Topic: Stall


Date: 2014-09-21 12:30 EST
Kyle was digging the voice text thing since Caitlin had taught him how to do it. The text was sent, and he waited for a reply. She didn't deny and instead of making her ride on the bike, he swung by her place in his latest "winter" vehicle. It was something old, but clean. Nothing like he had with Deke. He had a plan to work on it in his garage when he could. Up the steps to her door, carrying a small bouquet of fall colored flowers. Roses were too love bound, Daisies were a pain to find, so she got fall colors. He tapped on the door, then reached up to tug on his collar slightly loosening the tie and waiting.

Wearing sweaters wasn't difficult, especially with the weather cooling off. But a sweater paired with a pretty dress looked awkward. Rather than risk any questions, Cait opted for less dressy and more business casual. Her hair was up in a simple twist that looked nice with her sweater, blouse, and skirt ensemble.

She pulled the front door open, hopping on one foot while pulling a black pump onto her other foot. She had minimal makeup on, but enough to show she'd put a little effort into her appearance.

"Hey, Kyle." A brow quirk at the tie. She'd never seen him dressed up. "Nice tie."

He grinned at her. Little effort and she still looked good to him. "Hey, thanks." Ties were something he liked, but when fighting or in the possibility of getting into altercations when your ex boss is an asshole, they weren't something he wore often after the first time of getting grabbed by one and beaten soundly as he couldn't get away from the guy. "I...oh." He offered her the flowers. "Fall bouquet?"

Straightening now that she had both shoes on her feet, Cait couldn't mask the look of surprise. He'd made it clear he wanted to actually date her, so it really shouldn't be surprising. This was her fault for continuing to agree to these one-on-one outings. "Oh wow," she breathed, looking pleased and uncomfortable all at once. The discomfort came from the rising memory of the first time Deacon had brought her flowers. Reaching for the bouquet, Cait waved him inside so she could put them in some water.

"These are pretty," remarking with her back to him now. "I didn't know you were such a romantic."

He shrugged, "Thought all girls like flowers." Playing it cool, and looking around her place again. Scanning for open windows, or anything that could be out of place. Then cursed himself mentally for being so damn paranoid. "You look nice, Caitlin." Not to mention that her back was to him and it was easier to say when she wasn't looking at him like she was about to bolt, pass out or throw up.

He probably couldn't see it, but that made her blush. What's new? "Hah, thanks." Goodness, it was getting warm. With her flowers all set in a tall crystal vase, she wiped her hands on a hand towel and turned back to face her date.

"So where are we goin'? Your text didn't mention a place." A quick glance was given to her frame, then over to his and back up to his face. "Something fancy, I assume."

"Well, I figured you were about pizza'd out or something. So, I was thinking about that Japanese steak house. You know the one that the cook your whatever right there in front of you? Or, maybe some Italian. I made reservations at both, but if you want something else, I am good. Just thought we could hang."

He was playing it so cool. She couldn't help but smile. Of course it made her feel all the more guilty and wondered if she couldn't find it in her to give him what he wanted. Fingers lifted to rub at her forearm through the black sweater.

"Shogun! That is such a fun place. Let's go there."

"It's a great old movie too." Yeah, cool... far from it. He stepped back and smiled at her. "So, your chariot awaits, Milady." Bows slightly as he motioned for then opened her door.

Grabbing her purse, Cait scurried out onto the porch. Cris' door was given a cursory glance. Satisfied that he wasn't in the process of coming or going, Cait bounced down the porch steps and headed for Kyle's car. "Anything new or exciting happen to you over the weekend?"

"No, not really. I worked all weekend." He double checked her door to be sure it was locked, and didn't mention that one of his co-workers had tried to set him up on a blind date. It was a memory he wished someone had invented a way to bleach his brain by now. "Went for a great bike ride up the coast and into the port. That place is wild." Moving down the stairs toward his car, the around her to open the passenger door. He watched her and smiled just a bit. Things were tough, but he was managing not to be pushy. "What about you?"

"Same old, same old." Seatbelt buckled, she waited until Kyle was in the drivers seat to continue. "I worked. Even picked up an extra shift. Hung out with Alex a little. Found out I'm still really pathetic. My arms feel like jello after I work out with her." A small laugh.

"At least you are trying." He turned the key and started the old beast up and dropped it into gear. "I know when I go work the heavy bag, the next day I can barely move my arms." The radio was turned off, and it was unclear if it was to hear her, the squeaks and rattles or both. "Why the extra shift? Just cause?"

She pulled a bit of a face. "I quit my modeling gig. One of my mom's friends was getting too nosey. Kept dropping in on my shoots. So I quit. So now I'm back to scraping by. Good thing I like ramen and leftover chinese."

"Guy or girl?" Meaning the drop in nosey person. "why don't they have security or something to run them out?" He didn't like the idea of someone bothering her, and it was obvious as he tightened his grip on the wheel. "I mean what's the point? You know?"

That got him a sidelong look. "A girl. Woman, I should say. She's practically family, but I'm trying to keep my distance from everyone. She was the one who got me the job and she's good friends with the designer. So no, it's not like I can request that she stay away."

"You could and should. She's cutting into your paycheck." Then he looked at her. "Keeping distance from your family?" He couldn't think of staying away from his sister and the kids.

"It's just easier this way," telling him with a shake of her head and a wave of her hand.

"They still asking questions?" He should have been Batman, with his detection skills. "They keep calling me about the replacement, and shit I have no idea about."

Not wanting to get into the real reason for the distance from her family, Cait just nodded and switched tracks. "Really? It hasn't been taken care of yet?" A frown creased her face, fingers pressing into her forearm roughly.

"They have some oriental guy, but they are asking me about passwords and firewalls and shit." He sighed. "Forget it. We don't need to ruin our night." Said as he was pulling closer to the restaurant.

"You're right. Let's save that topic of discussion for another night. Preferably when I'm intoxicated." Bit of a snicker, but she kept her gaze averted out the window.

He was going to ask about the booze, but decided to leave that alone too. It was just about a couple, out for dinner as far as he was concerned. The car came to a stop in the parking lot and he looked over at her to smile a bit. "I hope this place is as good as they have said." was the best he could come up with to keep that cool image going.

"Have you never been?" Getting out of the car, Cait adjusted her skirt and sweater, then moved around the front of the car to join Kyle. "This was my parents favorite restaurant. We came here all the time when I was growing up."

"No, not here. I went to the one in Vegas, but it's called something else. I know the guy was damn good with knives." Meeting her at the front, then offering an arm to start for the door. "I think that one was good, but my sister had be drinking so much out of those huge tubes of booze, you know?" Hands were far apart as if showing the size of those drinks. "I just remember starving and staring at the guy juggling. My brother in law laughing at me cause I was just wasted."

"Vegas. That's Earth, right?" She'd never been. The idea of portals or planes scared the crap out of her. "Well, I can't say for sure if that place was better or not, but you're in for a treat. The food here?s great." She'd taken his proffered arm, curling her hand into the crook of his arm.

They moved for the door. "Yeah, my sister lives in Chicago. My dad moved us here for his job, and she stayed with my grandparents." Door opened and held for her, to follow her through shortly afterward. "I still don't know why she stayed, but she's never been here." He looked at the guy working the podium "Wasek." Last name offered since he didn't think the guy was a mind reader, then turned back to Cait. "She'd like you."

That made her smile and even blush a little bit. "Oh? You think so? And why's that?"

He nodded. "The modeling thing, was something she always wanted to do. Now she's trying to get Tim to let their oldest daughter get started in whatever they call it for little girls. Plus, you two are a lot alike." The waiter came along to show them to their seats. "And she worries about me, thinking I don't have any friends." Or women in his life but that was left out.

"Aww, you have nieces! Uncle Kyle." Excuse her, she was busy trying to picture him running around giving toddlers piggyback rides. It was a really nice visual. Claiming a stool right in front of the metal cooktop, Cait nudged him with her elbow playfully. "I think it's sweet that she worries about you. But now you can tell her you have at least one friend." He was bound to have more, but she'd never seen anyone other than the occasional girl in all her time with Deacon.

"And the coolest nephew ever." Adding to the nieces. "He's so cool, he gives me pointers." Yes, he did all of that, he had even babysat the kids while their parents had gone on a weeklong cruise. Tents, forts, tea time. "She didn't much care for my other friend." smirking.

Her smile was a little sad. "I don't think anyone actually much cared for him."

"She turned him down, and he never really knew what to make of that." He nudged her and smiled. "No more sad smiles. This is going to be our night for laughs and stuff."

"Wait, wait. She turned him down? How did all that come about? I can't even imagine how long it took him to get over a blow like that." She sniggered, tugging on the sleeves of her sweater.

"My sister is a babe too." Nodding. He went digging into his pocket for a picture of her family, then held it to her for her inspection. "He wanted to go back and see why I loved Chicago so much, and we were both still young. So, I agreed and we went back. She wanted to run around and show us the sights, and she's dressed to kill. Deke kept trying to be his charming self and she kept calling him on his bullshit." Grinning.

The story had her grinning. Cait thought his sisters family was beautiful. Handing the picture back, a thought crossed her mind. "How old are you?"

"How old do I look?" Grinning as he took the picture back and put it into his wallet before all of it was slid back into his pocket.

"I'm really bad at that sort of thing," she told him, wrinkling her nose. Elbow to the table, Cait pondered and peeked over at Kyle a few times none-too-discreetly. "If you grew up with Deacon, you've got to be late twenties. Possibly even thirty, though you don't really look it. But like I said, I'm a bad judge of people's ages."

"I am actually a year younger than Deke." The waiter appeared and since he was driving, he went for the Iced Tea drink. "Interested in a younger man?" He even gave her a wink. The cool routine slipping a bit.

"Oh please," Cait snorted. After ordering the same as him, she shot him a look. "You're still a heck of a lot older than me. I'm not even 21 yet. It doesn't help that I have, like, zero life experience. I feel like a baby sometimes."

"Age is a number, Caitlin." Grinning. "You don't need a lot of life experience to know how you will handle the world."

"Experience is handy when it comes to relationships, yanno. I dated one guy in high school for a short time. And then I was with Deacon. And as I pointed out to him several times, I have no idea what I'm doing."

"So what? It's just about enjoying the person you are with. Not taking them for granted. Laughing with them, crying with them, supporting them as they hopefully support you. If today you want to be a fashion designer, and tomorrow a sculptor? Well, that's great, ya know?" Their teas returned and then the guy appeared to make their food. "It isn't about experience, it's about growing as a couple."

She was squinting at him. His words warmed her, but rather than let him inside her carefully constructed walls, Caitlin smirked, reaching for her tea. "You're a sap, ya know that?"

"Maybe, but it's true." He lifted his own tea. ?At least that's what I think it is, and what I want."

Cait was still squinting at him. "That'll reel the ladies in all right. You'll probably have to beat them off with a stick." Cue a long sip of her tea, mostly to hide her face.

"I'm not trying to reel anyone in," Paused and sipped as that wasn't entirely true. "I just know what I want, ya know?"

Her hand dropped to pat his leg twice, then joined it's twin around the glass of tea. "That's a good thing, I guess. I wish I was as certain."

"You will be." Not even flinching or bouncing the leg with the pat. "Maybe not ready or whatever, but I think you know the type of guy and stuff."

"I dunno. I'm starting to wonder if I can trust my judgement." These were dangerous waters they were treading. Not wanting to get back on the topic of Deacon, Cait peered around at the others who had joined their table, then reached for a menu with which she could busy herself. "What're you going to get?"

"Something meaty." Getting his own menu and looking it over. He left her judgement alone. He knew how charming Deke could be when he wanted something, and how usually he wouldn't stop until he got it. "Steak, Shrimp and Rice sounds good."

"Sounds good." A grin lit her face, happy to leave the topic of Deacon behind them. In a surprising move, she ordered for the both of them. "Why do you keep asking me out on what are clearly dates?" Smirk.

"Because I like you." Understatement of the year. "I want to spend time with you."

"And you're not worried I'll never come around? We?ve been out a few times now and nothing?s changed. What're you going to do if I suddenly start dating someone else?"

"Beat their ass." He grinned, but tried to look serious. He didn't want to think about her dating someone else. "See, that's part of my plan. Showing you that I'm a nice guy, worth dating, and not give you enough time to think about dating someone else."

So what if they were in public with people sitting no less than two feet away? So what if they were missing the start of a really good cooking feature? "I already know all those things, Kyle. You don't think I want to easily I could just throw myself at you? I'm just afraid I'd hurt you one day when I finally figure out what it is that I want."

"I think we are moving slow, and there isn't any throwing. There's one hot kiss, and nothing since." He didn't care about the others that looked their way, he was intent on talking to her, and laying certain things out. "It is just us, dating or not."

Slow, sure, because she had her foot mashed down on the brakes while Kyle was simply trying to shift out of park. "There's just a lot going on in my head." Her body was angled away from him now, eyes on the chef. "I don't know if I'm ready or what. I haven't even figured out if I'm over him." A faint shake of her head. "So..yeah. Slow is good."

"Yeah, I get that. But, it doesn't mean you have to stop living ?cause he did." Tea lifted to lips again.

She was fiddling with the engagement ring still on her left hand. "That's why we're having a fun night watching this guy toss knives around and make flaming volcanoes out of onions."

He nodded and turned his attention to that chef. That flaming onion would match his gut right about now. Everything he had been feeling sort of slipped back down deeper, and the cool, calm guy was back. No more jokes, no more what ifs. They were just out to enjoy a dinner.