Topic: Seeing To The Leopard's Wounds

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-07-08 22:22 EST
Friday, June 8th 2012

After leaving the Inn and Chien on his date with the cute Southern belle, Riley and David made their way through New Haven to Daniel's lakeside cabin. The last time Riley had been up there had been early Wednesday morning, and what she'd found had worried her.

The cabin stood empty and lifeless. In fact, Lelah and her dog's scents were faint; at least two days had passed since the last time the woman had been there. That made Riley's heart ache and stole the breath from her body. There was no sign of Danny, either. Riley began walking in an ever-widening spiral, nose to the wind, senses straining to find her erstwhile lover. Finally, she'd discovered him huddled beneath a small rocky outcrop near the top of the mountain to which his property backed up. He was in his Leopard form and had clearly been that way for a while. He refused to Shift back to human, so Riley spent a few hours with Jaguar firmly in the driver's seat, hunting with Leopard, playing a bit, but mostly cuddling together in the sun. Reluctantly, just after nightfall on Wednesday night, Riley Shifted back and promised Danny that she'd be back in a few days, and she'd take it as a personal favour if he'd be Human then. They had a lot to talk about.

When Riley had told him about finding Dan out in the mountains, seemingly unwilling to take human form, David had immediately started worrying. Riley had told him enough about life as a Lycan that he knew spending too much time Shifted was dangerous. He also knew that Dan had already spent more time than was normally considered healthy Shifted?which was why his voice and teeth weren't really human anymore. He didn't know if there was some kind of threshold; a point of no return where a Lycan would be stuck Shifted, but he couldn't imagine that Dan's refusal to go back to human form was a good sign.

It was late when they finally reached the clearing where the cabin stood. Riley paused for a moment at the treeline, her head tilted back a bit, nostrils working overtime. "He's here," she said to David and nodded towards the back porch of the cabin, where Danny had something he and Lelah called his Kitty Bed. "Human, too, I think, though it's kinda hard to tell."

David already started for the back of the house when she added that last bit. He paused, looking over his shoulder at her. "Hard to tell? What do you mean?"

"Either he's just now Shifted back to Human or...well, he's still too far gone." She shrugged a bit, unable to explain. " careful. Maybe I ought to approach him first. You know, just to be safe."

For most guys, that kind of statement would be taken as a challenge. Luckily, David wasn't most guys. His ego wasn't so delicate that he couldn't step back and let his wife handle a situation she was better equipped for. "All right," he said. "I'll stay here. Just, you know, call if you need me." If Dan was far enough gone to be dangerous, he didn't know if she could necessarily handle him alone. They were both Alphas, and Dan was a lot stronger than her.

She gave her husband a grateful smile, stepped in close to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Then she was off, crossing the clearing and making enough noise that there was no way Danny would feel she was sneaking up on him. When she rounded the edge of the cabin, she stopped and gasped. Daniel wasn't lying in his Kitty Bed this time. He was stretched out on the ground, naked and covered with the detritus of the forest?dirt, leaves, twigs, clumps of mud. There was some blood, too, from already-healed scratches and cuts. He was looking right at her, his grey eyes wide and wild-looking. She said softly, working hard to make herself as nonthreatening as possible, "Danny, love? It's me. Riley." She took a step forward, hands up, palms facing him, blinking with extreme exaggeration?in the Universal tongue of feline creatures everywhere, she was telling him, 'I'm okay, you're okay'.

Some of the tension in his muscles faded away as Leopard responded to the presence of His one-time mate. That they weren't together anymore didn't matter to Leopard. Riley was Safe. Riley was Home. He pushed himself up on his arms, still staring at her. His mouth worked for a moment before a word emerged, rough and low-pitched. "Riley."

She smiled at him, careful to keep her lips covering her teeth, and crossed the rest of the distance between them. Sinking down into a half-lotus pose, she reached out and touched his shoulder, just the barest of contact, which gave him ample opportunity to draw back out of the way if he wanted. "David's here, too. We're both so worried about you."

Daniel pushed his shoulder into her hand, rubbing along it as though he was still Shifted. "Sorry," he husked. The words came a little more easily as he continued. "I couldn't stand it, Riley." Being human, he meant. Feeling human emotion.

She scooted a little closer and wrapped her arms around him, drawing him into her lap as though he were a child. She pressed a kiss against his temple, made soft shushing sounds and rocked him. "It sucks, I know," she said, blinking back tears. " can't... I mean, I can't let you slip away."

He didn't struggle against her arms, instead nestling against her instinctively. "It would be easier," he said softly. "Just to let it go." Give in to Leopard, Shift and never come back. Like his mother did.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-07-08 22:23 EST
"But that's the easy way out," she said, her hand slipping down his back from shoulders to lumbar and back up again, over and over. "That's the coward's way out. It takes guts to be human. Guts and courage and strength, and Danny, you're the bravest person I've ever known."

"It hurts to be brave sometimes," he said, voice still low and rough, though some of the wildness in it had drained away. "I sometimes wonder how people...humans, I mean...can cope."

She shrugged a bit, stirred beneath him as she shifted his weight. "I dunno, really. We just do. We persevere. Can I tell you a secret?"

The slow stroke of her hand was going a long way towards relaxing him, and his eyes sank half-closed as he nodded. "Go ahead."

"You saved my life once." Her voice was hushed and raw with emotion. "Remember when we first met?" Those had been dark days for the Cat. She'd recently escaped the Unseelie Faerie Queen's torture chamber and had been a broken, hollow shell of a person, lost and drifting through a life that was nothing more than a red haze of pain and impotent, unfocused anger.

One corner of his mouth twitched upwards in the briefest of smiles. "I'll never forget it."

She bumped her forehead against his then, rubbing his face with her cheek, scent-marking him in Human form. "Then let me return the favour, okay? You'll get through this if I have to drag you kicking and screaming."

He turned his head, pressing a soft kiss against her cheek. It was a very human gesture, the significance of which could not be lost on her. "I'm sorry for worrying you and David." There was a brief pause. "You could tell him to come back here. I won't bite."

She chuckled softly and returned the kiss, aiming this one as his rough, chapped lips. "We should get you cleaned up, showered, dressed, maybe some food or something hot to drink into you, too." She gently pushed him off her lap and rose gracefully to her feet, reaching down to draw him up beside her as well. Then she called out, "David? It's okay. You can come back now."

It's about time, David thought when he heard Riley call his name. She'd been back there with Dan for a good fifteen minutes already, and there hadn't been any screams or growling. Clearly, he wasn't dangerous at the moment. He pushed away from where he'd been leaning against the wall of Dan's cabin and went around the corner. One brow lifted a fraction when he saw Dan's state, but it wasn't exactly the first time he'd seen the other man naked. He'd long since gotten over any uncomfortableness in that respect. "Hey," he said to Dan, giving him a little grin. "You look like sh*t."

Riley snorted and shook her head. "Nice," she commented as she went up the steps and headed into the cabin's cozy and well-appointed kitchen. Once inside, she turned on lights and started rummaging through the pantry and refrigerator, looking for food.

David's comment surprised a chuckle out of him, and Daniel was shocked at how good it felt to laugh. "Can't say I feel any differently, either," he replied, the momentary humor evaporating as quickly as it had appeared.

David reached out and gave Dan's shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Dan. Really sorry." He shook his head. "If you want to talk about it, you know we're here for you." His tone said Dan had damn well better want to talk about it soon. They followed Riley into the house and took up spots leaning against the wall on either side of the door that led into the main room.

"I know," Daniel replied. "And I will. Soon."

Riley cast a look at David, a warning in her eyes. That look said 'Don't rush him'. Then she went back to gathering ingredients for Midnight Omelets. "Why don't you go get cleaned up, Danny? Shower, shave, get dressed. David can help me down here."

Daniel nodded to Riley. "Yes, that's probably for the best." He left the kitchen and went up the flight of stairs that led to the second floor, heading for the bathroom that was just off his bedroom.

She sighed heavily and piled eggs, herbs, meat, cheese, and milk on the counter. "He's bad," she remarked, casting a frightened look on her husband. "Really, really bad."

David frowned. "I know he's upset, but...he seems like he's getting through it. He laughed at my little joke." He trusted Riley's perceptiveness, though, so he had to add, "I'm missing something, though, right?"

"Shifting and staying in our Cat form is like...well, it's sorta like suicide," she said as she began chopping and slicing, her hands busy as her mind sorted through everything. "The Human part of us shrivels up and dies away. His mother did it and it kinda sounded like he was well on his way to doing it after he left us last year. It's...easier, you know? No more complicated, messy human emotions, no entanglements. Survival. Eating, finding shelter, defending your territory... Nothing more involved than that."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-07-08 22:24 EST
"I don't get that. You?Alphas, I mean?keep your brains when you Shift. How do you lose the human part if you can still think?" He shook his head. "Never mind, we can talk about that later. He's not still heading that way, though, right? I mean, he's back in human form, so..."

"Think of it like a junkie coming down off smack," she said, cracking eggs into a bowl, adding a splash or two of milk, a grind or three of black pepper and sprinkling some fresh herbs over the top before stirring it all together. "It's...addictive to be that primal, that feral, that powerful, you know? To do whatever the hell you want because you're an animal. To not have any sort of morality or ethics or any of those complicated, sticky human situations." She slanted a look at him out of the corner of her eye. "Does that make sense?"

"Sure," he replied. "I get it. If that's what's going on with Dan, though...the fact that he came back is important, right?"

She nodded and then dumped the eggs onto a buttered griddle. "Oh, yeah. Very important. Means he figures he's got something here to live for, something to come back for." Carefully testing the eggs to see if they were sticking, she put a portion of the meat and cheese into the centre and then flipped the top half over. "Probably us."

"Good. I'd have to kick his ass if he tried to run out on us." David was kidding, obviously, but the sentiment was there.

She smiled softly and slid the finished omelet off the griddle and put it on a large plate before placing it into a warming oven. Then she repeated the whole process with the second one. "I hate her," she said softly, her voice vehement. "I hate that she did this to him. I hate that she was so f*cking selfish and split. What the hell was she thinking? Asking him to marry her and then just...packing up and leaving?"

He put his hands on her shoulders, pressing his fingers into the muscles there. "We still don't know the whole story," he said, his voice low. "But...I know exactly how you feel. I can't believe she'd ditch him like that. He's the nicest guy around."

"F*cking selfish, egotistical..." She trailed off, lapsing into gutter Japanese, which was heavily sprinkled with equally harsh French epithets. She finished the omelets and left them in the warming oven until Danny was downstairs and then set about making coffee, adding a healthy dose of chai spices to the bean grinder. "Wonder if he'd come stay with us for a while?"

"Maybe," he replied. "We should ask him."

After he'd finished with the shower, Daniel glanced at himself in the mirror, seeing the signs of a week's worth of staying Shifted had left on his face. Part of him knew that he was pushing it?he'd spent a lot more time letting Leopard run free than most Lycans could manage and still come back, but it would catch up with him one of these days if he kept it up. He sighed softly, and went out to the kitchen, following the rather pleasant smell of omelets.

The coffee was done, the omelets and toast on the table, and Riley and David were sitting down, nursing coffee as they waited for the Leopard to make his entrance. The Jaguar looked up and gave Daniel a soft smile before nodding to the empty place across from her. "Midnight omelets and chai lattes. Just like old times, huh?"

"Like old times," Daniel agreed, giving them both a faint smile. "I'm sorry for pulling a vanishing act," he said slowly. "When she left, I just...needed to be away for a while."

"I understand," Riley said softly, reaching out to give Daniel's hand a soft squeeze before digging into the eggs. She gave David a Significant Look as she ate, one that asked him to broach the subject of Lelah's leaving and maybe try to get some of the details out of him.

David had never been one to beat around the bush, especially with people he really cared about, so he just came out and asked it. "Dan...what happened? I know 21twelve went under, two were so happy together. Why'd she leave without you?" It was blunt, but he really needed to understand.

"She left without me because I wouldn't go with her," Daniel said quietly, looking down at his omelet. He didn't touch it yet, though.

"You wouldn't go where with her?" Riley butted in, no doubt interrupting the flow of the conversation, but she'd never been particularly patient.

"Earth," he answered. "New York. She said that there was no way a movie studio could make it here?not enough of a market. It's true. So she'd never be able to follow her dream if she stayed here."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-07-08 22:25 EST
"Dreams can be modified," she pointed out brusquely. And then darted a guilty look at them both, motioning to Danny with her fork that he should continue. She'd try to be quiet.

Daniel shook his head. "Perhaps. But her first love is the movie business, and there will never be much of one here." He sighed softly. "She asked me to go with her, to get married in New York. Maybe open a restaurant there."

David glanced at Riley, then back to Dan before saying carefully. "Uh...why didn't you go? I mean...your feelings for each other are pretty clear."

"I don't want to leave RhyDin." He looked up from his plate, looking intently at the both of them. "I have a life here. A job. You two. A home." It was practically the same thing he'd told Lelah.

Riley nodded and pushed the last two bites of her eggs around her plate for a moment before saying, "You'd have hated New York, anyway. Too many people, too many buildings and cars. No where to run wild."

Daniel nodded back, but stayed silent for another minute, picking up a forkful of omelet and eating it slowly. Finally, though, he sighed softly and admitted the other reason for his refusal. "The idea scares me," he said, voice very soft. "When I think of it...I think of the fighting. Friends dying. Killing. All the blood on my hands. It terrifies me, the thought of returning. Being on the other side of the world wouldn't be far enough from that."

"And you feel safer here," she reasoned. "There's not really any chance of out and out civil warfare here."

He nodded, toying with his omelet again. "That's right. And when I told her how I felt, she said that there was nothing keeping her here but me, and that it wasn't enough, much as she loved me."

"And it would be the same if you went with her," David said, nodding. "You'd only have her."

She sighed and pushed her now-empty plate away, pulling her coffee closer and wrapping both hands around it. "This sucks," she said succinctly. "What ever happened to 'love is all you need'?"

Daniel met her eyes, and gave a smile only a little tinged with bitterness. "We can't all be as lucky as you and David, Riley."

A guilty frown creased her features and she dropped her eyes to the table's surface in front of her. A slender finger began tracing the wood grain and she muttered sullenly, "I don't believe that. I think anyone can have what we have if they work at it."

"I don't," he said, shaking his head. "What you have is special. You two are...made for each other, for lack of a better term. Karma, if you will." A little smile there.

She gave David a tiny little smirk. Made for each other, indeed. If what the tiny onmyoji in Tokyo could be believed, being made for each other was just the tip of the ice berg.

Privately, David thought Dan was absolutely right. Of course, he couldn't just say that. There was the Man Code to think of. "You're making me blush here, Dan." He shot Riley a little wink. They each had their own ways to help Dan feel better.

She took a sip of her coffee and placed her right foot next to her on the seat, her chin resting atop her knee. "So now what? What will you do?"

Daniel shrugged. "I don't know. Run the Temple, I suppose. I don't want to leave you two hanging."

"You don't really need to worry about that," she said. "What about coming to stay with us for a while? Just until you get back to a relative state of normalcy."

"Relative state of normalcy," he repeated. "Have I ever had such a thing?" He shrugged slightly. "Maybe it's not a bad idea. I realize it would ease your minds, certainly. Is there room, though? Now that you have a small elephant living with you, I mean." It wasn't the funniest of jokes, but he was making the attempt, at least.

David snorted a laugh at that. "Funny. The room upstairs is still yours if you want it, Dan. Anytime."

She nodded her agreement with David's statement. "Finn doesn't go upstairs much. That turn at the top of the steps is a little too tight for him."

"Just like Winnie the Pooh, is it?" Daniel felt considerably better now than he had the past few days. He probably ought to have gone to see the two of them right away instead of running off, he realized. He hadn't been thinking terribly clearly, though.

"Yeah, pretty much." Since they'd all finished their eggs and coffee, she rose from the table to clear it and do the dishes. She nodded to Daniel over her shoulder though her words were for David. "Why don't you go help him pack while I get things straightened away down here?"

"Sure," David said, standing up. "Come on, Dan. Let's get your sh*t together." More than one meaning there, huh?