Topic: The Pull Beneath the Surface: When Darkness Turns to Light.

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-08-20 10:47 EST
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

I stare at the clock on my nightstand. With each second that goes by, I wait and hope that the feelings will subside. To feel everything and to feel nothing is a uniquely disturbing experience. Pain muffled by sorrow, anger enhanced by loneliness, emptiness fueled by the sudden onset of my dark depression; I?m drowning in these feelings and can?t seem to get free.

Every bone in my body seems to ache, especially my hips. I have lain in bed for three days now, hardly moving. I suppose that?s why my bones ache so much. My stomach keeps growling and my lips are cracked, but despite that, I smile. It?s a relief to feel; to feel pain; to feel anything.

I?ve tried to get up, to shower, to dress, to do all the things that I always took for granted, but these days it seems like such a chore. It seems to take longer to convince myself to get out of bed than it would to accomplish the tasks in the first place. It?s not that I?m trying to feel sorry for myself. Hell, I don?t know what to feel sorry about.

I can hear the children playing in the apartment below mine. It doesn?t make me smile. It makes me jealous.

I miss my dad.

I roll over, refusing to look at the clock on the nightstand any longer. This sixth hour is dragging on for far too long. I close my eyes and wait for the darkness to assault me. It?s always worse when my eyes are closed. First comes the overwhelming feelings of anxiety. It shoots through my skin, tingling, raising every hair on my body. Then comes the burning in my chest, the feeling that I?m going to burst out of my skin and ignite into flames at any moment, and then comes the crippling realization that it will never be that easy to get away from myself.

A sob clenches in my throat, causing me to choke as I fight it back. The feeling of suffocation weighs down on me as I take a deep breath and fight for air. There are no tears falling down my face today. It?s been almost twenty-four hours since I was able to actually cry. I?m all dried up. My body tenses with every wracking, tearless sob that tries to force its way out of me. My chest tightens, pulling for air, and I can feel my throat stretching in anticipation of it. Nothing comes. Unbreathing, I shake with tearless, silent crying.

I had been having dreams about my dad again. I should have never left him in the first place, going out on adventures to see the world. If I hadn?t left, maybe I would have gotten him to go to the doctor sooner. Maybe the cancer wouldn?t have spread so quickly. My good-for-nothing socialite of a stepmother didn?t take care of him, not like I would have. I hate her in every way that it is possible for someone to resent another human being. I loathe her.

I can still hear my dad telling me not to cry, that there was nothing that I could do, nothing that anyone could do.

?It?s my time, Caitlin. Don?t blame yourself. I want you to be happy. Be brilliant. Achieve your dreams.?

He said the same words to me time and time again, all throughout his final days. I didn?t listen to them, not then. I was angry at him. I begged him not to go; not to leave me. Why was he giving up? Why did he stop fighting? Why would he make peace with the illness that was taking him away from me?

He was the only thing in my world that mattered, and he was gone. Sometimes the image of him haunts my dreams. I can see the image of my dying father, an empty shell of the man he used to be, lying pitifully in his bed. Gone was the round faced man with dark, wiry hair. In his place was a decrepit old skeleton. Whisps of white, ghostly hair haloed his sallow, sunken features.

I remember the day I saw the light in my dad?s eyes go out. He told me he loved me. He told me that he knew it was his time. He died in his sleep that night. Slipped away, they said.

I came to Rhydin to hide, to get away, to find myself, find a purpose, find something else besides the pain. I?m starting to think it doesn?t exist. There is only the loneliness.

I saw Aaric about two weeks ago now. There could be promise there, if I were someone else. There is so much to him, and I could be happy with him, I know. But I?m too afraid to feel. I haven?t heard a word from him and now I fear that I missed my chance to know happiness again. It?s ironic. I?m lying here, alone in this bed, in the apartment that he and I were supposed to share. Maybe this is where I?m supposed to be.

I wish it wasn?t. I don?t want to be here. Not like this. I want to go see him, but I can?t talk myself into getting up. What if he?s decided against seeing me? What if he?s decided against working things out? I couldn?t handle that. That rejection. That final nail...

There is a mirror across the room, and in it there is a girl lying in bed. The light in the room is the dark, dull gray of pre-dawn. She looks like me, but she can?t be me. I?ve never had such dark circles under my eyes. I?ve never had such thin, sickly frame. My hair has never been in such a matted and tattered disarray. I stare at the girl and wonder how she came to be.

The skeletal image of my father floats in front of my vision, and for a moment I feel that I am staring at him and at my own reflection. With a scream, I pick up the damned alarm clock and hurl it across the room. The shattered image of the girl in her bed smiles back at me as the shards of the mirror tink-tink-tink onto the floor.

They sound like teardrops, and I wish I could make them fall.

I scream, kick, and thrash against the blankets, hurling them onto the floor to cover the glittering shards of the mirror. This is not me! I could not stay like this! I felt so desperately like crying out for help, but there seemed to be no one to turn to. There was only one person I had left in the world, and I didn?t even know if he would ever speak to me again.

I rise up from the bed and walk across the blankets, feeling the dull pain of the glass shards trying to cut at me from beneath the thick material. My legs feel like jello, and grabbing the windowsill to steady myself proves to me just how much strength I?ve lost.

I can see the area where Aaric lives from here. It?s further uptown and much nicer than here. It looks like home. Aaric?s built himself a home, and I would give anything to be a part of it.

I?m not sure how I do it, but somehow I end up running from my apartment and into the street. Heedless of my appearance, I run breathlessly through the streets until I arrive at his doorstep. I don?t remember the route I took or how long I ran. It felt as if I simply collapsed in front of his door with a heavy thud.

I was a complete mess. My feet were dirty. My mouth tasted awful. Even my long silk nightgown was sad and dirty. With my side against his door, I pull my knees up against my chest and rock against it, the tears I?d so desperately wanted finally streaming down my face. The hot sting of them feels incredible; cleansing.

Someone?s mumbling, and I realize it?s probably me. ?I need you. I need you.? I repeat it over and over again over the chattering of my teeth. I need him so badly, and in ways I?d never realized. The thing I had fought for so long is the thing I?d needed so much. He made me feel happy. He made me feel safe. He made me feel things that I had cut out of myself over a year ago.

And as I sit here, I finally realize it all. While my body thuds quietly against his door over and over again, tears stream down my face, and while I look more vulnerable and disgusting than I ever have in my entire life, all I want to do is tell him what I?ve finally realized, and what I?ve never been able to tell any other man. I need him. I need him, and I desperately need him to love me the way that I, I now knew, loved him too.

(Authors Note: Special thanks to Dolus Gairu for his help in editing this post. You're amazing. Thank you.)

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-08-20 21:40 EST
He had fallen asleep reading, something he did more often than not these days. He found his home very comfortable, very secure, a fortress to keep the outside world at bay.

His days were spent walking the property, there were still many things left to do if he wanted to have everything in shape for winter. The days passed rather quickly, he worked hard. It was the nights that bothered him.

The nights lasted forever. Sleep came for him slowly, more slowly each night it seemed. There was too much time for thinking on these warm summer nights. He could hear the song of the summer wind as it played through the trees. It should have been a lullaby but instead it seemed to taunt him. In it he heard everything that his life could have been. So again tonight, as he did most nights, he arose from his bed. Some nights, he simply pulled a chair to the open window and stared out at the moon and stars. Most nights, as with this one, he went downstairs to read. Books were his refuge. Books couldn't hurt you, they didn't break your heart or make you feel small.

The wooden stairs creaked and he stopped for a moment as if afraid the noise might awaken someone who wasn't there. He stopped in front of the large recessed book case. It was nearly filled. A few more unpacked boxes would find it at capacity.

The pale moonlight filtering through the open window allowed just enough light for him to see. He ran his hand across the leather spines of the books, his fingers leaving a trail in the light coating of dust. These were his favorites, the classics, timeless stories of adventure, of secret and scandal, of life and love won and lost. His finger traced a path across the row as he silently read titles and authors. Browning, Lewis, Swift, Austen, Bronte, Eliot, Sinclair, Dickens. They were so familiar to him now they almost felt like friends. His finger stopped just short of the last book in the row. If one bothered to notice, this one had just a slightly thicker coating of dust. It had been in the box and on the shelf longer than most. This book had once been a friend too, once. Pride and Prejudice. It was Cait's book and it always would be. He thought he should smile just then, but he didn't. Instead he blindly picked a book from the shelf, neither knowing nor caring which it was.

He settled into his favorite chair between the open window and the dark fireplace, laying the book in his lap and taking his small silver reading glasses from the side table. His lit the oil lamp there, keeping it low , allowing just enough light to read. He turned the book over in his lap and recognized it instantly. A book of English poetry, one of his favorites. He had thumbed through this one hundreds of times. Even before opening it, a particular verse came to mind, one from Night by Shelley. He whispered as he looked out into the waning darkness.

"When I arose and saw the dawn,
I sigh'd for thee;
When light rode high, and the dew was gone,
And noon lay heavy on flower and tree,
And the weary Day turn'd to his rest,
Lingering like an unloved guest,
I sigh'd for thee,"

He paused before opening the book, placing it back in his lap and allowing the reading glasses to slip down his nose a bit. Laying his head back, he closed his eyes and sighed. Caitlin. It had been two weeks now since he'd seen her. Caitlin. The woman he had loved so deeply and so completely. Caitlin. The woman who had captured his heart and soul without so much as a word. Caitlin. The woman who had all but destroyed him. He had been so happy to see her again. Strange now that he found himself afraid. It was with this thought that he bade sleep to come. This time, this night, it did his bidding.

He didn't sleep long. The noise was faint at first, just enough to reach him in the far corner of his dreams. He rubbed at his eyes and ran a hand through his mop of dark hair. It was then that he noticed the noise was steady, almost rhythmic. It was probably that old cat wanting in again. It was a stray but he had taken a liking to it. It kept the mice outside where they belonged. He walked to the door, prepared to let the cat in to join him for breakfast.

Flipping back the lock, he pulled the door open with a smile on his face. The smile ran from his face as quickly as it had come. The gray of the pre-dawn sky made it hard to make out the shaking figure sitting bunched at his door. He knelt slowly, trying to focus, to make sense out of what he saw. He reached out slowly, brushing back strands of dark hair. It only took a moment. His eyes narrowed as his head tilted to one side. Caitlin? Cait?

He scooped her up effortlessly and carried her inside. Her sobbing was soft, low, and continuous. He carried her to the couch where he gently placed her, covering her with a blanket. Pulling a chair to the couch he again pushed her hair from her face. Cait..what's wrong...what's happened?

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-08-23 20:20 EST
He waited for an answer but there was none. She didn't look up and, choosing not to force the issue, he simply sat and waited. Her sobs became quieter but no less frequent. She burrowed down into the soft depths of the couch as if trying to make herself as small as possible, trying to make herself less noticeable. He was unsure what to do, he had never seen her like this before. Cait had always been so strong and self assured, her quiet and passive demeanor belied her silent strength and conviction. When she had her mind made up about something, there was no changing it. That's why he hadn't fought harder when she left him. She had made her decision and that was that.

Shaking these thoughts from his head, he leaned down closer to discover that her sobs had now turned into soft snores. She was asleep. It was a fitful sleep but he had no plans to wake her. It was apparent from the look of her that sleep was something she desperately needed. Pulling the blanket up around her, he kissed her softly on the top of her head. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, or him. Blowing out the oil lamp on the small table, he stood and walked down the short hall. Quickly splashing water on his face, he pulled on his trousers and a light cotton shirt. There were some trees near the creek that had fallen during the last storm and he needed to clear them. Best to start the work before it got too warm. Walking outside, he filled a small pitcher with clear cold water from the well. This he left on the small table near the couch in case she should wake while he was gone.

He turned to look at her one last time before pulling the door shut behind him. Taking a saw and axe from the front porch, he started for the creek. This day could prove to be very interesting.

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-08-23 23:49 EST
Have you ever tried to listen to someone talk to you while you were under water? That?s how I felt when Aaric was talking to me. I could hear him but nothing made sense. Catatonic, perhaps that?s what my current state of mind could be called.

When Aaric picked me up I can?t even begin to explain how safe I felt in his arms. Being set on the couch felt wonderful, it was so soft and comfortable and the blanket offered warmth I needed badly. I could hear my own teeth chattering as I tried to control my sobs, but there was no use. The dam that held my tears before finally broke once again and I couldn?t stop.

I wanted to tell Aaric everything; I wanted to tell him how much I needed him right now, more than ever. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I was paralyzed inside, at the moment I had a peace I hadn?t experienced in days, I wasn?t alone and I had someone that cared about me, but I was still so shattered and broken inside.

If I could have brought myself to speak, I would have told him everything and after, I would have asked for a bath, I still felt disgusting and despite the fact that I am so modest, I would have loved nothing more than to sink myself into warm water while Aaric washed my hair and we could have talked and caught up on all the things we have missed in one another?s lives this past year.

I remember feeling relief when I stopped crying, it was like a weight had been lifted off my chest, but before I could relish in the feeling of being able to breath I felt sleep taking me over. I?m not sure how long I slept before the dreams came back.

Today my step-mother was the main character in my dream and all she could do was blame me, hate me, and wag her finger in my face. ?You brat, you made him sick, running off like you did! He always did love you more and why? You left him and didn?t care that you broke your father?s heart. Maybe if he had not spent his time missing you and mending his broken heart he would have had the strength to fight for his life!?

The dream got worse but finally I pulled myself out of it, right at the point where I was saying goodbye to my Father again. At least tonight I wasn?t staring at his lifeless body in the casket for the grand finale.

I awoke myself with an angry, blood curdling scream and was tearing at the blanket around me. Sitting up, I finally came to and pressed my hand over my mouth and started shaking again, trying not to cry.

It took a moment for me to remember where I was and when I did, I felt such relief to know that I wasn?t alone. Things would be okay. I still couldn?t help myself though, I needed to see him and I started screaming for him, I was still on edge from my dream and I wasn?t quite with it.

?Aaric!.... Aaric!? I looked around with an almost panicked feeling and felt my chest tightening. I felt so weak, how long had it been since I had eaten anything? Running a hand through my hair, I looked over and saw the water pitcher and lifted it to my dry lips and started chugging.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-08-30 20:50 EST
The morning had broken clear and warm and he had managed to clear most of the fallen trees. It was mindless work, chopping and stacking, chopping and stacking, but it gave him time to think.

Right now Cait was sleeping on his couch, at least he hoped she was sleeping. She had been visibly upset when he found her at his door and, although he was no doctor, he was sure she could use the rest. He still wasn't sure why she had come to him, so early in the morning and so obviously upset. Hopefully, he would get the answers after she was rested and in a better state of mind. He had to admit to himself that he was more than a little concerned. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't hurt to check on her now. Just a quick peek and then he would finish up the morning's work.

He started back towards the house, allowing himself further thoughts of Cait. As he walked, he looked around the property. It was a beautiful place. Lush green meadows, wildflowers, mature trees, the stream and the small lake. It was more than he had hoped for and probably more than he deserved. Even with all of it, he too often found himself lonely. There was plenty of room and plenty to share. Would it be too much to wish for that Cait would be happy here with him, he asked himself. He had no time to ponder the answer. Her screams jarred him back to reality.

He had almost made it to the house when he heard them and it took him only a few seconds to make it to the door. Not bothering with the knob, he shoved the door open, nearly knocking if off the hinges. Cait?? He looked quickly about as his eyes adjusted to the still slightly darkened room. As the door banged shut behind him, his eyes found her. She was sitting there on the couch, drinking from the pitcher of water. Strangely, he found it hard to fight back a smile. She looked so small and helpless, so defenseless. Right at this moment he simply wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her that it would be all right, whatever it was, it would be okay. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and he would protect her, she would always be safe with him. He didn't say any of those things. He had tried before, and failed. Instead he simply went to the couch and sat calmly down beside her, a calm smile on his face. In a low voice he asked Cait, what's wrong?

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-08-31 17:22 EST
My eyes followed Aaric while I drank. Setting the pitcher aside, I attempted a smile when he sat.

?Cait, what?s wrong??

What wasn?t wrong, that?s what I felt like saying. Shaking my head, I held up my hands looking quite defeated I?m sure.

?Everything.? Pinching the bridge of my nose, I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think of something that would make sense to tell him. I had to start somewhere.

?Aaric, I keep having these dreams, these awful dreams about my Father. I don?t really want to talk about that right now though. There are some things I want to address with you first. There are things that need to be said. ?

Slipping my legs off of the couch, I set the blanket aside, feeling suddenly too warm. Looking down I blushed at the state of my current attire, it was rather sad.

?I?d like a bath though, I need a bath and something to eat. ? Standing up, I rocked back and forth on my feet for a moment before starting to walk; I wasn?t certain where I was going. I had never been in this house before, but it was beautiful and felt so homey. Aaric quietly abided by my wishes and led me to the bathroom and started to fill the tub with warm water for me.

?I?ll call for you once I?m in, we could talk, if that?s alright.? He nodded and closed the door behind himself.

After adding some soap to the water to make it bubbly, I stood staring into the mirror for a long moment, wondering what the hell I had let happen to myself and suddenly very aware of how terrible I looked. I felt embarrassed at letting Aaric see me like this. Stripping off my night dress, I let it pool around my feet and stepped out it.

Facing the mirror, I poked at my ribs that were sticking too far out and then I turned to the side, examining myself. I had always been thin; I had always had the perfect ballerina body, but now I lacked that sleek muscle tone and softness, I looked hollow and sickly, I could see my spine sticking out of my back, I looked like some sort of alien. Shaking my head, I went to the bath and turned off the water and then climbed in, sinking down into the inviting warmth of the water.

?Aaric, would you come back in??

I brought my knees up to my chest to further hide myself beneath the bubbles. I watched to door slowly open and he peeked his head around double checking that it was alright to come in before he actually did. Shutting the door, he leaned against it, just watching me with a small smile.

?Thank you, first of all Aaric. Thank you for letting me stay last night, or today. I know I don?t deserve it, but it does mean a lot to me.? I sank further into the water, stretching out my legs, certain that he couldn?t see me beneath the bubbles.

?I also wanted to tell you that?? I took a deep breath, hoping this came out how I wanted it to sound.

?I love you. I need you. I want to be with you. I don?t want this weird trial thing, getting to know one another again. I already know you and I already know that I need to be with you. So, I?m asking you to please forgive me and please let me back into your life, for good. I want to be a part of all of this.?

Lifting my hand, I motioned to the bathroom, but was trying to convey his home, his life.

?I want to make us official and really do this properly. Give us a proper chance at being together. Do you think that is possible? Do you think you could trust me again? Let me be your? girlfriend??

I pursed my lips, not even sure if girlfriend was the proper term. It felt like Aaric was so much more to me than just some guy I wanted to date, but I was no where near ready to be married. I suppose it was that safe and comfortable in between phase that I felt I was in with him.

?Well?? I had said a lot, more than I had thought I would be able to get out, but I meant every word of it.

?What do you think??

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-09-02 20:27 EST
I leaned back against the door, my head down, as she spoke. I felt my heart quicken at her words. I seemed to be short of breath, or maybe I was finding it difficult to breathe, I wasn't sure. My mind seemed to be trying to caution me, but my heart was having none of it. I ran my hand over my chin and cheeks as she finished, feeling the roughness that comes with not shaving for a few days.

"Well? What do you think?"

I allowed my chin to rest against my knuckles, keeping my head down. The few moments of silence that lingered there felt like days or years. In that silence I found little comfort. What I did find, what I felt, was a well of emotion boiling up from inside. Feelings that I'd shoved deep down inside and covered with time were clawing their way free. Words were forming, struggling for coherence in a swirl of emotion. I spoke without looking at her, a whisper that gained strength in the silence.

"Cait, I don't need to get to know you. I've known you my whole life. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. Everything I've done, everything I've felt, everything I've built since that day has been about you."

I took a deep breath, more to slow myself down than for any other reason. Finally raising my head, I looked at her there in the tub. Even now she looked radiant and beautiful. Maybe I was seeing more with my heart than my eyes, but she looked perfect. The words seemed to come easier now.

"There is nothing to forgive Cait. It's never been a matter of trust. What happened between us happened and it's led us back to this point. I want you back in my life Cait. I want to make this work, I want us to work."

Walking past her to the counter, I took a large and fluffy towel down from an upper shelf. I found myself strangely calm now, a little empty. What I had needed to say had been said. I walked back over to her, leaning down to give her a soft kiss on top of her head. I kept my voice low.

"You'll always be welcome here Cait, I hope you'll stay. When you're ready to talk about your father, I'll be here to listen."

Laying the towel on the top of her head, I walked from the bathroom without looking back. I headed to the kitchen, hoping there was something in the house for her to eat.

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-09-09 18:51 EST
It was hard not to grin with the way he looked at me, it was one of those looks that warms you heart and soul. It felt like a missing piece in the puzzle of my life had been found hearing Aaric say what he did. A weight was lifted off of me at that point and I knew everything was going to be okay, some how some way, I was going to make it through this depression and Aaric and I were going to be happy.

I watched him leave the bathroom and felt saddened because I didn?t want to be one second without him, but I knew that was unreasonable thinking. Shrugging off my insecurities at the moment, I laid the towel he had given me aside and finished my bath, delighted to feel the soap wash away days of tears and sweat.

Finally after my hair was washed and I was certain I was as clean and relaxed as I could be, I stepped out of the tub and drained it. After towel drying my hair and my body, the towel was wrapped around me as I had nothing to wear. The dirty clothes on the floor would stay there until I could get them washed or burned.

I tip toed through the house and found my way back to the kitchen where I could hear Aaric banging around.

?Don?t go through any trouble for me.? I smiled and leaned against the door frame, watching him while clutching the towel to make sure it didn?t fall.

?Do you think that I could borrow a t-shirt and shorts or something?? I smiled and plucked at the edge of the towel. ?If you don?t mind, I?d like to stay a few days or more, maybe we could go to my place and I could pick up a few things??

Biting my lip, I awaited his reply, of course he already told me I was welcomed here, but I didn?t want to assume anything.

?I sure am asking a lot of you these days, aren?t I?? Smiling, I walked closer to him.

?I guess it?s because you are someone I could always rely on. You?ve always been there for me.? Leaning in, I pressed a kiss to his cheek and wrapped my arm around his neck, leaning my head on his shoulder.

?Thank you Aaric.?

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-09-10 19:46 EST
As I suspected, there wasn't much in the way of food in the house. I had fallen into the habit of taking most of my meals in town. There were some leftovers in the refrigerator but it was a little hard to tell what they were, or had once been. I wasn't sure how I was going to work my way out of this one. I double checked the cabinets and closets just to confirm there was nothing edible to be had, at least nothing that I could present to Cait. There was nothing.

"Don't go through any trouble for me," I jumped at the sound of her voice as I turned. Normally I would have come up with a witty reply. Whatever I had been about to say, never made it out. I simply froze as I looked at her standing there wrapped in a towel. Her skin glistened with droplets of water and her still damp hair lay heavy against her shoulders. The light of the late afternoon sun framed her from behind, giving her a look that I could only think of as angelic. To put it simply, I was speechless. Speechless, and more than a little embarrassed.

I could feel my head nod, bobble might be a better description, as I stammered and managed to tear my eyes from her. "It's no bother at all Cait, really, no bother." I turned away to try to find anything that might give me a moment to recover, to at least give the semblance of composure. Her questions allowed me the time I needed.

"Sure. We can run over to your place and get whatever you need to stay as long as you want" I managed. I could feel my breathing starting to even and my pulse returning to normal. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered how she always managed to have this affect on me.

"I'm sure I have something that you can wear for the trip." I said as I considered what I might have available. "I was thinking after we do that, we might as well grab something to eat." I was thinking on the fly now. "I know a quiet little bistro in the Marketplace and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful night to sit on the patio". I was on a roll now. I had to admit that not only was it a good excuse to avoid admitting I had no food, the idea was actually appealing. Then she walked up to me and I stopped talking. She smelled wonderful, fresh, intoxicating. As she kissed my cheek and wrapped her arm around my neck, I was wondering when I was going to wake up. If I was dreaming, I wanted to sleep forever.

I slipped a finger under her chin and softly raised her eyes to mine. " ...I'll always be here for you Cait. Always." I spoke as I leaned down and softly kissed her lips. I knew that if I held her any longer, I might not let her go until morning. I kissed her on the forehead and stepped away. "Let's go see if I have anything you can wear." I found myself laughing as I took her hand and led her down the hallway.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-09-16 20:51 EST
I was still laughing as I more or less dragged her down the hallway to the stairs. I slowed at the bottom of the stairs, looking back to see that she had a death grip on the towel. I led her carefully up to the loft and over to the large dresser which took up a fair portion of the far wall. The afternoon was fading now, a few faint stars predicting a clear and warm late summer night. I took a few seconds to look out the window and make a silent wish, then reluctantly let go of her hand. " Okay Cait, let's see what we can find for you." I murmured as I yanked open one of the large dresser drawers.

"No, no, not this..or this.." I spoke mostly to myself as I tossed various shirts back over my head and onto the bed. "" I continued, becoming just a little exasperated. Finally giving up, I shoved the drawer closed and shook my head. " One more place to look" I again mumbled to myself as I crossed the room and opened the door to the room's lone closet. It only took a few moments. "Ah! This should do it" I exclaimed, probably a bit too loudly. Removing the plain, white cotton, button down shirt from the closet, I looked it over with a nod. " Maybe not exactly your size, but it's clean and I think it will work nicely." Reaching back into the closet I pulled out a pair of denim trousers. " If we roll the pant legs up and get a belt, these just might work". With a shrug, I turned to her while at the same time realizing that she hadn't said a word since the kitchen.

She stood where I had let her go, still wrapped tightly in the bath towel. She was looking at me but she wasn't. It might be more accurate to say she was looking through me. I don't think she even knew I was in the room. Whereever she was, she wasn't here with me. I moved closer to her but her stare never wavered. The room seemed suddenly very small, the world, very small. Slowly, very slowly, I reached down to take her hand. I didn't move it, I didn't squeeze it, I simply let it rest in my palm.

I whispered softly, "Cait..Cait, where are you?"

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2009-09-25 06:22 EST
No one has ever looked at me the way Aaric did in the kitchen; my heart sped up and slowed down all at the same time. It felt amazing to embrace him and even more incredible to be acting so normal, so casual, like we had never been apart and like the last year didn?t exist, like things were always as perfect as they were in that moment.

I was happy to hold his hand as he led me through the house, getting a partial tour, it was beautiful. Once in his bedroom my mind slipped away, I could not stop thinking about how perfect everything was. Sure, my reasons for coming to Aaric were painful, but they brought me here and for that I was thankful.

It is hard to experience both love and tragedy simultaneously, one moment I?m here and the next I?m back in that pain filled prison, thankfully Aaric was there to drag me back out this time.

"Cait..Cait, where are you?" He whispered softly to me.

It took a few moments for me to realize he was here, we really were together, for a few moments it had seemed like I was dreaming this, like my nightmare was reality, but there he was standing in front of me, ready to catch me when I fall, hypothetically speaking of course. He was so beautiful, so innocent, and so caring. A weak smile broke across my lips as I leaned into him again just needing to feel him. Wrapping my arm around him, I held him for just a moment.

?You?re real. You?re here. We?re together.? Briefly my hand tangled in his hair, pulling him closer and after pressing another kiss to his cheek, I pulled away.

?Sorry about that, it just happens sometimes? sometimes when I remember.? I didn?t go into further detail but instead looked at the clothing he had chosen and then smirked.

?I?ll need to borrow and undershirt, it?ll be a bit see through, you know?? Waving a hand over my chest, I tried to indicate what I didn?t want to show off to the world.

Helping myself, I went to his dresser and pulled out a white undershirt and then snagged a pair of boxers. Aaric and I had never been intimate, but I needed underwear and his were clean. Besides, I had a feeling we?d be getting closer very soon.

Moving towards the bed, I slowly took off my towel, feeling a bit embarrassed about undressing in front of him but it was Aaric, he would see me naked eventually, in fact, I needed him to see me. I needed him to understand the grave situation that I was in, to see the fact that my bones protruded from my body, my spine looked like something out of an alien movie, and I was so weak that my once sleek dancer?s body was now lacking muscle tone. I needed him to see all of this so that he could give me the help I was not strong enough to ask for.

Biting my lip as I laid the towel down, I gripped his boxers and leaned over, slipping into them, even with the elastic band, they slipped down my currently non existent hips, threatening to fall off my body. Blushing, I reached for the tank style under shirt and slipped it on over my head and then moved for the shirt he had picked out for me. Buttoning the shirt over myself, I slowly rolled up the sleeves and then tied the shirt in a knot at my stomach, trying to make it look a little nicer on me. Sitting down on the bed, I pulled the jeans on over my feet and began rolling them up, thankfully I at least had a bit of height to my name and didn?t have to roll them too much. The waist however was a problem, folding the jeans over in the front; I managed to get them to stay up once the belt was on and tightened on the last notch to hold them in place. Looking up to Aaric, I smiled sheepishly. I then realized that I had actually let him see me and a little bit of fear panicked me, I certainly did not feel beautiful right now and was worried that perhaps he would reject me, but this was Aaric and the words he has spoken to me moments before in the hall came back to me.

? ...I'll always be here for you Cait. Always." And I knew that no matter what things would be okay.

?Did I hear you say something about a bistro before because that sounds amazing. ?

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-10-22 20:49 EST
I tried. I really tried. I was so afraid that she might misinterpret my smile, so I tried to hide it. It was a wasted effort. As I watched her dress, it bubbled up from my heart and there was no stopping it. "You are so incredibly beautiful" I whispered more to myself than to her. She looked, well, she just looked so damn cute standing there in my clothes. They didn't fit her well, they wouldn't have fit her had she been perfectly healthy and she was far too thin now. But then she smiled. She smiled and I fell in love with her all over again.

It may have been the most perfect moment of my life. She stood there smiling, dressed in clothes that made her look like a scarecrow and I knew I could never be more in love. I wanted the moment to last, I wanted time to stand still and let me live that one moment forever. No matter what the future held for us, I knew this moment would be forever etched on my memory.

I walked to her silently, slipping my arms around her waist. I rested my forehead against the top of her head and just let it, let us, be. As much as I wanted to stay just like this, to just be with her, I knew it wasn't what she needed right now. I slid my hands up her sides and felt her ribs pushing against her skin. She needed to get out, she needed to get healthy, and she needed her life to get back to normal. With a small sigh, I stepped back and let my hands slip down her sides and lock into hers. I was afraid if I squeezed too tightly I would break her and afraid I would somehow lose her if I let go.

I held her hands and leaned down to whisper softly in her ear. " Let's go get something to eat, pick up a few things from your place, and come back. I'll put a fire in the fireplace, find a book, and read to you until you fall asleep" I couldn't help but smile again as I raised my head and gently kissed the tip of her nose, " I'm going to take care of you Cait."