Topic: Aleyah & Nathressa: The first few days

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-11-02 21:01 EST
Aleyah & Nathressa: The first few days

It was simply mind staggering.. How something so small, so frail.. Something so innocent, so dependant, so soft.. Could at the same time be such a powerful force in realm of one's life, and more so.. Such a drive for change within one's being. It was mind staggering, and scary as hell.. Yet it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.. Such were the deep felt feelings that literally burst from new parents.

Brian smiled lovingly, as he watched the love of his life.. That which made him who he was.. Who made him that much better of a person in more ways that he could truly begin to comprehend. She which blessed him with such an incredible pair of daughters.

The twins nestled in their runed blankets. A gift from the Lady Kairee, and a gift that Aleyah and her sister Nathressa seemed to enjoy very much as the duo slept very preacefully alongside their mother. The runed blankets were truly one of a kind, as they emitted a warmth that was constant, in all conditions, and more so gave protection to the pair in many ways. A very thoughtful gift, and one Brian would never forget.

As we said prior, Brian quietly, watched his family, as his thoughts wandered back and forth over the last few days.. And what a few days they were.

Brian recalled being there in the room with Jenai, as she was near birth. That determined look, coupled with the rather 'iron like' grip her hand had upon his made sure he was not going to take a step away from his beloved.. Lest he wish to lose limb and possible life in the process. The first cries of Nathressa tore Brian's gaze from his beloved, as their first borne was brought into this world for all to see, Brian's eyes welled a bit with what some would call tears, yet he would swear was dust. His mouth opened to say something else, as Jenai's grip resumed it's wrath upon his own hand. Nathressa was taken by a chamber maid to be tended to, as Aleyah made her own entrance with a righteous cry to announce her arrival to the masses.

The younger sister was held upwards a bit as a quick inspection commenced. At the same time our Mithra herione's emerald eyes opened widely! Kerri pointed wildly, and began to flail a bit, as a series of rather harsh glances were given to the Mithra via the chamber maids, and even Brian himself. With no other word, Kerri bolted for the door, and burst out into the hallway with a high pitched scream as the door slammed behind her! What followed was a loud 'thunk' as Kerri was rightly smacked upside the back of her head with a boot courtesy of one Henrietta, who was handed said boot by one Elena Isuelt Ravenlock. That being done, Henrietta promptly passed the boot back to Elena, and then dragged Kerri down the hall to a nearby room. Poor Kerri, it seems a human child birthing was something the Mithra had never seen before, and was hardly prepared for..

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-12-04 10:28 EST
The Mithra's outburst aside, business continued as Aleyah was passed along to be examined as well. The extraordinary attendants that Kairee had sent were a sight to behold, as the small cadre of ladies worked in a unified effort with hardly a sound. It seemed the eyes did all the talking with an occasional smile.

Brian recalled the rather exhausted look upon the face of his beloved, and the way her iron like grip loosened, as her body began settle a but from it's ordeal, in turn causing Brian to relax a bit as well. Reaching for a damp cloth, Brian dabbed her face, and offered several loving kisses on her head as they awaited their children.

While they seemed all the norm, Brian knew the attendants were looking for something deeper. In Brian's case, his concern and theirs regarded the possibility that some of the sins of the father may have decided to linger a bit, and in turn possibly may have been passed along. Granted the chances were slim, they still needed to be looked into, and Kairee's attendants were more than prepared for the task.

The main concern for all involved was the possible long term effects of Brian's exposure to the malicious artifact that belonged to the entity known as 'Darkin'. Brian had wielded the 'Gauntlet' longer than any in recent memory, and kept it in close proximity, hardly a smart decision, but as they say hindsight is 20/20. In the end, the concerns were well placed, but not of substance, as Nathressa and Aleyah were perfectly healthy, and showed no signs of any effects whatsoever. Two perfectly beautiful, normal baby girls.

The twins were brought to Jenai, as attendants carefully settled each child in their mother's arms. Aleyah and Nathress were settled quite comfy in their warmed linens, as Mother and Father looked upon the miracles that the heavens had bestowed upon them. A tear welled within the eldest Ravenlock, as he looked upon his beloved and results of their love. Their children.. Their daughters. And he was here.. Heavens be praised, he was here for the birth of their daughters. Such a proud smile did Brian Ravenlock wear that night.

And once more, just as she did the morning he first prepared breakfast for her, just as she did the first night she crept into his room to wake him with the sweetest of kisses. Just as did time and again when they were intimate, Jenai had caused the world to stand completely still.. As far as Brian was concerned, there was no other world at that moment, save his beloved and their children.

Blue eyes watched his family closely, as a finger softly drifted along the cheek of Nathressa. The little Ravenlock stirred a moment, as Brian leaned and offered a sweet kiss to their eldest twin. Leaning to Aleyah, Brian also kissed her sweetly upon her tiny head, and whsipered a prayer of thanks to the heavens, and his beloved. Deciding to give the family time alone the attendants exited the room quietly. Leaving Mother, and Father to spend much wanted time with their perfect daughters.