Topic: House Rules


Date: 2011-05-31 10:51 EST

Near to the WestEnd district Watch house can be found the Shelter of the Sacred Flame. Once a movie theater and stage play venue, since WestEnd has fallen into decline the former owners have abandoned it, leaving it to fall into decay. There are boards over the windows, the marquee is shattered, the facade mostly peeled away.

Come inside.

Most of the refuse of decay has been cleared away, much of it by the few miscreants that have come here over the past few months, discovering this hidden treasure with eyes that can see secrets.

There are places, sacred to those meek and low, the refugees of the world seeking nothing more than shelter from the darkness, a little warmth and comfort, a place of safety. Those that find it first are often inspired to uncover the secret, to share it with others, and thus such good places become bastions of light against the darkness of shadows.

The outside doesn't look like much, it's true. Inside is cleaner, warmer, more welcoming to any who wish to find themselves a place to rest, if only for a night. There are beds, mats upon the floor, hammocks hanging from various places - there is no shortage of beds here, no shortage of space. Meals are served at regular times, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Soup and sandwiches are almost always available throughout the day, and come nightfall blankets and beds are never in short supply.

There are a few rules, though.

Those wishing to stay are welcome, but you must help in whatever ways you can - be it cleaning, or painting, or cooking, or washing laundry. There is no shortage of jobs to do here, and those refusing to help will no longer be welcome. Everyone contributes here towards everyone else.

In this place, all are welcome, be you angel, demon, human, god, dwarf, gnome, gremlin, ogre, troll, vampire, werewolf, android, alien, or anything else. There are wards in place to prevent violence by any entity against another, save for in the defense of others or of the shelter. Those attempting to do violence or otherwise attempting to bring evil onto the premises will find themselves forcibly removed without warning.

You may come and go as you please - there are no locked doors, no barred windows. We only ask that you do not disturb others while you are here, and that you clean up after yourself.

We don't ask much, just that you help as you are able, and keep the peace.