Topic: Never Written Words.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-09-04 21:25 EST
Full Moon. It makes people do crazy things. Surely I wouldn't howl at the moon but the temptation to be a wild spirit was ever there like a quiet beckon. I am obsessed with the moon, the sky, the stars. I wish on shooting stars and wonder over meteor showers. It makes me comfortable knowing there's something more out there. Just waiting for me.

There were stories once. Fables. Legends and Lore. Mythology. Once to be a part of them, now I write them.

These are my words, my song, my story. I'm drawn. So drawn to write now. Poetry and words captivate. Sometimes when I write I feel I'm possessed, taken over by some overzealous poet so frantic to get their thoughts out. To be heard.

I can understand. All to well. Like those moments where I can be surrounded with a crowd. Have my conversations and still feel utterly alone. Lost. I do not fit in. Maybe I was meant for a different era. Another lifetime.

Victorian perhaps. Then again the 60's might work. Hippies. Bohemians. Free love.

No strings attached.

In the end it didn't matter. I don't want to belong. Maybe I just want to be seen.

So predominant is what the eye will look for, search for. The whole Hide and Seek philosophy. I'm not hiding you just can't find me.

Or maybe you don't really see me at all. Just a looking glass reflection but the mirror is two-faced.

Dual sided.

We see what we want to see. I let people think what they will of me.

Only those that take the time, make the effort, and really give a damn... well those... are the ones that will matter.

Those are the ones that will ever stay in my heart.

They are the ones that truly see me.

It's a pity none of those people remain around me any more.

They died a long time ago...

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-09-05 08:46 EST
Words hold their power, their manipulation and sway. The funny thing is that a word can have so much meaning depending on its emphasis. Depending on the voice and tone that speaks it.

Will it into a whisper and a word can be sensual, provocative, secretive.

Say it in a shout and it just might break your heart right open.

Words like "I'm Sorry" or "I love you" or even "Go Away." Well those might just last forever.

Imprints and Remains.

I'm not sure I ever believed in anyone when they told me they loved me. Oh sure there are those random exceptions but for the most part ... no.

People speak words so easily to get what they want from you.

They just don't care when they take and take till you feel there's nothing left.

I feel like that some nights. So hollow. Just a shell.

I think somewhere down the line, back there with all the taking and none of the giving I lost my heart.

I have not been able to find it since.

The tragedy is that I still feel, I still yearn, I still wonder, and I still hope... but everything is growing dim.

I'm starting to lose myself.

Maybe I was always lost.

I wish you would find me.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-09-06 07:11 EST
People are crazy. A few choice words suggestive and vicious can forge a mob. I've only been here a few days, made a few friends, visit an inn and it's starting to look like a riot.

I couldn't help but think as I stared out that window from the Inn, perched on the sill before heading out on the porch if this was how Frankenstein's monster must have felt when the mob came for him.

Carrying torches. Pitchforks and Clubs. Words on their tongues like overzealous preachers screaming of fire and brimstone. Insanity and Madness.

To many have become sheep. The flock vulnerable in the blindness it is infused with.

So easily manipulated. I find it sad and ridiculous.

Last night though, I felt the terror in it all. I feared for these people.

Absolute strangers and yet I was there on the porch, watching it all unfold and I had to leave... knowing that... no matter what I did, how I tried, I couldn't help or save them all.

I left because I could not stand that thought that some would get left behind.

Sacrifices and martyrs.

I can't help them all, or save them all from the pain that rolls through them each and every day.

I damn near will try.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-09-08 20:08 EST
Words are not my only weapons. Goldy had thought that the experiments done by the Doll Maker, what he made her suffer through was the worst of it. She had no idea what the rest of us had to go through.

I still have nightmares over what we had to go through. Violent Games that took place in a location I can only call the Shadow Lands. Those games made me become a hunter, a survivor unlike anything I ever knew. I suppose that?s what happens when you are left to fight to the death against others, in order to survive there was death? there was blood on my hands. I did what I had to but the remorse still lingers. It will always remain.

I was meant to be a caretaker, to nurture and protect. I wasn?t meant to kill. I was never meant to be a Death Dealer. Survival will change that.

There used to be a saying that survivors hate themselves. They do not understand why they survived in comparison to those that did not. Perhaps I repent now. Maybe this is the reason that I?m finding the true stories and telling them as they were meant to be told. To respect and pay tribute to the fallen so they are never forgotten.

Perhaps this is why I made a promise to look after and watch over the little rose and her dark companion. I know the little rose realizes and holds a bond to her dark companion. It is only natural that I look after him too. No matter what his protests or dispute might be, I will do so without question.

I still wonder though of my other promise? that if I leave? I will take her with me.

What if where I go is not as lovely and peaceful as this place she has found to call home now? How will I explain that to her?

I will face that chapter when it comes to be written. For now I must find the right pages and remember the truth rather then the lies. They will betray me in the end.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-09-12 11:40 EST
I have told him my secrets. It is a risk that will make me weak. Could break me.

Does he realize this. Does he understand what he has done to me?

I kept my distance from so many for so long to keep them safe. To not be drawn into the games.

I know they will come for me.

They will come for the Dark Hunter now too. Perhaps Little Rose but she will have her companion to keep her safe.

Still. I made a promise.

I should not have toyed with temptation. Beckoned his hunger.

I knew all along what I was doing.

Perhaps in the end I will be tortured for being lonely.

Then again perhaps he will drain me dry, leave my body to the wolves...

He's gone from me since then.

Perhaps I have drifted to far.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-10-02 06:28 EST
I have fooled them so much. The tough exterior, the walls I have built. It hides the vulnerability. They hurt you because they can. Toying with the heart because the game crawls and festers in their mind.

You leave your heart in the hands of those you trust and they can break you. Can kill you.

A man will never know the destruction he can do. He doesn't need a weapon or a thread of violence to leave the world crashing down.

I can hold it all together. Wear a smile and radiate warmth and light and joy while I feel death inside.

The intrigue of impulse, the nature of a whim could feel like a knife twisting. Leaving the cold burn of anguish, terror, and fear.

Disillusion. Perfection does not exist. Eventually the disappointment and uncertainty will thread through the soul again. Leave its mark.

You get used to the pain.

That tiny voice in your head tells you that you deserve it. That it is all you are worth. All you are good for is for the world to take, and take, and take from you. Break you and torment you and still you will love them.

Go crawling back like a dog with those apologies on your tongue. Of course you had to be the reason that everything went wrong. You had to be the reason that they hurt you because they can.

Is there pleasure in the pain? Maybe you become a masochist at some points.

Even the sweetest man can become a sadist.

And they do it because they know you're broken.

No matter how much you hide... you're just broken.

Nobody can fix me.

Eventually with a word. With a game, the pain will consume again... and that little voice that makes you hate yourself... will come back...

with words that can deafen....

And yet still you speak of forgiveness, because you just... can't... let go. Because you love them... know and pray that the love they offer you... is real and not another game life has decided to play on you.

You need to have someone there to fill in those empty places because unbearable, and you don't want to deal with that little voice that enjoys corrupting your thoughts to tell you... he's just the same as the rest.

Struggling in your head with the knowledge that you know he isn't... but broken, damaged dolls will let their hearts be broken by their own abusive conscience.

Sometimes... I just want the love without the dose of pain that comes with it.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-10-02 17:14 EST
I hate my life. I hate this week. I hate myself. I hide it so well. Sometimes maybe I trick myself. Make myself the fool to believe that everything is so much better then what it is deep down.

I have had so much taken from me. Over and over again. Yet I keep on giving. Keep on offering out my soul, my heart. I cannot stop myself. I care too much.

Whim of a wish that maybe some day I will be loved. Truly loved. Is it a lie that notion of love?

I hesitate now. Part of me terrified and vulnerable. I had let down all my walls and let him in. I made the right choices. I still believe that.

Why did he make me question myself and my choices made? Made me believe that he would love me for the reasons I wished for.

Did I trick my heart? Was I missing something?

He cannot be this way. Please don't let him be this way. That cruel pleasure one can take out of hurting another seeing them break down.

This was the strongest risk I took. Letting him in, knowing it would make me so vulnerable to him.

Now I'm fighting to keep my natural defenses from coming back up and locking me away from him.

I do it all the time to protect myself from more harm... more heartbreak...more pain.

I... I just cannot bring myself to do it with him. I can't shut him out.

I love him too much.

Tests. Trials. Quirks of the impulsive spirit.

Why was I tested... and worse so... did I pass?

Was my love not proof enough for him. Did he question it?

He could break me with his words.

By the Gods... what have I done.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-10-06 21:37 EST
Is this is how it was like when Rapunzel's tower burned down and her beloved fell to the thorns to blind himself? This was how it felt. This sensation. This feeling.

Blinded and burning. Twisting inside. Trust. Deceit. Uncertainty. Affection. Rolling together.

Thin lines of love and hate. I could never despise him.

Something is stirring. Restless in my spirit. Would he carve out my heart and become the Hunter?

Is he becoming the Hunter?

I wander the forest. Lost in the night. Not all to wander... yet I am lost and alive, awakened and vibrant.

Waiting in this casket of glass of the mirrors I no longer can stand to look at.

I'm breaking. Shattering.

Falling apart.

Here nor there.

Perhaps this was a bad decision. To survive. The Games ever so hungry could not be sated.

They might still yearn for my soul to taste, to lick and rip the marrow from my bones till my blood spills into their waiting mouths.

I cannot help but think they are using him. To draw the First Blood.

They are coming for me...

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-10-07 17:54 EST
I've always loved the fall. The wild way of the wind as it brushed back my hair and sends it flying. Makes me feel free. The faintest scent of burning leaves in the air.

It is a part of the healing. Makes me smile and forget the pain. This burden I carry. Am I in love with the notion of love or do I really love. Is it worth the pain?

There are others that have torn my heart and soul asunder and it's made me weak. Too weak.

I hesitate now. That wary edge of what is done once can happen again.

Promises made to be broken. Would he play that game again.

I have forgiven him and moved on from it all, trying not to look behind me.

I know that what I would look back on is pain and anguish, torment and loss.

How can you love someone when you don't truly love yourself? My choices have been made and now I face the consequences. Isn't that what they tell me. I made my own burdens. Wore my own sins.

My life is turbulent and I need to find peace. Bliss. Today I felt it.

Breathed it in the air. Licked at the air, tasted the winds... and it tasted like tranquility.

I wish I could always have that feeling. The wind blown serene feeling.

I wish... it could last forever. But who am I kidding. The darkness will devour.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-10-10 07:03 EST
Affection. Emotion. Adoration. Love.

They hit when we least expect. Sometimes like a hole in the head or a freight train. Other times like euphoric bliss.

It is such a moment of intensity no matter what way the pendulum swings.

I'm seeing his face everywhere. Reminding me. I didn't stray. I've always been here.

Distant perhaps but I had to save my own skin. Had to make sure I could make it through and survive myself. Worst enemies within the canvas of my own flesh.

Still I find myself in waiting, wandering but never so lost... hoping that there's still a chance for us.

Maybe I can make this right.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-10-23 17:36 EST
I have failed him.

I know I have. My distance as great as the valleys of shadow and death. It is not violence I feel or anguish but wonder.

Why have I closed myself off? Shut myself away?

He has been gone from me yet I know... somewhere... he thinks of me.

I think of him still. I cannot forget him. I have forgiven him but I worry.

Worry over the things I cannot control.

I do not know why I have drawn these lines.

I do not know why I have forged this space between us.

It is my fault.

I have no choice but to apologize.

But where do I begin.

The words may never be enough.

Still will we dance this dance. Like we have before.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-11-07 07:44 EST
I fell asleep under a full moon. No I was not one that became a werewolf to hunt the night but there is soul blood on my hands.

Nothing so intense as crimson stain but oh it will leave a mark. Something cluttered and clouded my mind. Twisted my spirit and left that emptiness of a void born spirit suddenly filled.

I know these measures of happiness and joy are fleeting.

I will keep them while I can.

I cannot be a possession.

I cannot be a child.

Only now and forever can I be myself.

Everything I yearn for is so close and yet so far away.

The choices I have made, the things I have done... I do not regret.


Not one bit.

He has to understand that I'd leave the world to drain my dry and discard me as an empty shell if it meant saving him.

Saving the rest.

You call me the martyr. The sacrifice.

I was meant to burn.

Once there was a time I put everyone before myself because I felt that was how it was meant to be.

Survivors loathe themselves.

Why of any was I the one that survived? Why not the others?

I've been born again. Over and Over.

Still everything falls into a repeat. Falls into the same blasted pattern.

And all I can think of is how much I miss you.

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-11-15 19:41 EST
So deep I have fallen. Completely. Every heartbeat. Every breath belongs to him.

I am his.

I do not feel like property though. I am not his possession but more so his beloved.

I have fallen so many times for him and again I fall.


I do not fear this moment.

I hold in my heart hope that things will end right.

There are never enough words to express the feelings I have for him.

Three little words are never enough.

Three little words that have become... just that... words.

They are not enough.

Does he understand how I feel can transcend anything I can offer him in speech?

A touch perhaps. A lingering moment in time.

He is my eternity.

I wish to have forever with him.

If only he knew...

The Little Queen

Date: 2009-11-20 10:52 EST
Words. They seem so meaningless. So easily corrupted, so easily twisted.

Yet here I remain, transfixed and drawn. Captivated by a voice. Could I have heard this voice all my life?

Could it have been the sound of the voice I have known for eternity? All my life.

That voice could soothe me. Put me at peace.

A thousand butterflies, that rush of warmth in my soul when I knew you loved me.

I believed it when I heard you.

So close.

The entire night I felt you with me.

Things will never be the same.

I will never be the same...

And it is all because of you.

My Love...