Topic: OOC: Setting information and commentary.


Date: 2016-04-07 00:39 EST
What is Smash & Grab?
Smash & Grab (S&G) is the general name for the adventure party featured in this folder. It arose from a joke, smash everything evil and grab the booty. If you see that term before a post you know it will involve the killing, maiming, and general bloodshed of things.

What is Bandages & Bottles?
The apothecary shop, which is opened to the public, is the centralized location for the adventure party Smash and Grab. It is their Fort Kickass. Inside of the shop, you will find just about everything a hustling group of Rhydin characters might need. From a potion to heal them to a clerk with big boobs that uses her sexuality to sell everything not nailed down. They also post request made by ?town people? / NPCs such as kill this troll or find out why my crops keep dying. Also, there is a ghost. Walls bleed and other crazy stuff like that. Go see it?s thread for more information on the setting.

Can I work at the apothecary?
Yes! I will be opening a thread soon about open spots for ideas. Come join us!

What is the Wolf Woods?
Wolf Woods setting is the woods in Ireland where Coilin and a few others grew up. The woods have a curse on them (wights) which leads to some good play as they keep the spirits from spreading to the rest of the world. Fun times man!

Can I join?
Please do! PM me or chat with me in the chat. My AIM name is in my profile too. I?m always opened and looking for play partners.

Can I comment about this thread in a reply here?
Go for it. I don't bite, hard.