Topic: The road less traveled

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-02-22 22:50 EST
Ireland, the Emerald Isle as some called it. Nothing but a bunch of potato farmers and sheep herders as far as he was concerned.

The fat grey clouds, pregnant with what promised to be torrential rain, bumped and rumbled along the morning horizon. He could see his breath on the chill of the air as he silently cursed to himself. Maybe being a farmer and shepherd was good enough for his father, and his father's father, maybe even for his brother Collyn, but not for him. There was more out there and he was going to find it.

Moving as quickly and silently as he could, it was still another hour before anyone else would wake, he pulled on his heavy wool shirt, leather pants, worn leather boots and grabbed his long duster as he slipped silently out the door. Had he taken the time to look back, he would have seen his brother watching in silence. But he didn't have time to look back and he would never look back again.

As he passed the shearing shed, he grabbed his sturdy walking stick, the small wooden flute his father had made for him as a child and walked briskly away from the only home he had ever known. With any luck he would be hours away before anyone missed him.

As promised, a heavy rain caught up with him an hour into his journey. The rain was heavy, thick and cold, and from the looks of things, it planned on spending the day with him. Looking for shelter until the rain passed or at least eased, he noticed a dirt path leading into what appeared to be a thicket of heavy, lush undergrowth. He was a bit surprised to see the path. He had walked these hills hundreds of times and never noticed it before. As he debated whether to seek cover there, a large bolt of lightning turned the grey sky into a brilliant blue-white canopy. With no more time for debate, he sprinted for the opening and dove headlong into the thicket.

What he saw before him defied explanation and he immediately turned around to leave through the same hole in the brush he had come through. The problem was, the hole was gone, as was the entire forest and hillside. He rubbed his eyes as he watched the scene before him. Creatures straight from his childhood fairy tales walked the street. Many walked right past him without so much as a glance. There were tiny creatures with wings, large creatures with scales, and everything in between, including some that appeared just as human as him.

Most of these creatures seemed to be coming and going from the same place. As his eyes cleared he could read the sign, Red Dragon Inn. With a shrug he mumbled to himself, if I ever needed a's now.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-02-24 13:56 EST
It hadn't taken him long to realize that he would have to do something. Sitting in the middle of the street, slack jawed and wide eyed, accomplished nothing. He slowly gained his feet and wiped the dust and dirt from himself. Trying to look normal here was a bit of a challenge at first, until he realized that there was very little normal about anything he could see. He watched the door of the Red Dragon Inn as people entered, left, and generally milled about. He watched as two grey wolves transformed into human form and casusally walked inside. No one around seemed to find it unusual or even notice. With a slight shrug and whisper to himself, here goes nothing, he walked across the street and through the door of the Red Dragon Inn.

The spectacle in the streets had done little to prepare him for what he found inside the place. He tried mightly not to stare at the variety of creatures he saw, some he could not even put a name to. The Inn was much bigger inside than it had appeared from the street. There was a large bar, a huge hearth and fireplace and more than ample seating for twice the number of occupants that now inhabited the place. Keeping his eyes to the floor, he walked to the empty, far end of the bar and sat down.

A smallish, brightly dressed winged creature, one he could only know as a fairy, flitted down from the far end of the bar and asked casually, "what will it be?" Keeping his eyes to the floor he simply said whiskey please.
With a look of disdain, the small creature replied "What kind, we have several varieties ya know", with a roll of her eyes. Looking up, and suddenly awestruck by the beauty of the small creature, he stammered Irish Whiskey if you have it. "Of course we have it", the tiny bartender replied and with a wave of her hand a dusty bottle and glass appeared on the bar in front of him. "Although we don't have much call for it" she smirked before flitting away to another customer.

He poured a small amount into the glass and took a sip. The whiskey was good, surprisingly good. He downed the first glass and quickly poured a second, and then a third. He was listening to the conversation around him without appearing interested, one of the things he did well. He found it an excellent way to learn.

A small group of women, most of them rather attractive, were talking apparently about an upcoming dance or ball or something similar. Their talk mostly consisted of dresses and escorts and the like. They all seemed excited and were laughing and chatting as excited women do when they left the Inn.

He turned his attention back to the bar only to find the diminuitive bar tender bobbing in the air before him. "That will be two silver" she said as she held out a tiny hand. His eyes widened as he patted his empty pockets. Hers narrowed as she motioned to the rather large man in the leather armor standing near the door......

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-04-30 19:32 EST
It has been months now, months since he had landed on the dusty streets of Rhy'din. He was actually happy here or at least he had been, until recently.

He had settled in quickly, as most of the people here seemed to do. He had taken a room at the Inn, made friends, maybe some enemies, and was getting along rather well. Then something happened that made him question everything he had thought about himself. He met Cait. He had always possessed what some might call an over abundance of self confidence. Some might even have called it arrogance. Hell, he was arrogant and he knew it. That all changed when he met Cait. He had always maintained total control of his emotions, steady as a rock. That all changed...when he met Cait.

With one look, one glance up from whatever book she had been reading, she had changed his world and his life. Love at first sight? Maybe not, but it hadn't taken him long. There were so many beautiful women in Rhy'din, so many that made themselves obviously available. Cait wasn't one of them. Shy, demure, almost reclusive, she had something he hadn't seen in any of those other women. He couldn't put a name to it, but it was there, something. Something he wanted, something that was now breaking his heart.

She had told him. She had tried to dissuade him. She wasn't worthy. She was too plain. Why would he care for her? How could he love her? Already? It was too soon. He heard, but he didn't listen. If he had, she might still be here with him. Instead of letting her have her space, her time, he pushed. He talked of children, grand-children even. He sighed heavily at that memory. What a fool he had been. A love-sick fool. He had paid the price for it. She was gone.

She didn't say goodbye. No note, nothing. In his heart he knew. He knew she had left, but why? He needed to know. Then he found a stranger in the Inn who had watched her leave, something about going home. A letter was sent but nothing returned. She was gone.

Some people believe that there is only one person meant for them. He had never believed that sort of thing. Until now.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-05 21:00 EST
Alone in his room, he looked at the pages but wasn't really reading the words. His thoughts were far away, thinking back on one of the best nights of his life. A night that might have seemed simple to most, but a dream come true to him. She's back,he whispered softly to himself. She's back and she said she came back for me. With a laugh that echoed across the small room, he slammed the book shut and tossed it on the bed.

The past two nights had been a blur. Seeing her in the Inn, and the walk and long talk they shared the first night. Then the Beltane festival, a perfect night. She had been so excited at so many things and it had made his heart soar. He had tried to explain it to her, explain how she made him feel, but he couldn't find the words. Seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, it had almost brought him to tears. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted any woman, more than he had ever wanted anything at all. More than anything though, he wanted her to be happy. He had seen and felt what is was like when Cait was happy, and there was nothing better. He wanted to tell her over and over how much he loved her but he didn't. He remembered whispering it to her once but thought it was the only time. She's back, and she said she's mine, 100% mine. He smiled as he grabbed a glass and reached for the bottle of scotch on the small bedside table....then came the knock on the door.

Collyn OShea

Date: 2008-05-05 21:30 EST
He had been in Rhy'din for a week, maybe a bit longer, with no luck. He had comes searching for his brother. He knew Aaric was here somewhere. He had asked around and was fortunate to find someone who actually knew Aaric by name. Apparently Aaric spent quite a bit of time in the Inn. He would find him. He wasn't quite sure what he would do when he did, but he would find him. It was complete coincidence that he found Caitlin first.

She had come into the Inn fumbling with her bags, asking for a room. He had helped her carry the bags to her room where he introduced himself. Her reaction to the name was obvious and they had engaged in a rather lengthy conversation about Aaric. Caitlin had agreed to show him around town and they had talked about Aaric and how they might find him. She was a pretty little thing and he had made a few comments just to get a response. He got a response, a very chilly one. He found himself envying his brother yet again. It seemed like it always worked for Aaric, everything went his way.

Now, as he stoold in front of the door to Aaric's room, he took a deep breath...and knocked.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-12 17:27 EST
((OOC note. Much has happened since the previous post. Collyn has found Aaric and Caitlin and there has been much discussion between the three. Picking up here as Collyn pays Aaric a visit.))

He opened the door to see his brother Collyn standing there, a guilty look on his face. Aaric had seen that look before, many times. What is it Collyn? Haven't you caused enough trouble? He shook his head and stood aside as his brother walked past him and into the small Inn room. It's nice to see you too big brother, Collyn smirked as he settled into the large overstuffed chair that occupied most of the room. I actually came here hoping to make peace. I know I've been a thorn in your side lately, you and Caitlin. He said in a way that was nearly believable.

A thorn in my side? Aaric laughed. You've done nothing but embarrass me and scare the hell out of Cait every time you've had the chance. I think it's time you pack your things and go home. He locked eyes with Collyn. Well that's the thing really, Collyn shrugged. I've decided to stay. I like it here Aaric. I've seen things I've never seen before, and the women! I could have a different one every night I think. He spoke with the over confidence that had always plagued both brothers. Aaric just stared, fighting down the urge to reach out and throttle his younger brother. Absolutely not, he shook his head slowly. You're going home, and the sooner the better. You stay here much longer and you'll have Cait disappearing again. That's something I can't allow. Aaric sat down heavily on the bed, looking at his brother, knowing there was much at stake here. I can't lose her Collyn, she means the world to me. You're my brother and I love you, but Cait is the woman I've been waiting for my entire life. I won't let you get in the way. You're going home. Aaric stated flatly with what he thought was the final word on the issue.

What if I make you an offer Aaric? Would you listen? Collyn stood from the chair and paced around the small room, looking out the window, his back to his brother. With a sigh, Aaric shook his head. I'll listen, but my mind is made up. There is little you could say that would change it. Collyn smiled as he looked out the window, still not turning to face Aaric. I was thinking I could stay with you big brother. You could keep an eye on me that way. Oh, and I promise not to speak to Cait unless you say it's okay. Now Collyn turned from the window, the smile gone from his face, looking at his brother and waiting for an answer.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-12 21:48 EST
Well? Collyn asked, knowing that a quick decision would go in his favor. I'll even apologize to Cait, just like I'm apologizing to you now. Aaric's eyes narrowed at that, but he held his anger in check. Your apologies don't carry much weight Collyn, especially with Cait. Oh, and by the way, you will call her Caitlin from now on. Collyn shrugged a little. Yes brother, I'll call her Caitlin from now on, and I will be sincere in my apology. I know I've acted poorly and I'm trying to do better. Aaric eyed his brother cautiously, not sure whether he could believe him. He knew Collyn had been acting strangely lately and he wasn't sure why. It might have been the competitive jealousy that had always existed between the two. Collyn had always felt that Aaric was treated differently, better, than himself. Aaric took a breath and slowly shook his head. I'm sorry Collyn. Even if I wanted you to stay with me, it couldn't happen. Cait has found a two bedroom apartment down near the docks. If her offer is still good, I'll be moving in with her. Before you ask, we will have seperate bedrooms. It's how she wants it and I'm fine with it.

Collyn stood there. Aaric wasn't sure if the look on his face was one of amusement or perhaps disbelief. Wait, let me get this straight. You're moving in with, living with, the woman you love, and you're staying in seperate rooms? Collyn asked with a shake of his head. What sense does that make Aaric ? Even as he asked the question, a new idea was forming in Collyn's mind. Aaric's eyes narrowed once again as he shook his head with a sigh. What business is it of yours? You just need to go home. It's the best thing for you. If you stay, you'll get into trouble. This place can get very unfriendly Collyn, especially to someone who goes around chatting up every woman he meets. You're going to get hurt.

Collyn said nothing for a few moments then he smiled at his brother, a smile that Aaric knew meant a bad idea was about to get life. Well, if you two aren't sharing a room, maybe I could stay in your room with you, or on the couch. It would just be for a while. I've been looking for work and believe me big brother, I want a place of my own. Aaric blinked a few times, stunned that Collyn even had the audacity to ask it. Now it's my turn. Let me get this straight. You think that I'm going to agree to let you move in to the same apartment with Caitlin? Collyn, do you have any idea how much the woman despises you? Collyn just smiled as he prepared to finish his play, the idea that had been forming since Aaric mentioned the new living arrangements. How about this deal big brother? If I can get Cait, I mean Caitlin, to agree to let me share your room or stay on the couch, will you allow it? Now it was Aaric's turn to smile. Not only did he smile, but he laughed openly. Little brother, if you can get Cait to agree to that, you can stay as long as you'd like. I doubt she'll even let you close enough to ask. Aaric's voice then took on a much more serious tone, forcing the smile from Collyn's lips and introducing just a touch of fear to his eyes. Collyn, when she says no, or tells you to..well...leave, you will do as she asks. If you don't, I'll forget we're brothers. Understood?

Collyn nodded matter - of - factly, not wanting to push Aaric any further on the issue. Next time I see her, I'll ask. I will be a prefect gentleman Aaric, and I'll apologize for my bad behavior before I ask her anything. He slid by Aaric and to the door, winking as he went past, See ya later....roomie. He pulled the door shut behind him as he left.

Collyn OShea

Date: 2008-05-23 17:44 EST
It had taken some convincing, and Cait wasn't easy to convince. In the end she had agreed to let him move into the new apartment with she and Aaric but there were rules, there were always rules. No women, she had made that perfectly clear, and something about walking the dogs. He hadn't known anything about any dogs but still, it was small price to pay for having someplace to call home. It would be interesting, all three of them living together. He had agreed with Cait that they should wait and together they would tell Aaric. Trouble was, he hadn't seen Cait in several days. He decided that he would tell Aaric himself. It would be much more fun that way. Cait's decision was sure to confuse Aaric. I doubt she'll even let you close enough to ask, he smirked to himself. Isn't that what Aaric had said? The best part was, Aaric had said that if Cait agreed, he could stay as long as he liked. The three of them in one apartment. Oh this would be interesting.

A slow smile crossed his face as he headed to the Inn to tell Aaric the news. Get ready for a surprise big brother, he chuckled to himself as he turned the knob to Aaric's room and walked in unannounced. He wasn't quite prepared to see Aaric sitting in the chair, his head in his hands.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-23 18:38 EST
Aaric turned to see his brother come through the door. His glance was in time to see the smile run from Collyn's face. Have you come to rub it in? Come to gloat a little maybe?Aaric asked as he stood and walked to the small window, keeping his back to Collyn. Gloat about what?Collyn asked, this time the sincerity evident in his question. Aaric spun quickly to face his brother. She's gone Coll, she left. Collyn's brow furrowed as he considered the statement. Who's gone Aaric? Cait? No, she's around. That's why I'm here. She's agreed to let me move in with the two of you. A hopeful smile came to his face as he delievered what he thought was good news. Aaric's reply quickly dispatched that hope. She's gone Collyn, and this time I think it's for good. Her father is sick and she's gone to be with him. I didn't even get the chance for a proper goodbye. Collyn remained speechless for a few moments but, Collyn was Collyn, and the silence couldn't last. He shook his head with a sneer as he stared at Aaric. A sick father? Maybe Aaric, but I doubt it. She left because of you. I told you she wasn't over that Ethan fellow but you wouldn't listen. You always know more than me don't you? Not this time huh? Even with his brother in misery, Collyn couldn't resist the opportunity. If you'd have listened to me, she'd still be here but noooo, Aaric knows everything,Collyn persisted.

Aaric sat back down on the chair. His normal reaction would have been to grab Collyn by the throat and toss him out the door. Not this time. Aaric was beaten and he was ready to surrender. You're right Collyn. I thought she was mine. I made her say what I wanted to hear and I never bothered to really listen. I should have listened to you little brother. It looks like, for once, you were right. Aaric wouldn't show any more emotion, never in front of Collyn. I should have left her alone Coll, I should have let her take her time. Aaric looked up at his little brother, all traces of arrogance or even confidence gone from his eyes. Collyn was silenced by the look. He had never seen Aaric like this, he didn't much like it. Forget her Aaric. If she doesn't love you, you can't make her. Stop beating yourself up, it's embarrassing. The girl wants someone else, get past it. Collyn thought about tossing in a few more but thought the point was made.

Aaric drew a deep breath as he shook his head. She has a sick father Coll, it has nothing to do with Ethan. She would have told me. She was always honest with me. Collyn chuckled at that, She's a woman Aaric, they are never *always* honest. Maybe she just didn't want to hurt you anymore than she had to. Collyn shrugged, Either way, she's gone. Even if she comes back, she's not going to want you again. Don't make yourself look like a fool Aaric. Collyn's voice was tinged with anger.

Aaric conceded total defeat. He could argue with Collyn, and probably should, but somewhere inside he knew that he was right. Cait wasn't the kind to lie but she was the kind to try and save his feelings if she could. Okay, she wanted Ethan. He would let himself believe it, even if there was still a glimmer of doubt deep within him. Ethan seemed like a good man. Aaric wasn't so selfish that he couldn't wish for Cait to be happy, even if that happiness was with another man. He shook his head at these thoughts. He was crushed, he could admit that to himself. He would just lock Cait, his Cait, away in his heart and keep her there. Shaking himself back into the moment, he managed a weak smile at his brother.

I'll find us a place to live Coll, someplace decent. We'll manage. Now, turn on that radio and let me hear some sad songs to wallow in for a while. With the trademark OShea grin, Collyn walked to the table and clicked on the dilapidated radio that Aaric had brought from home. He knew just what kind of music was best for broken hearts...

Collyn OShea

Date: 2008-05-24 19:57 EST
..Country music of course. Collyn twisted the dial a bit until,

In a book- in a box- in the closet
In a line- in a song I once heard
In a moment on a front porch late one june
In a breath inside a whisper beneath the mooon

There it was at the tip of my fingers
There it was on the tip of my tounge
There you were and I had never been that far
There it was the whole world wrapped inside my arms
And I let it all slip away

What do I do now that you're gone
No back up plan no second chance
And no one else to blame
All I can hear in the silence that remains
Are the words I couldnt say

Theres a rain that will never stop fallin
There a wall that I tried to take down
What I should have said just wouldnt pass my lips
So I held back and now we've come to this
And it's too late now

What do I do now that your gone
No back up plan no second chance
And no one else to blame
All I can hear in the silence that remains
Are the words I couldnt say

What do I do now that your gone
No back up plan no second chance
And no one else to blame
All I can hear in the silence that remains
Are the words I couldnt say

(Rascal Flatts - Words I Couldn't Say)

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-24 20:15 EST
Aaric leaned back deep into the chair, eyes closed as he listened to the music. He had decided to let down the walls. It was okay to hurt for a while. She was worth the pain.

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go

(Nickleback - Far Away)

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-24 20:27 EST
The pain lessened. He could sit here, eyes closed and think of her. Not the way things were now but how they were once. Late walks through the market, hot dogs from the crazy old man on the corner. Watching her splash around in the fountain, a smile on her face. God how he missed that smile. Suddenly, without warning and for the first time, he realized that maybe he wasn't what she needed. Maybe she was right, he wasn't the one. Maybe he was better as a memory.

I move on like a sinner?s prayer
I Let it go like a levee breaks
Walk away as if I don?t care
Learn to shoulder my mistakes.

I?m Built to fade like your favorite song
Getting reckless when there?s no need.
Laugh as your stories ramble on
Break my heart, but it won?t bleed
My only friends are pirates, it?s just who I am
I?m better as a memory, than as your man.

Never sure when the truth won?t do
I?m pretty good on a lonely night
I move on the way a storm blows through
I never stayed, but then again I might.

I struggle sometimes to find the words
I?m always sure until I doubt
I walk a line until it blurs
Built walls too high to climb out.
But I?m honest to a fault, it?s just who I am
I?m better as a memory than as your man.

I see you leaning, you?re bound to fall
I don?t want to be that mistake
I?m just a dreamer, nothing more
You should know it before it gets to late.

Because goodbyes are like a roulette wheel
You never know where they?re going to land
First your spinning, then you?re standing still
Left holding a losing hand.

One day you?re going to find someone
And right away you?ll know it?s true
That all of your seeking is done
Was just part of the passing through.
Right there in that moment, you?ll finally understand
That I was better as a memory than as your man...

(Kenny Chesney - Better As a Memory)

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-24 20:36 EST
He woke to darkness filling the small room. He looked around, Collyn was gone and the radio was turned off. He picked up a note that was left on the small bedside table.

Big Brother, it's time to stop hurting and start living. Meet me at the Inn tonight and we can get started. It's time we buried the hatchet anyway. Yes, if you still want to talk about her, we can, but let's not. It's time to move on Aaric. See you tonight. The beer's on me.


He got up from the chair, splashed some water on his face and started for the door. He might go to the Inn but it would be much later. He was going to take a walk through the market, maybe grab a hot dog and a beer and sit at the fountain. Maybe then, just maybe, it would be time to move on.

Caitlin Rhovnik

Date: 2008-05-25 00:31 EST
The sealed letter was slipped beneath the door by the same delivery man that had been used earlier in the month.

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.

--Chapter 60 - Pride and Prejudice.


I wish in so many ways I could go back and undo the things that happened between us, only so that I could stop the hurt that I feel and assume you too are feeling. If I had known then what I know now, I would have never agreed to be with you, I would have never said those words. It is not that I regret them, but that I regret that I cannot stay true to them and carry out their promise. I've made too many mistakes. I never wanted to leave, I hope you know that, but I have to be with my father. I know somewhere, deep down you must understand, but I still cannot help that I have betrayed both of us. I did not leave you for another, though, I feel adulterous because my heart is in your hands yet, I seek to bring it else where; anywhere that is not you. It hurts too much to love you. It hurts to be here and you there and still know that you are the one man that truely could have made me happy for a lifetime. I am so sorry. I have no intentions of finding a mate here, I am convinced that no one will ever make me as happy as you did, even if it was only for a short time. You understood me. You loved me for me. You gave me what no one else ever had. Thank you for that. I know that you will move on, there is no reason you should not. I want you to be happy and wish nothing but that for you. Please, find a good woman and make your mother proud. Know that my love for you is still and true and likely forever.

Always Yours,
Cait "

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-25 18:46 EST
It was late, or early, when Aaric returned to the room. He had avoided the Inn and his brother, spending the evening simply walking through the Marketplace. The usually crowded market had been nearly empty due to the lateness of the hour. There had been the usual last minute shoppers, but many of the shops were beginning to close about the time he arrived. The street vendors were packing up their wares as well, but there was only one that he had kept his eye on.

The old man and his hot dog cart were in the usual place on the corner. Aaric had waited until he saw the man starting to shut down before approaching him. You again? the man said, slowly shaking his head. Let me guess, one dog and one beer? Aaric had managed a friendly smile at the question but felt a stab of pain as he noticed the old man look past him to the other side of the street. Aaric knew who the man was looking for but he kept his eyes down, pretending not to notice. The old man looked back at him as he handed him the wrapped hot dog and the freshly opened bottle of beer. Aaric saw questions in the man's eyes but simply paid him and turned away with a nodded thanks. See you again? the old man had asked as he slammed down the lid on the hot dog cart. Aaric had paused for a moment and then replied in nearly a whisper. No, I don't think you will.

He had gone to sit at the fountain to eat and drink. He ate only half the hot dog and drank only half the beer. He was feeling sorry for himself and it seemed to him the right thing to do. Sitting on the fountain's edge, he had watched as the market district emptied. The bistro on the far corner was the last to close, the lone waiter taking a long look at him before finally walking inside and locking the door. One by one the lights in the shops were extinguished. A few shoppers still hurried past with their last minute purchases. Likewise, a number of shopkeepers had passed by, anxious to get home.

It was dark and quiet then. The street lamps cast a soft glow through the streets and the sound of the cascading water from the fountain was quietly hypnotic. He had started to go when he noticed a young couple walking slowly down the sidewalk. Other than himself, the two were the only ones left in the square. They had surely taken no notice of him, having eyes only for each other. He had heard only small bits of conversation and laughter coming from the pair, but it was easy to see how they felt about each other. He had known then that it was time for him to leave. He walked through the soft lamplight towards the Inn, leaving the fountain for the young lovers and his memories for no one in particular.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-26 20:13 EST
He had nearly missed the letter on the floor. He was tired and was tempted to simply flop down on the bed and curl into a long sleep. There was much still on his mind though and he decided that perhaps a small sample of scotch might help him find the sleep he was looking for. Turning on the light, he saw the letter lying just inside the door. He simply stood and stared at the envelope, seeing even from where he stood the delicate handwriting that graced it. He wanted to ignore the letter, at least for the night, knowing that he couldn't. He picked it up, running a hand slowly over it as if it might convey some feeling, some sense of what it held.

He laid the letter on the arm of the chair as he went to the small beside table, picking up the bottle of scotch and a small glass. Surprised to see his hands shaking as he twisted the cap off the bottle, he sat down in the chair and closed his eyes for a moment. She came unbidden to his thoughts the moment his eyes closed just as she always did. He couldn't allow that just now and slowly opened his eyes, taking a long drink directly from the bottle before setting it on the floor beside the chair. The same trembling hands picked up the letter, opening it and slowly reading what Cait had written.

He wasn't sure how many times he read the letter before he folded it and put it back in the envelope. Her words caused conflicting emotions within him, they clearly conveyed her emotions as well. She wasn't coming back for him but somehow he had known that before reading the letter. Some of her words hurt while some made him long for just one more night, just one more hour, with her. He wanted to tell her he understood, that he loved her and always would. He wanted to hold her, to tell her goodbye. He wanted to see her laugh and see her cry, to cry with her over the unfairness of it all. He wanted to apologize for anything he had ever done to hurt her. He wanted to sit by her bed and watch her sleep, her innocence never more beautiful. He longed to see her curled up in her chair by the hearth, her nose buried deep in her latest book. That was his Cait.

She had said that if she could do it again, she would never be with him. He understood exactly what she meant but his feelings were different. Even if he knew the ending would be the same, the heartache and the pain, he would do it all over again just to be with her. He would always be hers. How he wished she knew that. He reached over and flipped on the radio, thinking that maybe she did.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-05-26 20:22 EST
Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me,
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl
Then I'd unplug the telephone
And keep the tv off
I'd hold you every second
Say a million I love you's
That's what I'd do. With one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

Leave me wishing still for one more day.
Leave me wishing still for one more day.

( Diamond Rio - One More Day )

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2008-06-10 22:40 EST
The knock on the door startled him from his thoughts. As he slowly pulled himself from the chair, Aaric caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Days spent thinking, too much thinking, had not been kind to him. The hollow look in his eyes, the rough growth of beard, and the tangled mess of his hair all spoke of too much time wallowing in self-pity. Oh well, he'd asked for it and now there was no one to blame but himself.

Running a hand through his hair in a vain attempt to look presentable, he reached for the door knob and pulled open the door. Seeing no one there, he stuck his head into the hallway and looked both ways. Still, no one. He started to step out into the hall when his foot struck something directly in front of him, on the floor. Looking down he saw a small cage with two small puppies in it. They appeared healthy and well mannered, simply wagging their respective tails as they looked at him with what seemed to be anticipation. For a moment he was confused. Why would someone deliver puppies here? he spoke softly to himself. He dragged the cage inside, trying to think of what to do next. Then he remembered.

Puppies. The puppies he bought for Cait when he thought they would be sharing an apartment. In all the confusion and distraction of her leaving, he had forgotten all about them. He sat the small cage on the table and peered in at the two small pups. They each had their own name tags, Murphy and Madigan. Brother and sister, at least that's what the man at the pet store had said. They weren't much to look at, just a couple of mutts, but they had cast their spell on him that day at the pet store. The man said it would be a couple of weeks before he could have them delivered. It would have been perfect timing. Would have been. With a sigh he picked up the cage and walked out, heading to town to find the same old wizard that had helped him so many times in the past. With a chuckle, he grabbed an unopened bottle of Scotch from the shelf and stuffed it inside his coat.

He found the old wizard in his shop just off the main street. The old fellow appeared to be sleeping as he sat on a stool. Setting the cage with the puppies on the counter he cleared his throat and watched as the ancient mage slowly opened only one eye. Can I help you sonny? the wizard croaked, obviously annoyed. His other eye opened slowly as he recognized Aaric. Oh, it's you again , his voice softened just a little. What is it this time, another letter? the wizard asked before noticing the cage sitting on the counter. His eyes widened a bit as he noticed the dogs inside. Oh my, that will cost you a bit more than last time I'm afraid. Aaric nodded and placed several silver crowns on the counter. The wizard's frown quickly turned to a smile as Aaric reached into his coat and pulled out the bottle of Scotch, placing it on the counter alongside the coins. You remembered chortled the old man as he quicky grabbed the bottle and placed it somewhere under the counter. Now, where do you want these...animals..sent?

P.O. box 5717 Denver, Colorado Aaric read aloud from the paper Cait had given him what seemed like an eternity ago. That's in the United States, Aaric continued briefly. I know, I know where it is, the old one cut him off, the edge returning to his voice. Without any further questions, the wizard chanted a few words under his breath and the cage, puppies safely inside, glowed momentarily and dissappeared. Done, the wizard stated flatly, now off with you as well.

Aaric didn't need to be told a second time. He had a rather strong dislike for magic and he was more than willing to start back for his room. Murphy and Madigan, he again spoke to himself with a slight shrug. I hope Cait likes you.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-12 21:19 EST
He came back quietly, just as he had left. There was really no one to notice as rented a small room just down the street from the Inn. It would do for now but this time around he wanted a place of his own. He needed a place of his own. Somewhere away from prying eyes and people that wanted to make his business their business. He needed some time just to get used to being here again. As soon as he was up to it, he would look for a place to call his own and then maybe start looking for some familiar faces.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-16 20:16 EST
He had spent most of his first day back looking for a place to live. The room he had rented was comfortable enough but he needed a place of his own, a place that would give some permanence to his life here. He wouldn't be able to just pick up and leave if things went wrong this time. He had actually found a nice location near the foothills just outside Rhy'din. The land was wooded and a little rough but the owner was willing to negotiate the price. With any luck he would be able to buy the land and still have enough to build a small house. Time would tell.

After spending the better part of the day wandering, he had decided to stop at the Inn for a drink before heading back to his room. Things had changed since his last visit. There was the same usual collection of species, races, and gender but things just seemed a little less...friendly...for lack of a better term. He had quickly found his favorite bottle of Scotch, just where he knew it would be, and found a comfortable chair near the hearth. Then, he noticed her.

He recognized her instantly, the small one curled at the top of the stairs. Her name didn't come immediately to mind, he had never been good with names, but something about her was so familiar and strangely comforting to him. He waited, and when she finally came down the stairs, her name came to him. Sjira.

They sat and talked a while and she, without even knowing she was doing it, completely disarmed him. His usual confident nature was slowly swept away. He couldn't explain it, not even now. He found himself captivated by her mere presence. Her timid, pleasing nature had put him at ease yet he had managed to make a fool of himself several times during the conversation. He had totally bumbled the conversation when she brought up the man in her life, Panther. She had asked if he would like to meet Panther and he had said yes, which was certainly the truth. He would truly like to meet this man who had so completely captured her heart. As she spoke of Panther, her love for him, their love for each other, was evident. He found himself happy that she was happy.

Now, as he reached to put out the light on the bedside stand, he thought aloud This town needs more women like that one. As sleep came to him he smiled, happy that he had found a friend.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-17 22:05 EST
The night air was cool and refreshing, the skies clear enough to see a multitude of stars. His rented room was only a few blocks from the Inn so he took his time getting there. It wasn't very late and he hadn't had that much to drink, yet he felt intoxicated. He had trouble focusing his thoughts, so many things running through his mind. She was the reason. She did this to him. With a sigh he simply plopped down in the grass on the side of the road.

He lay on his back gazing up at the stars as they twinkled in the heavens. It wasn't her fault. She had done nothing. He was the one. He was being irresponsible. His thoughts were choppy and disconnected but they played on. He was attracted to her but who wouldn't be? She was soft, beautiful, insightful, and everything else any man would want. She said so much by saying so little. She was also in love with someone else, and happy. He had never felt so out of control. It was embarrassing. He couldn't allow it. Shaking his head roughly, he got to his feet and wiped his face with both hands. He needed sleep. He needed to get these thoughts out of his head. He continued on and in a few minutes was back at his room.

His head cleared some as he readied for bed. He lay there in his bed for some time, reading. Books were his refuge, offering an escape when he was troubled. How ever he tried, this time there was no escape. He had never interferred in someone else's relationship and he would not start now. He would not corrupt the friendship she offered him. He respected her and their friendship and that would have to do.

Content with his conclusion, he laid the book on his chest and fell asleep with the light on. And he dreamed.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-18 21:37 EST
The day broke clear and warm but the wind carried with it the scent of rain. It hadn't taken him long to shower and dress, during which the thought occurred to him that he needed a haircut, and he was out the door. A brisk walk to the other end of town and he was still nearly an hour early for the meeting.

He had wanted the property from the first time he saw it, a sprawling lakeside piece of land which was heavily wooded. The sign had listed an owners name and address but no price. He had inquired at the address listed and from there the negotiations had begun. The original price was far more than he could afford. It would have taken everything he had brought back with him and then some. However, a few days later he had found a letter waiting for him at his room. The letter asked if he was still interested in the property and, if so, to come back to the address the next morning and it could be discussed.

The door to the office was still locked so he took a seat on the porch bench and waited. Distant thunder rumbled on the horizon and he anticipated a wet walk back to his room. As he studied the approaching clouds, the old man he had previously met with arrived and unlocked the door, ushering him in to the dimly lit room.

During the short discussion, he learned that this man was not the actual owner but an agent contracted to sell the property. The actual owner had recently found himself in financial straits and was willing to reconsider the offer. Things moved very quickly as a few offers were bandied back and forth before the old man pulled out a contract. Just as quickly, the contract was signed, money exchanged hands, and he was the owner of a very nice piece of property. As he walked out the door, plans for a small cottage were bouncing through his mind. A steady but warm rain began to fall as he was almost halfway back to his room. He hardly noticed.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-22 18:23 EST
I'm happy Aaric. A growl, a large stone and a large splash. I'm independent Aaric. A much larger stone this time, and an equally large splash. Glad you're doing well Aaric. With a loud grunt the remaining stone was tossed back into the lake. Weren't those the words she said to him? He was sure of it, although the whole meeting seemed surreal to him, almost like a dream now. What she meant to say, what he heard was, I'm much happier than I was with you Aaric. I don't need you Aaric. Goodbye. If it was a dream then why did he remember the look in her eyes, the curve of her cheek, and the way her hair lay on her shoulders? He had tried all day to forget.

It was late afternoon now, not overly warm, but he was sweating with the exertion of his work. He rested in the cool shade of a tree on the bank of the lake. He was a little disgusted with himself for throwing the rocks back in, afterall, he had just pulled them out a few hours ago. They were to be the base of the stone hearth he was planning for his new home. Frustration got the best of him, as it sometimes did, and the stones were now back at rest on the bottom of the lake.

Leaning slightly forward, he pulled his sweat soaked shirt off and leaned back against the massive tree trunk with a sigh. He had hoped this days work would take his mind off the meeting with Cait. It had helped but when he stopped, when he rested as he did now, thoughts of her returned. Kicking his boots off, he removed his wet socks and tossed them into the sun to dry. His eyes closed as a cool breezed danced through his hair.

There were so many things he could have said, so many things he should have said, but he said none of them. Instead he accused her of ripping his heart out and she introduced him to her new boyfriend. A new boyfriend. He wanted a confrontation with her, he needed it. He thought maybe they'd fight a bit, both say what needed to be said, then work on being friends, maybe more. He just hadn't counted on the new boyfriend. He missed that one by a mile. That one hurt.

He dozed there in the shade until the sun was nearly behind the nearby hills. He grabbed his socks, still a little damp, and stuffed them inside his boots. He carried them with him as he started back to his room. The cool dirt of the road felt good on his barefeet and right now he needed to feel good about something.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-26 21:13 EST
The day dawned clear and sunny, carrying his mood along with it. He felt like the turmoil that had marked most of his time here was coming to an end. It had been his all along, the ability to find peace, but he hadn't realized it until just recently. It had come to him at once, an epiphany of sorts.

Riding with S'jira in the Glen, the wind and sun in his face, had been the beginning of his awakening. Maybe it was the magic of the place as S'jira had said, maybe it was the feeling of freedom and exhilaration in the moment, maybe a combination of both. It didn't matter. Whatever it was, it had changed him. The feelings of hurt, resentment, anger, jealousy, all of it, simply left him. He had made mistakes, sure, but who hadn't? He could forgive himself even if no one else could or would. Not that he wouldn't ask for forgiveness, he had already started. He sent letters to Cait, asking to speak with her. He couldn't deny that he still had strong feelings for her and yes, it hurt that those feelings weren't returned in kind. It hurt that she had someone else now. It was supposed to hurt and he would no longer fight it.

Now, as he sat on a rather large tree stump chewing a rather sweet blade of grass, he smiled He was watching the work crew finish clearing the land where his cottage would be built Once they finished clearing the last few trees, it would only be a few weeks before the cottage was finished. Quite a few trees were felled but those had been sold for a tidy sum. Now he would have a clear view of the lake from the back of the cottage and a little extra silver to invest in his home. He smiled thinking that maybe, just maybe, time would indeed take care of him.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-03-29 20:19 EST
The early spring evening was cool and found him wearing a comfortable grey wool sweater as he walked among the construction. Several stars already dotted the sky but the sun wasn't giving in as a sliver struggled to stay above the horizon. The workers were long gone for the day and he walked here in solitude.

The frame of the cottage had been erected and soon the walls would be in place. It wouldn't be long now and he would be living here, alone. While he actually liked the idea of having a home to himself, now, here alone in the twilight, it suddenly felt like a very lonely proposition. He walked through the framework of the house, shaking the wooden beams and timbers, finding that all were properly fitted. The work crew, while not the best that money could buy, was certainly competent.

The sun had finally surrendered and stars were starting to crowd the deepening blue sky. He sat down on a log that had yet to be hewn and looked around him. It was a beautiful location. He had been careful to plan and build the cottage in a way to cause as little disturbance to the natural setting. The home would be rather plain looking on the outside, he was planning to spend most of the coin he had left on making it comfortable on the inside. A lower level with the requiste kitchen, hearth and fireplace, and perhaps a small study if space premitted. Overhead, a second floor that would be mostly a loft with ample enough room to divide into additional bedrooms if needed. Right now, one was all he needed but things could change. It seemed like his life did that a lot. Changed.

With a final shake of one of the trusses yet to be put in place, he whistled his way back to town and his room.


Date: 2009-03-30 19:37 EST
The note had come the evening before as an unexpected, but pleasant thing.

The next morning, s'jira rose very early to see that work was finished at the inn. The Loft was then cared for. In a delicate bowl of water, a fragrent flower was placed to bring to the room the scent that was often with the deminutive woman.

A note of her own was written and left for Panther so that he would know where she was, and left the message on the mantle above the hearth at the Loft.

With the help of the liveryman's son, the tall horse s'jira often borrowed from the stables was brushed down and cared for. When this was done, a soft-leather blanket was draped over the back of the horse. Saddle bags were then set over the shoulders of the mount before she hauled herself up atop the gentle beast. A smile for the helpful youth and his father, the small one then headed out of the livery.

She guided the horse in the direction of the area near the lake, where ground had been broken for the new home that would belong to Aaric. Wearing her favored, sleeveless white dress she must have looked like a little ghost against the haze of the early-morning fog that had not yet burned off with the waking light of day.

None too close, but not far away, the small one stopped the large horse to see if any were about in the area. It was possible that none were there and she had come there on a day when work was not being done. For a time, she sat quiet and patient upon the horse and passed a look of dark eyes over the construction.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-04-07 20:54 EST
He had arrived early this morning, just a little ahead of the workers who prepared now to begin their work in the early morning haze. The morning dew, gathered on the grass and leaves, glistened like diamonds through the fog. The workers murmured softly among themselves, seemingly afraid to break the tranquility of the morning. The sun was on the rise, giving promise of a warm day to come and tendrils of fog were already spiraling into the nothingness that would become a clear blue sky.

He bent over to sip a handful of cool clear water from the stream which fed the large lake. It was then that he noticed her, the small one silhouetted against the remnants of the foggy morning. Dipping his hand again in the cool water, he ran it through his hair hoping to coerce some of the unruly black curls back into place. With a smile on his face he started over to her.

It only took a few moments to reach her and, as he did, he extended a hand up to her. Sjira, what a pleasant surprise. His other hand motioned to the large expanse of land around them. Won't you let me show you around? It's a beautiful morning for a walk.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-04-15 18:27 EST
Her visit had been pleasant but then he always enjoyed her company. The small one never seemed to have much to say but, when she did speak, he found it always paid to listen. Her words almost always carried some tidbit of wisdom in them. Problem was, he wasn't always smart enough to sift it out.

He had shown her around his property, enjoying the walk in the warm sunshine of the late morning. He took her down to the lake, showed her where he had hoped to build some stables someday, and walked her in and around the nearly completed cottage. She, as usual, was mostly silent but several times he caught her eyes studying intently. He was never sure what she was feeling but he sensed that they shared an appreciation for the outdoors. Her visit had lasted perhaps a couple hours and then he had helped her back on her horse and watched her ride away. That was the last time he had seen or spoken to her.

It had been many days now and he found himself concerned that he hadn't heard from her or at least seen her in passing. He thought perhaps he would wait a bit longer and then see if he could find her.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-04-20 21:38 EST
He had made the trek to the Inn to see if he might find her. It was a fine evening for a walk and it had been a while since he had visited. The place was nearly empty and S'jira was nowhere to be seen. He wondered if maybe she hadn't taken some time away from the city.

Deciding to wait for a while to see if she would arrive, he grabbed a bottle of scotch and took his usual seat near the hearth. A few minutes later, an unfamiliar face literally stumbled into his life. She dropped an armful of books in the chair and sighed heavily. It took a while but he finally got her name. Bryn, Bryn Kinsey. He hadn't seen her around before but he found her both friendly and oddly charming. He hadn't been really comfortable with any woman a long time. Bryn had been both frustrating and funny and he found himself not knowing how to act with her. Finally, out of frustration he offered to buy her a drink. She refused, saying that she didn't feel right accepting a drink from a man she had just met. She suggested that they should have dinner first. He then offered to take her to dinner, and she refused that offer as well! She left after telling him that she would need to talk to him some more before deciding on dinner or drinks. His head was spinning by the time she walked out.

Now, as he walked back under the stars toward his rented room, he found himself perplexed by a variety of emotion. Concern for S'jira, confusion over Bryn, and well....Caitlin.

Bryn Kinsey

Date: 2009-04-26 21:39 EST
Aaric had seemed an interesting sort. Perhaps a bit melancholoy, but interesting. Afraid that maybe she'd scared him off, Bryn decided to try and find him. It was easy enough to find out where to look. So she took a stroll down to where he was building his new home. Never one to be shy, she decided to leave him a note.

Aaric, I enjoyed meeting you. Thought I'd run into you again. Hope to see you soon and talk about that dinner date we discussed. Bryn

There, she thought as she read it back. Straight to the point. Bryn was always straight to the point. Looking about, she found a hammer and nail lying among the construction tools. The note was nailed to an outer wall where it wouldn't be missed.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-08-04 21:16 EST
He finished pulling the sheets off of the few pieces of furniture, swept out the fireplace and a few cobwebs, and opened the windows. The cottage, his cottage, had been finished during his most recent absence. Though small, the workmanship on the home had been flawless. The Dwarven work crew had been referred to him and they had not disappointed. It was a very comfortable home. More important to him was the land. As he gazed from an open window, he saw the acres of green meadow that fell away to the large stream at the edge of his property. Once again, he smiled. It felt right this time, it felt like he was home. Soon it would be fall in Rhy'din, his favorite time of year here. For now though, he would enjoy what was left of the summer. Leaving the windows open, he headed out towards the stream. It was a beautiful afternoon for a quick dip and some relaxing in the sun. Then tomorrow, well, tomorrow is tomorrow.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-08-10 20:22 EST
The swim had been just the thing. He swam and soaked in the clear cool water and then dried off by lying on the bank in the warm afternoon sun. He couldn't imagine things going much better. Though he would always be one of those to come and go, now he at least had a comfortable home here. It was a long time coming, but it was here.

Slinging his shirt over his shoulder, he took his time walking back to the cottage. The sounds and smells of summer were in the air and he was enjoying them all. He reached the front porch and draped his shirt over the wooden railing before going inside.

He took more time to browse through some books and take a quick nap before cleaning himself up a bit. A pair of dark pants and a white cotton shirt later, he was on his way to the Inn. A few sips of good scotch whiskey would be the perfect end to a pretty perfect day. He pushed the door open and slipped quietly inside, hoping for an empty table where he could just relax with a drink. As usual, things didn't work out as he'd planned.

He heard her voice before he saw her. There was no mistaking it, he had heard it in his head and in his heart thousands of times. Caitlin. He walked up behind her with every intention of playing it cool and confident, as if he'd seen her everyday for the past two years. Instead, the moment she turned around, he melted. Once again, he was her fool.

He found it at first difficult to think, to know what to say to her. He wasn't sure how to act. Then, as she always did, she totally disarmed him. He found himself lost in her eyes, hanging on her every word. There was no acting, no planning anything to say. There was simply the two of them. Everything else seemed to fade in the moment. The time went quickly and he knew that if he stayed much longer he would say something that he might regret. Instead he promised her, if she would give him another chance, there would be no pressure. He thought for a moment that maybe he embarrassed himself but he didn't care. When they left for the evening, he smiled the whole way home.

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2009-10-27 22:22 EST
( With the day to day activities of Aaric and Cait being taken up in another folder, this will be Aaric's Journal. At least for now! )

I am back with my Cait. Our reunion was uncertain, troublesome at times, but there is something that draws us together. There are times when I feel like I've known her forever, and times when I feel I don't know her at all.

I'm afraid to get too confident, to give or expect too much. Cait can be so unpredictable, but then, that is one of the things I find so attractive about her.

I must admit that I find myself worried for her just now. She is having difficulties, that much I can tell simply by looking at her. She puts up a brave front but I can tell she is still struggling with the loss of her father. It is a subject that I will not bring up to her. I know she will speak of it when she is ready. Until that time, I will say nothing of it. I will do what I can to put her at ease, to keep it from her mind if possible.

I have asked her to stay at the cottage with me. I make that offer sincerely, to stay in whatever capacity she finds acceptable. I truly worry about rushing forward blindly. We are in love, of that I can be fairly certain. We do not often profess our love openly. We are both a bit reserved in that manner but I can feel it when we are together.

My Lizzie is back with me. Right now, that is enough.


Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2010-06-12 14:59 EST
(Aaric's journal is now a seperate entry...back to the story stuff here)

To say the place was a mess would be strong. Cait wasn't here, hadn't stayed long, but the place still had her touch. Her smell still lingered in the sunlit living room. A book she had been reading still lay open near the hearth, as if waiting for her to pick it up. They both loved their books. The house, he couldn't seem to call it home just yet, was filled with her essence. He half expected to hear her rumbling around upstairs or see her come tripping clumsily down the stairs but, he knew, Cait was gone.

He didn't know where she had gone, when she had left, or where she might be now. He had left her here after practically begging her to come. He had left with no warning and had left no word. It was a rotten thing to do and he knew it. Chances were that he'd never see her again. He didn't linger on that thought.

It took him an hour or two to straighten up the place. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and he decided to go down near the lake and read. There were a lot of memories in the house just now and he thought maybe they wanted to be left alone. He obliged by grabbing a book from the shelf, his mind noted that a few books were missing, and heading to the lake.

He found a spot near the edge of the water that was, at once, both sunny and shady and he began to read. " It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.."

Aaric Liam OShea

Date: 2010-06-14 20:08 EST
He'd fallen asleep reading. No matter, this was one he'd read before and he knew it pretty much by heart. By heart...a good description. It was late afternoon now. Thankfully, he'd fallen asleep in a bit of a shady spot or he'd have been badly burned. Burned or no, it was a warm and sunny afternoon. An afternoon just right for a swim. A momentary thought was given to checking on the house but it was just as quickly dismissed. He had only one visitor since the house was complete and that was a long time ago.

He pulled the cotton shirt off over his head and walked the few feet to the creek. It was wide here, only a few hundred feet more and it emptied into a nice size lake. The stream and lake were the main reason he had bought this particular piece of land. That and it was just far enough away from town to keep most people from finding it.

There was some work to be done. Once again the winter and spring storms had toppled some of the smaller trees and took some fair sized branches down from the larger one's. He'd need to clean that up soon, maybe even get a start this afternoon. Maybe.

For now, he tossed the shirt aside and slid down into the waist deep water. It might be summer, but damn, the water was cold.