Topic: OOC Communications (Updates, News, Etc)

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-11-01 17:53 EST
We got our folder! It's been a long time coming. Yay!

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-11-01 19:54 EST
Now I just have to figure out how it all works! :grin:

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-11-05 19:42 EST
It can be a little confusing at first, but I moderate two other folders and I've got a bit of a hang on things. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)

On another note, I've got to think about what to post for Cait....

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-11-05 21:33 EST
Yep, let's start using this place. I'm guessing we're both playing other characters, but let's make some time for Aaric and Cait. We need to get them back on Franco's radar and into the Gangstar. Post when you get time!

if I screw things up by playing around with the folder...feel free to fix and edit as necessary!


Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-11-08 17:34 EST
Oh, bear with me. I've been sick since tuesday and am not feeling much better. I'll try to crank out some writing soon. Just wanted to check in to let you know I'm around.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-11-08 17:58 EST
Hey, hope I didn't sound pushy. :oops: Certainly not my intention! Sometimes I get a little bored and a little antsy. You take care of you and feel better. I'll be here when you get around to it.

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-11-16 06:14 EST
What does "Shades of Pemberley" mean?:

It's taken from the book Pride and Prejudice when Lady Catherine says

"Heaven and earth, are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?"

Most commonly I've found that people think "shades" refer to the ghost or ancestors of the Pemberley Estate, or Mr. Darcy's lineage. Thus, would he be polluting his family line by marrying someone of inferior birth.

I've also found that some think it refers to the trees on the Pemberley estate, referring to the grandeur of the estate and it's size and thus the very existence of pemberley itself.

I happen to like the first thought, that his family lineage is threatened.

Also "'Shades' is the conventional rendering of the Latin 'manes'. 'Manes' were the ghosts of the deceased of the locality, who took a benevolent interest in the activities of the living. The concern is that an unsuitable person should eventually join them."

So, I chose "Shades of Pemberley" for the name of Aaric and Cait's folder because they both have so much invested in their families. But I also liked how shades could point to ghosts and in a figurative sense, they both have a lot of ghosts, demons, or skeletons to deal with.

(Information taken from: 5004)

As for the description of the folder, it is a combination of 2 quotes I found randomly and smooshed together. Neither are my own work.

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2010-01-18 20:00 EST
Hello? -testing- 1, 2...

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2010-06-12 14:37 EST
Umm..I'm back. Sorry I disappeared, guess I do that from time to time. I had the folder pulled out of the Catacombs so if you/Cait are still around and interested, feel free to jump in. If not, I understand and again, sorry.