.? She paused in front of her door and made a big show of taking a key off the ring she pulled from her pocket and handed the newly-separated key to Danny.? "Welcome home, Mr Tej."

"Why thank you, Ms. O'Rourke," he replied, grinning like a fool. He put the key in the lock and turned it, nodding when the lock clicked open. He held the door and made a grand gesture to her. "After you."

She grinned and slipped inside.? "Where shall we hang the monkey?"? She picked up the mini-bar globe and stuck it next to the TV.? She chuckled at it again and said, "That thing really is so freaking cool."

He stepped over the threshold and paused a moment, wondering if it would feel different. It didn't; it just felt good. "How about the corner above the treadmill?" He nodded toward the bare-looking patch of wall there. "Glad you like the mini-bar." He laughed. "I don't think it was ever used at my place."

She nodded and then fixed him with a slightly squinty-eyed glare.? "When did you ever have people over?? Hmmm?"

He shrugged. "Never, I don't think. You always wanted to come here, and I wasn't about to complain. Your place is lovely, and mine looked like a rummage sale's aftermath."

She giggled and then flopped down on the couch, stretching out her legs in front of her and crossing them at the ankles.? "So.? How shall we celebrate this momentous occasion in our relationship?"

He stretched out on the couch, laying his head on her lap and grinning up her. "Whatever madam wishes," he answered in his best Jeeves accent. "I'm in your hands."

She grinned wickedly and shifted over on the couch to straddle his lap.? She kissed his neck and his jaw and whispered in his ear, "Not yet you're not."