Topic: Confessions


Date: 2014-06-10 10:00 EST
It was the middle of the freaking night, but she was just happy to have gotten out of the house on her own for once. But the cold was starting to get to her, so Cait jogged up the porch steps and shouldered her way into the Red Dragon. She held the door for the woman who was entering just behind her and then beelined a path to the break in the bar, heading for the coffee pot.

A cheerful smile was shot to Cait as Serah headed on in. "Kinda slow for a Friday night." Disappointed in some way but she still headed her way to the bar.

A mug was snagged on her way to the coffee and luckily a pot had been brewed not too long ago it seemed. "Right?" She was addressing Serah, though watching the black liquid being poured from pot to mug. "It's Friday. Where are all the drunkies?"

"Probably off at some club. Maybe that is where I should have gone tonight."

"Did you want coffee while I'm back here?" Cait looked up expectantly at Serah, then over at the girl joining her behind the bar.

"No thanks! Normally I'd go straight to the pot but I think I am in a beer mood tonight."

Connor pushed the door open with one hand, the other on his forehead. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light... even if it wasn't too bright, right now anything was too bright for him. After entering he unzipped the Union Jack hoodie, since it was also really really warm in here too. Or maybe it was just the effects of a lot of alcohol. Apparently there was a crowd around, so he did his best to avoid everyone as he meandered to the bar.

There was a bit of a squint as she eyed Connor?s entrance, but she simply shrugged and skirted through the break in the bar to the commons. The hot mug warmed her hands as she carried it across the room towards a seat at the far end of the bar.

Connor set his elbows on the bar and his head in his hands, closing his eyes as he ran long fingers through his already messy hair. "Ugh," he muttered to himself.

Looking over, Serah raised a brow at the fella who looked like he was having a rough one. "Bad night?" Probably none of her business.

Cait glanced over after his sigh. But Serah had beaten her to the punch, though, so Cait just blatantly eavesdropped for now.

"Bad week," he answered, speaking directly into the bartop. He turned his head toward the direction of the voice, waiting for his eyes to properly focus. "You've got pink hair."

That was his go to? She grinned and nodded to him. "Yeah. It is natural too." At this point it was just an acceptance on her part.

"Okay, good. I wanted to be sure I wasn't seeing things yet," Connor chuckled, lifting his head up and trying to not look like such a mess. "So! Yeah. Bad night, trying to make it so it's not worse. But if I really wanted to do that I should have cut myself off..." he looks at his wrist -- it doesn't have a watch. "Ugh, a couple days ago."

Serah turned her aqua colored eyes to Cait and her grin turned sheepish. "I hate to be a bother but think I can take you up on that coffee? Forgot my money at home apparently so no beer for me."

"No beer? No! Not on my watch!" he exclaimed, digging into his front pocket, then slightly lifting his behind from the stool to dig in his back pocket and finally pulling out whatever currency he had. "You can get a round. On me. Otherwise I'll get another one and that is probably a bad idea." He gave an exaggerated nod toward Serah.

Cait laughed and set her mug down, smiling at Serah. Of course, then Connor was all about the beer. She eyed him warily. He didn't look like he needed anymore. "I....could get you both some coffee?" Fishing a little. Setting her mug down, she headed back behind the bar to get more coffee for the two of them.

Curling her fingers into her palm, Serah looked over to Connor. "No that is okay but thank you for the gesture. Maybe you should have some coffee too!"

"I guess this pays for coffee too..." he looked at the coins in his hand, trying to count what he had and coming up double. He then lifted his head and gave a bright smile to both Serah and Cait. "Sure! Coffee!"

The first mug was set in front of Serah. "I guess we found the drunkie," she muttered quietly, smirking. Then another poured and pushed towards Connor. The sugar and milk were set between the two of them.

"Coffee don't cost a thing so your money isn't any good." She playfully wrinkled her nose at Connor and giggled when she heard Cait. Plucking the vial out of her pocket she uncorked it in order to add a little of the bitter scented powder to her coffee. "Thank you, Miss!" That to Cait.

"Thank you!" Connor nodded to Cait with the same grin on his face; it seemed like it took too much effort to change whatever expression he had on his face. Bypassing any sugar or milk he just went right for the mug and took a drink. After setting it back on the bar, he looked back from Serah to the money in his hand, and then stuffed it down the front right pocket of his jeans.

"Sure thing!" Caitlin beamed. She glanced back at Connor, head tilting to the side. "You need anything else? A bucket to puke in, maybe?" She snickered, leaning on the bartop across from him.

"No, I don't throw up. I've got a really strong stomach," he said, very proud of himself. "In what I do, there's lots of twists and turns and heaving and it would be bad if I had a weak stomach." Connor nodded a few times, much like a bobblehead.

Serah snickered as she corked the vial and placed it back into her pocket. She smiled to Connor, trying hard not to snicker more at Cait's comment about the bucket.

That was when Cait caught sight of Deacon as he came through the door. Dressed to the nines in his suit and tie, he shrugged out of his coat. It had been a little over a week since he?d been attacked, so the swelling was down, but he was still bruised. The cut on his cheek had a butterfly bandage over it. "Oh shit, I'm in trouble."

"Yeah, we're all in trouble," Connor muttered to himself as he heard Cait's last sentence. Then he shook his head and cleared his throat. "Why you in trouble?"

Deke wasn't so much hearing her, as he saw her first, leaning across from some guy. Wouldn't be the first time and this place brings out the horn in most people. He took long strides to the bar, stopping just short of it with a glance at Connor, then at that shock of pink hair, then finally to Cait.

She'd pretend like nothing was amiss. "My...friend who is a guy," nodding at Deacon as he strode towards them. She tripped over those words, cheeks flaming by the time he'd come to a stop. She shouldn't be surprised at being found so quickly.

"Ah, trouble with the boyfriend," Connor nodded to Cait, then tapped his nose. "I could tell you sooooo much about relationship problems! So I feel ya."

"Good evening," Deacon said. Then a glance at the man speaking and back to Cait. "I'm sorry, I didn't know we were having a problem."

"He said it, not me!" Cait looked a little sheepish, regretting her decision to leave without telling him now. She looked back over at Connor who appeared to be trying to get his flirt on with Serah, so she straightened up from the lean and turned to face Deacon. "Want some coffee?"

"I was thinking something stronger than coffee." He smiled for her and moved down a bit from Connor and Serah.

Cait followed after him, since her mug of coffee was down there where she'd left it earlier. She reached for it and took a long swallow before quirking a brow. "It's, like, two-thirty in the morning."

A flick of wrist and his cuff pushed up past his watch to check the titanium and gold face. "Yes, but coffee will wake me up, the booze, not so much."

"There's de-caf." Caitlin stared at him, then bent to peruse the bottles beneath the counter. She came up with a bottle of Scotch, rather old, but knew he'd have the money for it. A slender hand caught a snifter by the rim and set it in front of Deacon. Brown eyes found his face again as she poured, remaining silent for now.

He watched her and finally asked. "What's that look for?"

She felt both guilty for leaving and irritated that he'd come looking for her. Caitlin just shook her head at him, recapped the bottle, and took another sip from her mug.

He picked up the snifter with his left hand and lifted it to his mouth. An exhale blew out the fumes before he took a small swallow.

"I was starting to get cabin fever," she finally explained, looking into her mug while she spoke.

He simply nodded. He wasn't really out looking for her. She was gone and it wasn't the first time that he'd woken up that, not with her, but others. He was going to go by her place and be sure that she was okay, but it so happened that she was here. "That can happen." He finally said with a smile.

The man was impossible to read at the moment. She'd play innocent until she found out one way or the other. Taking up a lean much like the one she'd used earlier in front of Connor, Cait locked eyes with Deacon. "So what's got ya all decked out and roaming the city at a time like this?"

"I had a call from Kyle, someone tried to break into the uptown office. Just a bum, no losses," He took another swallow. "Then I thought I would check on you, as I thought maybe you'd decided to go back home."

"Just a walk," she shrugged. "But I think I might go back home this weekend. I think it's time, don't you?"

"No, not overly. I've been enjoying you being there." He was being honest as he drained the last bit from the snifter.

"You're going to get bored of me, though." She propped her chin up on her palm. "If I don't leave, how can you ever miss me?"

"I really, truly, doubt that." He placed both hands on the bar then, watching her.

Brown eyes flickered in Serah and Connor's direction, then back to Deacon. "Why's that?"

Dark eyes flicked to her, then down the bar, and back. "Really? Should we talk about this here?"

"Or not," she drew the first word out. Lips pursed, brown eyes focusing on her drink again. She lifted the mug to her lips and took a long, slow sip, if only to have something between her and Deacon for a moment.

He sighed and shook his head. "I was worried about you, you know the reason why... but I like you around, because I enjoy your company, and the closeness." He was barely raising enough volume to push the words past his lips.

It probably wasn't fair of her to force him into public declarations. But like any girl, she liked hearing those kinds of things out loud. But the stiff emotion and his embarrassment only hurt her feelings. The muscles in her jaw jumped as she chewed on her words. Finally, the brunette swallowed audibly. "I like being around you, too. But I need to go back home. The ward is in place and things have calmed down."

"Damn it, Cait. Stop it, please?"

"You can't just hold me hostage because you're worried something bad might happen." Voice lifting, brows furrowing as anger built up inside.

"For f*cks sake, I am not even talking about that!" Hands went up in exasperation. "I'm talking about that look of disappointment when I'm trying to tell you that I like you and stuff." He reached for that bottle again.

"Well maybe you shouldn't sound like you're afraid someone might hear you," she snapped, pushing away from the bar. The brunette shook her head, aiming for the break so she could leave.

"I just thought maybe it could be somewhere a little more private." He didn't move, except to fill that snifter. "Wasn't afraid of anyone hearing that I might love you a little. Surely don't give a rat's arse if they know I want you safe." Grumbled as he took a swallow.

"Look at all the f*cks I give about privacy!" That was more of a yell, as they were now across the room from each other, arms held out to indicate the lack of anything between them. Caitlin bristled as she slid through the break in the bar. She was halfway to the door when a certain little word managed to sink into her pretty little head. Suddenly her outburst felt childish.

He snorted and poured another glass full. "Stubborn as the nights are long, swear to Christ." still muttering to himself. "Try to be a little private when you are wanting to share feelings but nooo, gotta be all about you."

And Deacon couldn't just let it go, could he? Caitlin glared at him, lips mashing into a thin line. Without another word, she shoved the door open and stalked out of the inn.

He turned around and looked toward the door, and shook his head. "Stubborn, I swear." He pulled his clip from his pocket and shoved a few bills into the till before gathering his coat and heading out, intent on finding her and setting a few things right. He looked down the street, and then got into his car, driving off in the direction that he knew she would have gone.


Date: 2014-06-10 10:12 EST
When she noticed his car pulling up behind her, Cait darted down an alley and hoped to make it to her house without being followed. Deacon was too smart, however, and when Caitlin rounded the corner she found him parked in front of the glass shop. She sighed, lips pursing and hurried up the stairwell that led to her second floor apartment.

He didn't even wait to be invited, instead he just followed her after flicking the cig to the gutter. She would either let him in, or listen to him through the door. He didn't care if he woke neighbors, if she any. He stopped on the landing a few feet from her, watching to see what she'd say or do, but wondered if Kyle had even given her the new key to her place.

He hadn't. Cait stood there, fussing with the lock, muttering under her breath, ignoring Deacon.

Deacon watched her and dug around in his pocket for the key, which was held out silently. For some reason, Kyle thought that she needed a keychain and chose the brightest, glitter covered yellow daisy keychain he could find. It practically glowed in the light of the porch.

He wasn't taking the hint. Silence meant he should go away. When she was positive the key she had no longer worked, Caitlin glanced to the bright thing being held up to her. Brown eyes followed an imaginary line along Deacon's outstretched arm and up to his face. Why did he have to be so exasperating? But then...she was acting rather ridiculous too. She snatched the key and turned the lock, leaving the door open after stepping inside.

Open door, meant open invitation. He wanted to check the wards anyway, so he stepped in and looked at the door frame first and the work done. He hired the best, and it showed. He turned his attention to her place then, as he'd never been there. Quaint, cozy, and sort of fitting of her personality. There was still painting to be done, but that didn't bother him. "Nice place."

"Be careful," Cait replied, aiming to be a b*tch since she had no idea how to unwind and apologize. "I don't have a maid. You might get hives from the dust or something."

He stopped and looked at her, "Are you done?" She was aiming to be a b*tch, but didn't know any of his exes, this was child's play.

Cait just glared at him, untying the belt that was cinched around the waist of her sweater. "Why are you here?"

He pushed the door closed and locked it. The wards were to keep the strange out, but anyone else could walk on in. "I am here to talk, is that an issue?"

"I suppose not. No one's here to overhear you."

He pointed at the sofa, as he walked over and started to remove his coat. "I can open the window, let the cold air in and shout if you'd prefer." After the coat was removed, he laid it over the back of a chair and lowered down onto her couch, looking as if he owned the place.

Good lord this man was infuriating! Caitlin's arms crossed over her chest. "Oh, so now you're not embarrassed to say you like me?"

"Sit down."

"No." Though she did seem to relax her stance just a little.

"Fine, stand there and listen," He lifted his leg up to rest his ankle on his opposite knee and picked something off his dark slacks. He glanced back at her. "What the hell do you want from me? I asked you if we could go somewhere other than the den of insanity to have a quiet conversation, and that's not good enough." He chewed the inside of his cheek, thinking of things not to say. Things like most of his relationships end with money being exchanged. How his last "girlfriend' was on his death and shitlist, and too many other things. "This," he motioned between them. "This is new to me, Caitlin. I've never really cared much, one way or another."

"I wasn't asking you to declare your undying love. I just wanted to know why you thought you'd never get bored of me. And your answer would have been fine if it didn't sound like you didn't want anyone to hear that you might possibly care about me." It absolutely killed her pride to let the wall of anger down, but she sighed and sat down at the far end of the couch.

"You read far too much into that. I wanted things said to stay between us. Not that shitty gossip rag, or anyone else. I'm surprised we aren't in there yet, "Playboy with new Strumpet." Or whatever that douchebag likes to write."

"Tabloids? That's what you're worried about? Who cares what the GangSTAR has to say? It's gossip. Nobody cares if Deacon Wrath likes his girlfriend."

"God damn it, Cait... I like you being around. I am glad you were there for me and made me go to the doc. You know how many people hang out at that place just to see a relationship fail? They thrive for it. Some even strive for it and they try to put wedges there, especially newly started ones. "

Her knees were drawn up to her chest, arms wrapping around them. "Maybe my world is a little less jaded than yours, but I don't know what you're talking about. Nobody's going to try and break us up."

"I've seen it, unless things have changed while I've been gone."

"No one is that interested in our lives, Deacon."

"How do you know?"

"I just do. You're being ridiculous." A shake of her head, a hand lifting to brush the hair out of her face. "I don't want to have to hide our relationship because you're afraid of what people will say. That's not the kind of life I want to live."

"I am not hiding anything! I just wanted to talk to you about OUR relationship, to see what we were doing before assumptions were made. We haven't really talked about it, and..." He sighed. "The feelings are starting, Cait. I don't know 'officially' where I stand. Yeah, You've been there, and helped me and I've been trying to keep you safe, but..." he paused., watching her. "You know?"

"Like I pointed out earlier. I wasn't expecting you to declare your love or whatever. You could have even said something sarcastic to me. But instead, you made it sound like I was someone you wanted to hide." She frowned, staring at her knees. "You hurt my feelings and I didn't know how to express that. It was easier to get mad than to explain everything."

"That isn't helping."

"Then what the f*ck do you want me to say?!"

He just sighed and leaned back into the couch, resting his head with his eyes closed. "I like you, Cait. More than a friend should, and I'm trying to tell you that. I don't know if you are feeling the same, or I'm out here on an island by myself. "

"Why else would my feelings get hurt?"

"Did you miss the part when I said this was new to me?"

"I guess I didn't believe you. You're a lot older than me." Also, she'd heard things. "I'm sure you've got more experience than I do. My last boyfriend was a guy from school and it lasted about five months."

He wasn't going into the experience talk unless she asked specifics. "A few years older, and most of my "Girlfriends" have been arranged to make appearances. There wasn't any of the relationship stuff. It was show up, make an appearance, leave."

Her mouth fell open, unable to keep the look of surprise off her face. The window above the couch looked out over the marketplace. The sun was beginning to rise. Caitlin stared at the pink tinged sky for a long moment. "Where does this leave us then?"

"I'm asking you that very question, Cait." He finally turned to look at her, watching her and trying not to laugh at way her mouth fell open. He did like to shock some people about his personal life.

"I think....that you won't need anymore arranged dates." Biting her lip, cheeks flaming. Caitlin was entirely uncomfortable right now, glad to be balled up on her side of the couch.

"So, you?re saying you are more than my friend who is a girl?" There was a bit of a smile.

"Do you want me to be?"

"Why are you answering my question with a question?"

"Because it's a valid question?"

He could keep the game going for a while, but he just stopped it. "Yes, I would."

Cait worked hard to keep the smile from stretching off her face. "Well, then. I think we can make that work." If she were honest with herself, the fact that Deacon liked her enough to make things official was a little mind blowing. Caitlin knew she was young. She was hot-headed, stubborn, and difficult. He'd been angry almost as much as he'd been happy with her since they met. There was nothing special about her, but he wanted her around. She liked the notion of being his alone.

He watched her a moment, then leaned over the couch to where she was. "Is it nicer on this end?"

"It is now." Brown eyes locked with his, looking both terrified and thrilled all at once. Her stomach was doing somersaults as he neared, teeth biting down on her lower lip.

He leaned closer and pressed his lips to hers, muttering something about not chewing her lip.

Her breath left her in a rush as she kissed him back, a hand lifting to cup the back of his neck. The kiss was allowed to linger on for a rather long moment before Cait pulled away. She stroked his skin with her thumb. "I'm still moving back home." Smirk.

"Thank God." The smile spread across his face.

"Hey!" She laughed, pushing him away lightly.