Topic: Stowaway

Colt Daniels

Date: 2012-03-21 18:10 EST
Thomaston, Georgia to RhyDin. It was quite the conflict of worlds. In Thomaston, everyone knew his name. The faces were the same faces he'd seen all his life. In RhyDin? Well, the limitless diversity of its denizens never failed to be a bit on the overwhelming side. The slow, unhurried small town way of life in Thomaston vanished as Colt's truck rumbled through the portal down that unused dirt road, giving way to the constant hum of energy that seemed ever present in RhyDin.

This particular trip back home had been for his camping gear... or maybe it had just been to have his stomach full of his mom's cooking. Either way, full and happy, he threw the truck into park as he pulled in front of his cabin. As he hopped free of the cab, he flipped open his cell phone. A number was dialed and then... voicemail.

"Hey, Ten. It's me. I'm back. If you wanna crash here tonight give me a call and I'll pick you up." A hand reached blindly in the bed of the truck for the bundled up sleeping bag he'd tossed in.

That sleeping bag had been unrolled and thrown over Dylan Dixie Daniels -- or DeeDee as much of her family called her -- while riding in the back of the truck. Although the weather was decent in town this part of the year, it was still too cold for her when Colt really hit the gas and the wind started to whip around her. She hadn't had time to roll it back up before he reached for it. She tried her best to stay pressed against the bed of the truck, hoping he would just think that the bag came unrolled on its own. However when he reached in, he didn't grab the bag, but rather her hair. "Ow!" She yelped at him and reached her hands up to try and yank her hair free.

"If not, I'll catch up--" The rest of the sentence never came as human hair was in hand rather than the strap of the sleeping bag cover. "Jesus Christ!"

The handful of hair was immediately released as was the phone in his opposite hand. The cell phone clattered to the drive as he leaned over the bedside to frown at the stowaway. "Dylan? Is that you? What the hell are you doing back there?"

"Uhm. Surprise?" Said in a weak tone as she sat up and smoothed her hair back down.

Surprise? Well, DeeDee was full of those these days. She was the talk of the town at the moment for all the wrong reasons when a set of racy pictures that were only supposed to be published overseas had turned up on the internet.

She hadn't even had a chance to change after work, which meant she was still clad in her diner uniform. "I was hoping I could come to Buford with you and Jackie? I just have to get out of Thomaston, Colt! Everybody keeps lookin at me and I just can't take it. " Glancing around, her eyebrows rose up some. Buford didn't look like she had expected it to. "I ain't goin back, so don't try to make me!" She crossed her arms stubbornly, used to getting her way.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath as the tailgate was lowered. Reluctantly, he reached out a hand to help her down. Maybe -- just maybe -- it wasn't too late to toss her into the passenger seat and drive her directly back to Thomaston. Hopefully, they wouldn't run into any dragons, drows, or dwarves along the way. "And in a week a new scandal will have happened and everyone will be talkin' 'bout it. Now get your scrawny ass in the cab. I'm takin' you home."

"I ain't goin!" She didn't take his hand or move an inch from the spot on the bed of the truck. Sitting indian style she stared him down. "And who is Ten? Are you hookin up out here already? Does your momma know?" Her eyebrow ticked up and she wore a wicked little smirk as she finally edged to the tailgate and then hopped out all on her own. "It feels colder here. Geebus." Rubbing her arms briskly, she looked around. "Is Jackie here already? I want to surprise her."

His arms crossed over his chest and he shot DeeDee a firm scowl. It was his best big brother material and, though Dylan may be a cousin and not a sibling, she often invoked the big brother routine from Colt. "None of that is any of your business. I can't believe you're gonna run from your life like this."

"I want a fresh start. You don't understand. You don't have to deal with the cat calls all day at the diner and the sneers from the women who are picked off because their men have seen ya practically naked. And Lord knows that they are all judging me. Someone tried to save me yesterday, Colt. I don't want to deal with it right now. Y'all get to leave Thomaston, I want to, too. Just let me stay with you a few weeks and I'll think about going back."

So the Bible thumpers had already done their worst. And the old bitties were busy flapping their gums. Colt gave an exhale as the realization that Dylan had cast herself as the town harlot settled in. There was a flicker of a sadness, cracking his stony demeanor, as he took a seat on the edge of the liftgate. His hands slid into the side pockets of his jeans as eyes dipped down to the tips of his hiking boots. "Is it that bad? You'd leave everythin' behind?"

"Its that bad. And of course things arn't so good at home. My daddy is real disappointed in me and pretty mad about it. He won't even look me in the eye. I just was trying to help out financially, especially for school." Shrugging, she kicked a rock and then toed the ground with the tip of her white keds sneaker. " I just don't want to face anybody. Please don't make me go back. I already quit my job, I told 'em tonight and I told my parents I was gonna stay with you for a bit, scope things out here in Buford. My ma understood, 'course she was sad. " Biting on her bottom lip, she looked up to the sky, which didn't look quite right at all. Continuing to stare, she lifted a finger and started to trace the stars, something just wasn't right. "Colt? Where'd the big dipper go?"

The sky. Being as connected with the outdoors as the tracker was, he knew the RhyDin sky better than he knew the ceiling in the bedroom of his cabin. For a moment he hesitated over her question but... well, it was too late now. Exhaling heavily as he accepted the decision he'd made, a hand reached up to point out Trebor -- the smaller and more distant of RhyDin's moons.

"We ain't in Georgia anymore, DeeDee."

((With thanks to the player behind Dylan Daniels.))

Colt Daniels

Date: 2012-03-27 01:30 EST
If Colt were a more aware man he may have understood that the rotating array of pretty women that filtered in and out of his life at a dizzying pace was a horrifically stereotypical middle child?s cry for attention. With them, he was the focus. At least for a night. As false and hollow as it was, he?d take it, revel in it, and then ditch them before they had the opportunity to realize that he wasn?t the man that his older brother was. He would never be Rhett. He?d never be as tough or as intelligent. He?d never be Ford. He?d never be as strong or as good looking. He?d never be Jackie. He?d never draw in people like moths to a flame or console them with ease.

He would always just be Colt, the Daniels? goofy screw up.

If Colt was able to take a hard, unbiased look at his life, he may have seen how that need for attention leaked on over to his relationship with Tenacity. Ten had been nothing but loyal, nothing but true. Yet, still, he waited for the other shoe to drop. He waited for her to realize what he felt everyone else had always known -- he wasn?t worth her time or attention. If he had taken the time for introspection, maybe he would have realized the dangerous path he was headed down. Maybe he would understood that his real danger in losing her was his inability to trust that she wanted him.

But he wasn?t more aware and he certainly wasn?t in the mood to take an unbiased look at his life. And that was how he had ended up standing at the corner of Gordon and Lee in front of Thomaston?s favorite haunt -- The Pool Room.

So the path from Point A to Point B was a little more indirect than all of that. There had been a fight with Ten. She had directed him not to do anything stupid so that, in fact, was exactly what he had set his mind to doing. Although, if asked, he would certainly assert that he was here to protect DeeDee?s honor. It was a two birds, one stone sort of deal.

The sun was sinking beneath the historic brick buildings of ?downtown? Thomaston as Colt pulled open the door and stepped inside. The billiards room was smoky haze that illustrated the bar exemption in Georgia?s statewide public smoking ban. It overwhelmed his overly sensitive nose, dulling out every other scent until he could filter it out. But he wouldn?t need his sense of smell to find the man he was looking for.

?Well, hell, if it ain?t Colton Daniels.? A feminine voice interrupted his search and he lifted a hand in greeting to it without even letting his eyes drift to find its owner. For once, his mind was not on Georgia peaches.

Dave Braniff was illuminated by an overhead pendant light as he set his bottle down on the edge of the pool table and leaned over it to make his shot. The handful of Dave?s friends around the table blocked Colt?s view of the ball but it seemed by the smug look on Dave?s face as he rose that the shot was successful.

It was then as Dave set his pool stick and reached for his beer that he spotted Colt cutting a path through the crowded room towards him. A wide smile spread across his lips. ?Colt! Where?ve you been, man? Sheryl, get my friend a beer! It?s on--?

The words were choked off in his throat as one of Colt?s large arms crossed over Dave?s chest, shoving him up against the wall hard enough to rattle the framed Julio Jones jersey beside Dave?s head. The background of whispers drawing attention to the confrontation were ignored as an angry growl erupted from Colt. ?Look here, asshole. I know you?re the one that?s been passin? on those photos of DeeDee. Internet porn?s the only action you get. But, let me tell you somethin?, you made a gigantic mistake decidin? to harass a Daniels. Do you understand me??

There was a hesitation as a denial died on Dave?s lips before it could be spoken. Dave?s wide, startled eyes remained fixed on Colt. ?It was on the internet. I just passed it around to a couple of people.?

?C?mon, C.D. You don?t wanna do this.? A strong hand landed on Colt?s shoulder, firmly pulling him back away from Dave. He didn?t need to glance over his shoulder to recognize Todd Connelly?s voice. For a moment, the calm reason in his old Pop Warner teammate?s voice dialed back the tension in Colt?s form.

Colt let his arm drop from Dave?s body as he took a slow step back. This was wrong. DeeDee would kill him for rushing to her defense. Noticing that his words seemed to have an impact, Todd slapped a hand firmly against Colt?s back. ?There you go. Let?s you and I walk over to the bar and get a drink. Meg is here tonight. Bet we can get you laid before the night is out.?

Confident that Colt?s temper had been reigned in by Todd?s intervention and uneasy by a crowded room seeing him shoved into a wall, the smug smile formed on Dave?s lips again. ?Yeah. Why don?t you walk away before I put my boot so far up your--?

Again, the words were never finished. The first blow that landed as Colt ripped himself away from Todd?s guiding hand fell against the side of Dave?s face. Two inches shorter and quite a bit lighter, the man never had the opportunity to mount much of a fight. Dave didn?t have the advantage of time spent in weight room perfecting a professional athlete?s body nor had he had the years of Rhovnik training. That he was able to land a glancing blow or two on Colt was a wonder in and of itself.

Todd scrambled forward once more to try to pull Colt back and in the moment a very winded Dave snatched the bottle still sitting on the edge of the pool table and brought it down hard against the edge, shattering it to create a jagged, dangerous weapon. Struggling against the unyielding hands gripping onto his shirt, Colt had limited motion as Dave swiped the bottle inward. Colt?s bottom jaw tightened through the pain as the glass cut through the flesh of his forearm.

The shock of a broken bottle suddenly having been introduced to the fight caused Todd to instantly release his hold. Colt reached forward to the wrist holding the offending bottle and twisted it violently back around, using Dave?s own momentum against him. The bottle dropped as a pained cry erupted with the snapping of bone. With a vicious shove, Dave was sent face first back into the wall. His head hit the edge of a neon Miller sign before his body fell lifelessly to the ground.

Shoving his way in through the door with the sense of purpose that suggested someone had grabbed him off the street and informed him of the fight, Rhett Daniels pressed his way through the crowd. As shock over the easygoing bird dog?s sudden shift to a snapping, savage junkyard dog kept the rest of the patrons from intervening, it was Rhett and Todd that finally pulled Colt away from his unconscious childhood friend.

But even then, the fight didn?t die. Colt?s eyes swept past Dave, ignoring the hands that kept him in place as he glared daggers towards the rest of the room. ?Anybody else have any goddamn pictures they?d like to share??

The only answer to the question lingering in the unnaturally quiet billiards room was the piercing sound of sirens growing ever closer.

Colt Daniels

Date: 2012-03-27 16:15 EST
Mr. Daniels was standing at the base of the wide concrete steps that lead up to county lock-up as Colt breathed in a rush of sweet-smelling air on his way out of the building. His cell phone was slid back into his back pocket and the watch he?d just been returned was pulled back around his wrist and snapped into place as he jogged down the steps to his father. Without a word, Mr. Daniels fell into place at Colt?s side as father and son headed towards the parking lot.

Eventually, it was Colt who broke the uneasy silence. ?Thanks for bailin? me out.?

Mr. Daniels made a noise deep in his throat that suggested bailing his middle son out of jail hadn?t been on his bucket list. However, instead of discussing the incident itself, Mr. Daniels let his eyes fall to the sidewalk. ?You know, Colt, the Sheriff has this runnin? joke ?bout you.?

?Really? Do tell, Dad. I?m in a jokin? sort of mood.? The reply came complete with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

The sarcasm was ignored as the pair ducked beneath the low hanging branch of a dogwood. ?How do you know Colt Daniels is back in town??

?Dunno. How do you?? Colt asked, an unwilling participant in the setup.

?There?s one less unoccupied jail cell and one more tainted woman.? The answer came in an informative tone rather than a humorous one. It didn?t seem to warrant Mr. Daniels? famous delivery. Perhaps it just didn?t amuse him all that much anymore.

After a mild Georgia winter pollen coated the air thickly. With every breath, Colt could feel a sinus headache building... or maybe it was a tension headache. At this point, it was hard to tell. ?That ain?t very funny,? he replied in a low tone.

?Okay. So maybe it ain?t so much a joke and more of a truism.?

Colt shrugged with a careless disregard that he wasn?t entirely sure he felt and allowed Mr. Daniels the truth in that. The uneasy silence fell once more. It was unusual for silence between them to be uncomfortable. It had been Colt handing tools over to Mr. Daniels over the years when he had been too hungover to change brake pads or replace a strut on his own. It had been a thirteen year old Colt who Mr. Daniels called to drive him home from the bar when he was too drunk to drive himself. The silence between them was usually contented and when conversation came it was relaxed. This time it was anything but.

A pair of women his father?s age greeted Mr. Daniels by name in passing. Colt watched a charming smile spread across the elder Daniels? weathered face as he swept out an effusive greeting in return. That was Mr. Daniels. All charm. His antics and his drinking were tolerated because of that magnetism.

As the women passed, Mr. Daniels cleared his throat and struggled his way to the meat of what lingered on his mind. ?You gotta get your life in order, son.?

A bitter laugh escaped Colt as he shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his jacket. ?That?s rich comin? from you.?

?Well, you ain?t me, Colton.? The words were a biting reply and they lingered in the air over each of them as the sidewalk gave way to the gravel parking lot. Stones crunched under their battered hiking boots, filling the silence. Father and son shared the very same charm that had alway allowed Colt to get away with the same antics Mr. Daniels pulled. Colt was Mr. Daniels... in a lot of ways. But there was a quiet truth that went unsaid. While Mr. Daniels was perfectly happy living that way, Colt never had been.

Eventually, the bite fell off of Mr. Daniels voice and he added in a softer tone, ?And you?re in some serious trouble this time.?

And, in that, even Colt had to admit his father was right. The damage to Dave had come to a grand total of one concussion, one broken wrist, three broken ribs, and a mess of facial lacerations. Colt had ended up with fourteen stitches in his right forearm, a couple of bruises, and an assault charge. It wasn?t his first. However, the Sheriff had always made sure the charges against him were quietly swept under the rug. This time... well, the damage was too great, the fight too public. He was on his own.

?So now you?re gonna get ?round to bein? a father? A lil? late, Dad. And you can keep your damn lectures.?

As they neared his father?s truck, Mr. Daniels reached out and wrapped a deceptively strong hand around Colt?s bicep giving it a firm shake to get his son?s attention and drawing him to a stop. ?Listen here. I know I?m partly to blame for how you turned out but you stepped over the line last night and I?m standin? here askin? you what the hell is goin? on with you.?

His eyes dipped to the bandaged wound on his forearm before lifting back to Mr. Daniels? face. Genuine concern had settled on Mr. Daniels? features and it made Colt bite back his dismissive reply. Eventually three short painful words were dropped. ?I love her.?

?Who? DeeDee? Well, we all love her, Colton. We just wish she hadn?t bared everythin? the good Lord gave her to that damn photographer is all.? Mr. Daniels gave a disgruntled huff as he released Colt?s arm to toss a hand wildly to the wind as if suggesting just how uncontrollable his niece was.

But as his slate blue eyes settled back on Colt, the look on his son?s face tempered the rant on blustery Daniels girls. An exhale was released and he shook his head slowly as the truth began to fall down around him. ?We?re not talkin? ?bout DeeDee? Who then? This girl you?ve been seein???

?Yeah,? Colt admitted in a quiet tone.

The flicker of amusement settled and disappeared so quickly in Mr. Daniels? eyes that it could have been passed off as an illusion. But it hadn?t been. Had it been any of the other one of his four children, Mr. Daniels would have had a different reaction. But Colton? Well, that right there was damn right entertaining. ?And you haven?t told her??

Colt crossed his arms over his broad chest. The big frame was a Daniels trait. Thankfully, Jackie was built more like her mother. A single word slipped free of Colt again. ?No.?

This time there was no denying the amusement that crinkled the corners of Mr. Daniels? eyes as he reached into his pocket to fish out his keys while stepping towards the driver?s door of his truck. ?Well, then, son. You better go do that. ?Cause Thomaston?s already got a mess of ugly sonuvabitches. We don?t need you runnin? ?round town creatin? more with your fists, y?hear me??

It wasn?t that simple. Or maybe Colt was making it more difficult than it needed to be. He wasn?t ready to say it. He didn?t think Ten was ready to hear it. Not yet.

Yet, he couldn?t help but allow a laugh at the description of Thomaston as he pulled himself up into the passenger seat of the truck. ?Yessir. I hear you.?

Colt Daniels

Date: 2012-03-30 08:52 EST
Parked under the shade of the enveloping old oaks that protected the dirt road on which the nexus portal lay down, Colt drummed his fingers against the steering wheel of his pickup truck. The temperature in south Georgia was just a shade under eighty degrees and the forest that surrounded this rarely used patch of ground was brimming with life.

He had to eventually go forward. His life was in RhyDin and the only thing waiting for him on this side of the nexus were the assault charges he'd just picked up and would eventually have to deal with. But he wasn't quite ready to drive into that twisting ball of energy. Right now, he just wanted to linger a moment longer with the windows down and the radio playing low, enjoying the quiet spring afternoon.

The bike was new and fast, the brand was a Hadley, a brand found only in one of the close hops from the Nexus but no one had every questioned her on it. It looked like one of those Japanese bikes that most men rode trying to kill themselves by seeing how fast they could go. No one had ever accused her of being anywhere near this side of safe and she hit the portal going a good seventy miles an hour. She did have a helmet on though, that should've earned her some points right? With the helmet she was also wearing a black and red leather jacket, black pants and sturdy dock martin boots. It was only because she was young and quick on the up take that she didn't slam into the truck that was there, right where it shouldn't of ought to have been.

Besides his truck and Jackie's older red pickup, he'd yet to see another vehicle head through this particular nexus point. The bike bursting through the sphere of energy, breaking apart the afternoon's serenity, left him startled. "What in the hell?" He asked in shock as he pulled open the door of the truck and stepped out.

The bike spun in a quick circle to bled the speed off and come to a stop, nearly tossing it down to stomp over. She was yelling before looking, tugging the helmet off and shaking out her blonde hair, this week there were streaks of fire-engine red mixed in. "Well I ain't never! Whut in tarnation were you tryin' to do? Kill me?" The southern accent was laying on thick, she used it like a tool, most people thought you were slow if you were from the South.

He hesitated for a moment as the hair and the voice rattled him further. Then the door to the truck was slammed shut. This could not be happening. "Summer?"

It was only when he said her name that she actually took a look at who she was yelling at and after a moment of stunned silence laughed. "Well I'll be, Colt? Is that you? It... whut I mean is this inn't whut it looks like." A glance back at the portal then at him, her eyes narrowing for a moment. There were some that underestimated Colt because he was a jock, but she knew there was more sense in that thick skull than even he gave credit toward.

"It looks like you just used my damn portal." And all of this after Jackie told him not to let anymore of their cousins follow him into RhyDin. She was starting to feel like she was running a home for wayward Daniels women... which, as the Daniels men would insist, was every Daniels woman. He shook his head sternly, crossing towards her and the bike. "Did you follow me through there at some point?"

Eyes went wide and she tossed the helmet down on the ground so she could get into a proper angry stance, hands on hips and leaning forward. "Did I follow you? Who was it jes came through that there portal?" Pointing at the portal and then at herself then the hand going back to the hip. Getting up a good huff was natural as breathing for the Southern girl, didn't matter none that this was one of her favorite people, he had obviously forgotten who he was talking with!

Okay, so she had a point. It had been a long couple of days and sleeping in a jail cell hadn't exactly been conducive to a good night's rest. A hand was pressed against his forehead as he thought the situation through for a moment before finding a line of questioning in order to continue. "Alright. So... you know about RhyDin, I'm assumin'? How long have you known?"

That mollified her, if it had been anyone else she might have kept up the front but it had been months since she'd seen him and she was happy to see him now, even if it meant this awkward situation. Closing the distance she tossed herself at him, arms going around his shoulders. "You dun look like hell boy. Beddin' down with some coon or jes lackin' beauty sleep?" Ignoring the question for a moment while she got her thoughts together. Of all the ways she thought she'd be caught this wasn't one of them.

The hand on his forehead fell and an arm wrapped around Summer. God, how he had needed a hug. Breathing her in, he exhaled slowly before answering the question. "I just got released from jail. DeeDee let some photographer take some pictures where she wasn't... well, fully clothed. Dave Braniff was passin' them 'round. Whole town's abuzz with it. I came back to deal with it."

"Oh lord, when will you learn that Daniels women don't need no man to be dealing with our business." The accent lightened up and the words were softly teasing. Her expression said it was a lesson that no Daniels man was ever like to learn, nor did she really expect it. "I had heard something of the like but I've been busy and had hoped it'd blow ov'r. I member last time DeeDee got herself in trouble, she took care of it but I suppose this was a mite much." Leaning back and throwing a playful punch at his gut. "Still, going and gettin' tossed in jail ain't likely tuh be helpin'."

Then something occurred to her and she slapped her forehead. "Gosh darn, that there gossip man was a'talkin' bout you! I should've known, it jes didn't click."

There was a slight wince at the punch as she did catch one of the few bruises that Dave had been able to cause. But he didn't complain. He deserved it. And since there was no way he was going to win an argument against a Daniels woman about how his assistance had been needed to protect a Daniels woman, he jumped at the opportunity to sway the conversation back to the answers he was seeking. "Then you know about RhyDin. Jackie accidentally stumbled upon it a couple months ago. I followed after her and we took Austin there to give her a change of pace a couple weeks ago. Last week after I had dinner with my mom and dad, DeeDee snuck into the back of the truck so now she's there too."

One hand rose and rubbed the back of her neck, a soft chuckle escaping her. "I wonder if'n it jes be in our blood to find such things. I've been headin' ov'r to Rhy'din a good bit over four years now." She looked a little bashful about that. They were a close family but darn it all some things just weren't supper conversation! "So you, Jackie, Austin and DeeDee? It's a right Southern invasion."

In our blood to find such things. Her words left him a little ashamed as well. His hazel eyes dipped to the dirt road stretching between them and then crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned his back against the bed of his pickup. Summer wasn't the only one keeping secrets. Eventually, his secrets were going to find their way to the light as well. Finally, his eyes lifted back to her and a flash of a smile appeared. "Well, a Daniels invasion at least. That's for sure."

With a bright laugh, Summer gave a sage nod. "They dun better watch out, Colton, we be tricky folk."

((With thanks to the player behind Summer Daniels.))