Topic: ~A Midsummer Night?s Dream

Summer Daniels

Date: 2012-04-29 20:55 EST
In this same interlude it doth befall
That I, one Snout by name, present a wall;
And such a wall, as I would have you think,
That had in it a crannied hole or chink. ~A Midsummer Night?s Dream

The private doctor that Jacks too her that night so long ago was one Dr. Joseph O?Devlin. As Irish a man as Summer had ever met; complete with an accent that threatened to cause the universe to implode when the two of them got into heated arguments, not a soul around able to discern a word of it.

Turned out that the bone was cracked but there was nothing that could be done for that except for a prescription for pain meds. Summer stuck with alcohol to numb the pain, she didn?t like the way narcotics made her fuzzy around the edges.

Dr. O?Devlin was a specialist, as it turned out, and one that she spent a good deal of time discussing certain procedures. Over the next few years Summer had surgeries to implant devices to make her hearing and sight sharper. Working over those years on a design of her own to interface directly with a computer, because what hacker hadn?t read Neuromancer and dreamed of something of the sort?

After three years she had the design done and approved by her boss to give it a try, although they were not happy that she insisted that she be the first -- the only if she had her way -- to get the implant. That surgery turned out to be wildly more successful than anticipated. The functionality of the link between herself and her computer was amazing, as good a result as a sci-fi/computer geek could have dreamt of and she with a great imagination no less.

The next step was creating applications to use with the interface and that had taken longer. Even with her expertise this was all new ground and the trial and error sometimes had unexpected and somewhat traumatic results. After the first big failure she learned to be a little more cautious. Taking risks with her body was one thing, and one she did often especially on her motorcycle, but her brain? No, that needed protection and so she bowed to reason and ran more tests and simulations before loading new code.

It was in this fashion that she made a name for herself in the circles that mattered to her, the elite few that were good enough to run hack jobs in Rhy?din and the surrounding Planes. In the nether that was cyberspace she had become known as Puck. There were places built in the void for her ilk to gather, to brag and to inform, to warn or to harm and there her avatar was male. Combining that with the name and anyone there would initially say that Puck was definitely some male out there wreaking havoc.

The Void, the name not only of the space created but the hardest to access gathering point, a type of ethereal bar where avatars could mingle in a setting that resembled a bar that would have been comfortable in a TRON movie, was where she found herself on most nights.

There were a few in there that had begun to suspect that the being -- as not all were human -- behind the Puck avatar was not at all male. Far too polite in some cases and far too vindictive in others. That didn?t matter to that crowd, all that mattered was skill, and if Puck wanted to portray themselves as male, well, they wouldn?t say anything.

So when the strange avatar showed up and began asking questions, the answers they received were few and far between, hackers didn?t give up their own, and generally incorrect to boot.

Summer Daniels

Date: 2012-05-01 13:14 EST
Did whisper often very secretly.
This loam, this rough-cast and this stone doth show
That I am that same wall; the truth is so:
And this the cranny is, right and sinister,
Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper.

It was ridiculous, she thought, as she limped her way down the street. The fall was only from a few feet but she had managed to tear the muscle and her knee was swollen to the size of a melon because of it.

The cane she had ?borrowed? from Jacks was helpful, even if she wasn?t going to admit that to him. It was pretty too, the main part of it was a dark wood of some variety, the handle was a silver panther. The beast was stretched out as though in mid stride and it was slick and powerful looking, she really liked it. What she hadn?t realized was just how many of the canes he had until she snuck into the guest room he was using while on ?guard duty.? She?d ducked into the closet to see them and woo boy had there been some to see! Those were just the ones he?d stowed there which meant his collection at home must be huge! It was an affectation she didn?t quite understand, he didn?t need a cane, she was positive on that point. Anyone that saw him in action in a fight couldn?t doubt that there was no need. But it was also a part of him, she couldn?t picture the man standing around without a cane, it was as foreign a thought as him in jeans and a t-shirt.

Shaking the thoughts off, they were as unproductive as lamenting over the hurt knee. Still that was better than wallowing in other thoughts. There had been whispers in the Void that someone was hunting Puck, had she slipped up somehow? No, that was no good dwelling on either, she'd do more digging and solve that one on her own.

Other thoughts... the fact she hadn?t won the May Queen thing was not a surprise to her, it wasn?t. And yet... that old familiar sting of failure tasted foul in her mouth. Add that to the fact the hurt knee prevented her from riding her bike for long, or heading to the Outback to fight was just compounded the feeling of failure.

The whole thing was just another in a long history of events where other people put her in a position to fail at a popular vote situation. There were things she was good at, she knew that. But she was never the most popular, that wasn?t her strength. In darker moments she could believe that whomever had put her in the running was one of those catty girls that knew that they could get some small revenge on a Daniels girl by throwing her name in... like for Prom Queen. That had been painfully embarrassing.

She felt him before she saw him. Without turning she called out to him. ?Jacks, if your gonna be that close you might as well just walk beside me before some hero type thinks to save me from a stalker.?

He did not say anything until he was walking next to her and then in a subdued voice he spoke. ?Miss Summer, what thoughts ail you this evening??

That make her pause, he usually left off the Miss now, they?d known each other for four years and had, at some point, decided to go less formal in their greetings. Beyond that she found herself annoyed that he could sense she was in a foul mood. ?I ain?t got nothin? ailin? me ?cept maybe my knee.? Resuming her hobbling walk toward her destination of home.

?Miss Summer.? Was all he said but he infused it with such a weight of disappointment that she felt obliged to respond.

?Look, if I don?t want to talk about somethin? I ain?t gonna talk. It ain?t like I?m still that same 17 year old girl that gets crushed because some girls set her up to be laughed at in front of tah entire school. It ain?t like I?m gonna cry over it.? The words rushed out of her and she could hear the hitch in her voice as she reached the end and growled in frustration. ?Damn it all, Jacks, are you wantin? to make me cry? Is that it? Were you tah one that put my name in that thrice-damned contest knowin? I would lose?? It was irrational but she was allowed that every now and again. It stung, damn it all. It wasn?t anything she even wanted and it stung, it made no sense.

He stepped toward her despite the fact she was now holding the cane in a manner that suggested she was about to swing it at him like a bat. Without asking he encircled her shoulders with his longer arms and pulled her into his chest. ?You going to tell me what this is really about? It can not be over that contest.?

That was why it made no sense, it wasn?t ever about the damn contest. No, it was about the prospect of having to choose an Greenman if she won. The last man she had been interested had been so long ago and had ended with her being looked over for another... if she was honest with herself that had been the straw that broke her confidence when it came to men. At every turn she pushed any man away that showed the least bit of interest in her, an offensive defense that had worked for the past four years. Daniels women ain?t nothing but trouble. Truth was she was scared to put herself out there to be hurt that way again.

He had her pinned so that she couldn?t bring the cane around to hit him, not that she was angry with him but she needed to strike out and punching herself didn?t seem productive. Pressed against his chest there was the creeping discomfort of the closeness, he was warmer than she thought him capable of being. He smelled faintly of some cologne that was exotic and faint, something that could only be enjoyed if you were involved in an intimate embrace, it was very nice.

?Ah, so that is the reason for the storm clouds. When you are ready for a relationship it will come, Miss Summer. You have at least two men interested in you, one that would no sooner choose another over you than admit an interest in any.? Before she could process that statement he added. ?Thank you, it is a scent that I have used for over a century, very few get to experience it without their lives been in imminent danger of ending.?

She stomped on his foot, it was the only thing she could think of to do. ?You ain?t supposed to crawl around in my brain, Jacks, you know I hate that!?

Even though the action didn?t hurt him he released his hold on her and allowed her to retreat; he had expected it, she was so gun-shy about true intimacy. ?Forgive me, sometimes you think so very loudly.? It wasn?t really an apology but it was the most she could hope to get from him.

What had he said? One that would no sooner choose another over you than admit an interest in any. No, she pushed that violently aside and started toward her home again. ?You comin? or do I need to slow my pace, old man?? She could feel his eyes boring into her back, and ? something else that she refused to identify. The moment she thought a man was truly interested and considered ? no, she had her strengths, securing the affections of a man just wasn?t one of them.

Note: Portions of the post are based off live play with Jackson Whites permission.

Jackson White

Date: 2012-05-02 10:11 EST
I'll be here alone
Bury everything around me
Her destinations unknown
I can't believe how she drowns me
Well I won't deny, it's all the
Little things she said - Cold

When she did not come back out of the Inn he entered, following her scent, a mixture of vanilla and rose to the room she crashed in. The locks were not an obstacle and he let himself in, making himself comfortable in a chair.

Summer was sprawled out on the twin bed in a manner that didn?t look at all comfortable to him but this close he could also smell the alcohol and knew that she wasn?t feeling anything then. The evening was passing quietly and he was reading a book when there was a flailing action on the bed and Summer fell off the small frame to the floor with a loud thud.

?OW!? Was the exclamation of choice, with a few other colorful vulgarities just in case the universe didn?t believe that it had, indeed, caused her pain.

He was at her side in a moment, scooping her up and depositing her back on the bed. Once there he started a retreat that was halted by a hand gripping his arm. She wasn?t looking at him, her eyes were closed and her voice was soft. ?Stay a moment. Tell me ?bout your family, Jacks. You haven?t ever said anything about them before, I?m curious.? It was odd to hear her speak without the ?ain?ts? and double negatives that she normally used. He knew she did that to give the impression of a lower intelligence, she must really have consumed a lot of alcohol for her to be putting that aside.

There was a long pause as he waited for her to drop off to sleep, to forget that he was present and therefore save him from answering. To shatter that hope she spoke again. ?Please Jacks.? Now turning to face him long enough to crack her eyes open, soft blues trying hard to focus on his face in the dark.

He didn?t sigh, ever, he was tempted then. Gingerly he sat on the edge of the bed, freeing his arm from her hold as he grasped for things to say. ?Summer, it has been long, and long since I last thought of my family.? Gazing out the window, the night had turned into something pleasant, the clouds had drifted away and left a blanket of stars to be seen. ?I am not even sure my memories of them are accurate anymore.? His British accent were heavy laden on the words, that happened anytime he thought of his past.

?Surely you remember if you had brothers, sisters, cousins? Were you like Colt? I can see you being real protective of your female relatives.? If his manner of protecting herself was any indication she figured he must have been worse than Colt, not that she thought Colt was bad. No, it was ? comforting to know that someone was watching out for her, though she wasn?t about to admit that to Colt.

?We remember what we want to remember.? He had worked hard to forget about that life, it was no longer his, hadn?t been for centuries. Knowing this would not satisfy and sensing she was not about to fall to sleep again before she got some answers he continued. ?I had two sisters, both were older than I and they were protective of me.? Once opened that dam provided enough memories to drown him. Their faces came crisp to his mind, every detail, every expression, right through to the frozen pictures of them in death. The old pain twisted and writhed, it had never been allowed to heal, it was all he had left to give to them, that pain.

?I can?t picture you needing protecting, Jacks. You?re always so in control and bad-ass.? There was a dreamy quality to her voice. ?I... I think they might have meant it when they said don?t drink alcohol with those pain pills, Jacks.? There was a pause and Jacks thought perhaps she dropped off to sleep, but he wasn?t getting off that easy. ?What did you mean??

?They usually mean those types of warnings, Summer. They were protective, kept an eye on me and anyone I associated with on a regular basis.? Misinterpreting her question, but he could not be expected to leap around from topic to topic without listening in on her thoughts and he tried not to do that often.

?No, Jacks, that?s not what I meant.? In her thoughts rang his own words back to him ?One that would no sooner choose another over you than admit an interest in any.? They sounded sarcastic, not at all the way the original statement was voiced.

?Perhaps a discussion when you are more yourself, Summer?? It was a stall tactic, he had not meant to say that, not precisely. In all the time he?d known her she hadn?t showed interested in anyone. It was when he saw her with that stranger that something had prodded him to say something, anything. It was impossible, the two of them, but it would never be if neither confessed some interest.

?I am always myself with you Jacks. Good or bad, you get both.? The words were a whisper and her eyes had slid shut again. One hand reached out to rest on his leg and in a minute her breathing was the deep, even rhythm of someone asleep.

All the little things she said...

Post based off live play with Summer.

Summer Daniels

Date: 2012-05-07 09:44 EST
The dress flowed around her body, it was a miracle of modern fashion, she looked like a pretty lady. An hour with a hair dresser had seen to an half-up half-down hairstyle where the blond strands were pulled up first and then spilled down in large, loose curls. They had done her makeup as well, it was subtle enough that it looked like she wasn?t wearing any.

Jacks had picked her up in a carriage, he was still a little put out at the way she went about securing his attendance and therefore quiet company. She had already apologized once, half-heartedly. ?I jes didn?t want to show up solo. That?s all. I shouldn?t?ve gone behind your back.? Part of her knew if she?d just had the courage to ask he would have said yes, but this way she didn?t have to go through that.

They entered the Masquerade ball, and wandering to a corner, the crush of people nearly overwhelming. There were so few people she thought she knew, even masked most of them were relatively easy to tell who lay beneath. Like Drake. He was across the room in an outfit, talking up some lovely woman.

Some thread twisted in her, something threatening and when Jacks suggested they leave she took him up on it. They didn?t speak for a long while, she had asked to be taken to the Glen to walk, despite her attire not being appropriate.

Finally Jacks spoke into silence. ?Summer, you knew that he was likely to be misinforming you. That was why you hesitated, was the reason you chose to position me into taking you tonight rather than taking him up on his offer of dating, correct??

?You say I thought he was a liar so politely, Jacks. Like I have any room to talk, I ain?t no better.? Her hand went up to forestall his protest. ?I ain?t. Worse, I lie to myself. I can?t be thinkin? on being with no one. Jacks... I?m broken.? Drawing in a deep breath, she forced herself to say all that was weighing on her heart. ?I think tah world of you. I do. But I?m selfish, I knew what you meant tah other night and I choose not to address it. Truth is, tah deep down truth is I can?t lose you as a friend. I can?t. You?re tah only one that pulls together enough of tah pieces to make me seem...? Sane? That cut close to the bone with its truth. ?Human.? How was that for irony? A vampire that made her feel human.

A shadow fell across Jacks features, she didn?t need to be able to read his thoughts to know what she said hurt him and she was honest-to-God sorry about that. There was a minute where Summer knew he was searching her thoughts, knew he?d be able to see and sense the truth in them. She was broken, had been for years now and until she fixed herself she couldn?t give herself to another; all she?d do would be cut them on the fragments. There was love there for Jacks, but it was a tempered love.

?I can help, if you would let me Summer.? He had moved closer, he pulled her into a loose embrace.

?Jacks, you already do. I jes... can?t be what you want. Not now.? Maybe not ever.

?Time is something I have, Summer. I will do no more than be your friend. A true friend.? It was a petty dig at Drake but also born of anger. He seethed at the man's treatment of Summer, sure that any day now the man would show up with some lover on his arm without a second thought for the promise he?d made to Summer. Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. ?Have a care though, some of us find your eccentricities charming. Perhaps you need not fix all the cracks you have.?

She chuffed a soft laugh. ?Ain?t no worry ?bout that. Some of them pieces ain?t never gettin? fixed.? No some had been ground to dust, trick was pulling together just enough of the pieces ? and she wasn?t there, not yet. Some small voice in her head that had spawned from the day of breaking whispered maliciously back... not ever.