Topic: Arthour & Mai's Cottage, a description. ((OOC))


Date: 2013-03-04 18:30 EST
I plan on writing more on each room, and going into more detail when I have more time. For now this is all purely for reference purposes and a place where I can put stuff to remember it :)

The Cottage that Art and Mai have is a fairly simple affair, built out in The Glen. If you looked out of a window, then in the not-to-far distance you can see the Shimmerscale Lair. Home of Icer and Aurthur Shimmerscale and their kin.

The cottage its self resides within an alternate, pocket-dimension from the rest of Rhy'Din, it is much like being on the other side of a mirror you can only see through one side of, letting those with in the cottage see the rest of the world, but those outside unable to see or find the cottage unless invited. Even then, they can only find it if they aren't a threat or are lead there.
Family can find the Cottage easily, and will be allowed entrance with needing to be lead there first. However, the building is intended for Arthour, Mai and their child, so there isn't much in the way of guest accommodation.

Exiting the City via the southern gate, you simply follow the road into the Glen. Eventually, there is a small path leading off into an apparently random direction in the Glen, although it does head vaguely in the direction of a mountain, to those who know the landscape, the mountain will immediately be known as the Shimmerscale Lair.
This path leads deep into the woods, leaving the open areas far behind. Eventually, the path seems to just...Fade, into the surrounding woods and undergrowth. If a random walker stumbles upon this path, they won't be able to find the Cottage, nor the way inside and unless they are an extremely powerful magic user, there will be no indication, at this point, of what lies beyond the massive trunks of the trees.

However, if a family member, or invited guest should reach this point, then the trees that had blocked the route will open up, the trees moving to create a cleared dirt path and an arch way, formed from the trees, will lead the walker to a small hill in a clearing. At the top of this hill is the Cottage, a path made of small stones leads the way up the hill and to the front door.

It is also possible to enter the realm that the cottage is situated in, from the Bristle Crios grounds. A small patch of trees sit out on the grounds, near a small stream. There's a path that cuts through them, but doesn't seem to lead out the other side. To walk along this path, teleports the walker to the path leading up to the cottage. There is a sign post, telling travellers where the path leads.

~Description of the Outside~
The stone path leads directly to the front door off the cottage, made from wood and stone in a Victorian manner. Ivy crawls up along the stone walls in a healthy greenery, flowers litter the hill top around the cottage, all kinds from Camellias to Roses. There were also Blood Roses, they bloom only in the evening and at night time filling the air with a sweet, calming and restful scent.

~Description of the Inside~
The Cottage is a single floored building, but it has a wide, open plan. Entering from the front door, there is a corridor, it goes along the length of the cottage, from end to end and finishes in a 'T' junction.

Along the corridor, are a series of rooms, the first door or the left is to the Living Room, a wide open room with a fire place and plenty of places to sit, a thick carpet helps to keep the warmth in during the winter and wide, large windows let the wind blow through in the summer.

The next door, on the right, leads into the kitchen. It's a simple room, a cooker and a sink sit between black marble surface tops, a table serves as a sort of island in the middle of the room and there's a fire place off to one side, serving to help heat the room or cook.

There is one final room with a door way leading off from that corridor. Entering the room reveals it to be a library. With floor to ceiling bookcases and a fireplace that backs up onto the on in the living-room's one, there's also a connecting door between the Living room and Library allowing someone to take a book from one room to the other if there aren't any seat available in the library.

Going past all these rooms, there is the option to go left and right. To the left, is a door Arthour and Mai's room. Directly in front is a door to the Nursery, and to the right were two other rooms, the first door lead into a spare room and after that, a bathroom.


Date: 2013-03-06 16:15 EST
~~Outlying areas around the Cottage~~

~Small Meadow~
Around the cottage, there are two meadows. One sits behind the Cottage it's self, and can be found if you walk around the building and follow the small path there through the tree line behind the building. The meadow there is five acres in size and is flat in all directions, with the odd clump of small trees here and there.
((There will be more for this part, when I can think of it))

~Large Meadow~
There is another meadow, that can be found after leaving the arch way of trees. Following a dirt trail to the left for a little while, will lead the walker around the small hill and through a clear patch in the tree line. Once through, the walker will find themselves looking over a much larger meadow, ten acres in size. There are a couple of large hills in this meadow as well as a few small streams and a large clump or two of woods. Near the middle of the meadow is a a small lake.

Atop one of the hills, on the opposite side of the meadow, with one of the larger streams running down it, is a small castle or fort.
((More on that when I can think it up))


Date: 2013-05-09 13:37 EST
~The Fort~

The Fort at the opposite end of the Meadow. It is a strange building, a wall surrounds it, and it's hill has a fresh water supply that leads down into the lake that is not very far from the fort.

The large, double gates that serve as the only apparent entrance are made from more than just the oak wood they appear to be. The stone wall surrounding the entire building is complete with it's own parapets and arrow slits. On the in side of the surrounding wall, is a courtyard, complete with stables, a blacksmith and even a barracks, all of these buildings back up onto the walls and surround the courtyard, making access into them very easy.

The fort it's self is a very simple affair, a large, square building, it boasts a tower to over look the meadow it once guarded and an armoury with in. Sleeping quarters, a mess hall, kitchens, a large store underground, the Fort has everything it needs to be self reliant for months on end.

The one thing it lacks, is occupants. Despite being left apparently empty for what must have been years on end, the Fort is in pristine condition. Well, there is one occupant. A goblin, who has called the building home for untold decades. Not at all like normal goblins, this one appears to possess far great intelligence and cognitive ability than any other of it's species before it.
Striking an agreement with Arthour, the Goblin now takes care of the Fort as a sort of custodian. Ensuring that the building is well maintained and kept in good order against the day that someone does decide to take up residence. In trade, Arthour gave the Goblin a home, a safe place to reside and ensure that it would be away from those who would look only as far as the Goblin's skin, rather than try and see who he was beneath.