Topic: Daniels Trouble - Make It A Double

Buck Daniels

Date: 2012-04-04 22:51 EST
Jackie's late night arrival at Cheyenne's tiny apartment had proven to be a bigger adventure than Cheyenne had first pegged it to be. What the brunette had originally thought was only going to be a run-of-the-mill (however unexpected) night of advice and glasses of boxed wine. Of course, she'd not expected Jackie to have moved to... quite the place she had, and it'd been easy to accept the invitation when her favorite cousin had asked her to visit.

It appeared that the visit was going to be longer, and Cheyenne was ok with that. To find that so many of her family members had ended up in the same place seemed fortuitous. Because of that, and because of the fun and other people she had met, it seemed like fate was maybe telling her it was time for a change.

They'd left early in the morning to start the trip back to Thomaston, to pay a visit to Chey's apartment and pick up a few things. Clothes, some toiletries, a few odds and ends like photo albums, jewelry and some of the more special Cracker Jackie's were packed into a few bags and tossed in the back of Jackie's beater truck. A quick drop-by to her parents to let them know she was going and might not be back for a time (this was rushed so there were less questions - being one of the youngest didn't help her case much to be running off willy-nilly).

Now that beater, beloved truck was rumbling down the street toward their last stop, to hit up the liquor store for 'reinforcements' before heading back to RhyDin. Chey rode with her legs sticking out the window, both windows cranked down to let in the warm spring air. With a turn of the wheel, Jackie brought the truck from the uneven gravel onto a semi-less uneven parking lot in front of a building bearing an emblazoned sign, "Thomaston Liquor Outlet". Even better was the 'open' sign that yelled at them in neon red.

As the truck trundled over the ground toward its destination, she turned her head to look at Jackie. "Y'anxious ta get back at all?"

Jackie threw her truck into park and pulled the keys from the ignition, never mind rolling up those windows any. Thomaston was the sort of sleepy little town where you could leave your doors unlocked while still feeling safe and sound. Besides, it wasn't like anyone was going to waste their time hotwiring the big red hunk of truck anyway. She did pause long enough to consider Cheyenne's question though. "I'm excited tah get back. I love it here an' enjoy these sortsa visits now an' then, but... RhyDin is startin' tah feel a lil' like home."

She quickly realized that her statement was beginning to make the conversation at hand sound a little too heavy for her tastes. Jackie might have been having a rough time when she went to unload on Cheyenne at week ago at her apartment, but she didn't want that to be the case now. She was beginning to feel like her life was getting back in order. There was a lot to smile about. So, she ruffled her fingers through Chey's hair. "I don't even gotta ask you if yer anxious to get back! I think there's a set of goggle's that might be missin' yer pie right 'bout now!"

Before Chey could retaliate Jackie was shoving the driver's side door open with a loud creak and dropping down so boots met gravel. The door was slammed behind her with a flourish, then she was taking off like a bat outta hell towards the liquor store. "Last one in pays!"

"Damnit, Jackie!" She hollered, fighting with the door to get it open. It stuck and lost her a few moments of valuable time as she cussed it out. Finally it gave and she leapt out, running after her cousin as quickly as she could, hair flying. She was gonna lose, but it didn't mean she wasn't going to try her hardest. "Y'gotta give me warnin'!" She'd let the goggles and pie comment go for now, because it was ON.

"Hell no, Chey! This is what keeps yah on yer toes! You'll thank me when yer whoopin' Colton's ass in a foot race next time yah see him!" Jackie had already yanked the door open and went careening inside.

Duke Daniels

Date: 2012-04-04 23:04 EST
Once in the door she should have been throwing her arms up in victory, yelling at the top of her lungs like she had won the Daytona 500. Instead, she was coming into hard contact with another solid form that she hadn't been prepared for. It was tall, so set in place, and so unexpected that it knocked Jackie back onto her behind where she went skidding across tile floor.

"Sonofabitch!" It was no one's fault but her own, but it didn't mean that cussing wasn't going to make her feel better. Unfortunately, she was so wrapped up in the ache on her backside that she didn't catch who she had ran into until a familiar voice rang out.

"I shoulda known it would be Jackie f*ckin' Daniels bustin' into a liquor store like she owned the place." The man had barely moved from his spot when Jackie slammed into him, and he made no movements now to help her up off the floor. Not that Jackie would be all that disappointed in that considering he looked like he hadn't bathed in a solid week and there appeared to be blood beneath his fingernails. His gaze lifted to peer around the store, calling out. "Hey, Duke! C'mere and see who the hell just dragged her ass on in here!"

There came the heavy sound of boots before the person came into view. If Jackie hadn?t known any better, she would have thought the run in had resulted in a head injury. The man that appeared beside the one who had spoken was a mirror image, save for different tattoos. Upon seeing the blonde on the floor, he put his grimy hands to his hips, grinning. ?Holy shit, looks like we got us a little Daniels girl!?

The bell on the door handle chimed as it bounced wildly, announcing Chey's arrival. "Ya bitch!" She called, although it was all shot through with laughter. She came up short when Jackie was on the ground, eyes widened as she took in Duke and his oh-so-impolite twin, Buck.

"Oh, go tah hell, Buck. We was racin'. Who the hell stands in the way of a door anyway?" Jackie hoisted herself up with a grunt and pulled her cowboy hat off so she could use it to dust herself off. The sight of the identical man didn't seem to faze Jackie at all. Why would it when she had known the twins her entire life? They were family after all. "You can go straight tah hell with 'im, too, Duke. Lil' my ass."

"Ain't nothin' lil' about yer ass, cuz. And quit actin' like you just fell into a mud hole. It was only some tile. You keep dustin' at your ass like that and yer gonna sand it right off." He paused and considered it. "On second that, maybe that'd be the best fer you." At the sound of the jingling bell Buck's gaze shifted to Cheyenne. He didn't miss a beat and was quickly greeting her in his usual fashion. "Is it girlscout cookie season already, lil' girl?"

"Shut up, Buck, ya sorry excuse," Chey retaliated with narrowed eyes and a sugary sweet smile. "An' every lil' girl in Georgia knows not ta go near either of ya. Everyone knows 'bout the sign y?all gotin yer window that says 'free candy', ya pervs."

Duke was quick to guffaw at that, showing teeth white against that tan-and-grime complexion. ?Cheyenne, what would ya know ?bout that? I ain?t ever tried ta take you into my van. Just all yer friends.?

Oh, how the comments about her ass had Jackie seething. But she would wait until they were back in RhyDin before she started flailing and begging Chey to tell her that her butt wasn't too big in her jeans. "Jesus, how long was that? Ten seconds intah a conversation before y'all came out lookin' like assh*les? Must be some sorta new record." Duke's comment about Cheyenne's friends made her wrinkle her nose. Sure, Colton often made similar jokes, but everything sounded so much skeezier coming from the Daniels Twins.

?Where y'all been hidin' out lately?" It was rare for Buck to give a damn about his cousins and it was equally impossible for him to keep track of all of them majority of the time. But he wasn't stupid enough to not notice Daniels cousins dropping one by one lately with little rhyme or reason.

Buck Daniels

Date: 2012-04-04 23:10 EST
?Ten seconds?? Duke rubbed the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. ?That might be a new record, actually. But it?d be damn hard to ask everyone we?ve f*cked with how long it took for us to look bad.? A pause. ?Still probably less time than it takes for you two to get to lookin? like sluts every morning.?

"Oh, Duke, ha, you are freakin' hilarious," Cheyenne said blandly, then answered Buck's question, since it was relatively non-jerky. "Jackie's new place." She wasn't sure how much she should reveal, so she'd leave the actual destination up to her cousin to say. "Everyone's been endin' up there. Austin went on ahead an' I didn't know. See you two still hangin' at yer same places." A pointed look at the surroundings of the liquor store.

Jackie would never go so far as to put her hand over Cheyenne's mouth, but she was staring intently at her little cousin and just praying she stopped talking about it sooner than later. Jackie only had a couple of years of experience with the Daniels Twins over Chey, but it was more than enough for her to know that the best way to deal with them was by ignoring them. "We've all jus' been comin' an' goin' a bit. Nothin' that would interest y'all since yah can barely stand bein' 'round us... what were yah callin' us, Duke? Sluts?"

"Aw, c'mon, Jack. What's the new digs? Don't leave us out in the dark here. Duke an' I are always lookin' for a new place to set up shop. All of our customers in these parts are dyin'." He paused thoughtfully. "An' I think we're startin' to plow the same girls from High School all over again, if you know what I mea-"

Jackie was already flailing before he finished the disgusting statement. "I know what you mean!"

Cheyenne wrinkled her nose then. "Knock it off, Buck, ya nasty git!" She shook her head, sliding her arm into Jackie's. "Ain't no place you'd be welcome. Either of you." With a pointed look to Duke, too.

Duke nodded when she asked about the 'slut' comment, grinning, before he continued. ?Well, that?s downright rude, ain?t it, Buck?? He queried, nudging his brother with his elbow. ?Little floozies can?t even help their own cousins out. What if we starve, girlies?? An expectant look. ?A man can?t live on what?s between a woman?s thighs alone!?

At the elbow to his side, Buck was automatically nodding in agreement with his brother. His dingy gaze never left the girls. "Not to say that we ain't tried all these years, mind you. But there are only two things guaranteed in this big ol' world." He lifted one finger. "People like dead animals." A second finger lifted. "People like drinkin' 'shine while lookin' at dead animals. A new lot of customers could have us bankin'" There was a rough smokey laugh at his own words before he opened his arms to his cousins. "C'mon! JackOff, CheyBait." His tone made it seem like he was calling them by loving little family nicknames. "Don't leave us hangin'."

The entire display between the Daniels Twins was being watched with an unamused glare, but it was at the nicknames that Jackie threw up her hands. "Alright! I jus' reached my fill of y'all dirtbags fer the month! Y'all can go f*ck yerselves." Chey then got a look. "Grab yer stuff, I'll meet yah at the counter, an' lets get outta here. I need tah get the breeze in my face tah wash 'way the stink of bein' so close tah these two." She didn't even wait for a reply from Cheyenne and was already sliding by the brothers with an expression of disgust. A few choice curse words that would even make her Daddy blush were dropped on the way.

Duke Daniels

Date: 2012-04-04 23:12 EST
Chey knew there was going to be some explosion from Jackie as soon as the nickname for her came out. 'CheyBait' was not so horrible on the grand scale of things. 'Jack Off'? Well... yeah. The curse words in particular illustrated succinctly just what Jackie thought of the appellation. Cheyenne put her hands on her hips and glared at the twins, looking more like someone's displeased mother than the youngest of the Daniels bunch. "You two ain't got no shame. Ain't no wonder ya live in filth an' don't have more than five brain cells between tha two of y'all! Pigs." She gave them a disgusted look and then moved off to procure her booze and fried snacks like a proper lady.

He snickered and watched Cheyenne move off in her little anger cloud. Jackie had already disappeared on her own pursuit of alcohol. Which left the brunette Daniels girl to get the brunt of his next set of comments. Easiest target and all that. "Damn, Chey, yer ass ain't as big as Jackie's. Y'ain't spent enough time with her, then, 'cuz she ain't fattened you up enough." A beat of a pause. "Which is too bad 'cuz you ain't got no tits, either." He was met with a backwardly flipped bird from her and all it did was set him to guffawing, slapping his knee.

Jackie might have been across the liquor store working double time to ignore the Daniels Twins, but with Duke getting into the fray of ragging on her derriere it was becoming a harder chore than she thought. It was at the last comment about Chey that Jackie perked her head above the shelves of snack foods and looked like she was ready to skin someone alive with her pocket knife. "The hell did you say 'bout Chey, you sorry sonofab*tch!?"

Cheyenne, who had broken up more than her fair share of fights between her darling cousin and a mess of unfortunate folks, had already dropped her bag of pork rinds and was on the move. She caught Jackie around the waist and started dragging her snarling cousin towards the door. It was a mess of Jackie yelling and Cheyenne pulling her out of the liquor store to the truck. Getting back to RhyDin was going to be a lot more difficult if the store clerk got a bug up his butt to call the police about another Daniels family disturbance.

His brother's comments had caused Buck to let out a gritty chuckle, but it was Jackie flailing and spitting like a cat in a burlap sack that made him double over in full blown laughter. It wasn't helping the situation that was for sure. But despite all of Jackie's hissing and fighting she was out the door with Cheyenne, leaving Duke and Buck in the quiet of the liquor store. The silence only dragged on for a tick while they listened to the slam of the truck doors and a rumble of the engine. Buck shifted his attention aside to his brother and nodded his head towards the door. "We gonna follow 'em?"

The liquor store owner should be right thrilled that he'd gone so long without a Daniels family spat. At least a month and a half, and that was some sort of record. He fixed his brother with a lifted brow. "Y'know our sweet mama didn' birth no fools! 'Course we're followin' 'em. Whole mess of beavers we ain't stuffed yet." That last could be taken in two ways... and they'd both be correct. "C'mon."

Buck gave out another bark of a laugh. "Hell yeah." With that Duke and Buck were out the door in pursuit of Jackie and Cheyenne. It was going to be a cold day in hell when the cousins could leave the Daniels Twins out of their good times. No matter how hard they tried.