Topic: Monday Morning - [Closed]


Date: 2009-11-02 02:47 EST
The first thing Scotty thought when he stepped out of the Red Dragon, toolkit in hand, was that he needed to strongly consider buying a good winter coat. His gray field jacket was fine for the chill of fall -- perfect for Aberdeen's ambient temperature, actually, nearly year round -- but not so good when the thermometer went down just below freezing.

The sun had just crested the eastern horizon, and his breath immediately turned to steam in the cold, clear air, briefly glowing in warm orange light before dissipating. It was a dry cold, and he wished he had a mug he could have filled with coffee to take with him for the walk.

Still, if there was one thing Scotty never complained about, even jokingly, it was work. He was glad to have a job. He was grateful as Hell for Kuro happening to have an opening, and in a field he actually loved working no less. He'd already figured out where the place was when he'd gone exploring on Friday, just so he wouldn't be late Monday morning.

So, trying not to feel too much trepidation -- not at the work, he was a fine mechanic, but at the prospect of who his co-workers would be -- he set off across the Marketplace and in that direction. It was to the north and east, near a bridge, and he already had enough of a mental map to find it. The progressive roughening of the neighborhoods didn't particularly worry Scotty. He was... surprisingly comforted, really, that such places existed in the open here. Where he came from, people had gotten too good at pretending they didn't.

The city's streets were still quiet at that hour; mostly just people walking to work. Winding through between buildings, giving way to houses, to BlackJade Auto Repair and Salvage Yard.

The fence was impressive. It also wasn't a surprise; Winslow Salvage had a fence too, though not quite so lethal a looking one. This one looked entirely like it could and would kill a person. For his own part, Scotty made sure not to walk too close.

By then, it was about a half-hour before he was actually supposed to be there. But Scotty was nothing if not punctual about work. So, taking another breath (now in gold light), he shivered briefly in the cold air and waited outside the front gate.