Topic: Shadows of Rhydin-Storyline(OOC)


Date: 2009-10-21 14:14 EST
This is an Open RP, anyone who is a Native or a stranded Citizen can join in this RP. Even though it is ShadowRun(TM)-Based RP, that doesn't mean others that are "Native" to Rhydin can't join in. Quite the opposite, as such a project of such a massive scale would hire locals for Construction work and Security Work. Though the majority of those Jobs are taken by those that work for one of the Five Major MegaCorps involved in this project.

You can even play someone that is opposed to this and tries to stop this Project from happening. Though a word of warning. Surveilance is top level at this site, not only Physical, but Magical as well. There is a small army of Mages, paid for by the Corps to deal with any and all Magical Threats. So have your character attack at peril, this of course will not stop the MegaCorps from going through with building this Complex. Money in vast Mineral and Magical wealth is too tempting a motivator in their plans and they have the resources to wage war on anyone that goes after them.

An all out, no holds barred war, that can be very bloody and costly. Inspite of any attacks or setbacks brought against the project, it will in time go through and New Eden Corporate Colony will be built. But if you are still willing to play and post in this RP Thread, you are more then welcome to join.

Also some of the content in here maybe go from being regular PG rated material to R or 18+ Material strictly on the basis of Language and scenes of sometimes extreme Violence.

Thankyou have a good day and enjoy reading our Stories.